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How will fall of Canadian dollar affect your buying?

81 posts in this topic

I had a Canadian boardie buy my whole Spider-man thread, since the rest of you were too cheap!! :jokealert:

Anyways he complained to himself about hte exchange rate. Isn't he still making out since our dollar sucks?? or ??? Sorry, been a rough week at work and cant' think straight.

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I had a Canadian boardie buy my whole Spider-man thread, since the rest of you were too cheap!! :jokealert:

Anyways he complained to himself about hte exchange rate. Isn't he still making out since our dollar sucks?? or ??? Sorry, been a rough week at work and cant' think straight.

Nope. As long as our dollar was sucking more, the Loonies were OK. Now they are circling the drain with us.

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Canada has a dollar????


I thought Greggy paid for everything in magic beans :o

I wouldn`t really make fun of Canada anymore. everybody there has free universal health insurance and goverment pays for your college.so free health insurance and free college.Its the USA that been the butt of jokes lately.

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I will definitely have to factor it in to any book I am looking at. Probably wont buy as much as I have the last few months. It wont take me completely out of the game though.


shipping would kill most deals as its outrageous canada to usa or vice versa!

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I've been following the rising US rate, but I had to pay for some stuff this week, and that's when it hit home. The higher rate, combined with Paypal's cut of the exchange, really bumped up the bill.


Due to this, I'm totally done buying for now, and it's time to start SELLING, as the low exchange was one reason I stopped listing on EBay.

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everybody there has free universal health insurance and goverment pays for your college.so free health insurance and free college.


What freaking country is this in? Did someone set up a "New Canada" where my kids can go to post-secondary for free? :o

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I've been following the rising US rate, but I had to pay for some stuff this week, and that's when it hit home. The higher rate, combined with Paypal's cut of the exchange, really bumped up the bill.


Due to this, I'm totally done buying for now, and it's time to start SELLING, as the low exchange was one reason I stopped listing on EBay.




Paypal's cut of the exchange :cloud9:






That being said the Canadian $ might significantly climb back up once the turmoil in the markets settles down and the price of gas goes up again (mid 2009 ?)





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everybody there has free universal health insurance and goverment pays for your college.so free health insurance and free college.


What freaking country is this in? Did someone set up a "New Canada" where my kids can go to post-secondary for free? :o


lol I want in !

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sadly, i was paying back my "free college" loan for years. the one good thing i used to see at big shows was alot of dealers wouldnt change their prices so basiclly take canadian at par, even when our dollar was in the toilet so in effect, we were getting discounts

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From what I've been observing, the buying opportunity now is much different than it was the last time the US/Canadian dollar was at this rate of exchange. I was buying during the time when the exchange rate was between $1.30 - $1.60. And while the Canadian dollar has hit a record low, you are buying in a period of market correction that hasn't existed for quite some time, and certainly you would have go back to a pre-CGC collecting period to draw a similar comparison.


The market correction I'm speaking of is that there is a widespread acceptance to price low-mid grade at 50% of guide, and the notion of getting Heritage like returns on low-grade to VF'ish range books is practically non-existant. The other factor is that you are starting to see excellent buying opportunities across the board, with fair pricing and with the movement of books on these boards, that means obscure and hard-to-find material that you would otherwise have to factor into the equation a buying premium or out-of-control competitive bidding.


The status of the dollar may slightly impact my buying, but it hasn't really changed my original intention of to sell off my +8,000 piece collection. The other change to note is that as a buyer living in Canada, I would prefer doing business with other Canadian boardies to avoid the atrocious duties on books coming from outside the country.

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everybody there has free universal health insurance and goverment pays for your college.so free health insurance and free college.


What freaking country is this in? Did someone set up a "New Canada" where my kids can go to post-secondary for free? :o


I satyed with a family in ottawa for 8 days when our van broke down on tour (we were supposed to be there for 4). Anyways.. While I was there I spoke alot with the father who had to rush my drummer o the clinic due to his asthma and their gigantic cats with long hair. He broke it down for me later that day how the "free" health care isnt exactly free.


If I remember correctly candians are taxed beyond belief for all the "free" stuff. I think he equated to something crazy like 50% of wage is lost to tax( I may be wrong)


In the U.S if we see an extra 1% increase we freak now think of how we would handle losing say 40% of wages to pay for free health care. The people would go ape :censored: . So my point here is that while it SOUNDS good, it may not be exactly what you want to deal with.

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Plus, a lot of healthcare is private and you still need to pay for certain procedures and our drugs are not subsidized.


But I was mostly laughing at the assumption some Americans have that we have "free college", which is absolutely hilarious. I am sure your State Universities/Colleges have lower tuition than we do.

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Yeah, seriously nothing is ''free'' up here. To add to our retardedly high income taxes, we also have to suffer retardly high sales taxes as well. It's the working man who pays for everything just so seniors, kids & the poor can take advantage of our lovely social programs. A 30-something comic collector with no kids & in good health is just the kind of sucker Canada exploits.

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Plus, a lot of healthcare is private and you still need to pay for certain procedures and our drugs are not subsidized.


But I was mostly laughing at the assumption some Americans have that we have "free college", which is absolutely hilarious. I am sure your State Universities/Colleges have lower tuition than we do.


I agree with just about every thing except the drugs..

We pay significantly less for our drugs and while not subsidized per se the Govt tells teh companies if you want to sell them here your only allowed to charged a certain percentage above costs.






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It was only 22 years ago but my tuition cost at Laurentian University in 1986 was under $1,000 for the entire year (not including books).

No, the government did not pay for it.


It costs a hell of a lot more to pay for university in the US! While health care is not totally free, it beats having a $600 insurance premium every month...



Now back to the original question...I will continue to buy books, but am hopeful that the price of crude and the loonie will rise from the dead.

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We have lots of free opportunities for college in the USA.


I have learned alot recently helping my daughter look for a college.


For instance, in Georgia, with certain grades in high school....you go to any state school free of tuition.


Here in Kentucky, I have noticed a few state schools say...with a 3.5 in high school and a 23 on the ACT you get free tuition.


not bad

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It was only 22 years ago but my tuition cost at Laurentian University in 1986 was under $1,000 for the entire year (not including books).

No, the government did not pay for it.


While the cost of tuition at Canadian Universities has increased significantly since I attended, all Universities in Canada are subsidized, and they all recieve lump sum transfer payments that allow them to soften the cost of tuition for students, and pay for essential services, resources and wide range of other educational costs like new book purchases for libraries. It isn't even a fair comparison to look at the tuition costs at Laurentian with the cost of most Colleges in the US, and not even the costs of some of the most presigious private schools in Canada can compare with the tuition costs at schools like Harvard, Princeton or Yale. As already mentioned, there are bursaries and grants that students can qualify if their grade point averages are high enough, and it isn't entirely accurate to say the government doesn't pay for any of it.

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everybody there has free universal health insurance and goverment pays for your college.so free health insurance and free college.


What freaking country is this in? Did someone set up a "New Canada" where my kids can go to post-secondary for free? :o


It's called Belgium :cloud9:

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