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Booooooooooooo !!!!!!!!!!!!! GPA raises prices

239 posts in this topic

It's no joke... account sharing is being abused and its not being confused with people with (usually) 2 different IPS Home and Work. It goes much further than that.


Then fix the problem, and stop blaming thieves for price increases. doh!


It's pretty easy to do - you just follow bank and other online business rules, and treat a concurrent access as a hacking attempt, and close down the account for an hour or so, emailing the subscriber that an account hijack has been attempted, and he needs to change his password.


No threats, no intimidation, just play it by the book and these scammers will be forced to get two accounts.



They will be soon...


"Account Sharing" is just another factor I wanted people to be aware of.

There are several decent reasons to support a price increase as people have pointed out in this thread.


BTW... you can always do the "Single Day Access" service several times as needed (once its available). That would surely suit your particular needs far better than even a monthly subscription at $7 per.


Also... I'd be happy to bounce a "Discounted-Contributer" idea off George... if you're willing to contribute to the newsletter semi-regularly with your always interesting and thought-provoking take on the industry hm:baiting: That may be a better idea than the GPAdvisor positions that have not produced very much contribution overall. hm


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It's no joke... account sharing is being abused and its not being confused with people with (usually) 2 different IPS Home and Work. It goes much further than that.


That makes sense...thanks for the explanation. If, for instance...my id logs in from disparate parts of the country or world...then one would assume that it is in fact account sharing.


I do, however, see a potential legitmate use case where this could still happen...someone who is accessing the web site through a thin-client environment would make that user seem they are physically someone else when in fact they aren't...not likely the case here...but fyi.


And for those lame arses doing it... (tsk)


Considering the bargain this service is, the fee increase (considering the current economy) is justified. They softened the blow by adding new features, so I'm cool. Now if they can crack down on this sheet I think they should be set. BTW, this is why I no longer respond to these "can you give me a GPA on this" posts...they provide a service and it should be paid for.

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I received an email yesterday from GPA as well about the new $9.95 rate. Personally, I'm content with GPA 1.0 and would like to have the option of staying with 1.0 so I can continue to keep my $6.95 rate. Either that or grandfather me in at $6.95 for GPA 2.0.


Maintain two sites (more effort, headache for service provider) to keep your costs down? Sorry, :roflmao:

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Not to single anybody out at all...honest...but...


Man I am getting a real good giggle from all the people


who spend $100's on children's funny books and complain


about $3/month.


Honestly gang...you probably drop more change out of your back pocket (or wherever you keep it).


It reminds me of when Tim Horten's Coffee (A very big and very successful coffee/donut chain up here in igloo land) raised their prices by a few 2c




Next people are going to be saying that AF #15 is more important historically than FF #1.




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I canceled too. $10 a month is too high. They should at least offer a discount if you prepay for a year? All these little increases have to stop somewhere. Goodbye GPA... may more folks share passwords. :whistle:


I do understand if you decide it now costs too much for your needs Mike, but the last comment... was just not needed man.

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I canceled too. $10 a month is too high. They should at least offer a discount if you prepay for a year? All these little increases have to stop somewhere. Goodbye GPA... may more folks share passwords. :whistle:


I do understand if you decide it now costs too much for your needs Mike, but the last comment... was just not needed man.


That's not any different than everyone asking me the GPA when I was a subscriber. I didn't hear any complaints then. But, I respect your pov.

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Not to single anybody out at all...honest...but...


Man I am getting a real good giggle from all the people


who spend $100's on children's funny books and complain


about $3/month.


Honestly gang...you probably drop more change out of your back pocket (or wherever you keep it).


It reminds me of when Tim Horten's Coffee (A very big and very successful coffee/donut chain up here in igloo land) raised their prices by a few 2c




Next people are going to be saying that AF #15 is more important historically than FF #1.




AF #15 is more important historically than FF #1. :foryou:


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I canceled too. $10 a month is too high. They should at least offer a discount if you prepay for a year? All these little increases have to stop somewhere. Goodbye GPA... may more folks share passwords. :whistle:


I do understand if you decide it now costs too much for your needs Mike, but the last comment... was just not needed man.


That's not any different than everyone asking me the GPA when I was a subscriber. I didn't hear any complaints then. But, I respect your pov.


You're right... but I wasn't around much then.

I'm back now and politely try to encourage most "askers" to consider supporting the product... for what that's worth.


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I actually piggy backed someone else's account. They let me use it for a bit. I told George about it in the spirit of disclosure.


I was in a bit of a pickle though.


I don't have a credit card.




After my separation a few years ago my credit took a HUGE dive and I've been credit free (except for the mortgage) ever since. Everything is cash or trade! One Oxen for a box of SA readers...or something like that...


I had to mail GPA an AUS Money Order!





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er, did Sponge Bob forward the proper royalties to use the Wolverine outfit? lol i think a lot of us are getting real financially frustrated castrated.


Did you just give me an opening to post the larger image :grin:

My favorite amalagam:

Spongeverine (yes I made it... but have not "sold" it in anyway requiring licensing)



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Are you guys sure sharing an account is as out of control as this? Groups of 3 or more? I check GPA from both my home and work computers. If you check my account, you'll see logins from 2 different IPs. Would you draw the conclusion I am sharing an account from that


I'm curious about this as well...being that it is a web service and all...I use it where-ever I need it...that is the purpose of the Internets and all. I've used it from many a shared Marriott guest computer while on the road, my family computer...I have 2-3 computers as it is...


Not sure where Bruce and company is getting this info from.


Keeping in mind that I'm not as technically knowledgeable as you... this is what I "understood" the situation to be when talking with George...


Aside from obvious Concurrent Logins (and attempts) from multiple IPS he can also make educated assumptions based on the gap in time (usually short) between logins and new IPs located farther apart than is feasible to travel, etc. He can generally determine a users home, work and/or laptop not with just an IP but with a computer ID too I believe. Anyway, I'm sure he can explain this much better than I... and I'm probably going to say something too "simplistically" that you'll want more technical answers on... so I'll let George comment further when he gets around to reviewing this thread.


It's no joke... account sharing is being abused and its not being confused with people with (usually) 2 different IPS Home and Work. It goes much further than that.


It's theft pure and simple. My question is why hasn't George just forced password changes on those accounts that are obviously being abused. It's not hard to track an IP and see different people in different geographical areas are using the same account.


If GPA is not willing to police their site, and they could be, I don't know, then it's hard to have sympathy for them considering the ongoing abuse...




I don't think it's that simple. My IP at home is Comcast, which shows a San Francisco origin when you track it. My IP at my office is AT&T Business DSL, which shows a Chicago origin when you track it. I have no idea why it shows Chicago, but it does. Now, if someone is showing 8 different geographic locations, that could be evidence of a problem - but not necessarily. Sometimes I use my Palm Treo to access GPA mobile when I'm out of the SF area on a trip or at a convention (granted, I haven't been to a convention out of the area in a year, but I used to use GPA at shows all the time), or my Verizon USB broadband modem to access GPA when I'm on vacation or visiting family or on a business trip, and my connection to the Verizon network might show a different origin depending on what show I attend or where I am on a trip when I check.

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I canceled too. $10 a month is too high. They should at least offer a discount if you prepay for a year? All these little increases have to stop somewhere. Goodbye GPA... may more folks share passwords. :whistle:


I do understand if you decide it now costs too much for your needs Mike, but the last comment... was just not needed man.


That's not any different than everyone asking me the GPA when I was a subscriber. I didn't hear any complaints then. But, I respect your pov.


You're right... but I wasn't around much then.

I'm back now and politely try to encourage most "askers" to consider supporting the product... for what that's worth.


I've been a subscriber to GPA for years and love it! IMHYWO It's well worth the monthly fee to me!

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Hi guys - we've been busy making sure the new system was behaving itself last night as we rolled it out, so apologies on not coming here earlier - it's now Saturday morning, so finally some time to get on the boards lol I know, NO life!


So, what are the burning questions?


In a nutshell, we've been looking to implement the changes/features for more than a year now. We took a business decision that rather than build three different systems (as we have implemented now) and the overheads of running them, we would focus on delivering one universal system - this means we can offer additional services/features to everyone in the future and we can better manage our subscribers as they're all on the same level.


The $9.95 tier was by far our largest - so we've settled on that price point as our service charge. The service now offers what Gold level subscribers were paying for ($19.95/m) but with additional features, like portolio management.


I understand some of you are seeing the price jump from the $6.95/m to $9.95/m - I guess the new service will stand up based on its value to you personally. As some others have pointed out we're not an entertainment service - we are here to assist you in your buying and selling decisions. If this saves/makes you money then the service pays for itself.


I think the new features we have implemented (and those coming) will make it attractive to those of you who are trading in CGC books.


So, shoot :)


excuse any spelling errors... still waking up

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I pay $160/month for a bundled cable tv, phone, and internet service. I probably use it less then 10% of the time its available to me.


I pay $80/month for service on two cell phones for my wife and myself. I always have 80% of my minutes left at the end of the month.


I pay GPA $10/month for a service where I can make back that money on one single purchase of a certified book. Not even an expensive book, mind you, say a 9.8 modern that I'd be willing to hit a $60 BIN on, only to realize that its been trending at $35-$40 over the last few months.


I'd say GPA is the ONLY monthly subscription I currently have that actually pays for itself, several times over in fact in many months.


Seriously, of all the whining and complaining on these Boards I've had the displeasure of reading in the five years I've been here, a $3 increase in GPA really stands out as the worst.


Me too. If it weren't so funny (in a sad way, but funny nonetheless), I might even manage to get worked up over it. lol Man, I would not want to try to split a dinner tab with someone who complains about one price increase in six years. And mind you, it's not really a "price increase." It's more of a simplification of the business model, which probably eases things for George's staff. The $9.95 per month is really only an increase for the lowest subscription level - it's the same price or a 50% reduction for everyone else, with all subscribers getting "more" for their money.

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Are you guys sure sharing an account is as out of control as this? Groups of 3 or more? I check GPA from both my home and work computers. If you check my account, you'll see logins from 2 different IPs. Would you draw the conclusion I am sharing an account from that


I'm curious about this as well...being that it is a web service and all...I use it where-ever I need it...that is the purpose of the Internets and all. I've used it from many a shared Marriott guest computer while on the road, my family computer...I have 2-3 computers as it is...


Not sure where Bruce and company is getting this info from.


Keeping in mind that I'm not as technically knowledgeable as you... this is what I "understood" the situation to be when talking with George...


Aside from obvious Concurrent Logins (and attempts) from multiple IPs he can also make educated assumptions based on the gap in time (usually short) between logins and new IPs located farther apart than is feasible to travel, etc. He can generally determine a users home, work and/or laptop not with just an IP but with a computer ID too I believe. Anyway, I'm sure he can explain this much better than I... and I'm probably going to say something too "simplistically" that you'll want more technical answers on... so I'll let George comment further when he gets around to reviewing this thread.


It's no joke... account sharing is being abused and its not being confused with people with (usually) 2 different IPs (Home and Work). It goes much further than that.




I'm not disputing what you're saying. On the contrary, I'd be surprised if what you're saying isn't true, but I would like to add one bit.


I often times log into the boards from my home IP address when I'm sitting in my office at work. I have remote access software running on my home computer almost all the time that allows me to log into my home computer from any internet connection in the world. I've logged into the boards from my home computer while I was in Virginia on vacation. I could have (but didn't) logged onto the boards when I was in Belize and then five minutes later logged in from my home IP address, seemingly logging in from two places a 1,000 miles apart in a five minute time span.


I'm just saying this to point out that geography and access logging can be a moot point in some cases.

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