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Everything posted by Rick2you2

  1. I just noticed that something on eBay I am watching, which was also on CAF, has disappeared even though it is still on eBay. Did something happen?
  2. I’d be happy to buy Marvel art as soon as they start publishing the PhantomStranger.
  3. I didn’t want to put this in the main topic heading, but if anyone spots Phantom Stranger art (or art with the Phantom Stranger in it)—except for art offered by the big name dealers—please PM me or post it? I’m only excluding the big name dealers’ art because they have presumably posted it on-line already, and I don’t want to waste anyone’s time.
  4. Since I expect some people here to go, I hope they will post things of interest to the members. Sadly, I can’t attend this year, but I would still like to see what goes on. Except the merchandising; last year, it seemed like most of the main exhibit hall was dedicated to selling expensive tchotchkes.
  5. Well, coincidentally I am now testing that theory. I dissented that a Byrne cover was the greatest thing since sliced bread. I didn’t think it would motivate someone to buy the book because of its detachment from the story contents (more broadly, it could just as easily have been a commission). Good art, but not an awesome cover. I am curious whether I get any response.
  6. He’s already shooting for the Nobel Peace Prize, he probably thinks, after his tweet on solving the war between Russia and Ukraine. Give ‘em, Crimea.
  7. They are also less effective at saying anything having much value, besides general conversation; like that classic Pepsi slogan “Uhh-huh”.
  8. I was only following one piece, and it looked like it went for almost 3 times what I expected.
  9. Of course, there is also the nuts pricing for some pieces, too. A John Bolton page from Books of Magic, V. 1, just went for $12,750. Yes, it had 4 head shots of the Trenchcoat Brigade, and two rather sparse 1/3 splashes of Tim Hunter on a skateboard, which is great if you love skateboarding. But that price? I bought a piece a few years ago with PS and Hunter for a little less than $1,500, and have seen other pages up to around $4k. Despite the hype from HA, I don’t think it is that kind of wonderful. So maybe, COVID really did screw up the market.
  10. They really ought to move that drain pipe attached to Wolvie’s urinal. At least, I think it’s a drain pipe.
  11. You would be surprised by what you can find on HA, particularly the weeklies. People sometimes pass up great work just because it doesn’t have a single X-Man on it. They are too busy looking for big fish.
  12. Since you are a professional, I was wondering what you consider a “suitable” Remarque, both in terms of size and location, since they can apparently run from little more than a doodle and signature on the front to a sketch on the back, and still be called a Remarque. Personally, what I would like to see, on the front, is a small 3-5 minute sketch placed unobtrusively on the front, if possible. I would rather that it interfere a little with the image on the front than have it put on the back so it can be displayed with the printed image. But that’s just me; I still haven’t taken that step and I want to be clear with my directions if I do. Are there any standards for Remarking that you know of or have used?
  13. It isn’t rare. I generally offer to add the cost of the fees onto the purchase price. I would not, however consider F&F with someone from whom I was buying a commission unless I knew them personally. Too many horror stories.
  14. Some time after my heart operation next month. Preferably, well after your planned retirement in 2032.
  15. No, but you may see a slowdown or pullback on the price of lesser pieces. And since most people buy those lesser pieces, ... there could be some upcoming opportunities if you have the cash. Let me add that those economic trends are likely to get better, coincidentally enough, just before the November elections (at least for a week or two).
  16. I feel your pain. Maybe when that Phantom Stranger movie finally comes out...
  17. The fact that people don’t always agree with me is neither new nor disturbing. I don’t mind challenges, and there are times I come around to agree with the other person (at least a little). Those disputes, however, do not include condescending or snide throwaways. That is what I found obnoxious. I have no doubt Monoprints sell (a better name for them, in my opinion). So do copies of Alex Ross’s art—people like it but can’t afford originals. Now maybe, there are other places in cyberspace where people collect them, but not here. The newbie came here. So, if you think there is really an underground market for them, direct the newbie there. Otherwise, it seems like your voice is the one not in the mainstream. I am done with this.I didn’t sign up to act like an old fa*t schoolmarm, and don’t chose to continue it.
  18. Let me add that these would deserve more acceptance if the artist signed a “verification” (swearing to its truth under penalty of perjury) that the artist will not make duplicates for private sale, and the Buyer is relying on that promise to make the purchase, but, the artist still retained the right to reprint it for reissuance of the publication, for books containing artwork images or as part of merchandise (thereby protecting the artist’s copyright interest). With a little TLC, fandom and the industry could come up with standard language thereby creating a recognized baseline.
  19. I went looking for your supposed correction, which I had seen the first time, and the computations weren’t there. At best, that aspect of the market seems pretty flat; not a good place to jump on when starting out. Oh, and it’s nice to see your recollection about that ghost has come back. Foaming at the mouth? No, but I think your behavior is obnoxious. You seem to be promoting a view which most people here don’t accept to a newbie who is simply trying to get into the hobby. The newbie deserves assistance that fits within the mainstream before trying out paths less travelled.
  20. Boy, you like to swing with reckless abandon, don’t you? That “ghost” you mentioned is in the “Monoprint” thread where you offered 2 examples, and were immediately responded to by Twanj who pointed out two examples where the seller lost money. And you were “not sure what to make of this…that was told to you by a friend or whatever”. Really? As I pointed out on that thread a COI is meaningless; yet the industry won’t offer something with bite in it. What would help, legally, is something signed and sworn to by the artist before a notary public that the print is the only print he will make for artistic purposes (he can still reprint it on a pillowcase or in a book if he wants). Now, if another one shows up, he has committed fraud. I may be the person here who is the least likely to sell things to make a profit. But most people like to treat their hobby as a bit of an investment and think they could always sell and get their money out of it. So suggesting Monoprints to someone just starting out is dumb. If they decided to focus later, they likely won’t get their money out to buy something else. I guess that “Fool” in your handle is the wisest thing you posted. 😘