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Everything posted by comicginger1789

  1. No offense to your Spidey sense but that giant crease down the center is gonna keep it from VF all day long. 6.0-6.5
  2. That should read I spent $100 to get two books pressed and one of them graded.
  3. No it did not originate here at all. Which is why I did not know if I should post anything anywhere else. It originated elsewhere, however, I do not know if this person is active here or not as they have never mentioned it. Again, maybe I am too trusting but the person seems to get a lot of business. He even posted publicly that he was pressing this book for me, and notated to others that he was doing it for a customer when they commented on how it looked. I mean, this could all be a scam that would see me out around $100 of my own money, plus the value of this book which even though I did not pay its value, would be a $400-500 loss in total. I just found it odd that, if it were a scammer, why would he publicize his work? The person has a lot of followers for a comic based account on Instagram (over 1000) including some notable companies and such which I guess really means nothing but generally on Instagram, when someone screws someone over, we all hear about it. There is even a dedicated account to follow for collectors on sellers and people to avoid and to my knowledge, this guy has not been on there. Will keep everyone posted. Just want my book back and the $100. At worst the book.
  4. I'll keep this scenario brief and vague until it all unfolds. I bought a book back in April that was hidden in a lot on Ebay for a great deal. The book as it sat, is worth around $200. When I got it, I felt a good press and some work could help it. So I decided this would be my first submission to have a comic pressed and CGC graded, as there was the potential to raise the value a bit. Basically, I thought of it as an investment towards some other books I really want, but at worst a neat book to get graded for my first ever CGC submission. At the time, I was new on here and was not posting much. But I was using Instagram and am part of the "comic community" that exists there. So I asked around for some pressing references and got a couple. I selected one because the pricing seemed fair and so did the CGC fees. All in, I spent around $100 to get two books pressed: this one and an issue of The Cat #1 that I had. This one was more just for me as the book had a weird warp in the cover and just needed to be flattened out. The guy doing this sent me pics of his work, had some people refer him and evened offered to chat with me in person (which I did not do as I felt he was genuine). So I sent my books. I told him to just hang onto the Cat #1 until the other issue came back from CGC and then he could ship both back to me. This was back in May. I checked in every 3 weeks or so throughout the summer and we chatted several times. He was always showing me his pressed work. So in a way, I felt like I was making a friend. He confirmed sometime around mid to end June that CGC had the book and it was awaiting grading. Great. I knew it was a busy time of year but had realistic hopes to have the book back by September. In the meantime, we chatted every couple weeks. I even bought a couple books from him that I needed to complete a run. I got them, and this is where for the first time, I had a concern. He sent 2 of the books I wanted. One had a terrible stain on it he did not disclose, the other was fine and then 2 of the books were books I did not even want. I told him he sent me the wrong stuff and he said he would send me the others. I figured my CGC book was comic back soon, so I said just wait til then and send them all back together free of charge. This would offset the troubles and he agreed. (Oh and he also returned my Cat #1 with this purchase so I have that back). Well September came. By the end of the month, I was a little antsy so I asked the guy about it. He said he was contacting CGC about the submission. Apparently they told him that the books he sent in (there was my book and a couple others) were due for grading the first week of October. Great. Maybe I would have back by Halloween. I am fine with that. Well, October goes by and nothing, so I message him again. He does not respond immediately but on Tuesday he tells me that he has crappy news. Some buddy of his, who he sent it to, was supposed to send my book and 3 other customers' books in back in May and never did. The good news is he has my book. He says he is sending it back, he said he will refund me and he is throwing in a few books as an apology. I told him he did not have to do the last thing, just as long as I got my book and money back, that would be fine. I am currently awaiting a tracking number and confirmation he is sending my book back. I realize I made the mistake of not researching people who press and submit to CGC better. Heck, it was only a few months after I had signed up here and I really should have spent time asking around here but as I said, at the time I had not made the transition to using these boards as a means of comic communication. Either way, I am just hoping this book comes back to me. I am reluctant to send it away again if i do get it back but I now feel I have a better idea of who to use at least. My questions to you folks is this: -After all this is done and I have my book back, should I share this person's info? I get that mistakes happen but I want others to be informed -If this book does not come back to me, what is my recourse through Paypal? I have never had an issue like this outside of ebay where I know I am protected.
  5. If I called if Fine minus for personal categorizing would that offend people?
  6. I can see a 5.0 with a tape notation on the label.
  7. 6.0-6.5 with a good chance at the higher. The edge wear is just a bit much and combined with the tanning or whatever is happening on the back keeps it from 7.0 range for me.
  8. If some kid just stapled his comic back together after the cover came off, that comes back as restored correct? But if he just adds extra staples because he is worried it will fall off, that could still be blue label?
  9. I am also in the 3.0-3.5 range. There is a shot that a press and clean could bump to a 4.0 but I think a good press and clean would solidify a 3.5 grade. Some of the spine wear and corner creasing on that front are not going to disappear.
  10. If you are paying more than $15 for a press you are doing it wrong. I get there are those who are premier pressers but even they don’t charge $50-100! Yes there can be additional costs with shipping back and forth but there are enough who send in to CGC for you. Depending on the book after grading and pressing and shipping you are likely in it for around $100 total sure but you are so close to that anyways without a press the potential bump is worth the extra $10-20
  11. My favourite is Spider-Man...he is amazing, spectacular, sensastional and web of. Seriously though, his costume is the best. His name has the potential to be terrible but the combination of his origin and costume and abilities is perfect. I like how he started as a teen and has grown but I still connect with the fact he lost someone he loved as result of his actions (couple times actually) and always tries to ensure it never happens again. I also think his rogues gallery is unmatched. Most heroes have a small handful of key villains but I would argue Spidey has between 10-15 recognizable and formidable foes on a level that test him every time he fights them. Finally, as a young kid in the 90s, the cartoon on Fox was so much fun. And those are the web of reasons why it's Spidey for me.
  12. What about stash my comics? Anyone use that? Is it any good?
  13. Dang this sucks as I use it to catalogue books I own. Now what am I to do
  14. I am around a 6.0-6.5. I think a lot of the wear to that top edge keeps it outta the VF range and firmly within the conFINES of Fine.
  15. "barely break colour" Thing is they do though. A press may help but I would be surprised if this came back 9.0 or higher. There is enough spine wear and light fading to the top edge in the black, along with the noticeable creases to have this sit around a 7.0 currently. A press may see 7.5-8.0 out of it, if all goes well.
  16. Yes, $30-40 depending on the day in VG range. It is a hard book in higher grade because of the black cover but there is still demand for lower grade copies too!
  17. It can help with non colour breaking marks sure. The top edge of that back cover...is it dirtied or slightly tanned? As is the books seems 9.0-9.2 at least for me
  18. I mean it really does help to know the book. I would base it off raw sales in similar condition and then add $50-70 or so for the fact that it is slabbed. So say 7.0 raws fetch $120-150. Bump it to around $200 and I think that would be a good starting point.
  19. Well it could have been an amateur. Which does not excuse them, as they should have provided photos. Also, if presented with this knowledge, I would expect they take a return. It definitely is trimmed. 5.0-5.5 for me. If the price was right, I would not be too bothered but if graded I feel 99% confident you would see a purple label.