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Everything posted by Rick2you2

  1. Anyone know whether AT&T's spinoff of Warner Communications (to be combined with Discovery's content offerings to form a new company) will included DC Comics? Update to my own question: the answer is yes. Why you should care: the combination is meant to create an entity better positioned to compete with other streaming media. Comics are quite literally like a story board for a show, and would easily provide a source for new content to stream. So, don't be surprised if in, say, 2-3 years, there is an increase in comics, plus art, and interest. Good for the hobby (as well as the survival of DC).
  2. I can’t say I have ever been treated “rudely” by a rep, but there have been rep’s with poor communication skills, who are clearly stressed due to too much going on in front of them (which can happen to anyone), or who don’t follow up as quickly as I would like. And of course, they don’t make the final decision on pricing.
  3. There have also been a lot of bad forgeries on eBay in the past, and you are correct, his stuff does deserve a premium (not the point of my maligned comment). He is very, very good.
  4. By the way, I like having commissions done, and a full commission would be good to get. But not BIT's head shots.
  5. Something to think about: if Timm’s art is easy to forge, which is apparently the case, then why buy a head shot (or other similar drawing) at all? If the forger is good, then you are paying a heavy premium for the name, because the art is as good as Timm’s. And no one will know the difference. Seems to me that they are a waste of money.
  6. I agree; CL's descriptions are often poor, and sometimes are too busy trying to tout a piece. With that said, you can usually spot any significant problems by looking at something carefully. Or, if something is questionable, try asking (I haven't done that with CL, but Heritage has been good on that score). In my opinion, minor defects in art are not significant to affect the price of a piece, at least not to the extent they are in comic books. So, unless there is a paste-up of a stat, or a piece is missing, or some kid tried to color in the image with his/her Crayola or scribbled on it, I usually ignore it.
  7. Thank you. Adam's work more typically looks like this free sketch he sent me:
  8. As I have said before, so much skill, so little talent. A pretty stupid pose.
  9. The most important thing is you like it, unless you bought it with the intention to flip or sell it. Similarly, I know another artist who will recreate a digital published work in original pencil, and mark it as a 1 of 1 copy. I also have a piece which I had thought was the original published version— until a version by a different artist showed up on Heritage. Your piece is nice, and ultimately, that’s all you need.
  10. In other words, they do a recreation of the original, since it is never part of the publishing process, and pretend it’s the original to sell.
  11. Still and all, he did remember you, and his effort should be appreciated. I have some standing requests with artists to the effect that if they find “such and such”, please let me know. Tom Mandrake did that with me, and I was able to pick up two of his pages that way. Another artist also did that with me, too, but the art didn’t fit my needs. So, I left it with a thanks.
  12. I enjoy contacting artists when I can find them, particularly with newer or unappreciated art. In my never-ending quest to add Phantom Stranger art to my collection, and cartoony art in particular, I had been trying for years to find something from "Scribblenauts Unmasked", a mini-series based, apparently, on a video game or games. The only thing I heard from collectors/dealers was that it was digital, which took it off my plate. Then, I learned that the artist Adam Archer, had a Facebook page. So, I sent him an inquiry. It turned out that he had all the art I could ever want from the series, and it was very reasonably priced (he apparently doesn't do much fan-favorite type of work). So, I bought a double-cover. The communication was wonderful, the pricing was good, and delivery was quick. He even threw in a little pencil sketch is which is similar to his more typical artwork. I may even buy more.
  13. Value is based on your preferences, and the absence of pencils is not a dealbreaker. I will buy simple inks on blue lines without pencils, even if I know they exist, so their absence doesn’t bother me much. The question is how much is what you are being expected to pay without the pencils, who is the artist and what is the subject? In this case, I don’t think it matters, but if you are a completist, perhaps the artist can tell you who bought the pencils or contact the person for you to see if they would sell it. Bottom line: if you like it, buy it. You are not getting a three-legged dog.
  14. Pigpen made the cut, but Violet didn’t? And that’s not even counting dogs or birds.
  15. “The official this week in your original art collection.” The next pin down.
  16. I don't watch all the price bumps and changes, but I do know there is no straight line or curve of increasing prices over time. It varies by artist and subject matter. Some things don't move at all (which is the same as dropping). Also, when prices are low to begin with, and the subject at hand is unique (each piece of art being different), a 50% market increase by an artist over a 10 year period, for example, can be hard to notice if not impossible to calculate. My guess is that your wife picked out a piece that would do well in terms of appreciation. It's very nice with a good subject matter.
  17. Pssttt....Anyone wanna buy some rare tulips?
  18. Why should you change? I have some pieces that are worth a bit, but I don’t care. I don’t need the $ they would bring from a sale, and I won’t need it in the future. l do, however, like social interaction, so I enjoy posting here and seeing posts, because of the live commentary they draw.
  19. Actually, when that person is gone, it might very well show up again. I doubt it carries the beloved memories of its owner who cherished it when he was alive, so it just becomes baggage to the descendants (unless the deceased was the artist, and the family wants it for that reason). Wanna buy a “rare” Hummel? Not that hard; young people don’t care.
  20. I've noticed a bit of Baroness art on Comic Art Tracker the past few months. Do you buy existing work or just get your own? I don't mind sending you notes if I spot any (and it's good).
  21. I may take a crack at that one, too. And now I know where a bit of the opening art illustration from the TV show first appeared.