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Posts posted by TylerHam

  1. Hi All!

    I bought a loose figure on ebay from Brazil a while back specifically because it came with a rare loose cardback -  and when it got here the already poorly packed box looked like it was run over after being tug of wared with 2 pitbulls.

    Lots of creasing - some color breaking some not - But I was thinking a press could do some good for it, although not sure if a press would work with cardboard.

    Anyone try this before?

    Ill upload pics in a bit - The cardback has been packed away so I have to dig it out  :)


  2. 25 minutes ago, sfcityduck said:

    It's an incredible tragedy.  Over the last hour the air quality in SF just dramatically took a nose dive.  I don't want to know what caused it. 

    The loss of structures and other things insurance can replace is no loss at all.  But, the loss of a family's photos, the stuff that holds special associations like Schultz's art desk, those things can never be replaced.  It is absolute tragic for those families.  And there are thousands of them in NorCal right now.

    The loss of the cultural treasures, like whatever original art was in the Schultz home and the home of his son, is a loss we all suffer.  Tragic also, but in a different way.


    Im heartbroken over this too.

    Here in Marin the air is TERRIBLE right now, and in San Rafael the last hour has been much worse - So much smoke I thought there was a fire right here in town.

    this whole thing is just a nightmare, but hearing things like the Schultz house just makes it hit home even harder.  So many people losing everything. 



  3. I talked to the seller who (and I have no reason to not believe him) said he probably did this 30+ years ago....

    If its old color touch, does CGC just consider it damage, or is it still resto?  IE: like if someone wrote $1.00 on the cover with a black pen - Its added ink, but not restoration?

    Sorry for all the questions for a low value book, Im trying to learn how this all works as a new-ish collector too!


  4. 3 minutes ago, AJD said:

    They can only be scraped off if they haven't bled through - have a look inside and see. But I agree that scraped comics look awful too.

    Your best shot is to return it to the seller. Too bad, as I know you really want one of these.

    It literally kills me to return this because the rest of the cover is so nice - I was going to just get it pressed and stick it in a mylar but I have raging OCD and my eyes will be drawn to this every time!  I may see if I can do a partial refund and keep it for now while I contemplate the removal.  Im more frustrated than anything.  The book only set me back 50$ but its more the disappointment after such a search!


  5. Hi All!

    I have been chasing a nice Donald Duck 26 for a while and thought I finally got one off ebay - -  Then when it showed up, someone had colored in some creases on the spine...

    Most of these have some kind of color breaking crease on the cover so was thrilled to find one that presented THIS nice, but the pen marks really sucks. I know ZERO about comic resto, but is there a way to remove these little color touch ups?  Ug - SUPER bummed about this. Not a high dollar book but I have been hunting for a nice one for a LONG time :(





  6. On 9/29/2017 at 8:58 PM, Panelfan1 said:


    first off want to say, this is a cool looking piece.

    I also collect illustration art and while this is not exactly what I  collect (i am into 50s/60s magazine art) , I pay attention to auctions. my guess - if its not published as you say, is $700-1200 if it were up for auction today -including auction buyers premium.  Somewhere on my bookshelf I have a Josh Kirby art book, and from what I know about him - he is most famous for sci fi works.   this one is not in that realm and while it is very well done, isn't going to hit nostalgia buttons as its not published.

    hopefully you decide to hang on to it and continue to enjoy it.


    my 2c

    Thank you!

    I love sharks which is actually why I bought it, so It'll be hanging for a while (Even though my wife HATES it! ha!)

  7. This one is a little different but it's one of my favorite autographs in my collection - I thought some of you might appreciate the story, and I urge ANY of you that like radio drama to check out the link!

    Being 40, I was born well after the end of the Radio Drama days, but I love listening to horror shows as white noise at work - and one day I came across this.


    Everyone knows about the Orson Wells WAR OF THE WORLDS broadcast - But in 1968 and 1971, East Coast radio station WKBW remade it using the radio news techniques of the time, and also using their normal reporters as the actors!  It's really fun, caused another panic, is totally dated (70s era) but an awesome story and great to listen to - especially around Halloween. Ill throw it on if I have to take a long drive at night . :)

    Anyhow - I found this and became obsessed!  I sent it to everyone I knew and am shocked at how little people knew of this . (Maybe some of the forum members from the East coast remember it?)

    I started researching the people behind it a bit . (There is a making of documentary about the broadcast on youtube!) - Most of the crew that I could track down had passed away - Except Irv Weinstein, who was a very well known broadcaster on the East Coast.  I was able to get ahold of his address (Due to very poor health he has since moved to a care facility sadly) and I wanted to write him and tell him how much I enjoyed his work on this. I also had a kind of battered copy of the Classics Illustrated "War of the Worlds" and I included it with a SASE in hopes he would sign it!

    2 weeks later I got it back with a typed letter saying how much it meant to him that something he did so long ago was still being enjoyed. He also apologized for the handwriting of his autograph - I didnt realize but I guess his illness keeps him from being able to use his hands much.

    Anywise, I treasure this and thought it would be a good time to share it, with Halloween in the air and the ever looming threat of martians invading Grover's Mill :)





  8. 4 hours ago, Captain Canuck said:

    One of the nicest Stan sigs I have seen in a while. Is that recent?

    Thank you!

    No, this is probably 8-10 years old at this point- Back before his sig was super pricey like it is today...  He was signing at a SDCC booth my friend was going to work at for the day and thats how this all happened. 

  9. Hi All!

    I picked up this piece in a heritage auction YEARS ago - I cant recall when but maybe 10 years or so?

    It's by Josh Kirby who was a famous sci-fi painter - He did a lot of posters, book covers, and is probably most famous for the UK Return of the Jedi poster.

    He mostly did pulp and paperback book covers.

    Anyhow - This was an unused (Too violent) painting he did for a book called THE SHARK HUNTERS.

    Its an awesome piece - full of movement and color. Its a little over 12" high and 19" wide.

    Just wondering what the value on this might be?

    Thank you!





  10. 1 hour ago, Eclipse said:

    Im the construction coordinator (Im the one in charge of building the sets) on 2 hit shows, one for NBC (made by Sony) and one for CBS. Ive been in the business for almost 25 years, 3rd generation, and my father has been/is one of the biggest construction coordinators in NY for the past 40 years. The last comic related thing he ran was The Tick a few months ago.

    Very cool Eclipse!  Did you or your dad work on the Nick Cage "The Sorcerer's Apprentice" when it shot in Manhattan a few years back?

  11. 8 hours ago, Dave2739 said:

    At least you have hair! :sorry:


    Funny story about hair - Some of you may remember YEARS ago the Steven Colbert show did the "Green Screen Challenge" and the punchline was at the end George Lucas' submission was the runner up -I worked on that submission at ILM and I am  even Steven's body double in a few scenes. How did I get picked for that role? I was the only man on the crew that had both a suit, and hair.



  12. Hi all,

    I notice that a lot of people here are artists, etc. Wondering how may of you all are part of the film industry?

    I was for over 15 years, and now I'm an Art Director (not in film though)

    I was a 3D artist at places like ILM, Dreamworks, etc. in the layout dept.

    I have also worked on quite a few comic movies:

    Blade 2, Hellboy, Catwoman (ewww), Constantine, Fantastic Four, Iron Man (only a little), and Priest.  
    I also worked on just one shot of Superman Returns. 

    Anyone else?


  13. Not sure if this 100% applies but as a children's picture book writer myself (Nothing published yet) I am considering doing the self publishing route through kickstarter. 

    Like your option 2, I am going to pay for some concept art, and make a video about the book, etc...  Self publishing isnt the easiest but I (Like you, it sounds ) just want my stories out there!


  14. 17 hours ago, AJD said:

    BTW, as originally published in DD #26, the story had several pages cut by Disney's editors because they were too spooky. The restored version was reprinted in Donald Duck Adventures #47 in 2005 - it's probably worth spending a couple of bucks to read it as Barks intended. The page I linked shows the restored first page, and its great splash panel.

    They show the restored version in a  book I just bought as well, in the Donald Duck "Trick Or Treat" hardback book from the Carl Barks library!

    Such a great story - and a GREAT animated adaptation too!