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Everything posted by Transplant

  1. The purge episode just might be my favorite one so far, but I thought season 1 was better. I'm not saying season 2 was bad, or even disappointing. Just a personal preference. The Unity episode may have been my highlight of what I've seen so far. That said, it's the only one I've seen twice.
  2. I only discovered this show in the past few weeks. Watched all of season 2. Now I need to hit season 1 somewhere. It's hilarious.
  3. Taking a break from getting paid....like Abe, Sasha, Darryl, and Glen. 100% standard, ensemble cast, side adventure storytelling. It's so predictable.
  4. It's about 7 months late at this point. Finally in the hands of UPS and en route for next week.
  5. Quoting for posterity and backpedaling insurance.
  6. From a thread I started about the biggest series disappointments once you finally read them.
  7. Given how totally not_in_tune_with_social_norms crazy people here go when someone doesn't ship their comic book on time, I think Morgan's overall reaction to his wife becoming a zombie and then eating his son right in front of him, along with the world as we know it ending, has been positively restrained by comparison. I mean seriously, Morgan just got down building a 40' fire pit without a Bobcat. If that doesn't make you want to "clear," I don't know what will. And Media Mail doesn't exist anymore. One upside to the apocalypse: all packages are hand delivered.
  8. Dont have mine turned on. Who was it? In case anyone doesn't want to know until next week...
  9. Quick payment. Definitely recommended.
  10. Oh, and can someone please pm me this rant? It sounds like I need some online dating profile and comic shipping advice.
  11. I'm going through all of this for the first time. I also want to see this fire pit. Part of me would like to imagine that it is 200ft by 2ft to create a wall of fire across the front of the property to scare trespassers like a fire moat. Even a 40 square foot fire pit is big enough to set up a "walking over hot coals" for your next Hawaiian pig roast party. A 400 square foot fire pit has another name - a crematorium. For getting rid of the "bad dates" from OkCupid.
  12. I make the same points whether it's in public or on a chat forum. What I find is that it's others that don't. I'm not sure if you have a beef with me. I certainly don't have one with you. It's actually funny you say that. I often see a disparity between your board persona and local rumours. If you ever wondered where my comments come from, that is it. (thumbs u A disparity, you say? Yes, which tends to be one of my pet peeves. Well, now that we've PM'd about this, it seems that the main root of JD's pet peeve was just another misunderstanding. JD was visiting my local comic store a while back and saw me introduce the owner as 'my friend' to someone and when I walked away, he the owner said that he 'wasn't actually my friend'. Only he's one of my best friends in the entire world AND also happens to have a very dry sense of humor. There you have folks, another juicy Roy tidbit exposed, cremated and buried. Transplant, sorry to disappoint you. Your apology is accepted. I was just curious what the disparity was. I didn't say, here, that you were anything other than exactly what you represent yourself to be.
  13. Can you actually see the silver bells and cockle shells from your window? Do you find it hard to trust in general? I find trust is an achievement, to be earned, and not a gift, to be given away. And it is this philosophical difference that keeps us at odds. If Chris finds trust an achievement to be earned and you are philosophically at odds with him, then that means you don't think trust needs to be earned. If trust doesn't need to be earned that means you trust innately. If you trust innately, then the question of why you don't ship your books before a buyer pays is a fair question. It's logical. But you keep sidestepping because you know that you don't actually trust everyone. Nobody reasonable person does. And the reason you won't admit that you don't trust everyone is because that means you'd be on the wrong side of the entire discussion of implicitly trusting everyone's 'oh, that was steal' comments. You did the same thing a few years ago when we had a discussion in the Watercooler. You deflected, moved the goal posts, insulted me and then have been playing the 'pad your post count' card with me ever since. Which is why I rarely reply to you. I don't dislike you, I just think you continue to move the goal posts when you are discussing a topic. Take witness folks. This IS Roy's greatest post ever on these boards. His analysis of Junk Donkey's auto-contrarian, logic defying, posting style is spot on. Challenge him with facts? Memes. Debate with reason? Responses of emoticons. Claims of not caring peppered in lengthy examples of him actually caring about something but never wanting to admit he's wrong. It's the MO of someone .... I don't know... insecure? Inherently argumentative? I can't put my finger on it.
  14. I make the same points whether it's in public or on a chat forum. What I find is that it's others that don't. I'm not sure if you have a beef with me. I certainly don't have one with you. It's actually funny you say that. I often see a disparity between your board persona and local rumours. If you ever wondered where my comments come from, that is it. (thumbs u A disparity, you say?
  15. Can't have anyone evaluating that grade. I wasn't going to respond, bc doing so lends credibility to you, but here's the deal. I move scans from a "For sale" folder on photobucket to a "Sold" folder on photobucket only after the buyer receives a book and either has a few days to let me know of any issues or tells me it's all good. Case in point, the rest of the books listed are still there. The only ones not there were sold or, in the case of a DC Presents #49, given as a freebie to a buyer of a Marvel Family #1. I don't understand why you never want to discuss the factual allegations made against you. Instead, you always try to deflect with criticism of me or my slabbing books or my grading. When you're shown to be an insufficiently_thoughtful_person when you accuse me of never selling raw books, you respond by saying I can't grade. You don't give any examples of that. You just say it. Then you try to insinuate I remove scans to cover up something. If anyone wants, I'm happy to provide scans of raw books sold here or on Ebay. I keep most of them in the Sold folder until I start to run out of space on photobucket. Why don't you just respond to allegations in a constructive manner instead of lashing out with charges continually shown to be false? Here's the scan for the book that you quoted. If someone wants bigger scans to verify my grading, I have them.
  16. Wrong. I've personally bought many raw 9.6/9.8 candidates from him in the past few years that ALL were up to CGC grading standards when I examined them in hand, and they all graded out at CGC at what he initially graded them at raw. You could end all of this "overgrade/spot on grade" junk by posting proof of this. This is silly. There's no reason to thin Illustrious isn't telling the truth. My point is, who cares? That doesn't change the fact that divad has a clear history of overgrading and misrepresenting books listed on Ebay.
  17. Can you explain the duplicate listing of the same book? And subsequent ending of the duplicate book within 20 minutes of the other listing selling? Do you mind saying when these duplicate listings went up on Ebay? When a consignor updates the price on a book, our eBay poster ends the previous listing and creates a new one. Price changed, old listing ended, new listing at the new price created, book sold. It's a normal sequence of events. In this case the buy it now was hit 20 minutes after the listing went up. That's quick, but not especially unusual, particularly if somebody is looking at stuff sorted by newest listed. The buyer purchased four high-end Bat books from us as part of this order, with the books belonging to three different consignors. The buyer is in another country. If the buyer's just trying to put a data point into GPA, then he paid $20+ of international shipping and bought four pretty substantial books in order to do so. Thanks very much. Above and beyond what can be expected in the way of information. I think a couple of us were just surprised by what is a huge outlier sale. It's still weird that it would change price and sell the same day. But, based on what you've stated, it appears to be genuine. Thanks again.
  18. Wrong. I've personally bought many raw 9.6/9.8 candidates from him in the past few years that ALL were up to CGC grading standards when I examined them in hand, and they all graded out at CGC at what he initially graded them at raw. I'm glad you've had a good experience buying from him. My wording was off, I can't speak to what "most people" agree. Two responses. First, if you didn't buy them off eBay then I'm not sure you can compare how he's grading books or sale here vs. those listed on Ebay. Different audiences. Second, have you ever bought and had graded one of Divad's raw 9.9 books? I'd love to hear about that.
  19. You're not very good at facts. http://boards.collectors-society.com/ubbthreads.php?ubb=showflat&Board=79&Number=8857321&Searchpage=1&Main=388955&Words=Wolverine+Transplant&topic=0&Search=true#Post8857321
  20. I can grade just fine. In fact, I'd say I'm pretty spot-on in the 9.4-9.8 range, for sure. I've offered my grading challenge to you multiple times, but you never accept it. I can grade, that's why I don't sell books which clearly aren't 9.8, as 9.8, on Ebay to unsuspecting buyers. I value my integrity above getting $20 for some modern copper book. I think most people agree that you don't slab books because you know you aren't grading to CGC's standards. And if you're calling a book a 9.8 raw, then you are clearly insinuating that the book would be graded a 9.8 by CGC. I'm not beating around the bush here. You've overgraded books on Ebay and not just in the typical margin of error or tight-grading CGC realm either. That is a fact. For noobs:
  21. Can you explain the duplicate listing of the same book? And subsequent ending of the duplicate book within 20 minutes of the other listing selling? Do you mind saying when these duplicate listings went up on Ebay? This is exactly why many people don't like to post here . . . Look. I've been staying out of the way of your near-scam Ebay results, please move aside while the grown-ups talk. I'm not implying any ill-intent on MCS' part, just curious about details of a weird sequence of events. As someone who owns the book in question, wouldn't I profit from having someone drive the price higher? If people want to suddenly pay double for the same book, more power to them. It's just weird timing.
  22. Can you explain the duplicate listing of the same book? And subsequent ending of the duplicate book within 20 minutes of the other listing selling? Do you mind saying when these duplicate listings went up on Ebay?