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Posts posted by JiveTurkeyMoFo

  1. 42 minutes ago, Red84 said:

    I'm pretty sure that if you were bidding on a Tec 27 that heritage could care less if you were dressed as Batman while doing it.

    And if I was that hypothetical person you mentioned who was into cosplay and comics and told I would not be allowed to dress up in order to attend I would stay home and spend my money elsewhere.  Like I said previously; antagonizing a specific group of people for no reason is just silly.  It's almost like people are annoyed that comic book characters have become mainstream.  People in costumes buy books too.

    Right, because in a small room that barely fit 24 dealer booths, dozens if not hundreds of extra bodies walking around was a problem we would've had to address one way or another...the simplest way was to sort out out the casual fan.  A simple dress code and higher than usual gate was the best way to do it.       

    Next time you are dressed up at a major con, feel free to occupy some valuable real estate with your cosplay friends in front of a dealer's booth who paid good money to be there.  Be sure to give him attitude when he politely asks you to relocate so paying customers can actually get to him.  

  2. 31 minutes ago, Red84 said:

    That is not an analogous example.  Based on how you have described it, the uproar was about restricting how people could dress, not about restricting merchandise for sale.  The analogous situation would be a convention where you were not allowed in if you were not in cosplay.  That is just as destructive as the proposed alternative. 

    Imagine, for a minute, that you were both a serious collectibles collector AND a cos-player (yeah, I know, play along here for a minute).  A convention that focuses only on comics and other collectibles priced $50+ (right up your alley) is coming to town, and their only stipulation is that they politely ask that you leave the cosplay at home.  If you can't leave the costume at home for one day, when literally every other convention in the country is okay with you wearing it, you really need to ask yourself if you are a serious collector or not and whether you should be at this Convention or not.  Do people dress up as Batman or the Power Rangers to place bids at the Floor Session of a Heritage Auction?  

    For the record, I didn't speak to a single person, attendee or vendor, that didn't appreciate the stance we took and the subsequent flak as well.  We did it for them, and they knew it.      



  3. 5 hours ago, pointfiter said:

    I made the trip down from Orlando and am happy that I did. Of course looking through and buying comics is the reason why we go to conventions.

    First I'd like to say the show was VERY well run. Everything was as advertised. An unbelieveable selection of comics. I think the only book I didn't see there was an Action Comics #1. 

    I will echo your same observations, most of the traffic was around a few dealers, while others dealers unfortunately were passed by. Perhaps a comic book only show in the future?

    What you described as optimistic pricing by some dealers is as accurate a statement that can be made. My guess is that those who priced their items this way may not have done as well as those who were more realistic with their pricing. I looked through pretty much every comic in the room, and with the asking price on some of the dealers books so high, I didn't even bother making an offer. Just because this show was geared towards high-end collectibles and collectors doesn't mean I will be willing to over-pay. 

    I guess I may be an exception to the rule, but nearly every book I add to my collection is slabbed. You had one of the better displays in the room, and I was definitely in my happy place flipping one by one through all of your graded books. I also enjoyed very much meeting and talking with the two dealers in the center of the room who had I would guess 10 plus boxes of CBCS slabs. We talked about CBCS versus CGC, how they acquired a massive collection from Canada, showed off their beautiful Michael Turner original sketch. They were very friendly and they were willing to make deals so they got the majority of my business.

    I would absolutely attend this show again, though more comic dealers would really make it great. I thought it was a fantastic idea having a swap meet area. Perhaps there would be a way to have that area of the show grow.

    My results from the show are four graded books including my first golden age and a couple of free passes to the Daytona show next month. All in all, you did a great job. Congrats! 


    Wow...thank you for the kind words.  Still hard to believe the perception was that the show was well run, since from our perspective there were so many areas to improve upon and so many mistakes made.  As an example, we had a dozen really nice lawn signs that we failed to get out onto Fowler and the Embassy parking area that should've helped people find us, but the volunteer responsible for that never showed, and so no one else picked up the slack to get the job done.  

    I think next year we will pare down the offerings.  Legos didn't do well at all, and we failed miserably in reaching the Lego buyers.  It's also a bit of a different animal, in that most Lego collectors are used to buying online to begin with, so traveling to a convention to buy what you want when you can find them online in two dozen different outlets may explain our results to some degree. Some art changed hands, and I think I'd like to keep pushing that part of it since it's often lacking at small shows.  Toys, overall, did okay, but there are lots of places for improvement.  Comics and Pops! were definitely the kings of the show.  I will definitely work harder on getting a broader range of comic dealers lined up for next year.  Vintage Comic Investments were those two gentlemen in the middle of the room with the CBCS slabs, and they reportedly did well, so I'm glad to hear you were one of their customers.  

    I also failed to adequately communicate that my stickered slab prices were prices in my eBay store, and I'm generally flexible on those prices 15%-20% because of the lack of fees/shipping costs.  Might have made more sales if everyone looking through them were aware of that cushion.  Lesson learned for next year.

    Really appreciate the feedback...we promise to be back and even better next year.

  4. We had a few Boardies for sure, including a number who don't really post here anymore.  It was a good start to the day crowd-wise, and things petered off around 2pm.  We had vendors who did real well, some that did okay, and some that didn't do well at all.  Not being a full-time promoter, I'm not going to paint a rosy picture when it isn't warranted; the fact is we need to do things better next time around.   However, there were a lot of positives as well.  We think the buyer's survey definitely helped our vendors better identify what they should bring, including specific items that people were looking for.  Many people loved the Swap Meet area, and while not everyone 'killed it', a few people did real well buying and selling there.

    I spoke with several dealers and buyers, and they were relatively happy.  I know money was spent, but I think it tended to gravitate toward maybe 40-50% of the vendors.  There were also vendors who didn't really comply with the $50+ mandate on their items, and I think it hurt them.  Some dealers also priced things very...um....optimistically.  And while I may have been one of them, my nosebleed prices tended to be on high grade Golden Age key books that you rarely see outside of a major auction.  Many reminded me that for a first time concept show, it was a good effort on many levels, with potential to grow.  We received a number of compliments, including a genuine one from one of the dealers that didn't do too well; he said this was the most professionally run show he'd ever set up at.  A great compliment to be sure....my heart goes out to him that he didn't do better.

    As for photos, we actually did have someone taking pictures and filming the event, so we should have some soon.  My display of items was pretty awesome, if I do say.  I know I would have loved to have drooled over a few of my own items if I walked into a small show.    Sadly, I was so consumed with promoter issues, I didn't really take the time to take pics of it or the wall display.  In fact, this show reaffirmed what I've always known about smaller shows...slabs don't sell well, which is unfortunate when slabs are 90% of what I brought to the show.  My three short boxes of raw Copper/Bronze keys at 30% off was a hit though...lots of stuff sold there, probably two dozen books in the $50-$200 price range.  I did sell a package deal of 7 slabs to another dealer, but only had one other slab sell all day.  Lots of looks, some trades, a few more contacts, and overall, a good day.

    I think next year, and we are 90% sure there will be a next year, my time can be better spent buying.  There was lots of quality material that went home simply because I didn't get to make my usual buying rounds.  Did pick up at least one great book from David Kapelka, Emerald City, and a bunch from Randy Lawrence.  Again, a lot of books went home that I normally would've bought, and I was very pleased with the spread that many dealers laid out.  There was a lot of "quality" in the room, and that was a positive.

  5. 1 hour ago, mysterio said:

    I haven't been willing to dive back into that morass of BS on FaceBook, were the cosplayers of the world threatening a mass revolt or something?

    They just couldn't accept the fact that a convention didn't want them cosplaying.  We are happy to accept them, in normal attire, if they are there to buy and sell collectibles. But the idea that a Con didn't want them there in their full regalia was something that set them off.  It was an epic meltdown, and thankfully, a lot of boardies and other collectors came to our defense.  But it was very ugly for the first two days.  

  6. 33 minutes ago, AllStar-Comics said:

    I'm going to check it out just to see if anyone has any WW2 golden age that I cant live without .  Not sure the $50 item price point was necessary  Just having another con that catered to selling actual collectibles instead of vape booths, cosplay, mobile tatoo parlors is a draw enough for me.  Why may I ask did you need to exclude cheaper comics? I love hitting guys that just acquired some massive stock, cherry picked what they want and toss everything out for $1, 2 for $5 $10 ea etc  Its a treasure hunt

    For the record, I'm HUGE on dollar boxes and cheap boxes where people are selling $50 books for $5 because they "don't want to be bothered".  I'm a big fan of "value-buying".  That being said, when we set up the show, we did it with a certain collector in mind, and it wasn't specifically to exclude low dollar items, so much as to put the focus on our vendors bringing quality material in that $50+ price point.  Since we are a cross-over show, with toys, action figures, Legos, Original Art, die-cast collectibles, Pops, and of course, comics, we thought to separate ourselves from the crowd, and let's be honest, the "Con" space is becoming very crowded, we wanted to put that emphasis on high quality items that people aren't seeing at every show, and that they often have to resort to an online site to find.  If we had half of our dealers with low end stock, and the rest with high, we'd be...well, a smaller version of a good comic show like Heroes or Chicago.  Which is great, but not really a unique niche in the space

    By saying..."hey, regardless of what you collect (Comic, toys, Legos, etc.) if you are looking for better ($50+) material, you will find it here with us"....we now set a floor that no one else is bothering to set.  

    BTW, our Gold & Platinum attendees can bring in what they want to the Swap Meet area...but considering the crowd, a box of dollar books probably is a waste of time.


  7. 16 minutes ago, mysterio said:

    One question that you may have answered elsewhere but I just missed it: why Sunday? If people were planning to travel in to this year's or next year's show it would be easiest to hold it on a Saturday for easy arrivals and departures around a full day at the show. If you could explain that rationale I would appreciate it.

    Sunday is a traditional day in Florida for one day shows, and the availability of the venue was more open (more weddings happen on a Saturday), so it became Sunday.

    As it stands, we have reserved a weekend for next year's function, which should make our show more accessible to those traveling, including Dealers from out of state who will want to set-up.

  8. 3 hours ago, HouseofComics.Com said:

    You guys have lots of great ideas.  Wish you all the best with your show. Trying to have all the items $50 and up seems steep...

    We did beat you to the punch on the "buyer's survey" which we've had at every Berkeley con dating back to last summer.

    That's great!  The Buyer's Survey seems like such a natural thing to me, and something I've been pondering for a while now.  I'd love to exchange ideas to help improve ours.

  9. 3 hours ago, chrisco37 said:

    Love the idea.  I hope you guys have a great show.

    Sounds similar/same realm as what Richie M does.   He'll rent a small room out at a hotel and set up a "one man show".  Invite only.  Brings higher end books and new stock to it.   No dollar box books or the like. 

    Thank you for the kind words.  We've formulated this concept over the course of the last year after many discussions with dealers and collectors alike, and it's evolved into its current form.  I think it will continue to evolve as we get more feedback. We are also the first show (that I know of) that is sharing part of its gate directly with its vendors, the first to utilize a buyer's survey that is shared with it's dealers so they know exactly what the attendees are looking for, and the first to outright ban cosplay in any form...which is causing us a fair amount of flak on Facebook, but whatever.  Our focus is on the collectibles, and nothing else.  Hopefully, enough like-minded collectors will see the value in what we are trying to do and come give us a try. 

  10. 13 hours ago, 1p36DSA said:

    Man missed pre registration. What is cost at show and does anything come with admission at show? Just want to see if worth the drive

    $25 for Silver Buyer's Pass, and $50 for the Gold, which lets you bring in up to two boxes to sell/trade in the Swap Meet area.  Sadly, our pre-registration promotions are over, but we believe the quality of the dealer's room is well worth the drive for anyone.  The comic and comic art representation is going to be very strong and diverse.

  11. On 3/4/2017 at 2:51 PM, joeypost said:

    You know it. 

    Left the show early today as the buying was light. Did pick up a few nice bronze picture frame books and traded for a low grade FF 1

    Well, hopefully we will see you in Tampa next weekend Joe.  I'd be willing to bet the buying will be better, relative to the miles you travel, and you won't have to fly 6k+ miles round trip either.  And Greggy won't be there, so there's a plus.  ^^

  12. One week left to go....I'm almost done prepping for the show, just have my art and a box of misc. raw golden age left to price.  Otherwise, I have six boxes of certified toys done, an entire 6' wire rack of retired Legos, 3 boxes of raw Silver/Bronze/Copper keys and over 700+ slabs from $60-$20k+ ready to go for the show.

    We are getting lots of good feedback, and know we'll have attendees from all over Florida next weekend.  If you are anywhere within 500 miles of Tampa, and you want a show that is 95% $50 and above premium items from the last 60+ years, give us a try...you won't regret it.  Thanks!




  13. Okay everyone...tomorrow is the final day for pre-registration.  After that, admission will only be available at the door on the day of the show, and you lose all the great benefits of pre-registering, including the free raffle ticket and Con Exclusive t-shirt for Gold & Platinum members.  You also lose the ability to get in an hour before everyone else (9am), since Platinum Passes are not available once pre-registration closes down.

    In case you need a breakdown of benefits, here is what you stand to gain if you purchase a Gold ticket trough the website before 3/1 with the cgcgold Promo Code I gave out earlier in the thread:

    Gold Ticket ($50) 

    Minus 20% or $10 from cgcgold promo code.

    Plus EliteCon Exclusive t-shirt (otherwise available for $20 at the door).

    Plus (1) Raffle ticket in your choice of two Deluxe Giftbaskets worth $500+ each, (otherwise available for $5 each the day of the show)

    So, in reality, you are paying $15 net to get into the best one day Dealer Room in Florida, and you can bring two short comic, or medium storage, boxes worth of material to sell/trade in our Swap Meet area.

    The math looks pretty favorable to me....hope to see some Boardies out there.  :D

  14. We are doing our last Facebook Live event tonight at 8:30 pm EST on the EliteCon page.  We will be doing some giveaways, but you have to have purchased your ticket(s) to qualify to win.  I'll be giving away a Signed Limited Edition Hardcover of Chroma: The Art of Alex Schomburg tonight on the feed.  There is one on Amazon for $99, and another for $165, with none that I can find on eBay.  It's our way of saying thanks and rewarding those who are taking a chance on this new convention concept.  The winner can pick it up from me directly at the show.    This is the final days of pre-registration, and we encourage everyone who is thinking of coming to purchase their tickets early.  I really hope a Boardie comes away with this great giveaway.  

    If you need the link to register for the show, it's right here.  

    Alternately, we will be signing people up for the show at the Annual Emerald City Comics Yard Sale this Saturday, the 25th.  We'll have some high end collectibles on display that will also be available at EliteCon.  Neil Johnson, the Owner, has supported our show concept from the beginning, and if you sign up for the show in-store, we'll give you a $10 gift certificate to spend at Emerald City.    Its one of the ways we go out of our way to support the people who support us.

    Thanks guys!  

  15. 11 hours ago, thehumantorch said:

    Good luck with the show, wish I was closer, it sounds like a blast.  I love the idea of a show with a low admission cost, quality books to peruse and none of the  big show 3 ring circus .

    Well, I don't know if we qualify for the term "low admission cost".  In fact, we went the other direction specifically to weed out the casual fan, and we think most serious collectors, once exposed to all the benefits our show offers, will willingly pay more to attend.  


  16. 31 minutes ago, gregreece said:

    Hi all,

      I'm looking forward to attending the inaugural Elite Con. While I won't be setup, if there is something you'd like to see, please PM me and I can have it shipped down. I will also be actively buying so please lmk of anything you might have for sale. I will be there Saturday night and all day Sunday.




    Thanks Greg.  Looking forward to seeing you guys again, hope you've been enjoying the Florida "Winter" (ha!).  We thank you for your support of the show and am optimistic you won't be going home empty handed.  :foryou: