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So I'm a little confused. Apparently Taz has a few shills. I am wondering why the Mods have not banned him and his shills yet? If you look at Arch's definition under the "What's a Shill" thread, he states:


These types of accounts are not allowed, and will be quickly banned from the boards.


Come on Arch, it's time to do some work around here.... :taptaptap:


The PM Rudolph sent me is gone (shrug)


You should still have an email version of it that HE CAN'T erase.

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You are 100% correct Dr. X. "Taz-Mite" probably should be kicked out. But it's just a matter of time that he goes to another IP address under a different email and gets right back in here.


I've wondered how many people that are on here now... were on as someone else. From a different computer at school. Or their aunt's house. Or etc.


Whats the odds that someone who is your best online bud now possibly screwed you in a sale under a different name years ago? I'm sure there are a few here.


I'm not saying that what the kid did is excusable... but maybe rehabilitatable.


If we could get him to conform (sounds awfully Clockwork Orange-ish)... then maybe he won't keep trying to come back under the radar and just realize that staying is best in the long run.


That said... if the kid doesn't even want to try, then the community should get a rope and put him out to dry.

Edited by Bio-Rupp
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After I spent the majority of this last weekend standing up for the rules of the community concerning a certain wood connoisseur and his fast food bashing lackies, I must be slacking.


You mean when you accused someone of theft (in an off-hand way because to directly accuse would be too - what?) when you said ""I doubt very seriously if the charity party received any of the money either unless you sent payment to a different paypal address than his." Is that what you spent the majority of this last weekend doing? Falsely accusing someone of theft? And then coming back here and advertising it as if you were The Lone Ranger or something?


I guess you missed the post this "charity party" (who's name, it would appear, you don't even know) posted in the WC that all monies were indeed received.


Thing is, Bio-Rupp, these kinds of discussions are not intended to pump up your standing in the boards by making you appear to be some kind of forum Captain Standup. They are, or at least should be, to gather and present facts. If you don't know the facts, or the parties involved or how it all originally went down, which is obvious, why would you accuse someone of robbing a charity auction?

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Pov... don't know you so bear with me.


I admitted to Thing when he came back on and explained he was legit concerning the charity auction, "fair enough". The issue with the charity was null and void for me right then and there. The reason I said what I said was because I've been taken before on supposed "charity" auctions. Not here on the boards, but other venues.


His not shipping the coin in question (in all fairness) shows deciet to a normal person. Who waits 8 months to ship a coin for a charity win? Yes, he finally addressed that too. Fine, he hooked He11blazer up with something he didn't want... 8 months later... after being put on the spot in front of entire board. Would this have carried on for more months had He11blazer not stepped forward? Probably, but who knows. The question still remains wether the original coin was shipped or not... still no proof offered. He11blazer is a saint in putting up with this for as long as he did and is a better person than most of us in regards to what he would do after being treated in this matter.


What got a lot of people, myself included, totally ticked was his total disregard for the rules here and flippant attitude. You don't make light of rules put in place to protect people... especially after you just broke a majority of them.


Pov, if you think I said what I said for a "standing in the boards" you are wrong. I said what I said because Thing's total lack of concern for the rules here was unjust, through and through.


I will state again, he addressed the issue of the charity to me and I responeded with "fair enough"... that part was done for me. The others who participated in the charity auction were the ones questioning his integrity. He appeared to address all their concerns.


The name calling and condescension didn't help him in my eyes and a lot of others.


Tell you what, if Thing will feel better if I state "yes I feel he ran a legit charity auction" concerning getting the donated funds to those involved, then fine I will. After discussions with others, will I ever believe he shipped the original coin in question without proof he did? No I won't. Do I believe his comments about our rules here were flippant and uncalled for? Yes I do. Ask others, they will tell you that as well.


Pov, we all have friends here that will back each one of us. I'm sure Thing is glad you have him in his corner. I just ask that you look at the big picture, he disrespected the rules of the entire board. Your board. Your rules. He doesn't care about them. In other words, he disrespected you.


If you and 8mile want to support the views of someone who doesn't respect you or your board, then thats totally up to you. Jumping on a "burp" fest and dissing people who work in fast food is not the best way to get your points across.


If Thing never wants to post his insurance reciept, delivery confirmation, lost mail confirmation reciept for that original $250 shippment to the UK, then thats his choice. Call me Captain Standup if you want... I just want to know that if I deal with someone here on the boards, that they are legit and that means they respect the people and rules put in place here to protect me. And you.


If you all want to keep bringing it up, I will continue to state the above.

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So the poll concerning Taz007 is showing 9 against adding him to the HoS, 39 for adding him.


Since he keeps creating usernames and the mods are not catching it, what was the stance again about adding someone's real name to the probation list?

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Need some feedback. I sold two books on my last sales thread. I gave the buyer roughly 6 months to pay and took $100 deposit for 2k of books. I asked that payment be made for Oct 1st. I sent pm mid and late Sept which were replied that things had happened and he needed to pay off various expenses but he was selling some items and was trying to make the Oct 1st deadline. I sent a pm Sept 18th, Sept 30th both of which were read and one final pm Oct 13th which has not been read. As payment was due Oct 1st, should I just report Novemeber 1st and keep the deposit or should I nominate him now???


Thanks for your input


As a follow up to my original post. I would like JokerFish added to the list. I had my sales thread early this spring and gave him till October 1st to buy 2 ASM books. He gave me a deposit, last I heard from him was September. I left him one more message in October(1st) it has still been unread. It has been 30 days since payment was due and had at least 5 months on time payments to make it happen. I hate doing this but it should be reported. 2nd bad incident on these boards.

Maybe it was his brother again, or showcase4's son...


This is why, although it honestly pains me... I've finally come to the conclusion that people who finally wind up on this list should have an asterisk...or a tattoo.. :tonofbricks: It just keeps repeating, and they are all charming...I know a few people who really had problems will be caught up, but even in those cases, if they just communicate honestly, I doubt they'd wind up here.


Well, the link didn't work, but if you do a search in 2008 and 2009, you'll find the posts.


I don't typically come to this thread, can't remember the last time I did in fact. But a couple days ago a boardie PMd me about joker-fish and said that he was having a problem with him and others were as well. I know Tim, and was surprised to hear this. I know he works crazy hours at the plant and assumed it was a timing thing.


I've never had a problem with Tim. He lives about 45 minutes from me and have done quite a bit of sales with him. He always paid when he said he would. Every time. He's bent over backwards to help me sort through collections and helped me set up and break down from a show.


I contacted him about the PMs I got and he contacted the folks and I assume all has been either worked out or in process. I will see him later today and get an update.


I'm not making excuses for Tim. If he left some folks hanging, he shouldn't have. But, I am confident he will make it right.


If he needs my help to make it right, then I will assist any way I can.


The key is, and I will share this with him today, if you run into problems on a payment plan or something like that, communication will normally keep the fires from buring too hot. I learned that lesson a long time ago, and try not to repeat it.


I've been very fortunate with these boards as I've bought and sold tons of stuff on here and haven't had a single problem. I hate to see fellow boardies that have had issues that haven't been resolved. Sad really. We are a community of geeks, and should keep it that way.



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I think Randy, Not Sure's husband, posted thanks on a thread, which is all I got too. I think it's pretty much Sop there and 8 know they did get money she posted that

Sorry I am phone typing and gave up


I have no idea what you are saying :P

Sorry about that...I was out of town with little or no internet access and I hate phone typing. I could read the posts and not really reply, that took me 4 tries,lol.


What I was trying to say, was that Randy (Knot's Dew) who is Cheri's husband (Not Sure), posted a general thank you in the Water Cooler, instead of specific thank you notes. I've known Randy for many years and I was not surprised that he posted that kind of thank you, it's normal, he's very touched when people help, and it's hard for some macho men to get mushy. I also know they were shocked, and in a lot of stress at the time.


I got MANY PMs from Joel while he was running the auction. I was very grateful that he was taking care of it and he worked very hard. I had no doubt that he mailed the coin.


My impression of his remark about not caring about the thread, was that he was embarrassed, and said something off the cuff....and people ran with it. I actually took it to mean that he would make things right probation list or not. All I did was send him a PM saying "did you see this"...? with a link, and he took care of it immediately.


THAT to me, is a sign of someone with integrity I sent the PM btw, after Bio-Rupp made of point of mentioning that with Joker-Fish, I thought he was right, that people need to be notified.


Procrastination is not a good thing, but some of my best friends are procrastinators, doesn't mean they don't have good intentions/hearts...that part was wrong, and he apologized.


With that said...Joker-Fish is another kettle of Fish...I never saw remorse here. Instead, he came right out and blamed his first BIG round of transgressions on OTHER people...so, I'm sure he does work well with you, Bill, but the difference between him and someone who takes responsibility like Joel, is night and day. Joker-Fish totally ignored the fact that he was on the list the first time. He's not the first person who is honest with "certain people" who can stand up for him and not with everyone else.


If Joel sold comics, I'd buy from him in a NY minute. He doesn't, and I don't buy coins, so it's moot. Joker-Fish had plenty of time to grow up. You can't pick and chose who to be honest with.


As for the posts about changing your mind about buying something. I personally don't HAVE a problem with that, if the person actually TELLS you they changed their mind, within a reasonable amount of time...like immediately. That was not the case in any of Joker-Fish's transactions.


BTW, Vaughn...stay Safe! but :makepoint:



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I see you boys still can't holster your penises. :(





I prefer to use the plural "penes" instead.


BTW, when confirming the possible plurals for the word DO NOT type "" into Wiki. Just don't.

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wow, that's a lot of purple. All I got was that someone said "thank you"


I'm just happy to see YOU post, lol...;)


Keep your sarcastic butt safe;)



I sleep on my back ;)


And don't drop the soap. You might be sharing a shower with some blueballed soldier with a freaky Gary Busey fetish. :eek:



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I see you boys still can't holster your penises. :(





I prefer to use the plural "penes" instead.


BTW, when confirming the possible plurals for the word DO NOT type "" into Wiki. Just don't.


I thought it was "peni." hm



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I see you boys still can't holster your penises. :(





I prefer to use the plural "penes" instead.


BTW, when confirming the possible plurals for the word DO NOT type "" into Wiki. Just don't.


Well, that was the surest way to get me to do it. Thanks, dude.

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I see you boys still can't holster your penises. :(





I prefer to use the plural "penes" instead.


BTW, when confirming the possible plurals for the word DO NOT type "" into Wiki. Just don't.


Well, that was the surest way to get me to do it. Thanks, dude.


+1 lol



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I see you boys still can't holster your penises. :(





I prefer to use the plural "penes" instead.


BTW, when confirming the possible plurals for the word DO NOT type "" into Wiki. Just don't.


Well, that was the surest way to get me to do it. Thanks, dude.



Think of it as a turtle neck, so it doesn't catch a cold. (thumbs u

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