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Everything posted by sd2416

  1. By "mislead" (it's "misled", btw) I'm assuming you mean "try to sell books here and have the buyer flake on them"? Because, yeah, that's kinda the purpose of the probation list - to warn members about the people who do this sort of thing (thumbs u ahh, no...maybe trying to over charge for books. Trying to re-sell a book at 40% profit in less than 2 months is nutz. Anyway, I'm here to help the little guy and won't let you big bad wolves try to take advantage. Are you in high-school or college or maybe work for the goverment? You seem to have no real world experience at making a living. it's okay to make a profit, but to gouge your fellow board member is taking it to the extreme. btw, making a living by selling comic books on this site sounds very risky to me. I thought this was a hobbyist community. How did he gouge anyone? He bought low and sold high. Sales 101 right there. Are you jealous or what? You keep harping about "he sold a book for more then he paid for it". Please explain what is wrong with that? A lot of the posters here are comic dealers that use this site, and others, as a means to supplement thier income by selling books to people all over the world instead of being limited to the walk in traffic at their brick and mortar store. When you post an and then disappear and never follow through on the deal, you have affected that person ability to make money. Of the two, it is you who the little man should be protected from.
  2. some of the dates have 07 as the year they were added. has the list really been around that long now?
  3. Not with everyone. I'll start a list 1) joeypost 2)r1970d 3) thehumantorch Anyone care to join? If you're on the Probation list I don't want to buy from you or sell to you. (thumbs u
  4. Does anyone here have the Action Force equivilent of GI Joe 21? I remember being a kid and there was a magazine size GI Joe comic and the particualr issue had Snakeeyes and Storm Shadow discussing the attach on Castle Destro.
  5. Thanks Lloyd, I'm trying to complete the first unlimited Punisher series from 1987 (vol. 2) in CGC 9.8. This was the first major comic series where I actually purchased every issue in it's entire run, the week an issue was released. (no searching for backissues.) In this run there are 104 issues, 2 variants, and 7 annuals. -- I am almost 70% of the way there. What are the two variants?
  6. so is the actual hot pressing the most important part or is the cold press?
  7. why do you have a $260 fedex bill? and why ship before being paid in full?
  8. Wasnt there a post in here where someone was asking a bunch of questions from a few days, maybe 7-10 days ago? Between posts 3481792 and 3481863 Did it get deleted/removed?
  9. has anyone found out where or what service he is using to preorder books 9+ months in advance? I would like to know.
  10. Its easier to swindle another person out of 38.00 to send a refund then it is to swindle someone out of 430.00 so you can send a refund.
  11. Is this was a movie it would be straight to DVD. The hero would say "You burned down my house, stole my truck and shot my dog." And the Villain's comeback would be "Hey, I only RAN OVER your dog....get the facts straight." Bottom Line...TWO THUMBS....WAYYYYYY DOWN. Here's one from Simon. The other one will be in the mail next week....promise. If you can find it in the system.
  12. But Domo, if he doesnt contact them and waits for them to contact him, hopefully some will fall through the cracks and he will pocket their money.
  13. Yeah, I would greatly appreciate the refund as I no longer need the books. Not a problem, I am sorry it was overlooked. Where should I paypal to. Or, if you desire I can mail you a check. Russ Take the paypal. He couldnt take the time to find your order that was filed electronically and should have been easily found (as evidenced by how fast he found it here). If you think he will be prompt about writing a check, addressing the envelope, licking the stamp, licking the seal and putting it in the mail then you'll probably be waiting another year and a half or so.
  14. 1 1/2 years later and board pressure = refund TOOL I could have just done nothing about it. As I stated, preorders are a pain in the butt to keep together, this was one that is in a stack of old ones to deal with. But thank you for the kind word. Thats what you have done so far.
  15. Selling isnt the problem you have. Its shipping/refunding that has you all confused.
  16. FUELMAN PIZZ OFF!!!! You guy's are keeping me on a stupid list that I shouldn't even be on. You even state it in your WARNING picture. You say that I am on the list because I failed to complete a BOARD transaction. WRONG!!!!! I am on the list because of orders placed on my website. BIG FOKING DIFFERENCE!!!! You have a reach of rule here, but you don't on my website. Your list means NOTHING if you want to keep me on it. I shouldn't be on it. I have handled all board transactions. Since when did your list start to include things like other sites, or ebay, or garage sales? Exactly, it doesn't and shouldn't. When you start letting the list serve for other thing's that it was originally for, then it has lost it's purpose. AS IT STANDS!!! THERE IS NOTHING OUTSTANDING FROM A DEAL MADE ON THE BOARDS!!!!. You can keep me on the list, but in each sale thread I make I will point out my declaration about how I shouldn't be on it. You want to call me names etc, sure, fine, do it. But don't wave around the list when it's clear that you are making an exception for my inclusion. Then again, I am sure the boards really matter to you Fuelman, it's probably something you can't live without. Same goes for Diva. I am sure if you couldn't post on the boards both of you would be lost and alone without anything to do. Go play with your kids, get outside, you freaking dweebs. we're tired of with you.
  17. anyone driving around without any auto insurance is a tool.
  18. They don't care. They only like it when information comes out that is bad so that they can completely trash the other person like he or she is a complete scumbag. You know what? You can take this "i'm just a poor misguided victim"-attitude and shove it up your . And, btw, you still owe me $1. I just don't think I'm a complete scumbag. $1.00 Refunded. You are.