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Posts posted by grapeape

  1. 17 hours ago, Madman1138 said:

    My sketches shown above are from San Diego 2015 and 2016. He did no sketches beyond the type I got and definitely didn't use any red pencil on ANY of them. I flipped through the binder to choose mine each day he had them, and the Harley was one of the few requests he took on his list on one of the days. This seller is definitely lying, which seems to confirm what we already thought. The eBay sketches are bogus.

    That stinks. They hammered at $385,,,could've been worse. I've seen so many fakes on ebay over the years. Buyers get burned because of 1) lack of knowledge 2) Unchecked thieves as ebay looks the other way. Buyer beware. Buy directly from an experienced dealer, the artist or his/her Rep.Or get references for some of the good people here on the Thread. On the Comic marketplace there lots of quality legit opportunities.

    I went through hell a couple of years ago trying to get ebay to warn bidders about fake Calvin and Hobbes art. The seller coincidentally lived in a city close to where I live and I arranged a "meet up" at the Mall to see them in person. Once I saw them up close I was 100% sure they were fake. They used at least 3 separate ebay ID's trying to sell a variety of OA. Below is a pic of art and my CAF Warning.


    SCAM EBAY SCAM Calvin and Hobbes Bill Watterson Comic Art

    You are witnessing the workings of evil doers on ebay:-( The photo above is of a FAKE,

    This "original" CH with "LOA" currently on ebay seller snugglebug2009 is a COMPLETE FRAUD!!!!
    Upon spotting this great "find" I took note of the LOA on Andrews McMeal letterhead authenticated and supposedly signed by Kirsty. I reached out to her via phone and made her aware of the auction.She immediately and without hesitation called it a fraud and sincerly told me not to waste my money:-)

    Kirsty is working on getting this taken down.I am reporting this to you all because I love Bill Watterson for the gift he gave us in Calvin and Hobbes.I also care about all my CAF friends and want to do whatever I can to protect the legitimacy of our hobby.

    My thanks to Kirsty Melville, President and Publisher, Andrews McMeal Universal.
    My sincere love and gratitude to Bill Watterson for ten years and beyond of joy and critical thought.
    My thanks to Doug Gillock ComicLink for his expert advice and offers of assistance
    These folks are the SUPERHERO

    SCAM EBAY SCAM Calvin and Hobbes Bill Watterson Comic Art

  2. 10 minutes ago, Michaeld said:

    I saw these pages broken up into six separate ebay auctions but I was afraid I wouldn't win them all. I emailed Steve Mannion and he agreed to sell them to me directly. I hadn't seen nor read this story before but the beautiful thing is the art alone tells the tale perfectly. It really doesn't need dialog or narration. Go through the pages yourself and you will see it plays out perfectly. Mannion  

    Smart move to get them all at once. Really good storyteller and a neat ending. Guys off the charts talented.

  3. 7 hours ago, Sideshow Bob said:

    I sent a note to the seller. No response, which is unfortunate. Is it worth winning the auction, then returning it for a full refund, and getting the chance to leave negative feedback on the seller? Frustrating to be this powerless, when you see someone about to be swindled...


    For what it's worth I emailed the seller. See his reply below.

    New message from: devizioncomics (652Purple Star)


    got this from Bruce at the San Diego Comic 2015 
    yes for 2 sketches

    Your previous message

    Hi just a few questions. Did you get these from Bruce directly? Also this auction is for two sketches? One of Harley and one Joker? Thanks for your time..Mike
  4. 17 hours ago, Rick2you2 said:

    For all its worth, some of those sales are fakes (at least according to what I have read on-line)--the producers find people who have interesting things and stage the scenes. I read something about a guy who had a Gibson guitar in his shop, and the producers arranged for him to have it sold at the pawn shop with a fake back story.

    Yeah I've heard the same thing. Very fun show though. If they would cut out the fake Chumlee bits they could spend more time showing us interesting items.

  5. On 3/26/2018 at 9:35 AM, stinkininkin said:

    You might think that since I am primarily an inker (and part time penciler)  I might have a really strong opinion about this (inks vs pencils), but in reality I'm rather agnostic about it.  I suppose that's because as a collector, I really only collect vintage art (generally my nostalgic zone).  I guess I've never had to declare and make a choice on what I'd prefer since vintage art is both pencils and inks on one board, which is all I've known and therefore prefer.  I honestly don't know what I'd lean towards if I started collecting modern art with the new paradigm, as I am infatuated with beautiful pencil work (think Neal Adams) and inspiring ink work (think, well, anybody good).  Not a choice I can easily make. 

    In both a humorous vein, but with serious overtones, Jim Lee has said on numerous occasions (and very recently on his streaming video's) that all the people who buy the art that he and I produce are really buying Scott Williams originals, since all his pencil work is either hidden or erased.  He has said this for decades.  And make no mistake, there's a wink wink, nudge nudge aspect to this statement, but it does highlight the complexity and personal perspective on where one would come down on this issue.


    Actually, I just consider you a great artist. Period. 

  6. 4 minutes ago, glendgold said:

    I haven't run into this before.  Just moved to a new place and put up some art.  Today, the first sunny and warm day in a while, I happened to move one framed piece and the back was warm to the touch.  The wall was very warm.  I realized that the sun has been beating down on the other side, and since this is a 1920s place, the insulation ain't great.  So I know in an ideal world we'd probably say "don't hang your art on a wall that's hot," but does anyone know the science? Will this damage my artwork eventually?  For now i'm taking it down.

    I don't know the science, but I think your instincts are correct. Why take a chance? Damned if you don't learn something new every day. Translated to "something to worry about."

  7. 56 minutes ago, Reader said:

    But now kinda dig. 

    It may have been art from decades past or last year.

    One of my examples: When I first saw this Superman image from Frank Miller, my first thought was wtf. Fist as large as his head and that obscuring splatter effect that went out in the 80’s. So why do I keep going back to view it? It’s growing on me for Gods sake!  But the asking price is more than I’m willing to pay when I’ve picked up published work by FM for half that. 

    So what art have you reversed positions on?


    Moebius Superheroes. I hated the way he drew them when I was a kid. I remember an IronMan that to me looked like he was strung out on heroine. I've reversed my position. Especially on Silver Surfer. I disliked his Surfer but today I'm fascinated by his work. He was simply ahead of his time and I just didn't understand what he was doing. Truly was a master!!! 

  8. 15 minutes ago, romitaman said:

    That is arguably the most ill informed or misinformed comment i've ever read on these boards........comment i've ever heard on these boards..... Most People don't know this.... But there were 2 artists Stan Lee was considering to replace Steve Ditko On ASM when it was clear Ditko was leaving the title....... It was john Romita...or Ayers!!!!....... I'll bet my entire art collection against your 5 dollar bill that ASM #100 cover would not sell for half what it hit at auction had it been drawn by Ayers!

    I was waiting for you to chime in with good common sense! Romita is not a slug artist easily interchangeable with other artists on Spidey. There was a magic in what he brought to ASM. He elevated the way we look at Peter Parker and Spider-Man. Opinions are opinions yet it seems silly to insist upon a certain artistic mediocrity concerning Jazzy Johnny. Hall of Fame, MVP whatever. John is above this I believe but he is an all star always!!!

  9. 15 hours ago, delekkerste said:

    Wow!  This is even better than the Dr. J. Evans Pritchard method for evaluating poetry! :idea: 


    Ha ha!! I just watched this movie again last night. Totally applies. 

  10. 10 hours ago, SECollector said:

    I received the page today and despite everything, I love it. Looks nicer than that crappy photo and especially since I bought it for the same price as a 10 minutes taxi ride costs in Stockholm, I couldn't be happier. Yes, its not an investment, its not an important moment in the ASM run, but there are still worse pages lol.

    Thanks everybody once again for all the opinions, as a total newbie I knew that I would hear all the sides of the story in here. This community is really awesome.


    Looks great!! Welcome to the wonderful world of OA collecting!

  11. On 3/9/2018 at 7:33 AM, PhilipB2k17 said:

    That's about as close as there is to a grail-esque page for me. A classic, Kirby/Sinnott Surfer on his board splash from FF. Only way it would be better is if it were a cosmic background, but that's a very minor quibble. What a great thing to own.

    So many great pages in this book. Your page is a Galactic dandy with all that Surf action! Add a dash of Lee, Kirby and Sinnott and sizzle up a gourmet drool fest to entertain the collecting mob.

  12. On 3/19/2018 at 11:37 AM, Bronty said:

    Here's a question.    Who the @#$! cares if its a 'top five' or 'top ten' or 'top 3 by this guy' or 'top 8 by that guy' cover?    No disrespect.    He's not a stellar artist.   Nice solid, dependable, sure.   

    It all boils down to what's on the cover more than how well its drawn.    

    "No disrespect....but".  I love that put down, Those gifted to create like Humble Jazzy john Create beautifully. Than..we have you. Dismissive critic. ASM 100 Cover was always the ASM cover most of us pegged as a giant. Iconic imagery burned to the brain by a "more than stellar artist " I assure you. Get hold of Romita back issues and do your homework. You simply don't get a free pass to drag down a great comic artist to mere pedestrian bullpen run of the mill guy.

  13. On 3/18/2018 at 6:48 PM, RICKYBOBBY said:

    Hi all,

    Was really excited about this new acquisition. Not it hand just yet but I couldn't wait to post it!

    Cover to the Jack Kirby Collector #41. Large art measuring 13 x 21- the largest image Kirby created of Black Panther. This piece hung at the Kirbys home for many years. Now it will hang in mine :)


    Thanks for looking!



    The sixties were a tumultuous time. Jack Kirby had the courage to create and promote a Black character that all Marvel fans could admire and root for.He was a leader, a royal I would've fought for as a kid. He was a leader and extremely intelligent. And he looks ultra damn cool. A force of nature. These pencils are brilliant. I studied so many non inked Kirby art works. The JKC was instrumental in that pleasure. There is nothing like owning a piece like this one above. The Black Panther exploded in popularity because he is a character long overdue for recognition. Congrats to the mats on this one. Never sell this one man.

  14. 1 minute ago, Michaeld said:

    I picked up these two recently. The first is a Rude Nexus piece that I've been eyeballing for the past couple of years. Steve (The Dude) Rude recently had a half off sale on his website to I jumped. The second piece is a cover for a Sock Monkey book by Tony Millionaire.

    Rude  Millionaire 

    The Rude Nexus page is a barn burner. That's a really great page. I'm just learning about Sock Monkey but it looks like a winner.Glad your happy and appreciative that you shared! 

  15. 1 hour ago, williamhlawson said:

    We love you being here (more fun than comics already right?)....but...Not legendary??? To hell with that.  This is the most legendary page ever!!!!  To you and that is ALL that really matters, but ALOT of the art guys are VERY into valuations.  You will always get lower #'s from collectors, higher #'s from dealers;  In valuation of pieces.  In sales prices.   Sometimes even in service :) A dealer gets 'retail' by accepting the overhead and waiting for the right buyer (which most have cultivated a horde of, so I believe their view is skewed high).   I know my values skew on the low end usually (I'm getting older and cheaper), and you still rocked it.  Learn to trust your eyes and your gut, because at the end of the day, it's worth what you will pay and not a cent more (until someone else buys it for more than that).  Just ENJOY it, it's truly great.

    Really good to see SECollector get a CGC fist bump for his 1st OA. This is the side of collectors that can preserve and promote goodwill to the newly initiated. I'm so pumped up for SECollector and glad to see most everybody encouraging him.

  16. 4 hours ago, romitaman said:

    he got a great deal on that page and that's the bottom line here ..50 bucks for a 250 page is great.... and i'm happy for this new collector. :)

    SECollector getting his first page is what it's all about. Of course I always defer to Mike when it comes to $250  FMV on a Bagley Spidey page. My quesstimate of $200 (a couple hundred bucks) was in the ball park. Mike knowing the pages so well ads value as yes Hottie Felicia Hardy shares that top panel with micro Spidey. For $50 investment you get to hold your first OA piece in your hands and admire the work the artist(s) put on a page. Cheers SECollector!!!!

  17. 3 hours ago, Overthetopinc said:

    There is a lot more to worry about then his money people. I have read some things saying that he is being set up and he is being controlled by these thugs and they are calling the shots. From forcing him to cut off ties with his only daughter and his manager of 50 years that has been like a son to him. He almost died the other week because they were hesitant to take a 95 year old man with pneumonia to the hospital. The day after his wife dies these thugs fired all their lawyers. They have been trying to get these nurses to lie about him with sexual misconduct claims. This goes way past the money issue and I am worried about elderly abuse. 


  18. 4 hours ago, SECollector said:

    Thanks for that, since I usually really don't like the "how much is this worth" type of questions and I was hesitant about posting this. But yes it is interesting to see how opinions can vary. 

    Thanks everyone for your input. I truly get it that this is not by any means any really significant piece, but I thought that it was a cool thing to find in a local sales site here in Sweden. I ended up grabbing it at a price that I really felt comfortable with (approx. $50). It will be cool to have my first OA page to put aside with my ASM run, and I really hope to slowly add more by more artists that have worked for the run. Maybe one with Spidey larger than Ant-Man, lol.

    Congratulations SECollector! Your first OA page and inexpensive. It can be addictive just ask everyone on here. Spend your money wisely and love what you buy!!!