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The Official The Walking Dead Discussion Thread
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On ‎3‎/‎25‎/‎2019 at 1:25 AM, BeeCee said:

Picked up a beautiful, unopened, copy of comic issue #1, TWD. (raw grade min. 9.8, possible 9.9.  My question is value. It is a RARE, Peruvian copy. Its not the 2012 Argentinian varient, it is the 2012, FIRST PRINTING March 2012, printed in PERU, distributed by Group Epensa, editor Vuk SAC. Looking for any help regarding value or Fair Market Value. Or where to turn to? Thanks in advance!

I'm no grading expert, but given that TWD #1 has had over 3,000 books submitted and only 24 have been 9.9, your odds that book, even if it looks perfect, is in fact a 9.9 are extremely slim

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I also think Season 9 is a come-back for the show.   Yeah, Season 8 was a real loser for many reasons.   But that last 90 minute episode?   Feel free to hate all you want and PLEASE stop watching the show.  We'll have less advertisers, so I'll get more content during the 60 minutes of air time.    

Edited by BladeTX
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On 3/30/2019 at 2:00 PM, BladeTX said:

I'm no grading expert, but given that TWD #1 has had over 3,000 books submitted and only 24 have been 9.9, your odds that book, even if it looks perfect, is in fact a 9.9 are extremely slim

This was for the Peruvian copy, too - so it's a foreign edition reprint - not sure of any 9.9's that exist of it at all tbh...

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More TWD Research on individual books.   I was able to do some research on www.comichron.com which tracks Diamond's distribution.  Below are distributor shipments for TWD from Issue 100 to present.    Comichron advises against trending because sometimes publishers send books late and it's tough to gauge month to month.  But TWD has been so incredibly consistent that I didn't see issues of books with duplicate shipments one month then none the next.   I'm sure people will poke all kinds of holes in this but one thing is clear.  TWD distribution has fallen like a rock over the past 6 issues, with the last 2 over 50% lower than prior trending.  Some things to note:

  • Aside from some craziness for Issues 100 and 115 and the many variants, the book was surprisingly consistent from 106 to 181.   Sure, while there were the occasional pops into the 80K level, the books held steady monthly from 65K to 75K issues as a typical range
  • Issue 157 to 164 (Whisperer War arc) had a meaningful bump in distribution, at 97K, 91K, 88K, 85K, 85K, 84K.  Issue 163 was not reported but that was the 25 cent special so not sure why.  That was the only issue in the Diamond records not listed.   Maybe they do not list free-ish promotions?
  • Issue 171 (first Princess) popped up to 84K.   Not sure why issue 168 sold high at 82K except cover shows Negan out on his own.
  • The painful news for collectors.  Look at the distribution for the last 2 issues.  It appears the Commonwealth clashes are not pulling the typical readership with just 46K issues for #187 and 45K for #188.  I don't like it, I'm just reporting the numbers.  

Here is the month to month detail:



100 335,082

101 51,732

102 53,337

103 74,378

104 57,456

105 57,781




106 70,526

107 63,575

108 67,423

109 90,362

110 76,455

111 74,857

112 72,975

113 70,273

114 70,440

115 310,584

116 69,913

117 68.818

118 68,020




119 65,151

120 65,286

121 65,244

122 64,810

123 64.460

124 64,559

125 66,761

126 67,853

127 71,352

128 74,326

129 72,098

130 71,885

131 69,810

132 326,344 (includes 200K-250K from Loot Crate)

133 69,561

134 68,093

135 67,361




136 66,097

137 65,620

138 66,778

139 67,349

140 66,553

141 68,931

142 68,221

143 67,989

144 79,496

145 82,792

146 69,006

147 67,056

148 65,526

149 65,406




150 156,166

151 67,381

152 67,258

153 67,358

154 68,922

155 71,755

156 76,355

157 97,689

158 94,316

159 91,291

160 88,367

161 85,459




162 85,395

163 Not published

164 83,999

165 70,422

166 68,205

167 74,062

168 82,970

169 67,910

170 65,855

171 84,239

172 64,231

173 63,228

174 60,964




175 82,361

176 77,407

177 74,828

178 73,978

179 73,744

180 71,196

181 67,681

182 65,101

183 62,514

184 60,814

185 58,258

186 58,020




187 46,536

188 44,947

189 Not yet published


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I know 186 had the last Bill Sienkiewicz variant cover so the print run would be down since there’s only one cover to order of 187,188

However you are really right, print runs moving down.  Possible that flippers have move on. 

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Yeah, someone should explain the flipper thing to me.  I did not start collecting until issue 166 so missed a lot of that.  But as I previously posted, Issues 108 and 127 have the most graded 9.8 copies.  I’m guessing since this was about 3-5 years into the show, people were going crazy for first appearances.  Good thing for me supply exceeds demand as I’ve bought a group of First appearances in 9.8 SS Kirkman + Adlard for $75 each: 92, 108, 127, 138

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22 minutes ago, cbalroman said:

I know 186 had the last Bill Sienkiewicz variant cover so the print run would be down since there’s only one cover to order of 187,188

However you are really right, print runs moving down.  Possible that flippers have move on. 

Yeah but look at those last 2 issues in 2018.   New lows of 58K even with the variant covers (which Inthought were amazing)

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12 minutes ago, BladeTX said:

Yeah but look at those last 2 issues in 2018.   New lows of 58K even with the variant covers (which Inthought were amazing)

True. Really not sure. Again I think it’s people who purchased multiple copies of each issue to flip, jumping off the wagon. Used to be you could buy a issue of TWD wait a few months and easily flip to make a little cash. Nowadays the more current back issues aren’t moving on the secondary market.  At least not for enough to take the time of flippers. 

I think you’re seeing numbers more in tune with true reader numbers. 

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Next week Oceanside and Alexandria hold crisis talks to decide wether to put Carrots or Potatoes in the stew.

Anarchy erupts when Carol suggests both.

I can't wait.


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14 hours ago, Beige said:

Next week Oceanside and Alexandria hold crisis talks to decide wether to put Carrots or Potatoes in the stew.

Anarchy erupts when Carol suggests both.

I can't wait.


I love carrots!

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1 hour ago, bigclutch said:

I love carrots!

Yeah, but Onions, Big S, will there be Onions??



You know I've been with this Graphic Novel from day #1 mate - seriously, was the last ep the best the writers could do?


You know what I'd have like to seen in this season?

The salvation of the Kingdom.

It's been 4-5 yrs in the jump.

Rick,Maggie,Michonne and Daryl are gone/walkabout

Lets have Daryl turn up at the Kingdom on Ep #1 and see the state of it. Make the season about the resurrection of Ezekiels folly in allowing the Kingdom to decline.

Here's a few hints:

Clear 1km around the Kingdom of trees - How can the Whisperers hide IN THE TREES 20m from the entrance.

So you need Power.Food.Weapons.

Make the Season about 'runs' somewhere - get the Citizens of the Kingdom known to viewers on these runs (think Rick/Daryl meeting Jesus - classic ep)

Run for Solar Panels - why no solar at Kingdom??

Run to Oceanside - set up fishing/smoking/storing of fish for supplies

Run for livestock - need to get fences/feed and animals (in that new 1km radius)

Tools - Electric powered - runs for lithium batteries,bases etc

Bullets - the press is still at the Sanctuary - go get the bloody thing and make 50 bullets a week! What use are spears?

Education - lets see kids being taught how to become Carpenters,electricians,farmers etc - not a whole show, but the odd insert.

Clear the Hilltop - Kingdom Road. Build Stockaded Towers every 1km (with the trees cut down around it to form a perimeter and Tower and room for horses) add a solar panel or two and viola - protected road!

If you can get to Hilltop from Kingdom in a day - must be 10km max right, so 10 Towers - 5 built by each camp

I understand petrol has spoiled - but vehicles can run on electricity (Solar panels again :frustrated: ). The first Fords were powered by steam, heck the Ford Factory was powered by MANURE for a few years!

After 10 yrs, it's inconcievable that Carol,Eugene and Tara et al wouldn't think of these things

Introduce the Whisperers very slowly - a walker behaving oddly, out of character behaviour. Let the intrigue (for non-comic readers) grow - then BANG - introduce Alpha toward the end

Throw in a Daryl/Carol/Ezekiel love triangle and there's your Season 9 right there. 


Sorry Big S - the sight of people tied together to battle the terrible storm IN AN ENCLOSED COMMUNITY to go to the house next door - in one inch of snow was pitiful.

Why didn't people have hats and gloves on?

Why did Negan give Judith a coat when they could have just gone inside the bloody building instead of sitting outside it....

Why leave the kingdom in a blizzard....

It was sloppy lazy writing - and..........why build a radio system if it's not manned?

If I was Maggie, I'd stay wherever she was....


I look forward to the carrots.

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24 minutes ago, Beige said:

Why didn't people have hats and gloves on? 

Why did Negan give Judith a coat when they could have just gone inside the bloody building instead of sitting outside it? 

Why leave the kingdom in a blizzard....

It was sloppy lazy writing - and..........why build a radio system if it's not manned?

If I was Maggie, I'd stay wherever she was....

I'm gonna take a stab at some of these...(see below for my responses in bold...)

Why didn't people have hats and gloves on? Because in the US we don't wear white after Labor Day and it's such a faux pas to do that IN SNOW, my friend...because snow IS WHITE!  Can we say, clash-fest?!?!?  Have you ever tried finding white gloves or hats in a snow storm?  It's not fun...not fun at all. :preach:

Why did Negan give Judith a coat when they could have just gone inside the bloody building instead of sitting outside it?  First off, who wants to go inside a building filled with Blood??? This ain't Twilight and it definitely ain't "NOS4A2" or whatever the new show is about vampires and Christmas Land.  Also, had Negan taken Judith inside a building filled with blood it would have traumatized the poor girl and she's already lost her adopted dad, her biological dad, her brother, her mom, and her pet turtle.  LEAVE POOR JUDITH ALONE!

Why leave the kingdom in a blizzard?  Because it's better than leaving during a tornado.  Blizzards < Tornados.  Do the math! :sumo:

Why build a radio system if it's not manned?  Where are they going to get someone to sit in front of a radio 24/7 when they don't have enough people to even field a recreational softball team? Priorities.  Think about it...would you rather sit in front of a radio all day or catch grounders?  Exactly.  Sidenote...I feel the term 'personed' would have been more PC in this query...after all, it's 2019 and a woman could just as easily run that radio.  Consider the audience here...girls watch TWD, too, you know.  (thumbsu

If I was Maggie, I'd stay wherever she was...She's over on ABC at the moment and they're owned by Disney...just fyi. 2c


I'm sad the season is over and can't wait for Game of Thrones to help pass the time till next season of FTWD and TWD season 10.  I'm so ready for Negan to get more playing time with the others and can't wait to see his character develop more on the show (and I wish he'd come back in the comics ASAP)...issue #200, perhaps??? :wishluck:

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On 3/16/2019 at 10:07 AM, BladeTX said:
On 3/16/2019 at 7:12 AM, StephenWA said:

This seems an important enough issue for NASA to have taken a look at it; see http://ntrs.nasa.gov/archive/nas...

Apparently, terminal velocity of a human body is about 53 meters per second. That is, if you free fall, that is as fast as your mass to air resistance will allow you to fall. Acceleration occurs up to that point; after 3 seconds you are going 1/2 terminal velocity.  After 8 seconds about 90% of terminal velocity.

So, assume 6 seconds of fall at 1/2 the terminal velocity rate = 26 m/sec.   

6 x 26 is over 150 meters; about 500 feet give or take.  You are almost certainly dead... many decimal places into the 99th percentile. Up to about 12m/sec you will likely survive.  So you can fall for maybe up to nearly 2 seconds and have a good hope of surviving.  That sounds like maybe 20-25 feet or 6-8 meters. Did Beta fall about that far, or further?

A 3-second fall is probably fatal if landing on a hard surface like the top of a lift car.

The middle would probably be a normal distribution between survival and death between 7 meters and, say, 25-30 metres where you would virtually always die.

Eh, I did a couple minutes of science research on this and it depends on how much "give" that elevator had when he hit it..  All I know after watching a bunch of Mythbusters episodes is a 50g hit to your body (50 x gravity) will almost surely kill you - in addition to broken bones and such, your internal organs get messed up..   I found a gravity G calculator online, have to assume it is accurate.   The highest recorded g level and survival rate was a NASA test guy that held 46g for a few seconds.  Apparently he lived another 45 years without long tern effects.  If you fall 20 feet and stop extremely quickly (4 centimeters), it is 150g force, guaranteed deadly if you land flat (leg and spine compression would have more give).  But if that elevator had some give in the cables from Beta's weight, a 1 meter deceleration would only be 20g - easily survivable.   Sorry to get all geeky on ya'll.  Stephen got me started.  I'm blaming him!

A lot also depends on your own physical state at the time of "stop." For example...if you're tensed up, you are far more likely to do damage, both to bones and internal organs. However, if you're relaxed when you hit, and let your body absorb the impact, you're less likely to do fatal damage, It's a major reason why drunk drivers walk away from so many accidents that kill others: they're usually completely relaxed at the moment of impact, unaware of what is happening. 

So remember: if you fall, try and relax . :D



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1 minute ago, RockMyAmadeus said:



2 minutes ago, RockMyAmadeus said:


So remember: if you fall, try and relax . :D



I believe I learned this around age nine from reading a DC treasury reprinting the Joker story from Batman 4. The Joker's accomplices are acrobats who hit the ground with a roll to absorb the impact. Ie, the opposite of tensed up. Which is the clue that leads Batman to realizing they are with the circus. :)

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Well, not so sure how many TWD book collectors frequent this place anymore but discovered something interesting today when I received the Mother Lode of 10 signed and/or sketched TWD early books for my TWD #1-#48 set.   Wasn't cheap to knock off 20% in one go, but a long term collector was going to gradually phase out but I convinced him to move up his plans :headbang:

So I was looking at the signatures and noticed one of the books (a very desirable 3xSS), #24, was signed in 2007.  This was only 18 months after the book was published and still 3 years before TWD appeared on AMC so you don't see these early signatures often.  Most signatures are 2012 or 2014, likely when TWD was on fire.   So check out these pics, #24 on the left signed 2007 and #20 on the right signed 2012.   Kirkman's signature is 2 separate scribbles for first and last name but continuous on 2012.   All the ones I have seen are continuous, so in the early days he took a bit more time to sign the book.   Best of all is Carlie Adlard.  The one on the left is very detailed, where the newer sig on the right is less detailed and a bit sloppy.  Then I recalled that "The Art of Charlie Adlard book had his signature on it.   And it is identical to the signature from 2007.  Clearly on the Art book he would want his real signature.   So my conclusion is that there was much less demand for signing in 2007, and Charlie took the time to put his real signature on the book and later on, the huge flow of fans caused him to condense it.   As far as the 2007 Tony Moore, it looks exactly like Tony's signature regardless of date.  At least he is consistent!!!    Anyway, I thought this was kind of cool.  Pics attached.




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On 4/6/2019 at 8:27 PM, rckstr1253 said:

Will walking dead #1 start to decline in value or rise again?

Ha , that is like predicting the stock market.   Prices for issues 1 and 2 in CGC 9.8 have both fallen 35% or so over the past nine months.  So could be a great buying opportunity or on the way down.  

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On 3/31/2019 at 1:03 PM, BladeTX said:

More TWD Research on individual books.   I was able to do some research on www.comichron.com which tracks Diamond's distribution.  Below are distributor shipments for TWD from Issue 100 to present.    Comichron advises against trending because sometimes publishers send books late and it's tough to gauge month to month.  But TWD has been so incredibly consistent that I didn't see issues of books with duplicate shipments one month then none the next.   I'm sure people will poke all kinds of holes in this but one thing is clear.  TWD distribution has fallen like a rock over the past 6 issues, with the last 2 over 50% lower than prior trending.  Some things to note:

  • Aside from some craziness for Issues 100 and 115 and the many variants, the book was surprisingly consistent from 106 to 181.   Sure, while there were the occasional pops into the 80K level, the books held steady monthly from 65K to 75K issues as a typical range
  • Issue 157 to 164 (Whisperer War arc) had a meaningful bump in distribution, at 97K, 91K, 88K, 85K, 85K, 84K.  Issue 163 was not reported but that was the 25 cent special so not sure why.  That was the only issue in the Diamond records not listed.   Maybe they do not list free-ish promotions?
  • Issue 171 (first Princess) popped up to 84K.   Not sure why issue 168 sold high at 82K except cover shows Negan out on his own.
  • The painful news for collectors.  Look at the distribution for the last 2 issues.  It appears the Commonwealth clashes are not pulling the typical readership with just 46K issues for #187 and 45K for #188.  I don't like it, I'm just reporting the numbers.  

Here is the month to month detail:





100 335,082


101 51,732


102 53,337


103 74,378


104 57,456


105 57,781








106 70,526


107 63,575


108 67,423


109 90,362


110 76,455


111 74,857


112 72,975


113 70,273


114 70,440


115 310,584


116 69,913


117 68.818


118 68,020








119 65,151


120 65,286


121 65,244


122 64,810


123 64.460


124 64,559


125 66,761


126 67,853


127 71,352


128 74,326


129 72,098


130 71,885


131 69,810


132 326,344 (includes 200K-250K from Loot Crate)


133 69,561


134 68,093


135 67,361








136 66,097


137 65,620


138 66,778


139 67,349


140 66,553


141 68,931


142 68,221


143 67,989


144 79,496


145 82,792


146 69,006


147 67,056


148 65,526


149 65,406








150 156,166


151 67,381


152 67,258


153 67,358


154 68,922


155 71,755


156 76,355


157 97,689


158 94,316


159 91,291


160 88,367


161 85,459








162 85,395


163 Not published


164 83,999


165 70,422


166 68,205


167 74,062


168 82,970


169 67,910


170 65,855


171 84,239


172 64,231


173 63,228


174 60,964








175 82,361


176 77,407


177 74,828


178 73,978


179 73,744


180 71,196


181 67,681


182 65,101


183 62,514


184 60,814


185 58,258


186 58,020








187 46,536


188 44,947


189 Not yet published




Thanks for pulling this together. 

I'm less worried about the numbers for 185 and 186.  Looking year-over-year, the numbers take a big dip in the last few months of the calendar year. 

But the 2019 numbers are significant.  Not only super low print runs in comparison to the past, but no new year bump like the previous years.  

He's probably hoping to get a boost from that 200th issue and Season 9.


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