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Batman v Superman: Dawn of Justice movie thread for your reading pleasure
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i think this movie is going to have mis reviews again but from what i'm reading also is that they're a lot going on to take in. it can also be some people don't like the way WB/DC is taking their movies but i'll say if they did the save & samething Marvel is doing then nothing would change and then the gene would be in trouble.


This is a movie I am going to judge for myself, as I think some folks get fixated on their ideal of a character versus the portrayal they are presented. Meanwhile...


Comicbookmovie.com review


The subject matter is so heavy and the film is so in depth that one reaction post can't really cover everything, nor would I want it to. This is easily my favorite comic book movie, for me, better than TDK.


I want a solo Batman film after this.

If Wonder Woman in her solo film is anything like her role in BvS, it's going to win next year's fall box office

I want a 30 minute special on how Lex Runs his business and his "research" (you'll know what I mean eventually)

Justice League is going to be fantastic.


Rating: 9/10 Stars


Forbes.com movie review


Batman v Superman: Dawn of Justice is not a good movie. It offers a truly unengaging Batman and then allows that character to dominate the proceedings while providing a painfully mopey and grim Superman-and-Friends narrative where the only ray of light comes from its homicidal arch-villain. The action scenes get better as they go along, but they aren’t as clean as comprehensible as Man of Steel’s daylight smack downs.


Assumed Score: C-/D


iFilm.com movie review


I personally liked Man of Steel better, but I’m guessing I will be in the minority on this one. I can see why people might enjoy Batman v Superman more, and as I said before, it improves Man of Steel in some ways.


At the end of the day, Batman v Superman: Dawn of Justice is one of the biggest event films of the year and if you want to be part of the conversation you must see it. The film sets the course for Justice League and the future of the DC movie universe, and if any of that interests you, you should probably buy a ticket. Sure, you might walk away from the film disappointed, like I was, but maybe still entertained by moments of spectacle. And if you see it, I urge you to see it on the largest screen possible (i.e., big-screen IMAX).


But if you’re looking for a great movie, there are much better films to see this weekend on the big screen. You can see Zootopia or 10 Cloverfield Lane or catch up on some of the award winners and nominees still playing in theaters — or you can even see the competition’s Deadpool. All of those will likely leave you more satisfied.


/Film Rating: 6 out of 10


Entertainment Weekly movie review


I get that this mano a supermano story line is a sacred text among comic-book aficionados, but Dawn of Justice doesn’t do the tale any favors. It’s overstuffed, confusing, and seriously crippled by Eisenberg’s over-the-top performance. As the megalomaniac tech mogul hell-bent on bringing our heroes to their knees, the actor is a grating cartoon of manic motormouth tics. He might as well be wearing a buzzing neon sign around his neck that says “Crazy Villain.” (If you don’t want to know anything more about his nefarious plot, stop reading.) Luthor schemes to weaponize some Kryptonian relics left behind by General Zod in Man of Steel and create a rampaging monster named Doomsday that, to my eyes, resembles a giant turd. Dawn of Justice starts off as an intriguing meditation about two superheroes turning to an all-too-human emotion: hatred out of fear of the unknown. Two and a half hours later it winds up somewhere very far from that—but at the same time, all too familiar. It’s another numbing smash-and-bash orgy of CGI mayhem with an ending that leaves the door open wide enough to justify the next 10 installments. Is it too late to demand a rematch?


Overall Score: C+


These reviews are all over the place. Even the Collider review earlier today gave it an 8/10 Stars, and John said he really liked it.

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Grace Randolph, a Youtube movie and TV show commentator, was not a fan of the BvS second trailer. She even had concerns about the movie before and after Drew McWeeny's comments from Hitfix.




I guess she's okay with the movie now.




Now the Youtube reviewer Grace Randolph can share what she had to say about the premiere experience.



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The big review site is Rotten Tomatoes.

It really doesn`t matter what any other site says.

Remember folks the ASM 2 Garfield got a 53 percent rating.

Right now Batman vs. Superman is rated lower.

I hope this just a blip, and when all the reviews start to add up we will see a high score!


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Grace Randolph, a Youtube movie and TV show commentator, was not a fan of the BvS second trailer. She even had concerns about the movie before and after Drew McWeeny's comments from Hitfix.




I guess she's okay with the movie now.





Now the Youtube reviewer Grace Randolph can share what she had to say about the premiere experience.





Wow! She even used this strong a descriptions.




"It was two-and-a-half hours of DC Heaven!"


This is why I think it is going to be best the individual makes their own judgement call on this movie. The feedback varies so drastically from individual to individual.

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At 42% now...Still really early


48 on Metacritic and >1/3 of the reviews are in. will open huge and then sink faster than Jason Mamoa's chance of starring in an Aquaman movie.


Typicaly these movies have around 250 reviews. We only have 34 in so far.

Still early but I'm guessing the lower 60's for a final.

Metacritic is a bit different and has fewer reviews for there totals which give them lower numbers often. For example Deadpool is a 65 out of 49 reviews.

Edited by Rip
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Review embargo is up today! So far it's at 0% with zero positives and one negative. Worst DC movie of all time so far! :ohnoez::insane:




They were the first to post reviews too.





So how does one become qualified to be a "critic". I guess the Uriel clan aren't fans lol. I noticed one of them said The Martian was rotten too but I liked it so I think I'll reserve my own judgment. I look more at the audience reviews rather than the so called critics.




"the Uriel clan"



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I was expecting a divisive film but so far it's pretty one sided, not just talking RT because a lot of trusted people not on RT but also independent sites I assume be more inclined to love it.



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I was expecting a divisive film but so far it's pretty one sided, not just talking RT because a lot of trusted people not on RT but also independent sites I assume be more inclined to love it.


Actually there are quite a few reviewers that love the movie (which have also been posted). But they also point out it is a movie with flaws.


CinemaBlend movie review: Batman v Superman


An improvement over Man of Steel, and a much better Batman movie than it is a Superman film. The highlights far outweigh the issues, and DC now has a base on which it can build its empire.


You’ve read this far. Allow me to summarize. Batman v Superman improves on Man of Steel by introducing a terrifically effective Batman (the world’s greatest detective actually detects!) and a complicated Lex Luthor, giving us some of the best versions of those characters that we’ve seen on screen for a long while. It’s far from perfect, but it’s largest sins can be overlooked because of the massive feats the blockbuster actually accomplishes, establishing a strong core for future DC movies and immediately making us more confident and far more interested in what Snyder will attempt in his Justice League movies. For now, DC’s cinematic future looks bright.


Overall Score: 3.5/5 Stars

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So question what happens if worldwide gross doesn't break 1 billion? With the RT score, I'm thinking we are gonna have a major opening weekend and then a cliff drop week 2.


No idea of the exact BO number/critic approval it needs to make but if it doesn't do well don't expect that full slate of DC movies they have planned except ones already filming.

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I'd be kind of blown away if it didn't pass a billion no matter what the reviews are. I know we throw that billion term around a lot loosely these days but this has to be a case of too big to fail (at the box office). It would be a near crippling indictment of the DC Franchise if a movie featuring both Batman and Superman can't achieve a billion worldwide.



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The big review site is Rotten Tomatoes.

It really doesn`t matter what any other site says.

Remember folks the ASM 2 Garfield got a 53 percent rating.

Right now Batman vs. Superman is rated lower.

I hope this just a blip, and when all the reviews start to add up we will see a high score!

You have to also realize a lot of critics are going to be resentful towards this big studio film that was made instead of some art house film about a little boy chasing a balloon all over Paris. :makepoint:
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