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Everything posted by Rick2you2

  1. I think you are stressing too much. While I do have artistic preferences, I usually operate on the theory that if an artist is published by a major publisher, the artist is good. The question then becomes whether the piece is any good, and that can have a lot to do with the affinity the artist has with the subject matter as well as what physical and mental condition the artist is in when he/she sets down to do your piece. Before fighting so hard, is the subject matter that you want within the artist’s past or present wheelhouse? I ordered a commission from a great artist, Howard Chaykin, but he really had no affinity for supernatural type characters. It shows in the product (I do buy his published pages, by the way). If this artist means that much to you, take a plane trip and go. Or, blow $800 and pick up something you can find now on CAT. The commissions which have come up the best for me are where I have researched an artist’s styles in advance of a show, or even flipped through their work at a show, and compared their styles (some artists have several) to what I have in mind. Since I have a fairly large pile of Phantom Stranger art, I try to whip up their enthusiasm, or spirit of competitiveness, by showing them some on my cellphone. And please, look at younger artists just getting going. They will be trying hard to please, and you may get a real bargain.
  2. You have my sympathies, but not my agreement. I have family, but I also still have the stuffed toy cat I played with as an infant. In terms of my art collection, the bulk of it pertains to my enjoyment of a minor character which I started to read when I was around 11. So, I do get the memories issue. But nostalgia, taken too far, is living in the past, and that is about what you had written. It is old art. Let the rest of the world take pleasure in it if it’s gone. Presumably, you have photo’s, like I do, of my old tricycle. Sorry if you were offended by Lolita. It was intended as an easy reference to obsession. Referring to English Cadbury chocolate vs. the American Cadbury variety didn’t convey the same sense of obsessiveness, I think. To me, a grail is a top level goal. I save my pennies, and stash some away for buying it if it ever appears. I spent 4 years chasing down one piece before getting it. I love owning it, but honestly, it’s just a picture. Not my heart. did not intend the reference to Lolita to be a reference to pedophilia, just an easy reference to obsession.
  3. That’s not a grail. That’s an unhealthy obsession, like Lolita. It’s all just stuff.
  4. Rick2you2


    Those collectors aren’t entirely male, of course, but a fair number of the women probably go for the same reason my better half goes to cons—to share time with me. She has also been duly rewarded, like with illustrations of naked women by Howard Chaykin (among other things)(just terrible I have to look at their framed derrières all the time, shameful). I know in this age of Woke I am supposed to give a &)#9#;# about all this sensitivity, but unless something is maliciously offensive, or racist, instead of just kinda dumb, I ignore it (although, I am getting interested in Sambo art). How can’t I ignore it, knowing full well that George Perez’s initial claim to fame rested on the overly developed woman’s torso? And clearly, the stuff sells, so there is a bit of hypocrisy about the whole subject. The more disturbing part for me would be spending hours watching shows like this without finding something worth buying. Now, back to hunting Phantom Stranger art.
  5. Rick2you2


    What sort of cumberbund goes with sweat pants?
  6. I doubt there will be a recession myself, but there is now a pullback on new hiring, the Fed is kicking up interest rates, consumer confidence is down, and there are increased attempts by consumers to cut spending due to inflation pressures. Throw in the reduction in international grain due to the War, and a gap developing in European access to gas. So, yes, it is possible.
  7. I don’t see the “big meltdown” yet. I’m thinking “pullback/pause” consistent with a short recession or the corrective pricing in the stock market. For those who are overextended, good time to reduce risk.
  8. Sounds to me like the difference between FMV and cost basis for tax purposes when booking a sale.
  9. I thought they were all run of the mill. Like Necco Wafers of the OA world.
  10. Were there any buyers last night? I tuned in near the end, and if I read the screen correctly, nothing was sold after the first 5 rounds.
  11. Flying pig, by Jason Shawn Alexander.
  12. I've got two of those: a cover and a half-story. I just assumed they kept it up for the equivalent of advertizing.
  13. Always appreciated, particularly if you let me know before someone else gets it (told too late, which has happened). Don't waste your time with Aparo or Adams, or anything from Trinity of Sin (ever). I can't draw worth spit. So, in moments of boredom, I've actually taken to writing new story synopses. And, there are the occasional non-PS purchases...
  14. Bottom line: I don’t recall seeing such a mixed bag of prices up and down before on Heritage. Is the pendulum wobbling before changing direction, or, are these localized exceptions to the upward market trend? The last Comiclink auction, I believe, had similar mixed results.
  15. Or really good, new-on-the-market Phantom Stranger art. ☹️
  16. If it were a true grail, it isn’t likely to remain for sale very long because it must be good. And, it isn’t likely to go on sale again so quickly. I would dig into savings, buy it, and if need be, not buy anything else for a few years. But, we are beginning to enter an economic downturn on fixed asset prices. So, if the price is really high for what you would expect, think about finding a new grail and move on. It’s just ink and pencil markings on paper.
  17. You can probably get a leg commission from the artist for a few thousand.🦵 I get more annoyed at the artistic, anatomically twisted and physics-challenged poses by some artists of the characters. Like, many Sikowsky page in the old JLA books, as well as his other dramatic shots.
  18. Does anyone recall what happened to the OA market during the 2007-9 recession and the 2001-03 version? They may provide pricing guidance over the next year.
  19. You could still probably afford some Rocky Mountain Oysters.