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EIDES ff's bring big $$$

102 posts in this topic

I completely agree. Can everyone take what people say a little less seriously and be a little less sensitive? We're talking about COMICS, for goodness sake. Remember, a hobby we are supposed to enjoy?


I agree also. This whole thread wouldn't have happened if people weren't so sensitive, and just took my original post as what it was intended to be.....a joke.

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That is it! I have had it...if someon doesn't apologize to this BSD right now I am going to stomp up and down and hold my breath til I faint!!!!!

If I receive no apology soon the wheels will be set in motion...and you will rue the day you were ever born....


Of course I am just kidding...



Everybody just hold hands and smile while you read your funny books!




The day that anyone named "Vincent" is a voice of reason on these boards is a day to run for the hills screaming like a little girl... tongue.gif

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And as for the comparison between the Silver Age and Golden Age collectors, I think the answer is simple:


The Golden Age collectors no longer meet the "Swinging" requirement to be a BSD... smile.gif



Cialis... If the moment comes to brag about your collection, will you be ready?

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And as for the comparison between the Silver Age and Golden Age collectors, I think the answer is simple:


The Golden Age collectors no longer meet the "Swinging" requirement to be a BSD... smile.gif



Cialis... If the moment comes to brag about your collection, will you be ready?


27_laughing.gif somewhere timely checks his 60 day supply blush.gif......THAT WAS A JOKE! 893whatthe.gifangel.gifflowerred.gifhi.gif

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No matter what your "values" are, I would hope that people have more self-respect than to come on the Boards and stroke some guy's wang just because he laid down some big coin for a mere funny book. As for the lifestyle comment, I didn't mean to imply that one should spend money on status items instead of comics, nor that those who can afford to buy a lot of comics and lead cool lifestyles shouldn't do both. I merely meant that buying comics, no matter how expensive, is in no way worthy of the excessive oohing/ahhing/fawning that often goes on here, like a bunch of 14-year old girls pining away for Justin Timberlake. And, that for some people, like my friend DAM60 (whose situation I know well), perhaps siphoning off some of that money going into an overpriced comic (that I know he's barely going to look at and will be telling me within 2 weeks that he regrets the purchase, as has happened in the past) and spending the money instead on having a great time with his girlfriend or saving for/investing in his future might be a better value proposition.


gene, your posts are always great for a reality check. although I was a proponent of dam60 buying the bats 237, it was more because I think of it as an incredibly tough book to find in high grade (9.4) and if you're going for that collection, it's a tough book. but hey, you're absolutely right... i agree with the basic sentiment that you and Andrew are putting out there... there's more to life (or one would hope there is...) than pursuing the CGC 9.8 book out there. I love the medium, but the excessive pursuit of some of these books make me think that some of the actual joy of comics is sucked out in these pursuits.


It all comes down to entertainment value quantification and pride in ownership. If you believe that owning the "best" copy or a truly high grade copy is worth $5k to you... fine. But there's so much more that you can do with the money... take a vacation, invest in your retirement, just enjoy life rather than holding some paper in a slab. I just don't know what you get out of looking at a book once or twice a year, other than to say you own the book... to me, my money can be spent so much better elsewhere. There are books where I love the covers and owning an original is very meaningful. With the advent of Archives and Masterworks... these books are becoming fewer and fewer.


As for the BSDs of the world... who cares what they spend their money on. Not me. I wouldn't denigrate what they do, and if they want to look with disgust at my vfs and fines and my paltry collection so be it. who needs the approval of people who have defined themselves by a comic book collection? certainly not me.

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There seems to be more BSD/BS action with Silver Age collectors. You usually do not find this type of resentment/attitude in the Golden Age mix!




That's because we GA collectors freely admit to our envy.



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As for the BSDs of the world... who cares what they spend their money on. Not me. I wouldn't denigrate what they do, and if they want to look with disgust at my vfs and fines and my paltry collection so be it. who needs the approval of people who have defined themselves by a comic book collection? certainly not me.


One of the things I haven't understood in this thread is all the references to BSDs expressing disgust/condescension at other peoples' non-NM books. Can someone point me to these threads? confused.gif Honestly, with the exception of the infamous Brulato-JC exchange (in which I totally agree that Brulato was acting like a pompous , which really surprised me because he's been pretty cool on those rare occasions when I've dealt with him), I can't recall where any BSD or reputed BSD made disparaging remarks of someone else's non-NM books. In fact, just the opposite--sometimes it seems like when someone posts a 9.4 or higher book, all sorts of snide comments about pq or the tiniest nits come out of the woodwork.

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One of the things I haven't understood in this thread is all the references to BSDs expressing disgust/condescension at other peoples' non-NM books.


for my own personal remark, I'm not referring to people just on the boards... i mean an attitude i've seen displayed elsewhere as well.


and there are a few bsds and other major dealers who generally cater to them who are nothing but nice and genuinely positive about all collectors.


I don't mean to lump all you BSDs together.

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well said tth2


ive never seen BSD's come on here and bad mouth or nit pick poeples books- low grade or hi grade


those that do that with their hudreds of posts- arent they supposedly enjoying their swanky lifestyles instead of spending hours in front of their computer posting on a comic book forum?????????

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ive never seen BSD's come on here and bad mouth or nit pick poeples books- low grade or hi grade


The people Gene is referring to didn't come on and make fun of other people's comics, exactly, they came on and made blanket statements characterizing everybody on this forum as "not a player" or "not a part of the real high-grade market."

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