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36,203 posts in this topic

That the threat of PL incited Chip to start proactively fulfilling his obligations is pretty troubling.

It didn't. I got fired from the job I've been working and am cleaning up unfulfilled transactions before I lack the time to do so again.


Also, let me eliminate the debate in this thread. Place me on the PL and then the HOS if you so desire. I understand the need and want by the membership here as well as the reasons for doing so.


I apologize for any ill feelings I've caused. Thank you all for reading.


You have got to be kidding me. You expect us to believe they suddenly would have gotten tracking updates today if not for this discussion. What gave you the impression we are all that naive?


The fact that half of the members here are content with sending this bum money and expecting nothing in return.


Hey...:news: anyone wanna send me free money?? If so, shoot me a PM and I'll happily provide my PayPal address and take your money! :D


Chip...you are your own worst enemy. Please find yourself another place to lurk and rip off people.

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List updated.


Gatchaman, please (eventually) let us know what you're going to do so we don't have to waste more time on this issue. Next time, please follow the normal PL nomination process. :rulez:


Go easy, I don't think Gatchaman meant to withdraw his nomination, and he certainly does not have to, until he has confirmed he received what he is owed. That is what I understood, but maybe I am wrong. (shrug)

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I am not withdrawing my nomination. I should have been more clear in that, since I was hearing other people getting their tracking number, as well as I, that I am not going to change what I had started until I know I get what I ordered.

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That the threat of PL incited Chip to start proactively fulfilling his obligations is pretty troubling.

It didn't. I got fired from the job I've been working and am cleaning up unfulfilled transactions before I lack the time to do so again.


Also, let me eliminate the debate in this thread. Place me on the PL and then the HOS if you so desire. I understand the need and want by the membership here as well as the reasons for doing so.


I apologize for any ill feelings I've caused. Thank you all for reading.


You have got to be kidding me. You expect us to believe they suddenly would have gotten tracking updates today if not for this discussion. What gave you the impression we are all that naive?


Honestly? IMO because collectively as a whole we are naive. We've enabled him to keep up this behavior with little to no real repercussions. He's a master manipulator of a situation, plays at heartstrings, and is super nice in addressing the boards all in an attempt to mute what most would really call criminal activity. Of course he's full of BS in his post here, but some of his white knights will come up and defend the indefensible as before. We all know he showed up because PL was being discussed and that was the ONLY thing that compelled him to get things moving. I'm just glad some of the boardies will hopefully get their items.


Don't want think about for every 1 that comes forward how many people we don't know about that have been screwed over.



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Doesn't this always happen in this thread


Threat of the PL


PL avoided




Threat of the PL


PL avoided





Yes, which is why Chip should go straight to the HOS.


At least he's there and people will know what's transpired. If he goes on the PL, then off..and then as well all know eventually back on the PL, it'll all go away.


Send him to the HOS. If he was an attorney, he'd be disbarred.

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Not this time Hector


I think he has made everyone's avoid list. And now that he was supposedly fired from his job I am going to steer far and clear from any transactions he is involved in.

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Not this time Hector


I think he has made everyone's avoid list. And now that he was supposedly fired from his job I am going to steer far and clear from any transactions he is involved in.


I meant PL threat then boardie fixes situation etc


Next boardie threatens the PL on another different boardie


The PL nomination as I've seen it work before is not just a warning for future transactions with the nominated party but also as a way for the current nominator to get their stuff (with the help of the community aka peer pressure to do what's right and honor the deal - see jimbo707 deal)


The reality is that many had already decided long along not to deal with Chip based on what happened in the summer etc

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Does any of this come as a shock to anyone???


You're a total finger wagging, know it all, jerk off sometimes. In cases like this it's better to just not say anything than show everyone how right you can be.


Its funny that you take this "holier than thou" attitude. I'm SOOO sorry that someone you befriended on the internet has turned out to be a lazy loser.


Yup....said it point blank: Chip is a loser. No other way around it.


He preys on others using his self-inflicted poor choices and when people, out of the kindness of their hearts decide to help them, he continues to be his worst enemy.


How long do you throw good money at bad problems? How many people does he continue to deceive until people actually get it?!


And for the record, you can kiss my ! You think you're so much better b/c you fail to call a spade a spade....or that you'll "help out a fellow man." Well I have the balls to say exactly how it is. And it's not one time, or two times...its YEARS... YEARS of Chip cheating and manipulating people.


Theft....yes, it is theft. When you buy something and hold the items for weeks/months/years in some cases...then yeah, that's theft.


So you keep on walking the straight and narrow. You keep on thinking you're better. You're not better than anyone.....and yeah, I'll continue to rail on your Facebook friend....


B/c at the end of the day, he's nothing more than a leech who's admitted on more than one occasion that he's too lazy and unmotivated to MAN up and do what's necessary.



It has nothing to do with better or worse. It has nothing to do with Facebook friends and it has nothing to do with tribalism.


Didn't I just post that people need to deal with Chip at their own discretion?


It has everyting to do with maturity.


"I told you so' and self righteousness is for immature people.


Let's hope your children don't grow up to be 'losers', because quite honestly nobody knows how they or their offspring are going to turn out but if they do let's hope someone gives them a soft place to fall once in a while. ;)

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The only thing that is bothering me is, how come Arch is listed as the author of this thread but, doesn't have the first post?


Arch initiated the thread and then backfilled it with discussions from other threads or areas I would assume.


First Post

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Am I incorrect in remembering that Chip finally admitted to having mental health issues? That he hit rock bottom for a while last year and was hospitalized and was being treated for them?


One of the symptoms of depression is the inability to get your act together. One of the problems with mental health issues and dealing with someone with them, is you never know when the person stops going for treatment, taking meds, etc. I know we often joke about people being "off their meds", but in reality it's a problem.


Having had a family member who had serious issues, I know there is really no way to know if something is being treated, or if they've decided to 'self treat" unless they are in a facility, and even then, you can't always tell. The person may sound perfectly rational, speak intelligently, desperately need help, while all the while to them, 2+2 really equals 7 and they believe that sincerely.




I certainly wouldn't call a person having those issues names, the problems are most likely not just excuses, but a problem that is as real an illness that prevents them from completing things, to that person as you contracting something like pneumonia (not that I'm wishing that on you, but it's an example) and just not being able to follow through. The illness is just not something that you can see as easily.


I'd also be reluctant to deal with them UNLESS I knew when I bought something, I was most likely just making a donation and not expecting anything in return and I'd be reluctant to make too large a donation, because it probably won't go to really provide the kind of help they need.


I hope Chip goes back to the place where he was getting medical help and he continues to do so, until he can handle being on his own.



Sharon, thank you. I thought I was the only one that was gong to have to say it.


Coming from a family that has a history of mental illness, ( 1 suicide, 2 attempted suicides (all from separate people) and multiple deaths due to mental health complications AND ongoing daily struggles due to mental health issues) I find the current narrative offensive, short sighted and immature.


You want to talk about how you didn't get your books or movies, fine. I'm all for that. In fact I'll join you on it.


But if you want to circle jerk each other and bash someone who has health issues that is a different ball of wax.


Chip continues to get treatment for depression from what I understand. He loves his daughter, who is his whole world right now but has trouble providing even for her.


So if you want to continue to talk about how awesome you all are and Chip isn't, just keep the above in mind when you do.


And for someone who has 86,000 posts I have nothing else to add.

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I'm pulling down painted over old wallpaper that is on top of painted over old wallpaper... I will go out later


I pulled a piece of wallpaper and decided to stop. lol


Next year!

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That the threat of PL incited Chip to start proactively fulfilling his obligations is pretty troubling.


One of the major problems with society is that we are taught to act out of fear of punishment.


Many current members of society were not taught to act out of want but out of need. I know I wasn't raised to think that way.


"Wear your seat belt or the cops will write a ticket"


"If you work it just right, you can scam your insurance company for this much"


"Pay your taxes or the taxman will come after you"


"Wait til your father comes home"


How about we teach kids that paying taxes is a good thing because it pays for all the awesome liberties we have?


Society is until this changes.

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are post counts important to you?


Nope. You're talking to someone who changes their Facebook picture twice a decade. lol


I could erase my account today and it wouldn't matter.



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That the threat of PL incited Chip to start proactively fulfilling his obligations is pretty troubling.


One of the major problems with society is that we are taught to act out of fear of punishment.


Many current members of society were not taught to act out of want but out of need. I know I wasn't raised to think that way.


"Wear your seat belt or the cops will write a ticket"


"If you work it just right, you can scam your insurance company for this much"


"Pay your taxes or the taxman will come after you"


"Wait til your father comes home"


How about we teach kids that paying taxes is a good thing because it pays for all the awesome liberties we have?


Society is until this changes.


Another one of the major problems with society is a lack of accountability. As it relates to what's going on in this discussion, if people were accountable, the Probation List (and fear of being put on it) wouldn't even need to exist.



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