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Everything posted by Sal

  1. it's a koan, in the shape of a haiku. the literal meaning is not as important as the spiritual message
  2. You step in the stream, But the water has moved on. The river is gone.
  3. seriously. that book is restupilous
  4. GL 90 is smack in the middle of the Bronze Age. I've seen labels similar to that one on many slabs. It's a not-uncommon happenstance. No one in their right mind is going to try and pull a fast one on that book anyway
  5. The books that is, not the intent to shift them. You knew that, though
  6. Congratulations, Silver! Coming along nicely these last couple of years, I believe. (thumbs u
  7. T'Challa looks like he's about to chrap himself, for good reason
  8. Unless they've changed it recently. Which I doubt. I actually think it's kinda cool to have the note
  9. If he signs on the first page, it's blue label.
  10. wow. i assume - having no clue about the book itself - that the entire Batman tableau is a sketch? jiminy cricket
  11. thing is, i don't recall seeing Stu ever bring this stuff up anymore. it's always Cal. dredging out the slings and arrows of outrageous fortune - that occurred a decade ago. it's beyond tiresome. grow the *#(*# up already
  12. Nice 'case 79, Looser. Always seems like in any decent run of Showcases that turn up, that book's missing
  13. One thing people would potentially expect for their money would be some sort of regulation in the selling area. If that were to happen, I believe you can say bye bye to the selling forum which would be a shame. Yeah, no, charging for membership is a ludicrous idea. It would...rightfully...give people a sense of entitlement and ownership that they absolutely should not have. Charging for strikes, on the other hand.... Enforceable, how? Fining on the honour system? I guess, if you don't pay, you have to create a new identit- heeeyy, wait a minute... The simple "solution" is to require a non-free email address or phone number or real name or something like that, rather than the "it takes a minute to sign up and i probably won't even need a real email address" system the board has now. Remember that the boards are kept as a convenience, and there's exactly zero interest by tPTB in putting any man-hours beyond what it necessary to keep the boards technologically functioinal
  14. as soon as you require people to pay money for membership here, people will begin to expect something for their $$, which will lead to people like Cal calling up CGC and wasting their time dealing with stupid #$*( like message board incivility, rather than just grading the damned books they have in their bins. a word of advice, for everyone; if you don't like it here - or anywhere, really - why not just $(#&ing leave? is being here amongst all those who cause you such pain worth all this sturm und drang? christmas. to paraphrase a great man, if you ordered a boxcar full of lunacy and one showed up with just this site in it, you'd consider your order filled
  15. just so you know, the woman's an actor and the cat video is staged comedy. carry on
  16. Paraphrasing Shakespeare, "All the world's a stage and everybody's got their role." Additionally, I'm having trouble thinking of a place on the Web where people congregate and everyone agrees with everyone else and no one is ever rude under threat of banishment. Except Byrne Robotics. And to that I will paraphrase someone else, whose identity escapes me, "The exception proves the rule" or something
  17. the problem isn't the board software, the rules currently in place, or any other stupid thing. the problem is that one sad, repressed, sociopathic, self-loathing, hamsterpenised dillhole can't seem to learn how to stay on his medication. all the other &$#* is Cal projecting himself and his issues onto this thread. at least he hasn't threatened to sue anyone in this one
  18. Sweet Christmas! Didja get a whole set or just the #1?
  19. A few facts beforehand; Firstly, I'm a tight grader. Tight. Since I buy so few books, the ones that I do buy are usually going to need to be right on the advertised grade or I'm sending it back. Secondly, I've bought enough books from just about everyone to varying degrees of satisfaction to have learned that it takes more than a sterling reputation to make me a repeat buyer. Buying from a front cover scan is something I've done in the past and will do again, but this is more a necessity than something I would do purposely. I'd buy from Andy based on a three-word description; title, issue and grade. Thanks for the on-point book, brother
  20. Nearly every week for the last couple of months there's been an OA Jaime page in the weekly Heritage auctions. There's a page from issue 1 in the August Sig Auction. I thought all my drool had been used up. Then I see this. Just fantastic.
  21. You are the Richard Burton to that book's Liz Taylor. Sure is pretty, though (thumbs u