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Doctor Dositheus

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Everything posted by Doctor Dositheus

  1. I used to log in with a user name but now must use my email. This makes me sad
  2. Yes a dry cleaning sponge with a gentle touch might work too, although the slightest bit too much and it will leave marks in the gloss. Another possibility might be very delicate scalpel work.
  3. The highest grade I'm aware of a book with a hole all the way through getting in a blue label is 5.0. I think there was a Tales of Suspense that went from 8.0 green to 5.0 blue with two hole punches. Because the rest of the book is better than 8.0, maybe CGC could go as high as 6.0? Only one way to find out.
  4. Just saw this old slab on CLink coming up next week. https://www.comiclink.com/auctions/item.asp?back=%2FAUCTIONS%2FPREVIEW.ASP%3Fcode%3D2021sept%26session%3D2%26pg%3D11%23Item_1504086&id=1504086&itemType=0 One of these things is not like the others. Come on, can you tell which one?
  5. I'm leaning toward WW Chicago. I love Motor City but will I love it in October? I like to "tailgate" in the Motor City lot in my car for lunch. I think with the October weather Chicago sounds more enjoyable, plus it's closer for me.
  6. I think somebody important said there's a chance of DD in She-Hulk.
  7. How much does it cost to buy a lobbyist? Maybe we could all pitch in and get some legislation that says comic book profits are tax free.
  8. That's a little bit bigger of an affected area with the water damage than would be seen in an 8.0 I believe. Plus they tend to hit that pretty hard so I'm going 7.0.
  9. What if they hire 24/7 forum administrators? Other thoughts: As terrible as ebae has gotten, it would be nice to have a site like that more focused on the hobby or type of hobby. I saw the Turkish analog of ebae in the news and actually thought, "I wonder if comics sell there?". Maybe big money could do this with the CGC Marketplace. $$$ (30% premium you say?) The number of graders is obviously way too low. Many of us have been grading informally for decades. If they really wanted to solve this bottleneck they could start throwing money around, maybe even use term contract positions. In light of this change in ownership, perhaps certain entities accused of having undue influence at CGC might find their influence diminished. I doubt we'll see much change in the near term. At least I hope not. Change is scary.
  10. Are you saying the Red Ghost and his Super Apes couldn't carry a movie?
  11. Annihilus spec has been going on for about a year on this issue I think. Seems weird because there's no way he appears in the first movie, and with any luck we won't see Franklin in the first movie either, so definitely overheated. As far as prices in general, I'm seeing some mild leveling off on some 4 figure books. The next few months will tell if the lower grades also settle.
  12. I call the wrap with the "M" around the backside the "warehouse wrap", since I presume the find was all from the same run and appear to be wrapped similarly. It's hard to find high grade copies without it as you said. Post prices!
  13. Does he keep the comics in the trunk? Is the owner living in the back seat of his friend's car? So many questions...
  14. If the rumor is true that Shuma-Gorath will be in the movie we might get to see something very cool in the credits of a MCU movie: Shuma-Gorath created by Gardner F. Fox
  15. Ha, me too. It's a Collector's Item, it says so right there on the cover! I'll give it a 9.0
  16. My guess is that it will be improved but you will still be able to tell it was there. The focus is generally on the covers but the interior does get compressed in the process. But if you're submitting it, you'll never know anyway, because now it will be entombed safely encapsulated!
  17. Oddly enough, CGC was already working on destroying themselves.
  18. People are thinking about crossovers all wrong. You don't put DC characters in the MCU, you PUT WOLVERINE IN THE JUSTICE LEAGUE!
  19. For future kudos. Selling something soon.