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Everything posted by RockMyAmadeus

  1. Just so you all know....they all graded 10.5 So....now you know. Submit those as your grades, and you win.
  2. So long as you constantly qualify what you're saying..."the census is not an accurate count, but only an indication, and represents nothing but what has passed through the doors at CGC"...sure. Lots of people lost a LOT of money relying on the census in the 00s, not understanding what it was, or how it should be used. Nearly 20 years on, the census is filling out, but...it's just a fraction (books graded by CGC) of a fraction (books graded) of what actually exists.
  3. The census only gives the broadest indications of what might exist, like "broadly, the census indicates that Hulk #1 is probably scarcer, in all grades, than AF #15. But that is only an indication." It is a mistake to use it for any meaningful comparison. It only tells us the most potential copies that have been slabbed. It doesn't even give an accurate count of what actually is slabbed, much of the time. Check out http://www.cgcdata.com/cgc/ to get an idea of how ratios change over time.
  4. Yes. There are probably 10 times the number of extant copies that are raw than are on the census.
  5. Good call. Having sex with guys with hockey masks and chainsaws could get complicated...
  6. Maybe....possibly...it's the reader who is reading words on a screen through their own particular lens, and coming to conclusions about what the writer has written that aren't entirely accurate? Is that a possibility...? Text is very limiting in how ideas can be expressed, especially with dynamic, passionate expressions. What might be an expression of innocent joy to one could easily come off as vainglorious boasting to another...right? Tooooo many people, myself included, "read into" things that never even entered the writer's mind...and then, it's never addressed, never resolved, resentment builds up, and...often "out of nowhere"...you now have enemies with whom you have never even interacted. And that's not healthy.
  7. Ah HA! My instincts were correct. No glue must = matching the covers very closely. The nice thing about a non-attached cover, I suppose, is that they're easy to press.
  8. Have you submitted square bound double covers, second cover unattached?
  9. Mainly because no one was willing to have their high grade Sandman books destroyed by Dringenberg.
  10. Greetings! We are back! For the first time in over a year, we've got stuff, all sorts of nice keys and whatnot, for sale, mostly Sig Series. Prices are fairly aggressive, but...will ALWAYS consider offers! Check it out, and if you see something you'd like...make an offer! https://www.ebay.com/sch/i.html?_sofindtype=0&_byseller=1&_nkw=&_in_kw=1&_ex_kw=&_sacat=0&_udlo=&_udhi=&_ftrt=901&_ftrv=1&_sabdlo=&_sabdhi=&_samilow=&_samihi=&_sadis=15&_stpos=72207-2643&_sargn=-1%26saslc%3D1&_salic=1&_fss=1&_fsradio=%26LH_SpecificSeller%3D1&_saslop=1&_sasl=comic-sutra&_sop=1&_dmd=1&_ipg=200&_fosrp=1
  11. That would make sense, since the cover was glued on. I wonder how CGC deals with those, since the cover isn't attached by anything? Very cool.
  12. Stan Lee, for example, was charging (or, rather, his handlers were charging) $175+ towards the very end. Stan Lee never...at least publicly...charged different, higher price for the exact same service. He charged the same price to everyone, and never did he, nor his handlers, ever ask "is that for CGC/CBCS/PGX/Whatever?"
  13. The argument that is purposely ignored is this one: no one has a problem with creators charging whatever they want. The problem lies in being charged a different, higher price for the exact same service. Those arguing that the problem is that it is "affecting the bottom line" aren't being honest with you. They can keep arguing that all day long...it doesn't make it true. They want to argue over and over and over....and over....and over again that it's an economic issues, when it's not, and never has been. So, claims of "bias" are, at best, unfounded, and at worst, blatant dishonesty to muddy the issue. Again: creators are free to charge whatever they want. The issue is charging a different, higher price for the exact same service.
  14. Here, let me help: there's no such thing as an "ad hominem attack." An "ad hominem argument" means you make an argument, and someone else says "your argument is invalid because you're a dunce." THAT would be an ad hominem argument. You're confusing that with ribbing, which is what is taking place. Glad to be of assistance!