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Everything posted by comicginger1789

  1. I will donate a mystery box to contain one gold, one silver, one bronze and one newer comic. Bagged, boarded and shipped on my dime. Nothing CGC graded just raw stuff:)
  2. It is a kinda ugly tear but to have it be 5.0!? Now I’m curious what this would grade.....
  3. I will add this...the idea behind when a character first appears should be dependent upon when the comic was available to the public. If you have a book published in June of some year, with a character appearing for the first time ever, that is their first appearance. If next month (July), you have a comic come out with a story that predates the story from the June issue (and features this new character), well this is still a second appearance. Yes, it may now be the first time the character is seen in whatever universe THEY exist but not the one we exist in. This should clear up any of the black suit costume debates for ole Spidey. I mean, if Marvel puts out a comic next year about Galactus that occurs in the 1700's, well before his current first appearance in the Marvel continuity, does this become his first appearance? No. That is silly.
  4. Recently, there has been a lot of discussion in the comic community surrounding first appearances. This discussion has prompted a lot of healthy (and some unhealthy) debate as well as drive interest in more and more comics. As an English teacher, the thing that I feel is holding people up is the terminology behind it all. Surely there must be a way to classify all of these appearances in a way that is clear, concise and can accurately account for all of the variations that currently exist. So without further ado, here is my attempt to classify first appearances of characters. First Prototype Appearance A prototype appearance is the lowest level of first appearance. Perhaps it is showcasing a character in development or it shows a character who later is fleshed out into a well known character. The quickest examples here that come to mind are Foom #2 (first Wolverine prototype) and Marvel Age #12 (first black suit Spider-Man). These are just images of the characters, there is no story involvement and in these cases, the final design for the character is not ethe same one that appears later in stories. First Preview Appearance This label is denoted to an appearance of a character in something like a comic magazine or even as an ad in a comic book. In these cases, it is the actual character. They are beyond a prototype, it is character as it is intended to appear when it appears for the first time. Books like Malibu Sun #13 (not a comic) or Gobbledygook #1 (an ad in a comic book) fit this label. A book like DC Comics Presents #26 should NOT be labelled a preview in any way. Within, is a full on story depicting the first appearance of the New Teen Titans. In New Teen Titans #1, the events from DCCP #26 have already happened. Granted, it is not their book they appear in but back in the day, comic had multiple stories with multiple characters. This technically was a preview, sure, but to me it does not fit my definition which is showing a character in a non comic or as an ad. DCCP #26 is first appearance of New Teen Titans. New Teen Titans #1 is first cover appearance, second appearance of New Teen Titans. First Unknown Appearance I do not like the term “cameo”. To me, a cameo is a minor role of a character that is known outside of their regular series or story. For example, when Spidey shows up in Silver Surfer #14, he is a well known and making a cameo appearance. A character appearing for the first time is not a cameo to me. Calling the first panel appearance of a character a cameo implies we won’t see them again, at least not often. However, with a lot of these currently labelled cameo appearances, we do get a panel or more and the character becomes very much involved in the next couple issues and subsequent issues beyond. So I am proposing a change in terminology here. Woah. You can do that? Yup, and I am. Allow me to try to explain the “first unknown appearance”. This label is designated to characters that we see but not enough to get a sense of their appearance (hence, the unknown part). Perhaps it is a dark face in a trenchcoat (think Killer Croc in Batman #357…which is currently his first full appearance but I strongly disagree with that). This should be first unknown appearance. Sure, we know his name but we don’t have a face to that name. We don’t know is “full appearance”, we cannot accurately describe him. His appearance is unknown to us. Sure, we can describe his body but you could put anybody in that trenchcoat...we need the face. Similarly, in Amazing Spider-Man #298, we see a dark a dark shadow and a hand. It is later clear this is Venom but we don’t get a full sense what he looks like. Thus, these are first unknown appearances. First Appearance My definition for first appearance is simple and answers the following question: Do we see enough of the character to visually know who they are? If the answer is yes, then it is a first appearance. Hulk #180 features a full panel of Wolverine. We clearly see him and we know who he is but most importantly, what he looks like. In Amazing Spider-Man #299, we see Venom in full at the end. We can now identify this character, thus it is his first appearance. In Jimmy Olsen #134, we can clearly see Darkseid’s face on a monitor. It may not be a full body shot, but it is enough to know if we see it again (with a body drawn) we know “hey, that’s Darkseid!”. With Killer Croc, we do not get that until Detective Comics #524…making Detective #523 and Batman #357 “unknown appearances”, first and second respectively. A character who first appears in a book and plays a major role throughout will only ever be classified as a first appearance. They appear for the first time, clearly, and there is no argument. Amazing Spider-Man #129 is the first appearance of the Punisher. No debate. His first appearance is easily discernable, there is nothing prior to be noted and subsequent appearances are easy to note. First Full Appearance This label is denoted to a character who has already appeared before visually but in less than 5 panels. For example, Wolverine appears in less than five panels in Hulk #180. That comic would have a label as being his “first appearance”. Hulk #181 would be labelled “Second appearance, first full appearance. Hulk #182 would simply be “Third appearance of Wolverine”. Some further examples: Amazing Spider-Man #299 is “first appearance of Venom”. Issue #300 is “Second appearance, first full appearance of Venom.” Jimmy Olsen #134 is “first appearance of Darkseid”. Forever People #1 is “second appearance, first full appearance of Darkseid”. Amazing Fantasy #15 is "first appearance of Spider-Man". No other notation means it is definitive First Cover Appearance This last label is reserved for the first time a character appears on a cover. This label is SEPARATE from appearances in continuity and comes about largely due to the fact that you have had (in recent years) variant covers which feature a character to come but the story itself does not contain the character whatsoever. It is simply the first time the character appears on the cover. So, for a standard book like ASM #129, it should be labelled “first appearance and first cover appearance of Punisher.” If a character has appeared prior in a story but not on a cover, the first time they are on the cover gets labelled. No matter how small. A head, a face, a full on glorious action shot. Amazing Spider-Man #315 is first cover appearance of Venom (just a head but by my definition, still can be noted as a first cover appearance) Another example. Avengers #195 features the first appearance of Taskmaster. He is fully shown on the final page. This comic will be labelled hi first appearance. Issue #196 features him on the cover and for more than 5 panels, thus it is his “second appearance, first full appearance and first cover appearance”. A final example. Ronin first appeared on a variant cover only of New Avengers #1. He is there but nowhere in the story. This is his first cover appearance. In New Avengers #11, he appears for the first time in the story and on the cover. This should be labelled as his “first appearance”. The Messy Stuff Now, a couple of things muddy the waters on my labelling. The biggest is Sgt. Rock. So currently, GI Combat #68 is labelled as a “Sgt Rock prototype”. Now, it is my understanding that even though this character is not fully fleshed out, we get an origin tale for a soldier called “The Rock”. My understanding is that this origin is later attached to Sgt. Rock. So it is the same character all along, even if the writers/artists did not know 100% what they were doing. For me, that means it is the first appearance. He evolves into Sgt. Rock and the fact they keep his origin part of his story (as well as his other currently labelled “prototype” appearances which should just be subsequent appearances). The name changes by adding a rank…that is pretty much it. A second one that could cause problems but doesn’t seem to too much is Rocket Raccoon. In Marvel Preview #7, the character is called Rocky Raccoon. However, in Hulk #271, we get Rocket. It is explained in the issue though that Rocky was short for Rocket. So it’s the same character. Simple. Will This Matter? Will this matter to anyone? Maybe, and maybe not. I just found it an interesting topic to flesh out. I think these labels would be best suited for CGC to adapt and terminology for collector’s to use. It seems simple to me. Maybe a lot of writing which some people complain about as is (wanting less label and more focus drawn to the comic). As for what people want to spend their money on, that is a different opinion. For me, the cover of Hulk #181 will always, hands down I dare anyone to argue against it, be the superior looking cover. So why can’t it be more valuable? Why does the first appearance have to be the most expensive when the second appearance and first full appearance and first cover appearance is amazing. Same goes for ASM #300. Iconic cover, iconic moment in the title’s history and looks so much better than #299. Same for Avengers #196 over #195. And many others. Your Thoughts? Thank you for your time reading this. I am 100% sure there are examples out there that do not fit into my labels. I welcome all examples. This is a starting point that I am hoping we can build on. I am hoping people can find a book that does not work for my labels so that we can have some discussion! I don't have aspirations of changing anything here but I am interested in trying to find a way to word all of these different appearances that is at least a little more clear.
  5. I see an accumulation of minor things in corners and spine..I will say 9.0-9.2
  6. I'll clarify, apologies for not expanding my thought. On a book in the VG to Fine range (4.0-6.0), writing like you have is negligible. If there is a date stamp or an unobtrusive pen date like yours on a comic, it generally does not factor heavily or at all for these grade. For books higher in the 7.0-9.8 range, it starts to weigh in. I doubt a book that is near perfect but has writing like yours comes back at 9.8. Likely 9.4-9.6. If its a perfect book with a name written on the inside cover or margin of the first page, again it is still possible to achieve 9.0-9.4 but unlikely higher. If writing is scribbled all over the cover then it will detract greatly because it takes away from the cover. The writing on your comic does not do that. So assuming yours did not have that tear, I would say you could be in the 8.5-9.0 range (you have some light staple wear and corner blunting). The writing would not really bump it lower or higher at this point because it is in an unobtrusive spot. If it were someone's name scrawled on the back, it would likely be larger and take up more space and perhaps bump it down a half grade. Writing is tricky but this is what I have noticed having collected a while and looked at a lot of CGC books. For me, a date like yours or a date stamp or even a grease pencil mark is cool. I also don't mind a nice comic with a name neatly written on the inside margin. It will have some affect on the grade the higher the condition of the book is otherwise.
  7. Really? I didn’t think 8.5 was that far off. It’s not like it’s a crease in that corner. 9.0 seems a bit much upon second look but I think 8.0-8.5 is obtainable still.
  8. I’m also at 6.0. Outside shot at 6.5 but I think some of the tanning and discolouration to back cover edges would keep it 6.0
  9. Oh yes I think it’s 8.5-9.0 no problem. Possible a smidge better
  10. Open to trades as well: Looking for Tomb of Dracula 10, ASM issues before and including issue 50. As well as Werewolf by Night issues
  11. I'm so curious about the tape and how CGC would grade. I may just have to send it off.
  12. Pretty sure Paypal offers protection. And as far as I know, if you sell to someone here, as long as they aren't on the probation list, you are unlikely to encounter any problems. You make out better on boards like this as a seller because you skip the ebay fees.
  13. Its definitely one of the more interesting (and dated) back cover ads
  14. Yard sale find! Such a weird tape job here. Appreciate your thoughts!
  15. I’m also at 6.5. I also love the cover. And I also think a clean and press could bump to a 7.5
  16. Nice book! The writing on the back is negligible. Book could be flawless and have that writing and still be high grade like a 9.4 or 9.6. Pretty much just keeps it from a 9.8. That rip though and some staple stress and corner are the major flaws. As is, I am at 7.0-7.5. Without the rip in the upper left corner I think this has 8.5-9.0 potential.
  17. Hate when those happen but it was part of the process sometimes. For me those books cannot be 9.8 so I’ll venture 9.4-9.6 for yours
  18. Pretty sure that blurb should say "I punch through drywall, insulation and glass on the other side so that I can walk through it."
  19. Hi everyone X-Men #94 for sale. Flaws include: - several spine ticka -a 2.5 inch crease on leading edge of cover -a corner crease which breaks colour -pin sized discoloured mark on cover in corner -centrefold detached at bottom staple only Picture should help determine grade. I will say Fine to be safe. Paypal only, message if you want to make an offer. Asking $345, shipping included. First claim takes it. Buyer will get a couple freebies because that is what I do.
  20. Colour breaking? If not may press out As is I am around 7.5 but I thinks press could push to 8.0 no problem Dunno if I would grade this book personally unless it were 9.0 or better
  21. 3.5 for me as well. Actually make it 4.0 because of that nice date stamp.