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Everything posted by ADAMANTIUM

  1. +1 Black Panther was a welcomed NEW character! Maybe "forced" is a strong word, but I can see where people are coming from. If the diversity comes from out of nowhere and replaces a established character, I wouldn't turn it away at least not right away. But it would have to seem justified and that's why I think X23 is popular, if they hadn't of killed off Wolverine then X23 would still be in the background and not at the forefront as a character. A sidekick if you will. As far as other diversity, maybe, Marvel wanted us to take a hard look at a different way of doing things. If that's it, so be it. But then to come out and tell us that we're stubborn because we miss the old style and that "we" won't embrace diversity and that loyalty aint but a thang, is a different story entirely. If they were actual "new" characters with diversity with a "soul" these would be different arguements.
  2. Green Sig awesome what a twist Congrats on the bump
  3. Thanks sounds like a good situation all around.
  4. I've probably asked those questions before oh well, I think that they're probably fine on a shelf, but those that say it's a risk put the fear of God in me a little bit haaha. I'll probably just keep them put up in the closet, no need to rethink the wheel etc. I did want to say that the newnew case seems less likely to allow the comic to shake so hopefully less likely to bow, so reholders should fix'em for that I'm thankful Didn't mean to ask a bunch of questions that each person would have to decide for themselves, in other words I don't think that there is a real answer to my question(s) concerning putting 'em on a shelf, that would be cool though and I've seen the pictures of some that do
  5. Cool so it's noticeable; as I don't think I've ever noticed it before, I should be fine. I did buy a last gen case that seems to be able to shake the comic inside, if that makes sense, I know it's a thing but my understanding was that they "all" do it to some degree. This one is real noticeable and it's weird as I can't really "see" it shake, cause it moves too fast, but when I do I can hear thud thud thud. This is the first one that I've found that does this; I never knew it could be this bad If I send it in for a reholder, they just do a quick glance to check the grade? or do they automatically give it the same grade and stand by their product? I mean it's a Harley Quinn 1999 no # alex ross, but it's a 9.4 and I don't want the grade to suffer any more Sorry for the long text, but some more questions: You said that you put your comics on the shelf, I used to do that but as my office/comic room that my comics are in is mostly windows with blinds and blankets covering: does indirect sunlight "seriously" affect the comics on the shelf? I will/keep my comics long term were talking 10's of years, so a long time ago I put them in short box's and put them in the closet....I didn't really know if any level of sunlight was detrimental or not to have them on the shelf, that room is next to the neighbors house so sunlight is minimal, except for the front that has a window that's big enough for a sliding door (but it's a window instead)
  6. I know what bowing "is" but have never seen an example of it on a CGC case, what should I be looking for? and what causes: storage place?or just general weather? or time? I notice the last gen cases are very thin compared to the new...and they open easier at the sides, meaning they are more flexible/bendable, is that the only case and perhaps first gen that would be susceptible?
  7. More employees for sure because they've stated such, Better machinery? idk maybe more or them but idk, definitely not less submissions; I think the key component is more and new graders, which is why some have the opinion that they are strict on grading at the moment; to be determined on that end though
  8. It said Quesada on the cover right below Wolvie's right hand. That's who I assumed drew it....It's like they all were wearing a wind breaker type costume that a gust of wind came by and created the inflatables
  9. Awesome book! I notice people tend to keep the ones with a story behind it---gives it character
  10. I remember back in late 2014 and 2015 there was like 7-9 pages on ebay full of Amazing Spiderman 300's for sale, sure some of them were cover "swipes" I think that they're called, that paid homage to ASM 300. Now there is like what 3 pages on ebay? all designated to the original first print, with a few of the mini not for resales? They were listed for these prices back then too, I don't know if any really sold for this much in CGC 9.8 though, don't recall.
  11. kinda like I was tryiing to tell senormac at the first of the thread, it's not "wanting a white-bread world" to want to protect against this kind of thing, and to buy this comic unknowingly because it was snuck in there bites. You do know senormac there are other races that are Christian/Jewish. But to live in an overly political correct world makes newcomers naive, so I don't know if it will ever be over and done with
  12. Just fyi if you google "Dell Otto official website" like you would for campbell or other artists, you can get malware from some of the results that look official. I don't suggest you try it, even searching regular terms can give you bad results. I don't know anything about digital comics though, I have used it to look up information though
  13. Agreed. I believe you. It just needed to be stated plainly idk peoplewere probably about as passionate against the artist as he was for what he did. I figured you were just saying, you know, what's wrong with taking a postion in a comic book that's understandable
  14. On a different note, I found out today that Joe Quesada was the pizza delivery guy in Jay and Silent Bob: Strikes Back Let's all take the time to savor the fact in a ficitonal world, our pizza can be delivered and autographed and maybe a selfie
  15. If your percieving that he is wrong, then you are attempting to read minds as well
  16. I don't want to step in the middle but I will; he wasn't reading your mind! He was telling you how you were being PERCIEVED! He was reading other people's mind and relaying that to you..... hope this helps
  17. I've always heard good of Quesada, so I'll give it the benefit of the doubt
  18. This comic looks inflated, at least they can change a tire?