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No one involved with that auction ever said they didn't think their money went to Cheri, and YOU, who didn't even freaking know about it want to get in the middle of it. You are a drama queen, plain and simple.

I'm sorry - is this directed to me?


No, sorry if it seemed that way.

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No one involved with that auction ever said they didn't think their money went to Cheri, and YOU, who didn't even freaking know about it want to get in the middle of it. You are a drama queen, plain and simple.

I'm sorry - is this directed to me?


No, sorry if it seemed that way.


Just checking!

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No one involved with that auction ever said they didn't think their money went to Cheri, and YOU, who didn't even freaking know about it want to get in the middle of it. You are a drama queen, plain and simple.

I'm sorry - is this directed to me?


No, it is clearly directed to bio-burp.


:gossip: That's my quote he is referencing, so not so clear.


Thanks Pov.


Man you are too quick, Bosco! I immediately edited my reponse to show the relevant citation demonstrating the understandable but innacurate perception you obtained from Thing's missive that he indeed penned wrongdoing towards you rather than another.

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ad al $20.09

ca oo $25.00

la oo $20.00

so oo $50.00

st cs $ 100.00

dr mi $25.00

tj il $35.00

wj oo $12.40


You accused me of never showing your proof of you giving money. There it is above. I guess you missed that? I had checked my PM's for a message from you concering a donation or item won, didn't find it. Didn't check my paypal history, but as I said, you are mentioned above. But I will apologize to you, because you did give money, but I DID ACCOUNT for it.



So, the letters "tj il" (I have no idea what the "il" means, by the way) that are planted in the middle of a post that I didn't read equates to receiving a confirmation email proving that the money was sent? Hooo-kay.


And I accept your apology, half-hearted as it may be.

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Perhaps now you realize why such a blatant attitude and a flippant remark about the board rules can come back to haunt you


What rule is that Bio-Burp? Making it up as you go along now? The only thing "blatant" and "flippant" is my condensation for a boy like yourself who gets in other people's business. Your life is so boring your cruise these boards looking for drama to jump into the middle of and if you can't find it, you create it on your own. McPitiful. :makepoint:




Condensation is the process of water vapor becoming a liquid.

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Perhaps now you realize why such a blatant attitude and a flippant remark about the board rules can come back to haunt you


What rule is that Bio-Burp? Making it up as you go along now? The only thing "blatant" and "flippant" is my condensation for a boy like yourself who gets in other people's business. Your life is so boring your cruise these boards looking for drama to jump into the middle of and if you can't find it, you create it on your own. McPitiful. :makepoint:




Condensation is the process of water vapor becoming a liquid.


That's like a double whammy, being condescending towards someone who misspelled 'condescension'. lol

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Man you are too quick, Bosco! I immediately edited my reponse to show the relevant citation demonstrating the understandable but innacurate perception you obtained from Thing's missive that he indeed penned wrongdoing towards you rather than another.



You are too much sometimes!



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So, the letters "tj il" (I have no idea what the "il" means, by the way) that are planted in the middle of a post that I didn't read equates to receiving a confirmation email proving that the money was sent? Hooo-kay.


And I accept your apology, half-hearted as it may be.


As stated in the auction thread, its the system I came up with based on e-mail addys so anonymous donors and non-auction winners would know their money was sent. I guess you missed that part. Its all still there explaining how you would know that is indeed you.

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The problem with James was taken care of immediately after I was informed of his post to this forum by skypinkblu. Never tried to make an excuse, took full responsibilty and owned up. What is dragging this out is someone, who I'm not sure was even a member at the time of the auction, jumps in the middle of it, something they are in no way involved with, making accusations that not all of the money was sent. Bio-Burp wanted drama, ya'll gave it to him.


I went out of the way to make everything 100% transparent, even coming up with a way anonymous donors would know their money was sent by posting it publicly in a way they would know their money was sent but not outright id'ing them. Now I have kids to feed and diapers to change. James is taken care of, every single penny was accounted for, bio-burp has been exposed for what he is, a drama queen, and I can see no other reason for me to continue to post to this thread, regardless of bio-burps need for attention.

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Well he was responding to you sir, so me thinks you think wrong. And given the fact I accused you of working at McDonalds, and he places an order in a message :re to you, I'm quite sure of it.


lol I guess working at Mcdonalds has lowered his IQ :roflmao:


Hey guys, how about keeping this to discussions concerning troubled transactions?


The mocking is more jerking around than we need right now. Thing, you potentially worked out your issue with Hellblazer, depending on he comes back on here and confirms receipt.


8mile - not sure what your stake is thi ins.



What Bio's stake in this? Same as mine? Thats the point I'm trying to make.


8mile, Thing stated (in this thread in earlier posts) that he did not care for the rules of this community. That he didn't care if he was put on probation for not shipping wins for 8 months. More or less that he didn't care for the rules put in place to protect the people here. I don't feel that his attitude was appropriate and I thought it was uncalled for.


What is my stake in this? The same as yours should be. To insure that each and everyone of us is accountable for the buying & selling transactions we make here and not to make light of the stipulations that keep us honest. Thing stated he didn't care about that. I know you care about it. You have to since you run solid sales threads and ship on time. I know that other people here care about it too.


I ask the people reading this... do you want to send money to someone who doesn't care about the board rules of buying or selling?


And Thing, concerning whether or not Cheri got her charity money... go back in the threads where I said "fair enough". You answered my query concerning your charity auction. I'm not the one asking you to show proof of sales receipts, etc...


...its all the other people who paid you and want proof of their donation.


Thing, if you would just lean back away from the wood long enough to realize that your statement of not caring about the rules ( in other words "I could steal from you and really don't care) is what got me & everyone else in such an uproar against you.


My only other gripe with you is your disrespect for this board and the rules set in place here. Your name calling toward me and the other members of this board is uncalled for as well. Yes I jest with you concerning your stated love of the wood... yes I posted a really funny picture of your "mc-order"... but I never called you anything but what you posted about yourself.


I must ask tho... am I supposed to be ashamed to have a job at McDonalds? Don't you think that if someone who does work there and reads what you wrote might feel a little bit tarnished by your comments? Its an honest job with competitive pay in this day and age. That said, if I've offended any other wood lovers out there, I apologize to them right here and now.


I'm also sorry if you think I started "drama". I apologize for getting under your skin and making you have to resort to attacking others on this board. I feel that I have done nothing wrong except try to get you to realize that not respecting the rules here is exactly the same as disrespecting everyone here.


I will leave it up to everyone else reading this to decide one way or the other.

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I must ask tho... am I supposed to be ashamed to have a job at McDonalds? Don't you think that if someone who does work there and reads what you wrote might feel a little bit tarnished by your comments? Its an honest job with competitive pay in this day and age.


I think it's the emboldened adjective that offends him, mate.


Nine months to put this right. Disgraceful. I have no standing in this community, so my view is irrelevant, I know that. But the fact that he's got away with this is really quite astonishing.

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I must ask tho... am I supposed to be ashamed to have a job at McDonalds? Don't you think that if someone who does work there and reads what you wrote might feel a little bit tarnished by your comments? Its an honest job with competitive pay in this day and age.


I think it's the emboldened adjective that offends him, mate.


Nine months to put this right. Disgraceful. I have no standing in this community, so my view is irrelevant, I know that. But the fact that he's got away with this is really quite astonishing.


You do have a standing in this community sir & your view is very relevant. You have shown you have a genuine concern for the people here and I thank you for that.

Edited by Bio-Rupp
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Everyone should just drop it, Thing is not a part of the comic community. Its obvious he has very little respect for our rules and members. I for one will avoid any type of exchange with him be it monetary or verbal.


The sooner the subject is dropped the sooner he will go back to the WC.


On another front, has anyone been able to make contact with joker-fish? I also bought from him (and have already paid) and cannot make contact. :(

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Everyone should just drop it, Thing is not a part of the comic community. Its obvious he has very little respect for our rules and members. I for one will avoid any type of exchange with him be it monetary or verbal.


The sooner the subject is dropped the sooner he will go back to the WC.


On another front, has anyone been able to make contact with joker-fish? I also bought from him (and have already paid) and cannot make contact. :(


He was recently added to the HOS list... you might want to consider starting payment retrieval tactics through paypal or your credit card company.



(added 11/3/10 - 10th "Hall of Shame" Member)



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Are we diverging from the fact that I never received a thank you note for my donation?


Thread derailers. lol

No, I know of another person who didn't get a confirmation either.


Would you guys care to read from this point on and tell me what you won or which donor you were under the listings?


The results


drama queens. Comicdonna, I'm VERY surprised and disappointed you'd jump on this bandwagon. You honestly think Cheri didn't get all the money? All the money and totals were listed and all the people who donated money were listed. People I never heard of want to come forward now and say they donated and didn't get e-mails? Why didn't they say something when the results and ALL DONORS were listed, INCLUDING anonymous. And Lebowski, show me the e-mail where it says you donated anything. I came up with a method where ALL donors, including anonymous donors would KNOW their money was sent. I'm sure you can provide a copy of the e-mail that shows your donation to my paypal account. If you do, I'll provide a copy of the e-mail that says Sheri got it. I know of no other way an auction that includes anonymous donations could be open and transparent.

Basically, there are 3 reasons why there is/was doubt about Cheri recieving all of the money.


1. James stated that he paid $250 for a coin, and after 8 months, he never recieved anything.


2. You stated:


"each person got a copy of the e-mail that the money was sent to Cheri's husband's PayPal account."


Lebowski never recieved an e-mail. Also, I know for a fact that the person who purchased my item never recieved a copy of the e-mail either.


3. You stated this:


"Honestly, I don't give a rats rear end about any probabtion or anything."


I have donated sums in the thousands to these boards. I will think twice before doing it again. Also, I don't buy that story of the original coin getting lost in the mail. I'm done here!



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Well Mike, no one is claiming the money wasn't all sent. You are making it a point as to saying an e-mail wasn't received. It was all posted publicly, in that thread, everything. I asked people to double check what I had posted as the results and money sent to make sure I didn't' miss anything. I asked winners and donors to check and make sure their names and amounts were listed correctly. Everything donated and added up amounted to the penny the exact amount collected and sent. No one can dispute that.


And right, I don't care about a "probation" thread in a comics forum. James' post to it was the kick in the I needed, not the threat of "probation". Could not care less about any probation or HOS list you guys have.


As far as you thinking I never sent the coin out in the first place, well I guess thats your right. If you think I went to all that time and trouble just to rip off another forum member, of which I wouldn't get any money from anyway, well you can think that. I've been here a lot of years, I'm hoping others who know me would disagree with you. I did ship the coin, that is how I found out that you don't want to put down "COIN" as the item description on a customs slip if you are shipping to the U.K.. It caused problems that I discussed with James. But I suppose you think I'm making that up too. I have a perfect feedback record on ebay, which I gave to James, and I wouldn't ruin friendships over a coin. I've given away many coins in the WC, totallying in excess of $250.00. I spent over $200.00 on a game system for a members son who was having some medical issues and shipped it to him about the same time as Cheri's auction. And, I've learned a lesson too, I won't be organizing anything nice for forum members in need anymore. Normally things that happen on these forums don't bother me, but it does bug me that you would think that. Some others thinking it wouldn't surpise me, but I didn't expect it from you. Nothing I can do about it though and no hard feelings. You think what you want. And I'm done with this too.

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This is my last thought as well. I am reluctant to even post it as this thread has no place in the Comics Probation Discussion. It should have been taken to the WC to start.


Publicly accusing Thing of not sending all of the money is something that must be backed up with proof. Merely intuiting something like or stating it because you don't like his "attitude" is far beyond insufficient. It is irresponsible at the least.


I contributed both silver bullion and a slabbed comic to the cause and am fully confident the monies received from my contributions went to Not*Sure*. Thing was very helpful and informative in my PMs because I PMd him first.


Several years ago I ran a contest and offered five Fiction House JUNGLE/JUMBO type books to the winners. One per winner. Just doing that proved to be more of a headache than I anticipated. I imagine getting all this coordinated was a lot more trying. I am certainly willing to give the benefit of the doubt as far as some administrative slips. But I see absolutely nothing to remotely convince me that Not*Sure* did not receive everything.

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The shame of all of this is that it is coming out of trying to do for people in need.


Thing, I wouldn't let personal differences with some people stop you from being the man you are when it comes to helping others in need.


And to everyone else. Move along nothing to see.

Edited by faster friends
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This is my last thought as well. I am reluctant to even post it as this thread has no place in the Comics Probation Discussion. It should have been taken to the WC to start.


Publicly accusing Thing of not sending all of the money is something that must be backed up with proof. Merely intuiting something like or stating it because you don't like his "attitude" is far beyond insufficient. It is irresponsible at the least.


I contributed both silver bullion and a slabbed comic to the cause and am fully confident the monies received from my contributions went to Not*Sure*. Thing was very helpful and informative in my PMs because I PMd him first.


Several years ago I ran a contest and offered five Fiction House JUNGLE/JUMBO type books to the winners. One per winner. Just doing that proved to be more of a headache than I anticipated. I imagine getting all this coordinated was a lot more trying. I am certainly willing to give the benefit of the doubt as far as some administrative slips. But I see absolutely nothing to remotely convince me that Not*Sure* did not receive everything.


Well said. I did state "fair enough" to his reply to me about the charity auction.


Speaking of proof... I personally would like to see scans of the original shipping receipts of He11blazer's original lost coin shipment.


Since there has been considerable questioning that the original coin in question may not have been shipped in the first place, a few of us think that all this "drama" has became a "mystery" now.


Tracking is available according to usps.com... which surely one would use sending such and expensive item.




If no tracking then surely if one were to send a $250 coin across the water, they would insure it. If not then perhaps a claims form for the lost package? So there has to be some dated proof there that the original coin was shipped to He11blazer. The post office date stamps everything so it should be easy to prove.


Toss that scan up Thing and you'll be totally exhonerated .

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