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Everything posted by kc120us

  1. Nice books, Leon.
  2. Not if it is ever worth 7 figures.
  3. Did anyone notice CLink is listing another 9.4 for their May Feature Auction?
  4. Great thread, guys. Glad to see someone keeping the embers warm. I hope to see you all in the other SA X-Men thread. There are many great books in that run. (thumbs u
  5. For those who don't know, I am selling my SA X-Men books in the current CLink Feature Auction. I've posted a link in the sales forum http://boards.collectors-society.com/ubbthreads.php?ubb=showflat&Number=3769945#Post3769945
  6. They go to the back to the nearest hub. The address will be given on the call tag left on your door.
  7. Robert, It would be a pleasure for me to see them go to collectors such as yourself. Casey, It's always tough for me to think about ever selling some of my ASM's after I finish assembling my run as you are with your gorgeous X-men run. .......but again I am single, no kids, and still a dating like a male-whore. I am sure this is the right decision, and I hope you are not done collecting. SOT I don't think I'm totally out, I still read the new ones that come out. Have you thought about taking some of the money and maybe using some of it to buy a couple keys or something like that? Guess you haven't seen Casey's X-Men #1. Yea, but I thought he was selling that to. I am selling everything. I don't plan on making any purchases until we are in a more stable situation.
  8. Robert, It would be a pleasure for me to see them go to collectors such as yourself. Casey, It's always tough for me to think about ever selling some of my ASM's after I finish assembling my run as you are with your gorgeous X-men run. .......but again I am single, no kids, and still a dating like a male-whore. I am sure this is the right decision, and I hope you are not done collecting. SOT I don't think I'm totally out, I still read the new ones that come out.
  9. Great books, Bob!
  10. Robert, It would be a pleasure for me to see them go to collectors such as yourself.
  11. George, Those are my books. Long story short, my wife is losing her job (she is a research chemist for Pfizer) and, with a kid on the way, our finances will be getting very tight, so I am selling my entire set to shore up our finances and put us in a better situation. I was not planning on selling my collection until I was much older but life had other ideas. It was a thrill putting it togther and is bittersweet to watch them go. It is a complete run from 1-514 with all of the annuals and three of the Giant-Size issues. ComicLink will also be selling my TOS 49 and ST 120 and others. Casey, Really sad to see you selling your x-men.That is one sweet set. I have had to sell some sweet books(not by my choice) including action 2,superman 1,and showcase 4. I hope you will still be around. Best of luck Dennis I hope that whenever it comes time to sell my set sometime in the future, that it is half as nice as the one Casey is putting up. Maybe since the auction is in Feb. I will be able to snag one.
  12. Thanks Dennis.
  13. Thanks, Drew. (thumbs u
  14. Thanks, Leon.
  15. Thanks, Danny. I hope you win a few.
  16. Thanks guys.
  17. Oh please. I've already said it, over and over again, but I'll say it yet again: Grading is subjective when you're dealing with half and quarter grades. What could be a 9.8 on one day could easily be 9.9 on another day, and vice versa. What could be a 9.6 on one day could easily be a 9.4 on another day, and vice versa. Conclusion: paying huge premiums for a difference in label designation, when the difference in actual quality is negligible, and in some cases, non-existent, is not wise. So long as the buyer knows this and accepts this, more power to them..but if they're being told "oh, yeah, there's totally a difference between a 9.8 and a 9.9...see, the label says so right here!", then we have a problem. If you are speaking of the 9.8-9.9-10 differential, then I would agree. I do think the difference between 9.4-9.6-9.8 is slightly more noticeable.
  18. BS on both of you. This discussion is not only important, it's VITAL to the health of the industry...ESPECIALLY the graded comics part of the industry....for years to come. You can beyotch and moan all you want about "pizzing on someone's cherrios", but as been said before....and you apparently can't understand this...this is but ONE EXAMPLE of a much LARGER, and far more important discussion. Great for Boston Corbett. He saw something he wanted, and paid what it took to get it. If he's happy, that's....as you said...all that matters as it regards THIS transaction. But that's not the point. Never has been the point. Never will be the point. Oh please. This sale will have very very little effect on the hobby. All it represents is an anomaly nothing more. Have you bothered to read anything that anyone has written? Or are you doing the typical CGC board knee-jerk reaction to a light skimming and what you thought somebody said...? This sale is not the issue. This sale, in and of itself, is not that important. Maybe if you read what people write, you wouldn't end up repeating back at them what they already said. Wow. It's like reading what I already wrote....mainly because I did. Yes, that's it....instead of having a reasonable discussion, just sit back and insult people you don't agree with, in an attempt to silence them. That's just disgusting. You should be ashamed of yourself. And the word you were looking for was "should" not "such", Einstein. My points remain, and they are valid. Sorry kids. Rock, this thread is about the Sale and your discussion about the arbitrary nature of 9.8-9.9 grades (which I don't disagree with) is not the point of this thread. If the book had sold for $200, no one would be discussing it but it didn't. So the sale is the issue of this thread. I agree that the purchase price was not a wise decision in terms of resale/investment but this sale is not about wise decisions it is about the addicitive nature of comic collecting and the illogical decisions comic collectors make in their pursuit of these comics. And as long as the buyer is using disposable income to purchase it I don't see the harm and that is my point. You must have really thin skin to take a harmless bit of sarcasm from me as a huge insult. If i had such thin skin, then I would be really offended by your attack on my opinion and your slight on my grammatical mistake. But I really don't care. Now going back to your point. While there is an arbitrary nature to the 9.9-10 grade, how many 9.9's and 10's are ever regraded? Aside from the books where slab damage has occured, how many people really resubmit a book that has attained that lofty grade status? Does anybody really receive a 9.9 and think that they can do better? While the possiblity is probably not zero, I would say it is very low. About the book in question, do you think anybody would be foolish enough to have it regraded? I don't think so. It may get reholdered but, assuming it is not damaged during it's life, it will never be regraded. So as long as it remains in the slab, it will always be a 9.9.
  19. George, Those are my books. Long story short, my wife is losing her job (she is a research chemist for Pfizer) and, with a kid on the way, our finances will be getting very tight, so I am selling my entire set to shore up our finances and put us in a better situation. I was not planning on selling my collection until I was much older but life had other ideas. It was a thrill putting it togther and is bittersweet to watch them go. It is a complete run from 1-514 with all of the annuals and three of the Giant-Size issues. ComicLink will also be selling my TOS 49 and ST 120 and others. Wow Casey. I was just going to post asking who is the forum member selling their set. I thought it might be you. So are you going to stop collecting all together? Dam didn't I just sell you some X-men books. John PS...Very sorry about your wife losing her job. Hi John, Yes, it was a very sudden event for us. We knew it might happen but we were hopeful that it wouldn't. When the ax fell a couple weeks ago, it changed everything. It was not an easy decision but given the uncertainty the future now holds, I needed to put us in the best position I could. I will still be making my monthly trips to the LCS to pick up my reads, which aren't very many but I am putting my vintage collecting on hold. I don't know if I'll be able to recreate what I did but, as a fellow collector, you know it is in your blood. So I never say never.
  20. George, Those are my books. Long story short, my wife is losing her job (she is a research chemist for Pfizer) and, with a kid on the way, our finances will be getting very tight, so I am selling my entire set to shore up our finances and put us in a better situation. I was not planning on selling my collection until I was much older but life had other ideas. It was a thrill putting it togther and is bittersweet to watch them go. It is a complete run from 1-514 with all of the annuals and three of the Giant-Size issues. ComicLink will also be selling my TOS 49 and ST 120 and others.
  21. BS on both of you. This discussion is not only important, it's VITAL to the health of the industry...ESPECIALLY the graded comics part of the industry....for years to come. You can beyotch and moan all you want about "pizzing on someone's cherrios", but as been said before....and you apparently can't understand this...this is but ONE EXAMPLE of a much LARGER, and far more important discussion. Great for Boston Corbett. He saw something he wanted, and paid what it took to get it. If he's happy, that's....as you said...all that matters as it regards THIS transaction. But that's not the point. Never has been the point. Never will be the point. Oh please. This sale will have very very little effect on the hobby. All it represents is an anomaly nothing more. An uncharacteristic spike in price. It will not cause an inappropriate rise in the price of the other NM #98's. The book, if up for sale again any time soon, would most likely plummet in price unless of course there are a few other collectors who treasure it as much as BC did. If you look at GPA, you'll see there are sales that are anomalies and sales that follow the natural market. And your opinion that there is no difference between a 9.8, 9.9 and 10 is irrelevant to the subset of collectors that pursue such books. They believe in CGC's opinion not your's. And, to them, that is all that matters. And, as I said before, their pursuit of such books will have very little effect on the books you or I collect. You such think about changing your name from Rock My Amadeus to Rock My Drama Queen, it is more fitting.
  22. This is a very sad thread. When you boil down all the "discussion", it really is just about pizzing on someone else's cheerios. Very sad, indeed. So, he paid a lot of money for the book. Is he using your money? No. So, who the cares? Boston Corbett I hope you enjoy the book because in the end that is all that matters.
  23. This is pretty much my own feeling... The only thing I would add is that the extensiveness of the restoration should play a part in determining final value, i.e. Professional, slight = 90/100% of Universal Professional, moderate = 60/90% of Universal Professional, extensive = 40/60% of Universal Amateur, slight = 40/80% of Universal Amateur, moderate = 30/40% of Universal Amateur, extensive = 10/30% of Universal And then there are types of restoration to factor in, like, tear seals (+5%), colour touch(-10%), deacidification (+10%), pieces added (-20%), etc. The above numbers are straight out of my arse, so are subject to change, derision, and revision at any time... but, they are my precise feelings on the subject of valuation of restoration. Here's an example... Marvel Mystery Comics #9 CGC 9.2 Restored, Professional, Moderate Overstreet Guide Value is 58,000 Moderate restoration....... 52,200 Restoration includes tear seals (3).................. 60,900 colour touch................... 54,810 pieces added (2)............. 43,938 staples replaced............. 41,741 deacidification................ 45,916 as the final value It is not my intention to ruffle feathers, but the percentages in this equation are ridiculous. Here is the correct equation. A + B = value where A = value of the book in original condition, before the restoration B = cost of the restoration In some cases, you might add just a bit (in the case of an extremely rare book, or superb eye appeal, etc) Example - Amazing Fantasy #15 graded at 2.5 prior to restoration, app 8.0 EP afterwards. A = GPA 2.5 = $3600.00 B = cost of restoration = $500.00 value = $4200.00 If you look at GPA, this is very close to what the value actually is. Restoration should rarely ever make the book worth more(probably only in the case of a book which grades less than Good), only make it easier to sell and increase the eye appeal. In my opinion, Amateur restoration generally should be counted as defect. If someone color touches a black book with a black magic marker, the book should be downgraded. Amateur restoration has no cost and is done with materials that are generally not archival. There should be NO bump in value over original condition and in some case be downgraded. Nice points, Dale.
  24. Sure. That's always been the intent... The PLOD for better or worse is a flag for those who aren't enamored with restored books. And rightly so in my opinion... Jim But it is more than just a flag, Jim. It is a judgement. The book is judged even before it has its day in court. The CGC labels are meant to convey information. And ,as we see on these boards, not everyone agrees that resto deserves such condemnation. It should be up to the buyer to pronounce judgement.