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Everything posted by comicginger1789

  1. I mean, looking at the right by the beam on that cover, the background ink appears to look like a water stain but comparing to your 9.2 copy, that appears to just be the way the inks and colouring are. Could it be someone else was just clueless and thought it was a stain? Only way to tell would be to check the inside cover. I know I have missed really small faint stains before and yes, on otherwise flawless books, any small stain tends to get 1.5 grade bumps down or more.
  2. Yeah a few have sold and I feel the slab may have added an extra $150-200. The stamp there is key too because some of those sales were missing the stamp, at 1.5 and still went for $700 or more. Thing is, if this one has the stamp, it is missing a sizeable portion of the cover...so its hard to say if it would fetch more or the same.
  3. I think 3.5 is reasonable, not sure it quiiite has enough to get to 4.0 but that is just me.
  4. 4.5-5.0 A beautiful lower mid grade that I honestly take any day of the week!
  5. It's a book I would sell to fund others. If raw someone would only offer $500 but graded I could get a couple hundred more, I would do it.
  6. 1.0-1.5 Is it worth it? For this book, it sure seems so in any grade. That being said, as someone buying, I would want a 1.0-1.8 raw rather than graded. If encapsulated, I cannot read it and displayed, it is gonna look like the P.O.S it is. At least raw, I could read. But hey, if a 1.5 can fetch $650-700, I cannot see why you wouldn't grade it.
  7. 3.5 for me. 3.0 seems too low and lower than that is just mean for a great cover. Yeah, the back at the bottom is stained up but I still think 3.5 is reasonable.
  8. 7.0-7.5 I love me a date stamp...even a smudy one on a back cover. More please!
  9. I once found a comic where it seemed some kid had just spit his gum into it and closed the pages....I think it was ASM 163 or 164...is that the candy you want?
  10. Nope, not an error. These comics were sold directly at comic shops in the late 70s, early 80s. I assume that the price in the top left is in a diamond shaped box? These books were not distributed by Curtis who normally distributed Marvel's comics. This comic you have could also have been put into 3 packs, which contained 3 comics in a plastic bag marked for 99 cents or less than the 3 comics normally were priced. They are not that rare but are a form of price variant. Maybe someone else here can clarify but I always thought these issues were printed later or after "original" issues with the normal Curtis CC mark on them but I may be wrong. The bar code was left blank on some, and others there is the bar code with a black line through it.
  11. ^ Agree with 9.4 ish easily. Pretty sure the back cover having those marks is common as my copy has similar black marks.
  12. It is a sharp copy. I would not be surprised at all with 9.4. I do think there are some very minor imperfections as mentioned that would keep from a 9.8 and maybe even a 9.6.
  13. So you are saying I should peruse the comics in a local shop here where I know some of these titles are because I am in Canada? Ok will do!
  14. Gotta read the series that came about in the late 70's, early 80's. Its quirky, bizarre, and gets filtered through a variety of hands. I view it as just pure fun, with a host of interesting and fun comics that capture the essense of the Bronze Age despite shifting into the Copper Age of comics. I wouldnt call it riveting or gripping but if you enjoy comics on occassion that are just superhero fun with villains to battle every couple issues, I recommend.
  15. He is not on mine because outside of a handful of issues, I have not really read enough to determine if I like him or hate him. I enjoyed the films, and enjoyed the few stories I have read. Not enough to really want to go head over heels and also not enough to not get why he is loved. I guess though if given the choice, I would sell his first appearance in favour of someone else's so maybe is on my list just lower down.
  16. Mar-Vell I view as an entity. Kind of like what Captain Universe is but that premise was already done so I get why he has never really lasted. Spider-Woman is just zany fun created as a way to protect the "Spider" genre.
  17. I like underwater environments. I have a lot of war related books with Frogmen and love shipwrecks and the like. That is what I mean about liking a lot of Aquaman art from back in the day. Now what they did with him as a character and threat in that environment was always laughable and hard to get behind. So maybe it was because there was too much underwater fighting and story and not enough surface level interaction? Visually too, I find him boring and unexciting to look at.
  18. I don't mind Ms. Marvel as a rip off and Spider-Woman. They were unique enough and enjoyable enough for this guy.
  19. To counter a recent topic....your top 5 characters that lots of people love but you just cannot get behind for whatever reason. 1. Superman. Too powerful, could never relate to him. I respect him and what his existence is to comics but that is it. 2. Green Lantern. See above. 3. Aquaman. There are some classic covers I like but beyond that, I haven't found a point where readability is good enough for me. 4. X-Men. I like X-Men. They are fine. But I don't desire X-Men like some people. Teams in general are just for me. Outside of the Defenders and maybe Inhumans and FF, most teams I just don't love like most 5. Venom. Again, I like Venom. I prefer his early stories but when everything becomes Venom related, it loses its lustre. What makes most Spidey villains great is the fact that they come and go in chunks. Green Goblin, Hobgoblin, Kraven, Doc Ock, Mysterio. With Venom, he came and never really left and at some point it is all a bit much sometimes.
  20. 1. Spider-Man. Great character, best villains gallery in all of comics, great costume design. 2. Captain Mar-Vell. As far as space related characters go, he tops all for me. 3. Daredevil. The grittiness of Miller/Johnsons run (his best writing AND artwork ever IMO) and the fact that it continued after Miller left was great. Also one of the best things Marvel has brought to the TV screen ever. 4. Moon Knight. Again, a fun character with a fun run in the 80s with excellent art. Not sure how he fared in later appearances into the late 80s and 90s but for me, his initial appearances and initial solo series is enough to win me over. 5. Batman. When I was 16 I finally found an area of Batman that worked for me. Adams' work in the early 70s and most anything through the 80s. The Dark Knight was cool and I could appreciate him whereas earlier, I found the campiness too much and in the 90's well, I just find 90's art never worked for me even though it was the "it" thing when I was a young kid. Honourable Mentions: Werewolf By Night, Tomb of Dracula, Swamp Thing, Defenders.
  21. As for runs I have, Combat Kelly from Marvel was one I completed. I also am nearing my Red Sonja run from the 70's. I have certain runs of mini series like Wolverine (Miller) and V for Vendetta.
  22. LOL I want to complete runs but it is not like a driving goal. For example, would love to have ASM 50-400 filled in. I am about 15 books away with a couple biggies (ASM 50 ,129) slowing me down. 50 will happen, it is within the realm but paying $800-1000 for a decent copy of 129 is just a tad out of the wheelhouse right now. Technically I could not have purchased the last 40-50 comics I bought and have enough but then I wouldn't have the last 40-50 comics I bought!
  23. I bought a CGC 8.0 Spectacular Spider-Man #1 back in the day to complete my run for around $20. I was so excited to get it and then...well, I obviously couldn't read it so I went and bought a mid grade copy. It was then I realized that while I like the look of graded books, buying them was not for me. I eventually sold it and have since vowed that I would only ever send books of my own in for grading rather than purchase a graded book.
  24. Well if the staple were attached, I would grade around 6.0-6.5. Since it is detached at the bottom, I say it bumps it a full point, hence why I graded it at 5.0-5.5
  25. True, would have been a lot of green on the cover haha