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Everything posted by Transplant

  1. That's OK, good taste isn't a prerequisite for posting here. My apologies, your opinion must be right. whether you are right or not depends on your number of post Counts ... And the # of views and/or box office.
  2. You've got the seeds of a Hollywood movie pitch there! Or the hallmark indicators of an obsessive fixation. Oh, you weren't referring to Billy? BP, you're living up to your Straw-Man moniker in this ongoing comparison to DeadPool.
  3. DC productions aren't getting much of my money these days. My time is too valuable to waste on tasteless/offensive films. I respect that you liked MoS, but we obviously have different standards for entertainment. Tell the truth your just not a DC guy. George Reeves in the first 26 episodes of the original television series caught the essence of Superman for me. Sophisticated by today's standards? ...Obviously not, but the charm, heroism and even danger of super powered being operating secretly in human society was done quite well. I'd love to see Batman done right, but it's like the Goldilocks bears on steroids. Either the character is done as pure camp like the 60's abomination or the 80's & 90's interpretations where Batman was overshadowed by star actor villains or Joel Shumaker's riske' interpretation of Batman and Robin that looked like a promo film for LAMBA. And finally, when it looked like Batman couldn't be subject to worse treatment we got the darkest of the dark knight interpretations. A series that ended in Heath Ledger's spiral into darkness and the Joker idolized by a crazed cinema shooter lifting the dark horror to real world stature in an obscene reflection of just how dark our society has finally become. Maybe Goldilocks with CSI investigating her remains in the bear's cabin. Too hot, too cold, too nasty, too tasteless, but never just right. Yeah, I want my heroes to be heroic. I have no problem with scriptwriters developing characters that are conflicted and going through periods of darkness, but that only works if they come out on the other side better adjusted from the experience. Heck, adding the dimensionality of life's complexities enriches characters. Heroes need not be emotionless card-board cut outs, but the darkness requires balance. Establishing conflicted characters in a totally dystopian world isn't entertainment. Alas, we may be making our world a little more dystopian every day, but I'd like to think that there's room for optimism and hope. If our movies can't offer a hint of humanity, then I think our entertainment industry is in a truly sad state. Well, you asked. So, as in the Buckeroo Banzai universe, no matter where you go, there you are. Plenty of Marvel-only pearl clutchers in this thread.
  4. For the record, I don't buy what Kirkman or Gimple said on the Talking Dead either. Paraphrasing, "We did it cause the real story was Rick losing control. The death is the start of a new story." O RLY? Brought to you by Walking Dead the Zombie Fun Run at your local mall. And by Snickers for when you need the extra burst of energy.
  5. Because anyone who knew anything about this season knew the entire season was the cliffhanger building up to this moment. Instead, they're dragging it into another season. Would people really not watch the season premiere if they let on who died? No one has said this isn't a commonly used tool, but there are differences here.
  6. I cancelled the Tivo season pass for FTWD due to the episode. It was only borderline interesting to begin with.
  7. I don't care anymore. This comes from a day one, year one, issue one walking dead reader and fan. Screw this show. Screw this show, brought to you by Subway and shopthewalkingdead.com and Pontiac and blah, blah, blah. I'm pretty pizzed at the creative team for the decision. I've got loads and loads of other TV shows and movies vying for my time. I don't need one that's so insulting of my intelligence.
  8. Negan was fine and his time onscreen was great. The herding of the group seemed a little farfetched and overly complicated to end up in one specific spot at one specific time. But, dramatic license, whatever.
  9. It was a cop out for ratings. No way this stays a secret until October. When do they start shooting. This secret is gonna get out.
  10. Forgot about this one I'm pretty sure I was the first one to call him Gargamel, when he posted that picture of him holding his grandson. 3 attaboys for you!
  11. Says the doofus with 9.4 She-Hulk #1s.
  12. I really enjoyed the flick. Way more than just a popcorn movie. Way more than drek like Transformers or other Michael Bay projects. There were definite holes and some bad directing/editing choices. The conversion from foe to friend in the big fight was was jarring. Eisenberg was a poor interpretation of Luthor and the writing around the character was weak. But overall, I liked it. There was real potential left unrealized in the first act, but I'll take it over in your face action for 2 hours.
  13. 1. Does anyone think those people sleeping either weren't alive to begin with or they died awfully calmly and quietly? Like REALLY without any movement or sound? 2. Apparently, again the Earth turns much faster now. They go in about 3 hours before dawn (according to Rick's plan) in total darkness and come out to a bright sunny morning. It's getting annoying. 3. And no one questions why this guy shows up at that ungodly hour? Vs. waiting until daybreak? That doesn't set off any alarm bells?
  14. Just like #298 was the book to have for a while, not #300.
  15. Wouldn't be surprised if it catches up to 98 in the next few months. No way.
  16. It's been said time and time again, it's about consistency with the universe created for the show. Gas goes bad after a year? Big deal, it's part of the universe. Zombies walk around? Big deal, it's part of the universe. No one ever seems to get a cold or infection? Big deal, it's part of the universe. All the zombies are slow and bad at attacking people? That's an issue because, prior to now, it's been every zombie was basically a threat. 100 of them should be avoided, not taken on directly. That's an issue now, because in a horde they aren't converging and hundreds can be killed with ease. 50 feet away from a group of people, guarding 3 other people with guns drawn, Darryl can fight and kill/subdue a man with no one noticing or hearing? Then he can load a rocket launcher and step out from behind the truck and have time to aim well, and no one notices or reacts? And the one shot he fires blows up EVERYTHING? But somehow barely impacts the people standing 20-30 feet away? Yeah, that's sloppy thinking on the show's part. The TV show ends with a kid saying "mom, mom, mom" and then it's just ignored as if it never happened when the show resumes? Or they end a scene in daylight and resume again in total darkness? Sloppy. Sure, there are zombies. But according to the universe they've created, bullets don't come out of guns, sprout tiny fairies with knives and magically drill one in each zombies brain from 1000 yds away. You don't expect Star Trek transporters to beam people around or Star Wars lightsabers to cut down the zombies. There are "rules" in this universe and Sunday night's episode stretched them to the point of breaking.
  17. What happened to the fact that Sam was crying "Mom" at the end of the mid-season finale? Did that not happen? Did they get past it cause he shut up? Sam was the biggest liability to begin with. Why not send him and his mom with Judith to the church, if Sam was going to insist on being with her? There was doubt before they ever left the house that he would make it through the horde. Why not take that opportunity to get him out of the group trying to do something? Frustrating. If you're going to have Sam and his mom get eaten, do it like it was telegraphed: when he's crying mom right after they leave the house. Darryl was able to beat up and completely knock out a man without anyone seeing or hearing anything. Then, he had time to load, point and fire a rocket launcher? And the rocket launcher didn't just hit something. It hit something effectively blowing up the entire group. Nice work, ninja Darryl. It went from light to complete darkness in one commercial break. Now Rick's group moves so slowly that a complete sunset and darkness can swoop in before they move 100'. Speed up, folks. Everyone who's ever lacked a pair (known characters and filler town residents included) now grows some and proceeds to cut down an entire heard without losing a person. Not one person's knife or other small blade ever gets stuck in the head shots they keep ticking off, as zombies do the TV show equivalent of lining up single file to be killed. Nice. Lots of WD-world logical holes.
  18. No. Just tired of rehashing divad's pattern of sales and grading. If people want to know about it, they can search. You can be sure though that the only time divad is going to post an Ebay link is when some raw book performed in a way he wants to trumpet. Why it did that is up to the reader to determine.
  19. Make sure you get a money back guarantee when you send it to CGC and it gets less than a 9.9.
  20. Outstanding collectible items and collection. Thanks for sharing.
  21. James purchase a higher dollar book from me recently and the transaction couldn't have been smoother. Very quick payment. Thanks!
  22. Can't remember if I still have this. I got mine at the Diamond Con in '93 and Edlund signed it and a Tick #7 for me. So many creators there.
  23. Very quick, pleasant transaction with Wendell. Would not hesitate to deal with in the future.
  24. Is that the first comic book appearance of Be-Bop, Rocksteady, and Krang? Ahhhh that explains it then.. I sold 2 on Amazon in the past hour I believe #2 is actually the first bebop and rocksteady I have no idea since I have never read the issues, but #1 is being advertised on ebay and some of the wiki sites as their first appearance. Its an in/out of costume thing I remember someone saying. If it was daredevil it would be the equivalent of 'matt murdock' appearing in #1 but 'daredevil' appearing only in #2 Why now though? Did I miss a movie announcement? Fine with me as I have an offer on my 9.8 #1 Limited on Ebay.