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Everything posted by Boba

  1. ...the word grail comes to mind. jeffereyjones1944 - on ebay now http://cgi.ebay.com/ws/eBayISAPI.dll?ViewItem&item=260239754903&_trksid=p3907.m32&_trkparms=tab%3DWatching
  2. Cool. Thanks for the info regarding Frazetta covers on Mad. I'll look for one... BTW, anyone notice Jeff Jones is selling some of his stuff on ebay? The body of work on his web site is awesome! Too bad he has had so many personal demons to battle. He was, is truly one of the greats... Go to Jeff Jone's web site and click on "paintings" http://www.ulster.net/~jonesart/
  3. I tried to check the status at CGC online today, but for some reason I'm having trouble accessing it. So I don't know if my comic magazines are even "scheduled for grading" or what-not. I'll be patient a while longer, and see what happens. Makmorn, I'll let you know how I make out on those #23's and maybe we can work something out. I have a "spare" copy of this Lampoon I would part with. It's not a super HG one though. It's flat and Glossy, if I recall, but the predominantly white cover has some light smudges. I'll try to find and scan it later tonight or tomorrow.
  4. That's a nice Frazetta pen and ink! Funny you should post it. I was about to mention (in my last post) that National Lampoon had some Frazetta covers. I think it's little known (a guy from CGC I spoke to at NY Comic Con seemed amazed by this when I showed him this same issue and asked if they certified Lampoons). I know of, and have, 3 Lampoons with Frazetta covers- this one, the "crucifix" and one with a dame being rescued from headhunters. They're all pretty stunning. Do you happen to know if there were there any other Lampoons with Frazetta covers?
  5. I completely agree with everyting you say. I also think the adjustment will be upward, but I also think that there will probably be higher population reports once the collections come out of the closets and people start getting them certified. But it can only be good for the genre if this happens, as this will legitimize this relatively untapped treasure. I'm waiting for the grade on 25 Warren's (mostly all Frazetta covers) I sent to CGC to come up on the status screen, in it are 3 #23's, I am hoping I have a 9.0 in the bunch. I can't wait to see what they come in at. I have about another 20 more to send it! really hoping CGC starts offering a bulk discount though.
  6. I often wonder if, when others start to submit more Warren (and other publisher's) magazines to CGC if there will be a lot of 9.0's or if they will be scarce like with most silver age comics. Someone in another string (I think it was "Buffy") raised the point that the population reports on these books tend to be low because they (magazines) have not been submitted to CGC until recently, and that when they do start to flood in, and more 9.0's are added to the pop reports, the prices might adjust back to reality (or guide). I for one hope these recent auction prices mean people are finally discovering the fantastic art and stories these books contain. Besides, what looks better than a pristine Frazetta cover (like on the #23) staring back at you in a slab.
  7. Yes, but a Vampirella #2 CGC 9.6 closed on ebay for $481.98 That's twice last years Overstreet price (got to get me a new one) for NM. http://cgi.ebay.com/ws/eBayISAPI.dll?ViewItem&rd=1&item=310048138149&ssPageName=STRK:MEWA:IT&ih=021 Were the sales you sited for CGC slabbed books? I'm seeing the slabbed books go higher than raw.
  8. The wonderful Frazetta cover on Eerie #23 has always been a coveted issue as it has also been harder to attain, this one went 5x guide raw Eerie #23, is to me one of the best, if not the best Frazzetta cover. It's nice to see these books getting some deserved attention. Frazetta, Adams, Wrightson, Sanjulian, Corben, Kelly, Morrow and countless other greats did art for Warren.
  9. I haven't heard of Heritage or Mile High defrauding people. It's one thing to complain that someone like Mile High misgrades (or actually, just doesn't grade the same way you do), and does have a return policy. It's something else entirely when someone takes your money, or sells you a book as unrestored, when they have trimmed and color touched it. I'm talking about stuff like this Jortner business, Dupcak, Comic-Keys, etc. And I stated outside of comics as well. It seems like every cell phone reseller is out of Jersey, and they sell refurbs as new phones (this has happened to me twice now). Or here is another example from Jersey: http://donwiss.com/pictures/BrooklynStores/h0069.htm This is apparently the location of BuyRiteElectonics.com, The Digital Store, Best Camera, and Ideal Photo and Video. Nice storefront for a web vendor! Or here is the location of AffordableHomeElectronics.com: http://donwiss.com/pictures/BrooklynStores/h0041.htm I guess they must sell the electronics right off their kitchen counter top. Hopefully you don't get a toaster with the toast still in it! It just seems like NY and NJ have a higher concentration of seedy business deals than other areas. I'm not saying it doesn't happen other places... I mean 71% of all online fraud in the world originates from the US. Since US is #1 in fraud, and NY City is #1 in population (and NJ catches the spill over), I guess it makes s ense that more fraud seems to come out of that area. maybe it's because New York has higher concentration of sentient beings than most of the country.
  10. Wow. That is a dynamite batch of WW's and Sen's. That #8 looks really sweet.
  11. I missed the 78. Loved that cover... waiting for this beauty to arrive from Heritage
  12. Now that thread was certainly educational. Thanks for directing me to it Sharon. That must have really sucked, especially after thinking you won. But watch - sometimes these things happen for a reason. maybe the next one will top it! Bob
  13. Curious, what fiasco? I noticed the Flash Showcase #4 (I think it was) "ended" and them started to climb back up in price. I figured something happened on the auction floor, maybe a bidder was missed and protested. One of these days I'm gonna get me one of them...
  14. The one I won bidding live via the internet. It was interesting watching Sunday night, as prices soared. I ducked out of a few that got too rich for me. I think there were some bargains in the mix. Will post mine when it arrives.
  15. I managed to snag one on Sunday, but I forgot about last night's sale and missed out on the fun. Bob
  16. Anybody get a load of the nice CGC Wonder Woman's Heritage had up for auction Sunday and yesterday?
  17. That #17 is out of the ballpark. A great catch for sure.
  18. Great. I was beggining to really miss the great covers you (all) post every day.
  19. Man, things sure have quieted down on this forum...
  20. That may be the case. Anyway, I have a spare #34 CGC 5.5 (from a recent upgrade) if anyone is looking for one, PM me.
  21. So did Santa bring any new WW's, All Star's or Sensation's this year?
  22. It is a great cover, but I do agree it looked a little tan and crinkled. Better luck, and perhaps a better copy, next time.
  23. (thumbs u gotta love those black covers... sharp looking copy.