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Everything posted by rob_react

  1. For me it's usually just a couple of days. It's basically Priority with the safe at each end.
  2. Ouch! Link? http://www.ebay.com/sch/m.html?_odkw=&_ssn=marvelcollection&_armrs=1&_osacat=0&_from=R40&_trksid=p2046732.m570.l1313.TR0.TRC0.H0.Xdaredevil&_nkw=daredevil&_sacat=0
  3. You know what sucks? When a guy can sell his whole Daredevil collection on eBay and there's not a single graded book in the stack under 150 that you need
  4. I bid on it, but nothing crazy (which I'll probably regret in five years when I realize I don't have a White Mountain FF )
  5. I can do it soon, actually. I'm reorganizing my graded books this week, so I can do some group shots before putting the books into storage.
  6. Rob you are kicking arse man!! Congrats!! I recall getting my #31 from C-Link I think. It was in the summer of 2012. I remember waiting a while for one to surface. And for me it just had to be a decent 9.4 with at least ow/w pages. My hitch as many of you know, is having to pass on ow PQ. So me waiting a while, could have been for PQ. (Or just how the day was going for a grader:) Thanks! Yeah, the run is coming together pretty well.Of course, with 20-25 books to go it's going to get weird from here on in. The early books are easier since they show up- I just have to suck it up and pay for them It's the oddballs that are going to get me, I think. 122 and 144? Three separate issues in the 60s? Whatever is up with the scarcity of 31...
  7. Yeah, there are 10 in 9.4, but none have surfaced. I've had the rest of the 30s and 40s for a long time. Just not that one.
  8. 20 and 31. 31 is weird. The last 31 in 9.4 sold (according to GPA at least) in 2007
  9. Just picked this up yesterday. I'm two books away from filling in 8-53
  10. I'm updating the $100k list and assume that someone here will know and will keep me from having to research all this myself... Is the recent B&B 28 that sold at ComicLink the same copy that sold in February or another one of the 9.2s?
  11. Okay, at this point I think the official information on this book is going to be what we've seen. Just an entry in the census. The possibilities for this book are as follows (in order of likelihood as I see it): It's the FN68 copy returned from a 21 year vacation It's the missing Mastro copy upgraded to a borderline 9.2 (in a combination of being harshly graded initially and likely pressed to get rid of the "finger bends" mentioned in the notes) It's a new, unknown book. We haven't speculated much on this possibility since there's nothing to speculate about I'd love to know for sure one way or another. Some day...
  12. This has a special meaning on this board - re: 10 years ago. Board classic!
  13. Unless I am mistaken, the cage copy was slightly restored and graded maybe 74 at Sothebys.
  14. Since I'm at the point where I'll be buying a Daredevil a month if I'm lucky, I'm starting in on other runs...
  15. There's nothing in the grader's notes on the Mastro copy about the back cover. The only thing we shouldn't be able to see in the scan are the small "finger bends." There's supposedly a fingerprint on the cover but I haven't been able to find it. The question is then... what does a book with a slight, color breaking crease that big and small spine stress lines (of which is looks like only one[?] is visible/color breaking) get nowadays? That crease is super slight but is like... an inch long. Again, before any of you get ahead of me and start blaring this from the rooftops, I'm not saying that this Mastro book is the new 9.2. I'm just analyzing the Mastro book on its own merits because... it's really interesting to do so.
  16. When i spend 5 grand plus on a resored book i know when it says Ext that there is No chance of the resto removed..................... When i see a Mod i think that ha there is a chance the resto goes away with a less grade but its not purple L of death by todays standards. When i see its a 155g book with Ext now its a Mod i see $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$ Do you think it does not matter if its Slight or Ext to people spending huge money?. When i see a Tec 27 in a Mod holder 9.4 I think there is a chance the resto gets removed and its a 5.0 blue. O and then i think press the book and its 6.0 $$$$$$$$$$ All i am saying is all PLOD are not equal it does matter to someone like me who can spend big bucks on books but i have no problem with restored same book at 20% = more great books? But they're two different scales. You need to adjust how you start seeing $$$$$$ based on the new scale. New. Scale.
  17. And, keep in mind, getting really high level restoration work done is a LOT different than getting a dry clean and press on a book. People aren't going to start doing thousands of dollars worth of restoration just to make an extra $500 on a restored book that jumped a grade.
  18. I don't see doing anything with restored books being a big money spinner for dealers so, no, I don't see a bunch of red flags. Restored books are still stigmatized. There are some good results out there, but just because someone lists something for 500k that doesn't mean it will actually sell for that. If you're spending your time trying to upgrade restored books to buy a Caribbean island you're really in the wrong business. Restored book resubs isn't really a growth model for CGC either. This is like building a resort community in a leper colony.
  19. I wouldn't get caught up in comparing the two scales. They have a new scale and an old scale. The new scale is a lot more detailed and is... new.
  20. But something happened in the mean time that was well discussed on here: CGC's restoration grading standards changed. That might be enough to explain everything. That was my thought exactly. Three thoughts though: (1) The resto on the book has changed. Is that what you are referring to? It now has "leafcasting" instead of a prior technique. To effectuate that transition, the prior technique had to be reversible or it had to be removed with some additional paper loss. So if the downgrade from Ext to Mod is because leafcasting was substituted, it begs the question of what Ext. and Mod. really mean: Techniques used or amount of repair? (2) Of course, CGC promotes "leafcasting" now, so color me a little cynical about "grading changes" that would appear to encourage folks to crack open books, get the resto changed to a new technique, and resubmitted (perhaps with a greater amount of work having been done) to get a better "grade," all to the profit of the grading company. (3) My cynicism is not abated if dealers who take advantage of these "opportunities" to the detriment of consumers say "no biggee, the standards changed." But, I'm a cynical guy and there are far too many cautionary stories on these forums. If a restored book has different work done to it to get a grade bump and possibly get a less punitive "severity rating" or whatever they call it... who cares? It's a restored book in a purple holder. Do we need a "double deep purple" because the book has had more work done on it? I don't care if Matt Nelson and Susan Cicconi crack this book out and sacrifice a goat over this book to the ghost of Jack Kirby, if CGC notes the sacrificial technique and other restoration on the label and puts it into the new severity scale then the story is over for me. "But Rob, the book used to be..." The book also used to be part of the singularity at the birth of the universe. I don't sweat that either. If CGC grades the book fairly when it walks through their door, then that's all I really need from them. They're not perfect, but this isn't something I'm worried about. They've decided to give us more information with this new restoration scale, not less. I would expect to see discrepancies between the two scales. They're two different scales.