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Everything posted by Duffman_Comics

  1. Seems to me there is more missing than just the war bonds ad.
  2. The unvarnished truth is rarely pretty.
  3. Elvis liked them - he's believed to have been a fan of Captain Marvel Jr., hence the capes and coiffure . . .
  4. A truly inspiring cover. I'd rush to buy this:
  5. Silver Star? Hmmm. Let me check. Nope, definitely Silver Flash. And you are correct about how uneven the art is. It's as if a deadline loomed, inspiration flagged, it is just so odd. I've got one of these around somewhere so BRB. Duffman. Proofreading since 2006.
  6. Just a second while I proofread this puppy . . . Hmmm. Okay. All seems to be in order. Lovely pages, and when Dixon is on song his use of spot blacks is very good. My favourite piece of dialogue has to be Nina's declaration "Ja! None odder than Adolf Hitler" Boy, is she the mistress of understatement. Next month's "Revenge of the Raven" story has nothing to do with Paul Wheelahan's eponymous comic does it? The illustration says "no".
  7. Does this issue contain the now banned and never-to-be-reprinted classic "Biggles Flies Undone"? And is there nothing that multi-talented character actor could not do?
  8. King? The strongest argument that Oz becomes a Republic yet. To the book in question, here comes a heresy. I like Colletta inks on Kirby. I know he left a lot of background detail out, but the finer brushstrokes on the figures more than make up for it (IMHO) and makes the struggle, in this instance just "pop". That is all. Carry on.
  9. Ahhh, the Hot Rod comics. A genre I never could grasp and one that seems to be almost solely the purview of Charlton. This suite of, let's face it, forgettable books brings to the fore an interesting side-light. I recall reading many years ago (I think it was the Steranko "History" books) an assertion that publishers told writers that the words "FLICK" and "CLINT" were verboten for fear the lettering would run/blur and an unthinkable and unprintable word might result. Issue #64 would seem to bear out their concerns. Take a look at the "CLINT" underneath the "Sabotage!" blurb. In isolation it definitely has "problems". Anyway, carry on "I", regards to Marwood and how many folk on this Board would know who Rod Hull and Emu were?
  10. The "dreck" description needs to be slightly adjusted. I've got both of them and the #1 has some lovely Reed Crandall work in a backup story ("The Boys From Up There"). Lots of Tony Tallarico in both issues and I will concede that his offerings are dreck.
  11. Me too. None of the originals made it here, so when the hardcover/slipcased Cochrane books arrived it extinguished the need to get the originals. You are correct, the black and white oversize pages and colour covers show the art much better than the often "muddy" originals. Not Marie Severin's fault, more like an intrinsic problem with the production process. I've got a lot of complete runs, but if I were to start over I think the Four Color series attracts. Lots of books, a variety of genres and the covers run from line drawn to painted to photographs. Just an interesting title.
  12. Please. It's Marvelspeak/Latin ca 1963-1969. Imperius Rex There is no "o". And you two call yourselves "students of the classics". I despair.
  13. Your experience mirrored in the Don Rosa cover for "Collector's Dream", March 1978 It's hard to see in the scan, but the kid on the left is holding a "Howard the Duck" #1 with a $20.00 price tag:
  14. Fantastic room, well done, etc etc BUT I see you REALLY love Marvel. There are other publishers you know
  15. And you call yourself a collector We are all a little OCD, and in the instance you query the "dangling checkboxes" on the first cards of a run irritate me . So I "black" them out. With a black marker. Carefully
  16. I'm Old School like this too, though the number of index cards gets unwieldy fairly quickly so I carry a much less bulky printed list of what I am after. Just reflecting on that last point, it has been so long since I've been to a Con or LCS for that matter the paper list is moot. Here's one of mine, though I am surprised at your lack of progress regarding Iron Man 100 up
  17. Me likey very much!! A simpler time to be sure - the loot is helpfully contained in an appropriately labelled bag - and why is it being waved around? The villains are all very well dressed - "Want to get ahead? Get a hat". No one will ever recognise us with these domino masks! Seriously, who ever thought they were a good idea? Duffman. Over analysing since he gained critical faculties.
  18. Must have been part of Andy's collection from "Toy Story". Neat way of removing the branding in the next issue too.
  19. It's also interesting that the redrawn cover eliminated the "Great White Hunters" battling the locals at the bottom of the page and substituted gorillas. Wonder why? Oh, and the redrawn Sheena is demonstrably better - look at that new, cute, belt accessory. Just dreamy
  20. Is that as a high a grade in hand as it seems in the scan? Very nice - any idea who the cover artist is?
  21. You raise an interesting point. Germany has pretty strict rules about the display of the hakenkreuz (swastika) and I recall an Austrian boardie showing photos of an Austrian/German convention with US wartime GA comics clearly displayed with swastikas (one book was Captain America 1). He said the "authorities" are a little lenient when it comes to historic context - but I can imagine that they are pretty vigilant regarding its display. Just a guess, but I think the editorial decision not to display swastikas may have been a "political" one driven by sales and marketing.
  22. Every time I see this cover - and it is not that often - I note the "Baby Weems" ersatz one sheet promo poster and think this is where the opening sequence of "Who Framed Roger Rabbit" originated. Nice book.