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Everything posted by Transplant

  1. A Bevy of Affordable Copper and Modern Keys and Interesting Books Here are my rules. Read them carefully. Your life may depend on it. Whoever works out a deal for the book first wins. If that's in the thread here, fine. If it's in a PM, fine. Whoever gets to agreement on the terms with me first, wins. Here's the rest. I will take Paypal. I will ship in the US and internationally at my cost (I will charge you what it costs me), via a method that complies with Paypal seller protection. It can get expensive quick for needing to track higher dollar books outside the US. Payment is expected within 7 days unless we work something out. If I have you on ignore, or if you are on the PL or HOS, I will not sell to you. Books are fully returnable within 7 days of your receipt. If I messed up, I will refund shipping to you. If I didn't, I'll refund the purchase price. Assume books are pressed unless stated otherwise. What else can I think of? Nothing at the moment. But the above is subject to change at any time.
  2. Turns out I was not. I looked at the list of comic vendors and made the choice to not even try to get a dealer pass or some other free entry into a show, 10 minutes from my house. Instead, I made bank at the poker tables Friday night; spent Saturday doing family stuff and Sunday was supporting the GO! STL Marathon. Didn't feel like I missed a thing.
  3. I would wait. I can echo the comments about modern grading. My recent sub had 3 (yes, 3!) books with a note of a stain. This includes a Batman Adventures #12 that I subbed and got a 9.6. Had a note of a stain. I was mad at myself, cracked it and examined it. Didn't see anything even though I was checking it microscopically. Oh well, packed it up and sent it back with another sub. Same note again. This time 2 other books (9.6 and 9.4) had a note of a stain. Whatever. I know other people subbing books, real pros (people who can predict books much better than 1), getting books back with a note of a stain or fingerprint. Needless to say they didn't submit books with fingerprints or stains that were unknown. It's fracking stupid.
  4. I think there's a lot of good discussion here. Lots of folks weighing in on best practices. I think these kinds of open public discussions are good for SS. In no small measure, I believe they ultimately led to the downfall of a pretty bad facilitator, which was a positive for the SS community. That said, I am still very interested in people's thoughts on all of the exclusive deals for talent. I know recently one major artist/writer came to market who'd been away for a long time. This person came back immediately as an exclusive to one facilitator. The positive is that they're back and signing again. The negative is that the initial prices were Gwen Stefani crazy. That is, the shiznit was B-A-N-A-N-A-S. Prices did go down, but not before many folks threw a lot of money that way. I echo dhurley's comments earlier. If you want to lock up an offsite bulk signing, have at it. If the creator wants to charge an exorbitant price for CGC sigs, have at it. The market will decide on prices. If the creator wants to limit the # of items that can be signed in public, fine. That only doesn't work when you have facilitators trying to seed the line with multiple folks trying to get all the books they want signed. It's happened countless times. Maybe the solution is to work with the creator to do a private signing (that was one way to do bulk and respect the creator's wishes). Maybe another way to police this is for CGC to limit 1 dealer's account to a certain # (consistent with a creator's public signing limit) of books to be done at one show. I know that would be hard. I mention the signing limit because that's the inevitable justification for many of the exclusive deals: "Oh, so and so just wants to spend time with fans, not dealers who load up for free and then flip books, blah, blah, blah." But exclusive deals don't solve that problem. Private signings do. Frankly, I think DWC has poisoned the well on this issue. And if they hadn't been so terrible and gouged so hard, they might still be swimming in money with their exclusives of Lee and McFarlane. But let's be frank. 90+% of creators who are exclusive are now exclusive because someone promised more $$$$ and less "hassle", with most of the hassle just being poor behavior by facilitators.
  5. If I were you, I would call CGC and ask to speak with Sam Peterson, the head of CGC SS.
  6. BS. McFarlane and Stan, this may have been true. 90+% of the rest are because someone approached them and made an argument consisting of cash and a promise to get rid of people hogging fan space to flip books. There was a time when CGC didn't allow exclusives.
  7. Dre raises lots of good points. I also think there are issues with people locking up creators. And I don't think for most talent it's anything more than $$$.
  8. Completely agree...that was my point as well.... Free markets are fine for pricing. But only when they're really free. That is, no monopolies.
  9. Not to knock, but you show several comic booths and then say you didn't look through them. Did you look for or purchase any books?
  10. How about a Jaime Hernandez FEAR flyer?
  11. OMG I just tried to do it online and almost punched my computer this new form doesn't work for mess in Chrome. Not working on Chrome as of last night. Using IE feels like I'm a rebel of a grandpaw. One or the other.
  12. Let's say you knew of a dealer who often posted awesome comic book wisdom, sometimes sold cool books on the forums, and/or announced events that were important. You might want to follow them to get alerted about their highly valuable posts, OR if you don't want notifications, to simply visit an activity feed every now and then to review all of the content or people you follow to see if anything looks awesome enough to read. Too bad no one here is THAT interesting. But I am going to start following Bob at shows. That's the same thing, right?
  13. Huh. These were all done at one show? Cool.