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Everything posted by shadroch

  1. I understand. See my post above yours. I wasn't responding to your post. I was just ranting and your post was the one in front of mine. (thumbs u
  2. If I pay for a service, any service, I expect to get it. If I pay to have something shiped faster and it doesn't, I didn't get what I paid for and the company should refund the difference. If not, I'll take my business elsewhere, or simply not use them. If CGC can't provide the services they are charging for, don't charge for them until they do. A few years ago, Myself and some friends bought a VIP package to a wrestling PPV at the old WWF Club on Broadway. Instead of paying the $50 door charge, we paid $95 which was supposed to get us a private table, event -shirts and an express bar/buffet line pass. We got there and they had over-booked. We watched the show the same as every other person who had paid $50. Next day, we emailed the club and said we didn't get the services we paid for. They refunded us our entire admission fee, and gave us free tickets to the next live show in the area. Thats how quality companies operate. Under promise and over perform. Not the Opposite.
  3. I've found some strange things hidden in comics I've bought. The weirdest was a collection that had several teenage boys , in underwear and wearing bondage bracelets and collars ,in an obvious state of excitement. Not quite porn, but pretty close to it. Found a few polaroids from what appeared to be a bachelor party in another collection. Kept those photos I don't think you should be distributing those pictures via PMs, either. Not a legal issue, its just not something quality people do. She might be somebodies mother by now.
  4. I've found some strange things hidden in comics I've bought. The weirdest was a collection that had several teenage boys , in underwear and wearing bondage bracelets and collars ,in an obvious state of excitement. Not quite porn, but pretty close to it. Found a few polaroids from what appeared to be a bachelor party in another collection. Kept those photos I don't think you should be distributing those pictures via PMs, either. Not a legal issue, its just not something quality people do.
  5. Perlmans decision to have Marvel buy Heroes World and self distribute has to be a game changer. A direct result of this was Diamond stepping up from a regional distributor to the exclusive distributor for DC and Image. These moves, plus the absolute flood of books marvel forced their accounts to buy forced most of the smaller, under-financed shops out of business and did a number on smaller publishers as well. A shop who sees his weekly Marvel bill go from $300 to well over a thousand, and his shipping bills go up 500% no longer has money to take a chance on a new book he isn't familiar with.
  6. To the majority of collectors, I agree. However, there is a niche that pays amazing money for some of these.
  7. No. Green labels are for books that have a fault that would otherwise take down the grade. Having an extra interior shouldn't get it a GLOD.
  8. And that is why Baskin Robbins makes 31 flavors. Not everyone has the same taste.
  9. There is a small segment of collectors that appreciate those sorts of errors. Is it worth CGCing? A 7.0 Spidey 344 is pretty much fifty cent box fodder if I'm not mistaken. A NM book has some value, but a fine copy not so much. I'm not sure you'd get much more than your slabbing fees back if you put it on the market.
  10. So instead of being one edition of 5,000, there appear to be at least two editions of 2,000. One set has both sig=natures, the other has only Stan Lee's signature. What i'm wondering is did DC decide not to allow Carmine to sign the remaining copies or did he just not feel like it. Very kool book , in either edition. I have the signed edition of the first Marvel Treasury- I believe that one is Stan and John Romita. This would make the perfect companion piece to it.
  11. Cool, thanks. Did it have the letter with it? Actually, it was around $125. No letter with it because I believe that this is one of the originally signed ones before Carmine left. So yours has both signatures on it?
  12. Does anyone know of a site that lists the artists for these coloring books? Were they done by Marvel artists?
  13. I thought the lead-up to 200 was pretty good, and 210/211 is a great arc. 186 had some purty pictures in it.
  14. Whichever multi issue/ multi title run that was going on in the 220s. I remember reading an issue and not having a clue because I hadn't read two other titles. I quit the title and never looked back until someone gave me the entire Age of Apocalypse. I enjoyed that but not enough to start reading them on a regular basis. I've picked up an occasional TPB over the years but thats about it. I did really enjoy Dark Genesis, for what its worth.
  15. Can anyone tell me more about these two Conans TPB type books i just picked up. They are mid-1980s, Conan El Barbaro. Volume 1 has a Conan cover from a BA book, with Comics forum written above the logo and Juvenil written sideways alongside the logo. The outer cover is thick card stock, but when you open it there is another cover, typical marvel cover stock. On the inside of the second cover, the story starts. It reprints Conan #1. This book almost seems like they simply took the first five issues and bound them into a bigger book. Volume 2 is the same, as it has the covers for issues 5-10, but the covers don't correspond to th books reprinted. The binding on the larger books is , but the issues within are pretty good. Some have glossy back covers, some don't. Back covers are an ad for Superheroes Marvel featuring Spidey and the gang but inside is an ad for a non-marvel product called El Coote, and an inner page list members of Club Conan. Overall, the prouction value is low. Are these licensed Marvel products or bootlegs?
  16. Is there a cents version of MACC #1 ? I asked this before but didn't see an answer, so here it is again. Were the Marvel Comics that were sold in Bermuda, Hong Kong, Falklands, ect, ect American copies with pence handstamps or pence copies? Does anyone know?
  17. Good book,but it needs a movie or tv appearances to jumpstart it again. The same can said for Warlord. We are talking comic book series that haven`t been a part of monthly comic book mainstream for 25 to 30 plus years! Yes you are all getting old. I was thinking the MOKF is kindah like DCs Warlord (although I guess MOKF crossed over into capes and tights books on occasion) -- and not Conan, which was/is a huge franchise -- similar run, I'm guessing they both started pretty popular and lost readers over the years, etc. Warlord went deeper into the 80s I suppose because DC was more willing to allow struggling titles to continue to be published than Marvel. In 1984 , when I was opening up my first store, I had no idea what kind of numbers of new books I would sell each month. The sales reps at Sea Gate were very helpful, telling me which books I should under-order because they ale=ways had backups and which i should order to sell out. DC books had a five copy minimum so I ordered five copies of Warlord. Back then, I had shelf space for three months worth of most books, so when I went to move the three monthg old copies into the BI bins I was surprise dto see I had five copies left. A quick look showed me I had bought 15 copies and had 15 copies left. Also had a copy of his first appearence and Warlord #1 up on the wall taking up very valuable real estate. This book just did not sell.
  18. Problem with a Shang Chi movie would be that you'd also have to get the rights to the Fu Manchu Universe, as well. Now that Disney owns Marvel, I suspect those rights would not be cheap.
  19. The book lasted 125 issues. The Kung Fu fad ended long before the book did.
  20. If the books are in mylar, will the acid in a non-acid free box pass thru the mylar?
  21. My friend may have stumbled into a great find at an estate sale last weekend. He bought a couple of paintings strictly because he liked the frames, but one of them- a rough pencil of two men on horses caught his eye when he was de-framing it. He believes it is a preliminary sketch of a painting by Mort Kunstler of Robert Lee giving instructions to Stonewall Jackson. Looking at the painting and this, side by side, it certainly looks similar. The original painting is worth an estimated $200,000. He hasn't found any examples of similar Kunstler sketchs so hes not sure what its worth. Mr Kunstler lives on the North shore of Long Island, about two miles from where the estate sale was.
  22. Is that a typo? The B button is right next to the one you accidently hit.
  23. In the Marvel Universe, Spidey gets the black suit in Secret Wars 8 and wears it for the rest of the war, which is an undefined period of time. He evidently has had it for awhile when he is returned to earth in issue 252 after the SW ends. So SW8 is where he first wears it, even though he'd been shown wearing it for months by the time SW8 came out. Just a thought, but as Spiderman 252 was an almost immediate sellout everywhere, the other two books were most likely the first chance the public got at the suit. On Long Island, the newstand version came out three weeks after the direct copy and every shop owner I know cleaned out every place they could find that sold comics. Very few, if any, copies of 252 made it to newstands in my area. Prior to the Marvel Age sneak peak, retailers had seen a version in a Marvel preview newsletter, and Carol Kalish already had business cards with a black suited Spidey.