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Posts posted by iae21

  1. 20 hours ago, joeypost said:

    Modern pre-screens are supposed to be whatever the regular modern submission is PLUS 10 business day? Is that still correct?

    Yes, it is still the case Joe.  Right now, Pre-Screen Moderns are running a total of +63 business days.


    I had an interesting conversation (nasty one at that) just now with a wonderful CGC employee, asking why my two pre-screen moderns 'Received' on 1/13/2021 were not even close to being finalized yet.  

    Got the typical BS about TAT's not being guaranteed, how they're finalizing books Received on 1/11/2021, etc.   But then when I told this person that I had two pre-sceen moderns that were 'Received' on 1/11/2021 already shipped back to me at the end of March 2021, and asked How it is possible that just TWO BUSINESS DAY differences in invoices results in nearly a 20 Business Day TAT difference, she couldn't give me a clear response.  Facts apparently do not matter in the CGC world, its whatever they feel like.  

    Bad enough that my Pre-Screens have been getting an 33% avg pass rate recently.   CGC is clearly disorganized and needs to get their act together.   Hire competent customer service reps, and graders that grade more accurately to how books were graded in the past.  


  2. 4 minutes ago, Tony S said:

    I've mentioned it before - and now it's gotten worse so I'm going to comment on it again. 

    I'm not one normally inclined to "criticize" TAT's. I remember the dark days of a decade ago and six month waits.  It's still much better than that time. But my observation is that CGC's current TAT's MAKE NO SENSE>>>>>

    CGC is sacrificing everything but WalkThrough and Express to keep the Regular Modern tier at about a month (currently 22 business days) But how does it make any sense for Standard - which costs $65 - to take a week longer than modern that costs $20.  Pay 3.25x MORE $$ and wait a full week longer? (27 days Standard, 22 Modern) Economy tier ($38)  is at 58 business days and Value ($27) is at 82 business days :eek:

    The basic idea is supposed to be (I thought anyway) that "the more your books are worth, the more it costs to get them graded. But the faster they get done".  But the current prices and TAT's suggest instead  "we'd rather grade modern books over anything else. So we do them much cheaper and much quicker. Please don't send us your old books." 

    I hear you Tony, but from their standpoint, they probably have an exorbitant amount of Modern books currently in comparison to the other tiers and they need to prioritize.

    SDCC is this month, and that means even more Moderns received. 

    If this isn't done, then the TAT's will be 6 months. 

  3. On ‎6‎/‎28‎/‎2019 at 9:00 AM, Old Fashion PB and J said:

    Ugh, got crushed on my modern pre screen. 14 of 25 rejected, and I have been on such a good run. Anyone seeing CGC tighten up on copper?

    YES!  They have been very tight on the Copper and Modern age books for the past two months.

    I am getting back two submissions from CGC this week:

    • One Pre-Screen Modern (9.8) that was pressed and submitted by a very well known board member who pre-screened himself before hand delivering to CGC, I had 23 of 25 rejected!  (8% pass rate)
    • One Pre-Screen Modern (9.6) that previously failed a PS 9.8 bc of minor issues....,had again 23 of 25 rejected!  (8% pass rate)

    Normally, my pass rate has been in the 60%-80% range.  Never got below 50%. 

    Has anyone else been experiencing this high rate of Pre-Screen rejections?


  4. 25 minutes ago, Crops068 said:

    I don't think he is looking for a concrete date answer just an idea of how this works.

    What I believe @iae21 is asking once his submission goes to either received or SFG in his account, that is when the clock starts for the TAT countdown. From that date if the TAT estimates change does that have and effect on HIS submission TAT that was 37 business days based on when his submission was set at received/SFG.  Sent in books on 1/1, received on 1/4.  The TAT was 37 days on 1/4 but then say on 2/1 it changed to 53 days. Does that change the books that were TAT'd for 37 days on 1/4 to 53 days as well?


    Yes, thank you for clarifying :) 

  5. 34 minutes ago, I like pie said:

    Just assume it's two weeks more than posted tots and you shouldn't be disappointed.



    I fully understand the definition of the work 'Estimated'

    However, the difference between 37 and 53 business days is a month longer than originally expected.


    My question is still not being answered...

  6. 2 hours ago, Kon_Jelly said:

    They're just estimates, not guarantees. Plus all the books that get there between your form submission and your package arriving will affect the turn around times as well. 

    And FYI there are still a couple of weeks before you even hit the original estimates. 37 days is 7 weeks and 2 days from your submission, which would be 6/17 and 6/18 from the days you entered the order. If it took a few days for your shipment to get there you'd be looking possibly the last week in June, and that's before any adjustments to their turn around time estimates. 

    But my question is still not being answered...

    When a submission is first logged onto my CGC account, how do I track the TRUE estimated completion date of the order? 

    - Do I need to use the original estimated TAT days  that is posted on the website when that date it was first logged?

    - Does that estimated completion date change from first received based on the most recent Turn Around Times posted?  (i.e. Do the goal posts keep moving??)



  7. Hey Guys,

    Have not been getting a straight answer from anyone about this and can really use the help.

    I have multiple Pre-Screen Modern submissions that were entered (not received) onto my CGC account on 4/26/19 and 4/29/19.  Original estimated turnaround time at those entered dates were 37 business days.   Books are still "scheduled for grading" queue, so I called CGC to ask why the delay, and they tell me that now Pre-Screen Moderns run 53 business days!  

    I told the rep that it is incorrect, it should run 37 business days as that was the posted TAT when they were first entered in the system.  She laughed, danced around the subject and could not give me a straight answer.   Frustrating :facepalm:


    Question for All: When a submission is first entered onto my CGC account, do I need to use the original TAT date that I posted on the website to track the completion date of my order, or do I always need to adjust the date based on the most recent Turn Around Times posted?  Do the goal posts keep moving?  


    Apologies if this was already covered in this thread.



  8. On ‎5‎/‎11‎/‎2018 at 8:31 AM, Jimbo749 said:

    It's possible, but this is my local show and I've never seen any sort of CGC presence at the show. Would be cool though, easy drop-off.

    I was hoping someone would be there at least facilitating.  I will be driving up and can meet them there. 

    Some big names, some that hardly make comic con appearance, including:

    • Joe Sinnott
    • Ron Marz
    • Bob Wiacek
    • Fred Hembeck
    • Kevin Conrad

    I called CGC and, as of right now, there is no one that has filed paperwork to facilitate the show.  There is money to be made if one person chooses to do so...


  9. 50 minutes ago, Rich_Henn said:



    We actually JUST saw Sinnott at the East Coast show in NJ two weeks ago.  :-(

    I know, I was there too...we met at the CGC booth a couple of times (Even gave you that Italian restaurant suggestion)

    I'm picking up some items from him that I commissioned at the ECCC and was hoping a CGC witness or facilitator will be there.

  10. Hi All,

    I've been reading here on the boards, and confirmed with CGC, that they will not be appearing at the Phoenix Comic Fest in the end of May 2018.

    There are some names there that I would like to have my books signed by.   I've already reach out to Desert Wind, and they are not making it clear whether or not they will be there or can help out.

    Are there any CGC facilitators attending that can also act as a witness to these signings for a CGC Signature Series.
