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Get Marwood & I

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Everything posted by Get Marwood & I

  1. Thanks for responding VM. Do you think CGC will ever go down that road? There'd be chaos, surely...
  2. Up to 1,083 confirmed AUS copies now, courtesy of a gaggle of new Punishers: 32 of a possible 46 in the bag. Well, the Punisher file On the magazine front, still stuck on two Conan titles: 28 of 40 Sagas confirmed... ... and 24 of 40 Savage Swords Both titles end before the second date wave begins by the way All good fun
  3. Hello Not the usual type of thread from me - no pence element (hurray!) What impact does this miswrap have on desirability do you think? If you were on the hunt for a first Punisher appearance, is this a book you would walk past and wait for a better centred copy of? Or would you happily have it in your collection? If it sat next to a 9.4WP perfectly centered copy, how big a price difference would compel you to dive in? What sayeth thou? Photobucket woz ere
  4. Here are some documents from my old files - long before I discovered the boards, and a time when I didn't know what I was talking about and took it all far too seriously: 'Whitman distribution' indeed! Then I joined the boards of course and, nowadays, I still don't know what I'm talking about and still take it all far too seriously
  5. That makes me poop my pants with excitement. Every time. Will the film finally deliver? We shall see....
  6. They wanted to highlight his new Kirby monster pants - or maybe that's an adult diaper? His mission... DESTROY MANKIND!! In his pants. "I got them in Marks and Spencers. Quite nice aren't they? Good support"
  7. Losing the people that make up the fabric of your life is always hard to bear, more so when it's 'too soon'. Life is very fragile isn't it. With any luck, we will all meet up again on the other side and the pain we feel between now and then will soon be forgotten
  8. "Is no one watching....?" "It would appear not Lothar. And yet......"
  9. Hello again I picked up this copy of the oddly elusive Marvel Classics Comics #32 pence edition as I needed a better image for the files: I like how it has an advert for itself on the back cover - cents copy of course It's one of those odd pence titles - 36 possible copies in total - 30 pence copies have been located so far: Note how, being a big boy, it completely disregards the regular size issue price changes, sticking stubbornly to 20p for it's whole pence run. There are no numbers 1-4 and then 5 appears, crudely amended as follows: No number 6, then 7 also appears with the crude overprint (50c price still visible if you look closely): No number 8 and then we're off with a full pence run from Lennon's number 9 up to the last issue in the series (36): Number 9 has a 'proper' plate changed price, but with an odd looking pence font - the two and the zero don't seem to match: It also has a Curtis Circulation 'CC' which continues to appear on issues 10, 11 and 12. From number 13, Curtis disappears and we get a new, more consistent looking pence font: It may be the last of the Mohicans, but it's not the last we see of Curtis who returns briefly on issues 17 and 18, never to appear again: Nice title
  10. Also found these in the files: Was feeling a bit glum about selling it until I remembered I'd upgraded to this:
  11. I was sorting some old files out over the weekend and found these pictures of my old ASM 500-599 newsstands: I wish I'd saved individual scans now
  12. ...I missed out on this one too - forgot to bid! Have I done a piece on these here yet? Poxy memory...
  13. I've been looking for a nice JIM#58 to add to the 'top 20' pile for a while now - I thought this one might be it but, alas, it had a page missing: I have got these though: 13 down, 7 to go...
  14. I saw this in another thread and saved it - I can't remember which one it was now
  15. I wonder why Klagg got a makeover here on this Miller reprint?
  16. Some great plagiarism examples there @catman76
  17. Yes, I have that on the list already so there's at least two of them Nes! It's a title with lots of missing issues though, which is odd. You'd think Spidey titles would manifest more quickly wouldn't you. Only 7 of the possible 50 so far have shown themselves: No issues from 3-31 yet and only 3 from the second phase:
  18. This is a great thread, full of all the things I like. As has already been said, it's amazing how little is known of the history of many of these quirks and practices - especially when you consider the focus the books have been under all these years by generally mad collector types. I'm still waiting for someone to add to my 1999-2000 Marvel newsstand tally. Will it ever happen...
  19. In my mind I always considered these - wrongly probably - the start of 'proper' direct editions. We had the blank UPC fat diamond early directs, then these as the run in to the proper directs. Three types, with the slash barcodes in the middle.
  20. I thought that way too. In my old Spidey image files I only started filing the newsstand copies as such once there was an alternative version in existence. It seemed pointless to do so when the newsstand copy was the only version.
  21. That's a lovely drawing - and not a Frog Man in sight!