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Everything posted by RockMyAmadeus

  1. Depends...what are you offering...?
  2. Your personal commentary is unwelcome, biased, disingenuous, inaccurate, inappropriate, and has no place here. I will refrain from making my observations about your multitude of personality and character flaws because, again, it is inappropriate and has no place here, and you have shown an even more stubborn tendency to refuse to consider anyone's perspectives but your own if they don't align with yours, as this multi-page screed demonstrates. You want to defend frauds and phonies, that's your right. But you ought not be surprised when you are called out on it. I find it endlessly fascinating that those who accuse me of being "unable to be reasoned with" are so frequently incapable of being reasoned with themselves. I've made genuine, good faith efforts to reason with you in the past. You would have none of it. Things work best when you and I don't interact. Let's keep that going.
  3. Incorrect. He had zero interaction with Ben here. None. It is a great social injustice for the mods to act on a false accusation of "cyber bullying" which was merely a reasonable (but repeated, because he wouldn't answer) inquiry about the promoter's connection to the site they were promoting. Ben did willingly interact with me here. Others also pointed out problems in the threads in which he was participating. Guess how many corrections have since been made on his site. Hype! Hype! Hype! truth! He sure is passionate about potential future price increases, which he mentions constantly. Correct. Defending people who unapologetically take credit for things they didn't discover, who make a big show of being "willing" to correct the record, and then fail to do so when those corrections are clearly pointed out, then coordinating an effort to silence people who speak up on two websites, is not something I'd want to do. You have a disagreement with someone? You hash it out. Multiple people point out your documentably false errors on your blog? You fix it. Ignoring those corrections...especially when it's in your interests to ignore those corrections...makes you nothing but a phony. Don't want to be a phony? Do the right thing and make the corrections. I don't know Jon McClure. Never met him, never interacted with him in any way. But he claims to have "discovered" the 30 and 35 cent variants, which is documentably untrue. If ANYONE is the discoverer, it is the person who wrote to Sol Brodsky in '77/'78 about Star Wars #1.
  4. Sorry, folks. I can't resist getting my comics scribbled on, even price variants.
  5. I know, right? That first print...I asked Mark if he would sign, and he says sure, so I hand him the books. He starts sketching, and I'm like "wow, cool! I didn't even ask him to!" And then when he was done he said "$5 each." And I'm like "shut up. I am NOT going to give you $5 each for those sketches!" (he did 5.) So I handed him more money, and he was like "Really? Here, gimme those books back!" and then he starts sketching full head sketches on the back! I had to STOP him from doing those sketches on all of them (the Vampis and the GRs.) Two was MORE than enough. I was thrilled, he was thrilled, it was such a nice, organic experience from one of my top 10 fav living artists of all time. It was the highlight of NYCC, and it was entirely unscripted. Just two people, trying to outgive each other, instead of adversaries, suspicious and contemptuous of the other. The Vampi and the GR both go in my "my heirs can deal with it" collection, along with my MCP #87 and NTT #39 and others.
  6. Neither can a black man who grew up in Thailand. Skin color does not bestow perspective. Experience does.
  7. This is where you and I disagree, my friend. I'm not calling on anyone to "not talk about it." (although Morgan Freeman made a damn fine argument to do just that a while back.) I'm saying that if you consider someone's perspective MORE or LESS valid because of what they look like....you're the racist.
  8. I don't want you to think I'm unsympathetic...I totally get why many sellers want to say "it's slabbed, no returns." The thinking is "look, it's graded by professionals, so you shouldn't have any quibbles about the grade. You know what you're getting." And 97% of the time, that's absolutely the case, and buyer doesn't have a leg to stand on. But...and I can't stress this enough...the hassle involved, that you report here, by not taking a return...I imagine you would be very, very happy to pay the $15 or so in return shipping to have avoided all this, right? I imagine just the time you wasted was worth more than that. Someone doesn't want it? "No problem, sorry you weren't satisfied, please send it back and I will refund the purchase price plus original shipping." And SOMETIMES...that will call their bluff. "Wait, wha...? They didn't push back...?? They must know something I don't! Maybe they sold it too cheap! GACK! Now I can't return it!" If you want to touch the edge of snide without going over, you can say something like "actually, I really liked the book, and was really sad to see it go, so I'm glad to get it back." So long as there's no hint of snark to the buyer, and you make it seem like you were really not thrilled to sell it, and you've made the item seem more valuable to the buyer...because you "want" it back. Not saying that's the case a lot of the time, but it does happen occasionally. Telling someone they can return it, and they don't...or better yet, say "well, it's not worth the hassle, so I'll just keep it." WIN. SUPER WIN. Manipulation? You're damn right. The buyer that wants to return a perfectly valid sale deserves what they get...and if you can fool them into thinking it's THEIR loss to return it, rather than yours, you've achieved your goal.
  9. They are reprinted in multiple trades. Here's one, $11+ shipped: https://www.ebay.com/itm/Marvel-Masterworks-5-The-X-Men-94-100-Giant-1-Trade-Peperback-Comic-Book/273698419347?hash=item3fb9b27293:g:8UYAAOSwF8BcYqOd GS #1 and #94-100.
  10. If a buyer tries to defraud a seller? I would imagine so. Or, if an item is damaged, or "damaged" going back and forth? Also, I would imagine so.
  11. It blows me away that it's 2019, and I have to say that, but that's where we are.
  12. Any and every time a person's gender, skin color, or any other immutable characteristic becomes part of the discussion, regardless of your position, regardless of where you're coming from, regardless of where you stand, you have lost the argument. It is long past time we stopped considering anyone's opinions...for bad OR good...based on what they look like.
  13. This is a general reply; these may not all apply to this situation. 1. Take returns. Always take returns. The hassle of taking returns is far, FAR outweighed by the time wasted dealing with things like this. "Sorry you're not happy, if you send it back, I will refund your purchase price. Thanks!" Forcing buyers to keep something they don't want...BARRING FRAUD (see #2)...always, always costs you more in the long run. Remember: the world has its fair share of lunatics, and there are people out there who are dangerous. You could potentially create enemies (rightly or wrongly) who could do you serious, long term damage. In the name of expediency, take the return. 1a. The only exception is in the case of someone trying to defraud you (not just "buyer's remorse.") Fight that, tooth and nail, with everything you've got...but make 100% sure it's fraud, and not just stupidity. 2. Be very diligent in all things. KEEP RECORDS. 3. Never...under any circumstances, for any reason, get snotty with a buyer, regardless of how insane they are. The second you show one peep of annoyance, you have lost the high ground, and will end up looking "just as bad" before whomever else sees it. 4. Block them and sell to the next person, who will likely be very happy. 5. Report them...and all details...wherever you can. 6. GET INSURANCE. CGC even sent out a promo ad this morning, promoting CIS. Specific question to Jayslim: Was this on eBay? Sellers can't "delete" items on eBay. Did you mean the listing was ended? Did you use this evidence to dispute the claim?
  14. It is. I think #107 is the best linework that Dave ever did.
  15. Had the most unintentionally funny comment made to me by a seller today: "All slabbed sales are final. We stand behind CBCS/CGC grading." A complete and total contradiction, in the span of two breaths. They don't "stand behind" in the normal sense that, if the buyer disagrees, they'll honor a return, that they'll make it right with the buyer if the buyer is unsatisfied. What they actually mean is "see that number on the label? That's the grade the book is in. And don't you question it." Nevermind SCS, nevermind possible damage in shipping, nevermind just plain ol' overgrading. And this is a big, nationally known comics dealer.
  16. Sure, but nobody wanted Godzilla in 1995.
  17. That's what the kids call it these days...? "Old shoes"...?
  18. Your junk is old, wrinkly, and worn out. Pass.
  19. Do you have a stigma against green labels? It's ok if you do. I know some people do. CBCS, for example, refuses to have a Qualified grade. I think it's an elegant solution, and have no problem with green labels, depending on the flaw. CGC's position, whether on paper or not, can still be gleaned based on observable practice...and, in practice, errors are *supposed* to get green labels. But, hey, Venom #1 black and all, which is inconsistency that shouldn't happen.