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Everything posted by RockMyAmadeus

  1. We've moved on...we're talking about bees and concrete specks to the eye now. Keep up.
  2. I'm not afraid to meet anyone. I would rather, however, that I meet them as me, and not the caricature that others who are hurt and offended make up about me. You wouldn't believe the amount of people who say "you know...you're not at all the person that some people say you are...you're not half bad!" I take that as a compliment.
  3. If one behaved in an honorable manner, one wouldn't be afraid to confront anyone about anything someone has against them, instead of just hiding where they feel protected. Just sayin'
  4. Dem's good eatin'... Just remember to take the stingers off, first. Getting stung on the roof of your mouth is painful.
  5. Yes, because as everyone knows, everyone's opinions formed about people based on words on a screen are totally accurate and spot on, and no one ever, never ever EVER misinterprets or misunderstands what other people say, and comes away with an impression that isn't accurate... ...right? Just some food for thought
  6. How many times have we been in the same room, and never met...? It's got to be at least 5-10 by now. Such a shame. It's like we're avoiding each other...for some reason...
  7. You can decide. It's like Choose Your Own Adventure...
  8. I don't make common cause with the two worst trolls on this message board, but I do appreciate the reminder.
  9. Of course not...why be held accountable for one's behavior? Better to hide where one is safe, instead of be confronted about harm they've done to others. Being confronted sucks, it's difficult and painful, so it's understandable why people would want to hide. Just food for thought
  10. When you have nothing to hide...you have nothing to fear. Freedom's just another word for nothing left to lose.
  11. Making false accusations to damage someone's reputation...solely because you don't like their opinions, because their opinions offend you...is the antithesis of being a "man of your word." It is the opposite of it. Again: it all comes down to motive. You notice the chest thumping? "I know something you don't know!" It's what children do, and how children behave. This is not, and never has been, the place to deal with personality conflicts, and yet....here we are again.
  12. As others have pointed out, the voices in one's head don't count as "Big Guns." The difference, as always, is motive. Who does what, and why. It always comes down to motive. People can be, and are, fooled...for a while. It will all come out in the wash.
  13. If the buying and selling parties both agree on the condition? No. Slabbing is for when buyers can't see the item before purchasing, or don't trust the opinion of the seller.
  14. I know, right? So many thread starters start threads, and then never show up again...
  15. No. They're trolls because they go out of their way to say and do things to provoke conflict. Here, don't take my word for it, here's the definition of "troll": " to antagonize (others) online by deliberately posting inflammatory, irrelevant, or offensive comments or other disruptive content" https://www.merriam-webster.com/dictionary/troll What do you suppose I have backwards...?
  16. I don't know your father, so I can't say for sure, but perhaps "beating around the bush" isn't the way to handle serious matters...?
  17. As I suspected. One bit of unsolicited advice: I would be very wary of finding common cause with two of the worst trolls on this board. Take care.
  18. Phew! I thought you had gone to bed or something. I had time to walk the dog, and when I got back....crickets. I'm glad you're still here. So...have you participated in the SS program...? I mean, not just buying signed slabs, but gotten stuff signed, subbed, and the like...? As for the rest of this...there seem to be some underlying issues that might be addressed...but this is hardly the place to do it. I'll open up my PMs, if you're interested. Ball's in your court...