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The Dark Knight

123 posts in this topic

How can Joker get so many minions from Arkham without Batman noticing the inmates are missing and not thinking the Scarecrow is up to his tricks? How does Joker acquire a school bus, a trash truck and a semi? Exactly how long would it take to fill 24 drums with explosive liquid? Twice? Where does Joker get his explosives? How does he know how to use them? How far can an electronic detonator reach? How long does it take to set charges to blow up a whole building? Let's say those aren't problems then how much time passed between each scene? Meanwhile, how does Joker get around town? Where does he hole up? Where and when does Joker sleep?



im sorry, but this part is just absolutely ridiculous. with these kind of expectations, no movie could EVER be any good.

Feel free to point out the flaws in Iron Man then. Even the flying suit is self-consistent within their own sci-fi reality. But Joker being everywhere and anywhere? Not buying it. It's just Nolan bending over backwards to make him a force of nature at the expense of logistics.


I already named several films that were good with those expectations met. A more clever -script could have sorted some of these issues. Dark Knight is all substance with no depth.


The pacing and framing in Dark Knight is seriously flawed. When your story takes place in a city that doesn't really exist and your character dresses like a bat it is a large part of the film-maker's job to help the audience suspend disbelief.


And the fact that they had to hit us over the head repeatedly with the duality message instead of just letting it flow out naturally from the film itself flattened the picture. Sure it was all gosh-wow Biff Bam Pow but this film will not survive future viewing without scrutiny.


It is easier to believe Peter Parker shoots webbing from his wrist than the Joker can take a school bus from a yard without notice in post 9-11 America.


I understand it hurts when I say this but Dark Knight just isn't as great as everyone thinks it is.


That is your OPINION of course. Nothing more. Doesn't hold any more water than the next guy saying he thinks its a fantastic movie. Who cares if lots and lots of people think its a great movie. Why you gotta browbeat everybody like we're stupid if we think its a great movie?

I didn't say anywhere anyone was stupid. I just think people are a little too willing to love a film that's good but not great. Of COURSE it's my opinion. And really, the only brow-beating going on is from the mass of people who descend to oppose anyone with the opinion that it ISN'T "the greatest movie EVAR!!1!". Not necessarily anyone on this board in particular but those folks are out there.


Dark Knight was not Raiders of the Lost Ark. it was not Jaws. it was not The Sting. Heck, it's was hardly even close to Saving Private Ryan or Platoon. Not Apocalypse Now. Not Clockwork Orange. Not even 2001. There are so many more better films it's kinda funny really. Aliens? Way better. Terminator? Also better. T2? Way better and it even had noticeable flaws.


Just about everybody here seems to have enjoyed the movie for what it was. Why does it need to be compared to anything else? So what if some fanboy thinks it ought to replace Gone With the Wind on AFI's list. Who cares? Whatever, no biggie. I just don't know who these people are that are proclaiming this to be the greatest film ever. They certainly aren't hanging around this forum that i've seen. And even if they were, so what. (shrug) I think most of us are in agreement that it was a good film. At least that it was enjoyable.

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just went past SM 1 as the largest grossing comic-book movie of all time, domestically. and it deserves every dollar/plaudit it gets---wonderful movie. Pons, I take back all my earlier negativity about d.c. and the movies. and that crow goes down good with a little tabasco.



(worship) (worship)

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I was happy to ignore the planning details and just strap in for the ride. As long as the characters behave 'in character' and act rationally within that context I'm pretty happy. I think of movies like Flight Plan with Jodie Foster where the kidnapper planned to kidnap her son from the seat beside her, on a plane, surrounded by witnesses and expect the crime to go unnoticed. I hated that movie with a capital ha. I guess it all boils down to what each of us, as viewers, can believe.


As far as Star Wars, entertaining but not that well written or believable. And Titanic, yech.


I worshipped the movie. Dark Knight was every bit the movie Spiderman 1 and 2 were. Period.


Star Wars had some of the worst acting I have ever seen. Were it not for Sir Alec, there wouldn't have been a redeeming performance in the entire film. Was it a fun movie? Sure. Great movie? Not by a long shot.


Dark Knight was/is a great movie.


Titanic licked by the way, and the Godfather was the greatest movie ever made.

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I don't hear people claiming The Dark Knight is the greatest movie of all time. I hear them saying it's the greatest superhero movie of all time, and I think they're right.


I know they are right! :)

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I don't hear people claiming The Dark Knight is the greatest movie of all time. I hear them saying it's the greatest superhero movie of all time, and I think they're right.
Iron Man.
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How can Joker get so many minions from Arkham without Batman noticing the inmates are missing and not thinking the Scarecrow is up to his tricks? How does Joker acquire a school bus, a trash truck and a semi? Exactly how long would it take to fill 24 drums with explosive liquid? Twice? Where does Joker get his explosives? How does he know how to use them? How far can an electronic detonator reach? How long does it take to set charges to blow up a whole building? Let's say those aren't problems then how much time passed between each scene? Meanwhile, how does Joker get around town? Where does he hole up? Where and when does Joker sleep?



im sorry, but this part is just absolutely ridiculous. with these kind of expectations, no movie could EVER be any good.

Feel free to point out the flaws in Iron Man then. Even the flying suit is self-consistent within their own sci-fi reality. But Joker being everywhere and anywhere? Not buying it. It's just Nolan bending over backwards to make him a force of nature at the expense of logistics.


I already named several films that were good with those expectations met. A more clever -script could have sorted some of these issues. Dark Knight is all substance with no depth.


The pacing and framing in Dark Knight is seriously flawed. When your story takes place in a city that doesn't really exist and your character dresses like a bat it is a large part of the film-maker's job to help the audience suspend disbelief.


And the fact that they had to hit us over the head repeatedly with the duality message instead of just letting it flow out naturally from the film itself flattened the picture. Sure it was all gosh-wow Biff Bam Pow but this film will not survive future viewing without scrutiny.


It is easier to believe Peter Parker shoots webbing from his wrist than the Joker can take a school bus from a yard without notice in post 9-11 America.


I understand it hurts when I say this but Dark Knight just isn't as great as everyone thinks it is.


That is your OPINION of course. Nothing more. Doesn't hold any more water than the next guy saying he thinks its a fantastic movie. Who cares if lots and lots of people think its a great movie. Why you gotta browbeat everybody like we're stupid if we think its a great movie?

I didn't say anywhere anyone was stupid. I just think people are a little too willing to love a film that's good but not great. Of COURSE it's my opinion. And really, the only brow-beating going on is from the mass of people who descend to oppose anyone with the opinion that it ISN'T "the greatest movie EVAR!!1!". Not necessarily anyone on this board in particular but those folks are out there.


Dark Knight was not Raiders of the Lost Ark. it was not Jaws. it was not The Sting. Heck, it's was hardly even close to Saving Private Ryan or Platoon. Not Apocalypse Now. Not Clockwork Orange. Not even 2001. There are so many more better films it's kinda funny really. Aliens? Way better. Terminator? Also better. T2? Way better and it even had noticeable flaws.


Just about everybody here seems to have enjoyed the movie for what it was. Why does it need to be compared to anything else? So what if some fanboy thinks it ought to replace Gone With the Wind on AFI's list. Who cares? Whatever, no biggie. I just don't know who these people are that are proclaiming this to be the greatest film ever. They certainly aren't hanging around this forum that i've seen. And even if they were, so what. (shrug) I think most of us are in agreement that it was a good film. At least that it was enjoyable.

I guess my biggest problem with the film is that with a few nips and tucks and a fresh set of eyes on the -script before they shot it, the movie could have been perfect. It SHOULD have been a 10 and they muffed the landing, so to speak.
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I don't hear people claiming The Dark Knight is the greatest movie of all time. I hear them saying it's the greatest superhero movie of all time, and I think they're right.
Iron Man.


If you're claiming that Iron Man is the best superhero movie ever, then you're the first I've heard make that claim. I found it to be entertaining, but I certainly wouldn't call it complex.

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I don't hear people claiming The Dark Knight is the greatest movie of all time. I hear them saying it's the greatest superhero movie of all time, and I think they're right.
Iron Man.


If you're claiming that Iron Man is the best superhero movie ever, then you're the first I've heard make that claim. I found it to be entertaining, but I certainly wouldn't call it complex.

No. I just think it was better than Dark Knight. I don't think there have been enough superhero movies to make a best-ever judgment yet. But I'd be leaning towards Spidey 2 or Iron Man if I had to choose. I think Iron Man is the most faithful to the comic and the least flawed.
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I just thought it was a fun "make believe/suspend belief" kind of entertainment (shrug)


We have a winner!


It was better then I expected and that made me happy as a person who is not able to attend as many movies as I would like.







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All I will say is the only 2 movies I saw this summer was IM and TDK. I loved them both for different reasons, but if I had to pick,I would pick Batman hands down for its attempt at creating a tension that IM, for all its fun and guns lacked.


IM was well cast, well made and fun. Dark Night was much more of a classic movie experience then it was just a Superhero movie.


It's like asking somebody which kid they love better, I don't wanna pick.


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I don't hear people claiming The Dark Knight is the greatest movie of all time. I hear them saying it's the greatest superhero movie of all time, and I think they're right.
Iron Man.


If you're claiming that Iron Man is the best superhero movie ever, then you're the first I've heard make that claim. I found it to be entertaining, but I certainly wouldn't call it complex.


Really? I thought so too. Iron Man is overall more "complete" feeling in that they did not try to cram too much into it and then leave the movie feeling a bit unfinished. TDK was much more powerful emotionally and that to me makes up a bit for the holes in the story.


Depending on my mood I'd alternate between TDK and IM for top spot but will most days lean towards IM.


I think IM was better than S2.





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In my opinion The Dark Knight was 100x the movie that Iron man was, and I loved Iron Man. Iron man was an excellent comic movie, but The Dark Knight was not only a unbelievable comic movie, but a great mainstrean movie as well. Robert Downey Jr. was outstanding in Iron Man, and the story was good, but not outstanding.


TDK however was a cinematic Masterpiece in every realm; the acting, the mood, plot, cinematography, special effects....kinda made Iron Man and all other comic movies look like like a children's stories. It has broken and is on its way to smashing various box office records, Heath Ledger has a great shot at winning an Oscar, and the Critics are saying the film could be niminated for up to 8 Oscars, including best picture....simply a masterpiece!!!



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I don't know how you can say that. TDK was so dark and disturbing that unless my idea of mainstream is different than yours Iron Man wins that arguement hands down. I would take my kids (aged 7-13) to Iron Man (my 7 year old just covers her eyes and ears if there is a "scary" part). I would never take my kids to see TDK...not even the 13 year old. That was a PG movie that was absolutelyNOT a PG in any way.




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Dark Knight was not Raiders of the Lost Ark.

Yeah, Raiders was too realistic. All that realism bored me silly.


it was not Jaws.

The logic in Jaws was impeccible. Big Sharks eating whole boats! Again, too much realism. I couldn't stand it!


it was not The Sting.

I am not sure what Gordon Sumner has to do with the Dark Knight movie.


Heck, it's was hardly even close to Saving Private Ryan or Platoon.

But as war movies go, Dark Knight was pretty darn close.


Not Apocalypse Now.

Brando would eat Heath Ledger up as the Joker. In fact, he might have actually eaten him up. Once again, I loved all the logic in Apocalypse Now.


Not Clockwork Orange.
With its liberal use of the cod piece I think Dark Knight was every bit the movie that Clockwork was.


Not even 2001.

And that is a good thing! Was there ever a more boring "classic". I've seen it three times at the theatre and had a great nap each and every time.



Aliens? Way better. Terminator? Also better. T2? Way better and it even had noticeable flaws.

I am glad you think so. Will you please let me know which movies I should go see in the future? I don't ever want a repeat of the time I wasted on that crappy Batman movie. I actually liked it a lot until you told me I shouldn't. Thanks for setting me straight! (thumbs u

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I don't know if it's because I'm jaded and older but I remember my initial reactions to some of these films that have been mentioned. Films like Raiders and Aliens and Clockwork Orange and Godfather were extremely exciting movie going experiences upon first viewing in a theatre. I got a small part of that with Iron Man but DK was a bit dark and IMO, minus the amount of substance and complexity a truly great film like The Godfather has. Having said that, DK has to be in the top five best superhero movies and in what ever order your own tastes dictate. In a year or so, when I view it again, I'll decide where I place it. Until then, it was a very satisfying movie experience that was well executed but evaporated from my memory upon leaving the theatre. everyone's taste differ and for those people who think it was the greatest pop culture film ever....that's all that matters...the box office certainly bares that out.

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Dark Knight was not Raiders of the Lost Ark.

Yeah, Raiders was too realistic. All that realism bored me silly.


it was not Jaws.

The logic in Jaws was impeccible. Big Sharks eating whole boats! Again, too much realism. I couldn't stand it!


it was not The Sting.

I am not sure what Gordon Sumner has to do with the Dark Knight movie.


Heck, it's was hardly even close to Saving Private Ryan or Platoon.

But as war movies go, Dark Knight was pretty darn close.


Not Apocalypse Now.

Brando would eat Heath Ledger up as the Joker. In fact, he might have actually eaten him up. Once again, I loved all the logic in Apocalypse Now.


Not Clockwork Orange.
With its liberal use of the cod piece I think Dark Knight was every bit the movie that Clockwork was.


Not even 2001.

And that is a good thing! Was there ever a more boring "classic". I've seen it three times at the theatre and had a great nap each and every time.



Aliens? Way better. Terminator? Also better. T2? Way better and it even had noticeable flaws.

I am glad you think so. Will you please let me know which movies I should go see in the future? I don't ever want a repeat of the time I wasted on that crappy Batman movie. I actually liked it a lot until you told me I shouldn't. Thanks for setting me straight! (thumbs u



I was hoping I wasn't the only one at least slightly miffed about agro's posts.


"Was there ever a more boring "classic". I've seen it three times at the theatre and had a great nap each and every time." lol

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and the Godfather was the greatest movie ever made.

You are so wrong my friend. 2 words: Godfather 2. Ok. 1 word and 1 number. Plus, Godfather 2 has a Superman reference. ;)
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