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Everything posted by RockMyAmadeus

  1. Absolutely, but CGC is composed of people who can make mistakes, too. The only thing that would separate legitimate from illegitimate is where it happened. If it happened at World Color, as a result of mixed plates...it's legit. If it happened anytime after that, it's not. The difficulty is in proving it. Because it's so difficult to prove, and so easy to fake, I wouldn't place any premium on it. As others have said, in the normal course of things, such a book wouldn't even be possible, so it's interesting that it exists, especially so late in Marvel's Canadian price version days (the program would be over by DD #234.) The MJs were for distribution to US servicemen. The CPVs were for distribution to the Canadian newsstand. In the normal course of things...and why we don't see more of such hybrids...these shouldn't exist.
  2. That is not an accurate summation of the events in question. The "price guide blog", run by a Mr. Benjamin Nobel, contains multiple errors and false claims which, heretofore, Mr. Nobel has been entirely unwilling to address, When he was politely challenged on his blog, rather than respond, he simply blocked those challenging him from being able to post there. Those are not the actions of a person interested in getting at the truth. Those are the actions of someone with an agenda. When that was pointed out on THIS board, where Mr. Nobel had a single post from 2011, and was therefore not a member, a member by the user name of "The_Investor", who is, apparently, the "Angelo" person mentioned as a co-contributor on the "Canadian Price Variant" price guide, notified Mr. Nobel about what was being said, and the both of them (and perhaps others) decided to call CGC and complain that they were being "cyber bullied"...and, those at CGC took them at their word, and suspended me for three weeks, despite the fact that there was no "cyber bullying" of any kind going on, and Mr. Nobel was free to post the things that he posted, including his ridiculous "offer", that Lazyboy linked above. It's rather difficult to "run someone off" when you can't post, wouldn't you agree...? The "price guide" is now "voldemort around here" because in the year and a half since this disgraceful event, Mr; Nobel has made absolutely zero effort to fix the multiple errors and false claims on his website, which renders it another of a series of "hype" sites with an agenda to push. When and if Mr. Nobel decides to take these issues seriously, I have no doubt he would be welcomed with open arms by the members of this community. Thank you for the opportunity to correct the record.
  3. I did. Still don't buy it, but if others do, more power to them.
  4. One of the blacker, more disgusting stains on the record of those involved. It was shameful all around, and a gross abuse of power. Apologies are necessary, but of course I'm not holding my breath.
  5. Overuse of the word "literally" to refer to that which is not literal is epidemic. Grandstanding...rather than sober, critical analysis...is asserting things like "trying to ram down people's throats", which is what people say when they are challenged, but don't have a rational response...after all...aren't they "trying to ram" their opposing view "down people's throats", too...? Absolutely. And yes, saying "it's all lies then" in response to a specific charge is engaging in hyperbole, as is suggesting that Marvel's PR person(s) is the same thing as the entire company. For those interested, Jaydogrules' response here is an excellent example of the overwrought, melodramatic faux outrage that works well on a typical telenovella, but not so much here. When you don't have a rational response...act outraged. You'll fool a lot of people.
  6. It's all lies then, Got it. Hyperbole to deflect from the point. As has been demonstrated multiple times...even in that instance...Marvel PR was lying...or didn't know, and spoke anyway, which is the same thing...when they said that. Nope. Just interested in getting to the truth.
  7. Depends. 99% of the time, I ignore, but as you can see, he jumped right into this latest fray unsolicited, derogatory comments and all, which had a clear negative influence on Nico (as these comments are designed to do.) It's important that misinformation is challenged, or it gets repeated over and over again, and everyone believes it. Great example: how many people still think Secret Wars #8 is the first appearance of the black costume? Or, how many people looked for the "advance copy" of Harbinger #0? Or, how many people think Jon McClure "discovered" the 30 and 35 cent Marvel price variants in 1998, despite them appearing, to one extent or the other, in the OPG since about 1979? The point, as I mentioned earlier, isn't to "be right" and make others "be wrong." That's just the accusation of the offended, who either can't handle being challenged, or are pushing an agenda, so they devolve the discussion into the personal, to pivot away from the point...which, while surely entertaining for some, has no place here or anywhere, really. Whenever and wherever you see someone say "prove you've admitted where you were wrong!"...you know that person is offended and pushing an agenda, and not after the truth. The point is to have everyone be correct, so that people can make wise, judicious, and informed decisions about what they buy and collect. I don't want Jaydogrules...or anyone...marginalized. I would much prefer he join the community of collectors who know what they're talking about, and are honest about where they're coming from.
  8. That's not opinion, That's preference. And you're absolutely correct, preference is totally unassailable. People like things because they like them, and they don't have to justify it to anyone. "I love Age of Apocalypse!" is preference, and "...it's a great movie!" ventures into opinion. Hey, my 8 year old self loved The Poseidon Adventure (1972)...but that doesn't mean it wasn't a steaming pile of badly paced, badly directed, badly written, terribly acted (with Academy Aware winners, no less!) elephant dung.
  9. Just goes to show, there's a very thin line between genius and madness.
  10. You can still get a 9.8 with CR/OW pages. If it's a really nice book, but the interior pages just turned, sure, especially if the cover is high quality, but the interior pages are not.
  11. Heat works well...especially dry heat...like, you know...an attic...in Arizona...
  12. So, if I sailed over with, say, 600 long boxes...I could have starved Brits and Irishmen pawing all over them and handing me gobs of loot?
  13. The "click" is the sound the cover makes as the last vertical line breaks contact with the first page.
  14. Oh, you're not gonna like this... Everyone is entitled to their opinion, but that doesn't mean they're all just as valid. There are people who are of the opinion that the earth was substantially smaller in the past, and that it has expanded to its current size, which contradicts current scientific understanding, No less than Neal Adams believes in this fairly well debunked theory. http://nealadams.com/science-videos/ Is that opinion as valid, as, say, the opinion that CGC is the pre-eminent grading company in comics, or that strawberry ice cream is yummy on a hot summer day?
  15. I did, too. Harbinger was brilliant, and Solar: Alpha & Omega was outstanding, with a very clever twist at the end.
  16. This has been a set that has long been a dream of mine. Batman is my favorite single character in comics; the X-Men are my favorite team. I don't know how much of that is due to the fact that, when I first got into comics, X-Men, especially from the Bronze Age, were "out of reach" expensive. GS #1? X-Men #94? Yeah, ok. Not going to happen. But, as I slowly filled out my collection, I tended to buy more and more copies of X-Men...starting with the "cheap" #150-ish to #260. I think my first Byrne X-Men was #141 that I paid $7 for from the Land of Nevawuz in 1990, I believe. Sadly, X-Men got really hot again in 1991, and stores jacked up their prices accordingly. I wish I had known then what I know now...the $3-$4 or so I spent for copies of #183, 178, 194, etc, still aren't worth that. Sigh. In any event, I started to buy earlier and earlier, and by the time of eBay in the late 90s, I could finally afford "the big ones." And, by that time, the entire market took a dump, so it was a great time to be buying. I don't remember the first #94 I ever bought...I know I TRIED to buy one in a Scott's Valley comic store in 1995-1996, but that guy would not budge off of his mid-grade copy at $150 (more than OPG, for those wondering.) But, somewhere in the early 2000s, I completed this run, and kept buying and buying and buying, focusing more on the Byrne and earlier run, and stopping buying the vastly overprinted #150-up....except, of course, the keys, which I can never get enough of. I probably have a long box just of Mutant Massacre (#210-213.) In any event...in the last couple of years, I've wanted to translate that into a 9.8 set, signed, at least by Claremont, since Byrne won't sign, and Cockrum is no longer with us. Here, then, are the results of the last couple of years of effort: So, I have a #127, #130, and #140 on their way back from CGC as we speak...so that makes 30 of the 50 different books. #94 is going to be expensive, but not too difficult when I can gather the $$. Of course, I'm missing most of the big guns...#96-#101 especially. They are tough, tough books in 9.8, especially #97-#99. And, of course, some of the more expensive, like #104, 107, 109, 120, 129 are also missing. I have a #141 that should have graded 9.8, but a grader saw something that wasn't there, and graded it 9.4. It will go back for review at some point. But, hey...60% there. Of course, I also have a ton of 9.4s and 9.6s as a result, but hey..at least they're not worthless! And...I do have some of the most difficult books, like #114 and #116, which are a BEAR in 9.8. Just hideously difficult. They have some of the lowest 9.8 counts of the entire run, so...yay! When I get the others, I'll post them.
  17. I thought this was a chat site where people exchange ideas,not a cop an attitude site where I shift my beer bottle glasses in the comfort of my oversized pc He's got a point, Bob.. Your jib. I like the way it's cut.