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Everything posted by comick1

  1. Uhhhhhhh. . .spectacular!!!!! Nice scores there, Andy!
  2. The word, "EPIC!!!!!!" comes to mind. That's a mind-blower. In retrospect, it doesn't seem quite possible to have had so many of those guys make it to the banquet. Esposito and Grandenetti were the two that never made it, but that didn't stop them from donating works to the auctions in absentia. Great folks all around! Mick
  3. Sinnott gets my vote as the classic Kirby inker, but my fav is the one time (of 2 ever????) that John Severin inked Kirby in Yellow Claw #4. It's one of my favorite Kirbys AND it's one of my favorite Sevs. Totally exquisite. Wish that matchup happened more. Here's a link with a few samples. The Yellow Claws/Black Knights are not difficult to find in Marvel Essentials reprint form. Here's a link to a few interior examples: http://fourcolorshadows.blogspot.com/2014/05/the-yellow-claw-jack-kirbyjohn-severin.html
  4. https://www.gofundme.com/samglanzman By the way, Drew Ford (the fellow behind some of the best collections of Glanzman material including USS Stevens: The Collected Stories) has begun a "Go Fund Me" for Sue Glanzman. If folks wanted to make a direct donation, that's just as well. https://www.gofundme.com/samglanzman
  5. Hi folks, This'll be my 38th-ish con. Been going since '75 and missed a couple when I was about 8 or 9 years old. Love, love, love the SD Comic-Con. Royal pain to get passes, but I always manage. All the cosplayers, gamers, exclusive buyers, Hall-H goers. . .whatEVER. I just wanna sift through old comics boxes and enjoy the con vicariously through my kids. Gotta attend a small handful of bîtchin' panels (Quick-Draw on Saturday is a classic) that are NOT Hollywood-centric, and I'm good. Speaking of boardees, there's a group of collectors (and a LOT of boardees) that have been meeting for 23 years now. We're the Big-5 War Comics group and we've existed before anybody even conjured the idea of a slab. Basic info is here. More info in the War Comics section of Silver Age area. PM with questions or to RSVP. Hall H ain't got nothin' on us old-timers. Big-5 War Comics Banquet / Auction (coincides with Thursday of San Diego Con) Date: Thursday, July 20 Time: 8:00-10:15 Where: Filippi's Pizza Grotto Address: 1747 India St San Diego 92101
  6. I'm going RIGHT NOW to check that out. Mick
  7. Big-5 War Comics Banquet / Auction (coincides with Thursday of San Diego Con) Date: Thursday, July 20 Time: 8:00-10:15 Where: Filippi's Pizza Grotto Address: 1747 India St San Diego 92101 As in the past, we charge $25.00 a head. That pays for salads for everybody AND you can order anything off the entree or pizza menu. You can also order sodas/non-alcoholic drinks on that tab. If you want to order any alcohol, the waitress will keep a separate tab and you'll pay that "cash bar" style at the end. Whatever is left over after the tip will be sent directly to Sue Glanzman. I'm also gonna pass around a hat with a "suggested donation of $20.00" for Sue Glanzman. Everybody's invited! Special guest -- nobody! This year, it's just a buncha collectors (well, come to think of it. . .that's definitely SOMEBODY!!). In the past, we collected art donations from artists, but I'm not going to bug any of the couple living folks this year. Collectors are welcome to bring their own items to auction off that night. We're inviting people to bring ANY things that they'd like to auction. You may specify how much of the proceeds from the auction will go toward the Big-5 group (20% minimum. In other words, people who donate an item pocket a maximum of 80%. If you want to donate more or the whole thing, that's up to you.). 100% of the proceeds of the auction will be split between Sue Glanzman and Russ Heath. We no longer have a bank account, so I'll be taking the cash that we collect and turning it into a money order for Russ and Sue each. If you CANNOT make it to the banquet/auction, but want to donate something in absentia(artwork, comics, or just plain cash), I'm willing to accept donations on behalf of Sam and Sue. You'll need to send it out to me in a hurry, though, if it's going to make it into the Thursday (only a week from now) auction. Please email/PM me for details. We've been doing this in one way or another to benefit the artists/writers for nearly a quarter century. If you need anybody to vouch for the integrity of this effort, I can give you a list of folks who can speak to the transparency and financial accountability of our long-standing (but informal) group. Sam Glanzman Tribute! If ANYBODY has Sam Glanzman art, I'm encouraging you to bring it to put on display as a mini tribute to Sam's genius. I'm going to bring my two USS Stevens stories and the painting I got from him. No, they ain't for sale, but we can all gawk at his work and raise a glass to a brilliant artist who made us laugh and cry. And then we can send Sue a tangible quantity that represents our appreciation for the swell guy that Sam was and will always be! Hope you can make it! Please RSVP with a headcount if you ARE planning on attending. Best, Mick Private message or email work great. comick1@cox.net
  8. "A love letter to that ship. . ." That's utterly perfect. He'd tear up when he talked about how the ship saved the life of the crew over and over again. Thanks for saying that. It's totally true. That is a keeper of a page if I ever did see one. Awesome panel composition. Sam was a total bad@$$ all the way.
  9. Hi folks, I regret to be the one to do this, but it's with a heavy heart that I'm reporting the passing of one of the great geniuses of war comics. We lost Sam Glanzman yesterday. I'm going to walk around today and in the next few weeks with the many memories of hanging out with Sue and Sam during Comic-Con and at the war comics banquet. Sam was an incredibly special person--a vet with a gruff exterior but a heart of pure gold. Funny and witty as hell and generous to a fault. Oh, and wrote/illustrated little 4-page autobiographical vignettes that delivered an emotional impact beyond anything I've ever seen in comics before or since. His body of work is voluminous; but the USS Stevens, named for the ship that he served on in the Pacific Theater, is one of the best things to ever appear in war comics. . .in any comics genre. I'm so glad that I got a chance to know him. If any of you never did, I recommend that you purchase the definitive reprint of the series--USS Stevens, the Collected Stories from Dover Press. Take a minute to get yourself a copy. Buy it from your local comic book store or, if you have to, get one online. Take 10 minutes away from garbage-TV watching or trolling around on eBay and just crack that book to read a couple stories each night. You won't regret it. They are a mystical combination of haunting retrospective and poignant commentary on the human condition. Truly brilliant story-telling. I'm so glad that this humble person had the foresight and ability to delineate the incredible narratives that were swirling around in his head. My hats off to Sam. Sounds cliche, but it truly applies here: We've lost one of the great ones. Wishing Sue and his family the best in this difficult time. If any of you have original art or favorite Glanzman stories to share, post those here in this forum. I'm going to see if I can post one of the stories I cherish.
  10. Well, if we're gonna be topped by ANY thread, it's an honor to be neck & neck with the Pre-hero Marvel folks! There's nobility there!
  11. Welcome, John, to the coolest little group (with more posts in SA than any other, I might add) on the boards!
  12. Here are a few of my favs: Like Adam Strange, this list tends to morph and could be quite different next week, but it'll have the same artists represented for sure.
  13. Shep, thanks for the reminder of how cool these little gems are. Both of those are cheap dates compared to other keys from that same era and are tougher to find, comparatively, against other contemporaneous keys as well. That was a killer price you scooped those for. I'll buy those two books all day long (as if) for that kind of price! Mick
  14. Awwwwww yeahhhhh! Shep's back in the game!!! . . .and getting things started with a book to end all books, I see.
  15. Staggeringly killer!!!! Love that stuff!