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I see you boys still can't holster your penises. :(





I prefer to use the plural "penes" instead.


BTW, when confirming the possible plurals for the word DO NOT type "" into Wiki. Just don't.


Well, that was the surest way to get me to do it. Thanks, dude.



Think of it as a turtle neck, so it doesn't catch a cold. (thumbs u


I'll never eat a pig in a blanket again.

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6 No, 29 Yes.


I'm surprised at how many No's there are.


I actually voted "no".


My reasoning is that while he definitely deserves to languish on the Probation List, I also feel that adding him to the HoS is a bit excessive.


Compared to some of the people already in the HoS, his offenses, while serious enough on their own, seem relatively minor - he did not steal anyone's books nor their money (as far as I know), he did not perpetrate a massive fraud (like machinegunned), the transactions he backed out off were small (compared to douche-a-trons like TFL), and the shilling business, whilst distasteful, will hopefully be handled by the CGC mods.


Yes, it pisses me off that he's boasting about being on the probation list, the shills, etc, but the HoS shouldn't be a popularity contest - it should be the last step, reserved for the most egregious offenders.



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Bio-Rupp, thanks for the pleasant response. Just so you know, Thing and I rarely communicate.I tend to not read most of the WC; only threads titles that pique my interest.


As far as THE RULES: Simply put, our boards are the CGC Boards.We DO have our rules and they are applicable to the CGC boards ONLY.


If a coinee screwed up a deal in the NGC (coin) boards we would have no place considering them for our Probation List. Their rules are not "our rules".


If a Water Cooler member screwed up a deal in the WC, we would have no place considering them for our Probation List. Again, their rules are not our rules. Such was The_Things case. (no offense to He11blazer, who realizes this.)


As far as respect, CGC board folk have certainly been flippant about the NGC coin board and its denizens. Some years back many members of the the CGC boards actually organized a raid on the coin board and created havoc. (Yes, I was part of it and yes, it was fun for us at the time.)


Had Thing came to the Comic Forum Selling boards and done this charity auction and made the same screwup with his coin, we would not be having this discussion, as he would have violated OUR rules. But he didn't.


That is the bottom line fact. .


My weapon (such as it is) is now holstered.







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So then what should next steps be, as out of 48 votes, 79% wanted him added to the HoS?



This is a bloodthirsty crew.



Nahhhh - I think they are just offended someone would bail on a sale, mock the forum for expecting him to make things right, and then works around the system by using different usernames.


And to find out he came back to Michael for more books after leaving him high and dry - WOW!!

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So then what should next steps be, as out of 48 votes, 79% wanted him added to the HoS?


Isn't this issue moot now that Arch has banned Taz and all his shills?


Speaking of which, who was "Janitor"? I don't recall seeing that ID anywhere...

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So then what should next steps be, as out of 48 votes, 79% wanted him added to the HoS?


Isn't this issue moot now that Arch has banned Taz and all his shills?


Speaking of which, who was "Janitor"? I don't recall seeing that ID anywhere...

Ohhhh realllllyyy?


Well, next topic?



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Need some feedback. I sold two books on my last sales thread. I gave the buyer roughly 6 months to pay and took $100 deposit for 2k of books. I asked that payment be made for Oct 1st. I sent pm mid and late Sept which were replied that things had happened and he needed to pay off various expenses but he was selling some items and was trying to make the Oct 1st deadline. I sent a pm Sept 18th, Sept 30th both of which were read and one final pm Oct 13th which has not been read. As payment was due Oct 1st, should I just report Novemeber 1st and keep the deposit or should I nominate him now???


Thanks for your input


As a follow up to my original post. I would like JokerFish added to the list. I had my sales thread early this spring and gave him till October 1st to buy 2 ASM books. He gave me a deposit, last I heard from him was September. I left him one more message in October(1st) it has still been unread. It has been 30 days since payment was due and had at least 5 months on time payments to make it happen. I hate doing this but it should be reported. 2nd bad incident on these boards.

Maybe it was his brother again, or showcase4's son...


This is why, although it honestly pains me... I've finally come to the conclusion that people who finally wind up on this list should have an asterisk...or a tattoo.. :tonofbricks: It just keeps repeating, and they are all charming...I know a few people who really had problems will be caught up, but even in those cases, if they just communicate honestly, I doubt they'd wind up here.


Well, the link didn't work, but if you do a search in 2008 and 2009, you'll find the posts.


I don't typically come to this thread, can't remember the last time I did in fact. But a couple days ago a boardie PMd me about joker-fish and said that he was having a problem with him and others were as well. I know Tim, and was surprised to hear this. I know he works crazy hours at the plant and assumed it was a timing thing.


I've never had a problem with Tim. He lives about 45 minutes from me and have done quite a bit of sales with him. He always paid when he said he would. Every time. He's bent over backwards to help me sort through collections and helped me set up and break down from a show.


I contacted him about the PMs I got and he contacted the folks and I assume all has been either worked out or in process. I will see him later today and get an update.


I'm not making excuses for Tim. If he left some folks hanging, he shouldn't have. But, I am confident he will make it right.


If he needs my help to make it right, then I will assist any way I can.


The key is, and I will share this with him today, if you run into problems on a payment plan or something like that, communication will normally keep the fires from buring too hot. I learned that lesson a long time ago, and try not to repeat it.


I've been very fortunate with these boards as I've bought and sold tons of stuff on here and haven't had a single problem. I hate to see fellow boardies that have had issues that haven't been resolved. Sad really. We are a community of geeks, and should keep it that way.



Thanks Bill. As a follow up to my post, Tim did finally pm me to let me know he has not been on the boards for over a month, that he has decided to stop collecting and confirm he will not be buying the books as he agreed. He deserves to be on the HOS.

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Had Thing came to the Comic Forum Selling boards and done this charity auction and made the same screwup with his coin, we would not be having this discussion, as he would have violated OUR rules. But he didn't.


Thank you Pov for responding.


I think I understand what your saying which I think is...


...had Thing had a 8 month late shipping problem in the NCG Board (which is where He11blazer's transaction took place) & said a flippant remark about the NCG thread rules, it's members & probation guidlines/list (if there was one), then that individual thread's rules would have been violated by Thing and that community would have acted accordingly... perhaps like a few of us here did.


Since Thing is not a CGC Board regular user/member he's not expected to follow the same rules we follow here concerning on-time shipping, general respect & etc. Only on the NCG threads is he accountable.


That's great for the CGC Board I guess... but I'm sure its gonna scare the comic buyers who might want to buy a coin or too. Let's just hope any future transactions with the NCG Board will be trouble free.


You are correct tho, Pov... since Thing don't live here, I shouldn't & won't worry about it. I appreciate you sir. also holstered.



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...had Thing had a 8 month late shipping problem in the NCG Board (which is where He11blazer's transaction took place)



I am still holstered (chaffs a little) but just to clarify, the sale was promoted and concluded in the Water Cooler, not the NGC boards.



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This is the first time I am seeing all of this, but figured I would put my 2 cents in. I pm'dAndre last night about the 2 books I told him I was going to buy a few months back. I told him to keep the small deposit that I had sent him initially and apologized that I was not able to purchase them at this time. I was informed that he had already sold one of them so there was not a whole lot I could do regardless. I did try to stay in touch with him as things were going on, but I could not keep up. I told him I had to take a break from comics right now and apparently he took that way more personal than I thought.


I am not not upset that he nominated me for the probation list, but seriously? The HOS? I have not ripped anyone off here, I was a bit late sending out a few boxes and the people who were Involved in these transactions.


There are certain people here who do not like me and regardless of what I do will never be good enough for them, and I cant change that. As a whole I think I was a decent guy to deal with. Being put on the HOS list is excessive and you guys know that, but you control the boards and if you don't want me as a member here, then so be it.


To all of the friends that I have made here, you guys know me and you know how to stay in touch and I look forward to it.

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...had Thing had a 8 month late shipping problem in the NCG Board (which is where He11blazer's transaction took place)



I am still holstered (chaffs a little) but just to clarify, the sale was promoted and concluded in the Water Cooler, not the NGC boards.




Sorry sir, I misunderstood. The Water Cooler was the place. :foryou:



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This is the first time I am seeing all of this, but figured I would put my 2 cents in. I pm'dAndre last night about the 2 books I told him I was going to buy a few months back. I told him to keep the small deposit that I had sent him initially and apologized that I was not able to purchase them at this time. I was informed that he had already sold one of them so there was not a whole lot I could do regardless. I did try to stay in touch with him as things were going on, but I could not keep up. I told him I had to take a break from comics right now and apparently he took that way more personal than I thought.


I am not not upset that he nominated me for the probation list, but seriously? The HOS? I have not ripped anyone off here, I was a bit late sending out a few boxes and the people who were Involved in these transactions.


There are certain people here who do not like me and regardless of what I do will never be good enough for them, and I cant change that. As a whole I think I was a decent guy to deal with. Being put on the HOS list is excessive and you guys know that, but you control the boards and if you don't want me as a member here, then so be it.


To all of the friends that I have made here, you guys know me and you know how to stay in touch and I look forward to it.


For the record Tim, I sold one of the books after November 1st which was the full 30 days I needed to wait. We agreed on Oct 1st so I went ahead and sold one of the books after the waiting period. I waited for you response which did not arrive till last night. I nominated you for probation, but other people came on mentioning that you had been on and come off several times and if it happened again you would be put on the HOS list. You reneged on a deal, and you ended up there. You have only yourself to blame.

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This is the first time I am seeing all of this, but figured I would put my 2 cents in. I pm'dAndre last night about the 2 books I told him I was going to buy a few months back. I told him to keep the small deposit that I had sent him initially and apologized that I was not able to purchase them at this time. I was informed that he had already sold one of them so there was not a whole lot I could do regardless. I did try to stay in touch with him as things were going on, but I could not keep up. I told him I had to take a break from comics right now and apparently he took that way more personal than I thought.


I am not not upset that he nominated me for the probation list, but seriously? The HOS? I have not ripped anyone off here, I was a bit late sending out a few boxes and the people who were Involved in these transactions.


There are certain people here who do not like me and regardless of what I do will never be good enough for them, and I cant change that. As a whole I think I was a decent guy to deal with. Being put on the HOS list is excessive and you guys know that, but you control the boards and if you don't want me as a member here, then so be it.


To all of the friends that I have made here, you guys know me and you know how to stay in touch and I look forward to it.


I'm not a guy, I don't know you personally, and it's not a matter of liking or not liking, as a matter of fact, I held a book for you for over a year because you always seemed like a nice, friendly guy...You made MANY MANY promises to pay...I find it shameful,that you take things so flippantly, there is no remorse whatsoever.


One of the problems I had was that I felt even after a while, I had made you a PROMISE, to hold the book...so if I violated that, I would be violating a promise...YOU however, don't seem to hold any regard for your word.


As it happened, I was not desperate for the funds, but I could have been...there are people here selling books for basic needs. That doesn't seem to matter to you.



BTW, not that I ever mentioned it, but I lost $50 on our deal. We had an agreement, I wound up selling it 15 months later for $50.00 less, I just didn't want to look at it anymore. At the time of our agreement, I had someone else interested in the book at the same (higher) price, but I kept my promise. So, technically,. yes...I was harmed.


I wonder how you would feel were the tables reversed?



I was not the only one at the time who you never paid, there were many people... THEN there was the matter of you not bothering to mail out books that were paid for, and THIS incident with Andre, is the third strike.



I don't have a masculine organ to holster, so I'm not going to...but I hope you don't teach your kids to act this way.


I'm sorry, you belong in the Hall of Shame, and if I had ANY doubt before, I sure don't now.


PS. I was the one who asked Bosco to wait 24 hours after posting the thread...because I wanted to give you every chance to respond...:tonofbricks:

Edited by skypinkblu
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Ok, I am more or less screwed here anyway, so lets do this.


You dont like me because you think I stiffed you on a book you claimed to hold for me for over a year. I did not ask you to hold the book that long, as a matter of fact, I was not even on the boards for 90% of that time. I had "basic needs" to attend too. You blamed me for losing money because of the economy, even though not once did I say "yes, I want to buy your Batman 14". I told you numerous times that if I got the money from some sales that I would buy it, key word here was "IF". I did not ask you to hold the book that long, and I have apologized for that incident NUMEROUS times, but you dont want to accept it because you STILL think I tried flaming you in a thread. I have steered clear of your posts and sales threads as I told you I would, but you continue to bring this up every chance you get.


You are 100% right, I did not ship a book out that I sold. I contacted the buyer last night when I had gotten on the boards for the first time in weeks and offered him a full refund or the book, I have yet to get that response. I am not a scammer. I work my asss off to support my family. The people who know me in real life, not just on a comic forum know this.


You want to talk abot the tables being reversed? Fine. As I told Andre, I was in the process of selling a few books to pay for those 2 spideys. It was getting very late in the deal when I had to replace my AC unit in my house and had to use all of my "play" money to fix it. Basic needs right? Well low and behold, 3 months later and I have yet to recieve a DIME for one of the books ($1300 for those following this thread). Should I out this guy? Surely. By the standards being set here, why not. I dont care if he got married, had to replace his transmission, kids got sick, or anything else right? He agreed to buy a book and he should be on the list. Am I going to do this? ABSOLUTELY Not. The guy had problems. Do I wish he had fulfilled his end? Certainly, but crying about it is not going to change the fact that he can not get the book. Things happen, and I do not hold grudges over things like this. What about the guy who contacted me to buy a $900.00 book. He straight up asked me if it was still for sale and that he would :takeit: then I never heard from him again.



Andre, for the record, I was on the list one time, not several. The ones who want me there love to talk about it. Sharon likes to say that I "ignored" being on it when in fact I didnt even know. I was off the boards for roughly a year or so and came back on and started a sales thread, thats when I found out about being on the list. I killed the thread and started emailing the people who I had left hanging, but thats irrelevant now. It was supposed to be done and gone, but certain people dont want to let that go.


Sharon, I know you dont believe it, but I have no hard feelings towards you. I appreciate the fact that you asked bosco to hold off on the thread, but in all honesty, I was not on the boards to even see it. The last 3 months have been non stop. I am taking a break from collecting, I dont have the time anymore. As for your comment about how I raise my kids, that was uncalled for, I will say that.


Bill, thanks for taking up for me man, I appreciate it. You know if you ever need help with a show, moving and sorting stock, just the heavy lifting, or whatever, I am there if you need me.

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Andre, for the record, I was on the list one time, not several.


Just so the record is clear, you were on the Probation List once previously, but for multiple infractions occuring in and around the same time. :grin:

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Andre, for the record, I was on the list one time, not several.


Just so the record is clear, you were on the Probation List once previously, but for multiple infractions occuring in and around the same time. :grin:


Yes, they were in the same time, the same year that I was away from the boards. Ironic how the infractions all fell into play at the same time isnt it :grin::grin::grin:




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