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Batman v Superman: Dawn of Justice movie thread for your reading pleasure
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Saw the movie today and a few words come to mind: choppy and disjointed. It wasn't horrible, it wasn't great either - I'd go with okay. I think with BvS, much like the Dark Knight, too much got crammed and the film was the victim of poor pacing and transitioning. The intros of the future JLA players wasn't done very well and I thought for sure one or more of them would have had more screen time.


I'd sit through it again on DVD or Netflix. I say this all the time, and I'm glad I'm living in a time where we get to see all these comic book movies be they good, bad, or otherwise. Unless I missed it, at least I didn't have to sit through a thread where people were upset because Perry White wasn't, well, white. Some of you may recall the nonsense that went on here with the casting of Sam Jackson as Nick Fury.


Here's to hoping the future DC films improve :wishluck: I am looking forward to Suicide Squad.

Edited by Designer Toast
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Just got back from seeing this. I can see why critics reviews were low. I enjoyed the film, but it wasn't without problems.


The first ~5 minutes about the Wayne shooting was fantastic. I felt like I was watching it right from the comic. After that, up until about an hour to an hour and 15 minutes in felt disjointed and slow. The editing seemed really off the wall. And I really think it could've done without all the Superman hearing and the related scenes with Lex. And Lex's motive...? What was it?


All the Batmobile scenes were well done as well as most of the Batman action. The cameos felt so forced after the initial Flash one. I thought the Wonder Woman scenes were great though. Doomsday was well done, but should've had bigger spikes.


Didn't anyone else get the feeling they are going to touch on some Injustice in the future? Superman soldiers, Flash warning Batman he was right about Superman, everything about Lois...


Overall, I still think Suicide Squad is going to be better.



Edited by Chris_Skeleton
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Just got back from seeing this movie. Let me preface my review by saying I love superhero movies and have enjoyed most of them with few exceptions. I really liked Man of Steel and thought Zack Snyder did a great job with it. I also have not read any reviews before seeing the movie so I would give it a fair chance. However, I was aware the tomatometer was 41% rotten.


Now, my review.


I didn't like it. While I thought it showed huge potential at times, the overall effect the movie had on me was negative. Not sure I care to watch it again.


What I didn't like:

1. Batman's characterization. For the most part it was too negative and just plain out of character. Granted I'm stuck in Bronze age Batman, so maybe this just reflects Modern Age Batman. If it does, count me out.

2. First half was too drawn out. By the time I got to the fights, it couldn't make up for what I endured previous to it.

3. When Wonder Woman finally shows up, the music had me thinking I was in the movie 300. Awful soundtracking at that part.

4. Hated the whole Batman Superman fight. Never thought of Batman as the type to want to kill Superman, especially when his direct actions were good.

5. Did not understand Lex Luthor at all. Unless I missed it, I don't think the movie explained him very well. At least when Gene Hackman played Lex, we understood why he was doing what he was doing.

6. Too much Zack Snyder blowing up .


What I did like:

1. Loved Gal Gadot as Diana Prince and Wonder Woman. Really liked her fighting sequences, even though the soundtrack at that time really did not fit this movie.

2. I liked Ben Affleck as BW and Batman. -script sucked which crippled the character, but Ben was believable and good at playing both.

3. Batmobile and batplane were good. However, the Michael Keaton/Tim Burton car and plane were best of all time.

4. Overall look of the movie and quality of the production was top notch.



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My review. And there are a TON of spoilers, so if you don't want to know, don't click....


But the title of my review says it all:


If you hate BVS: Dawn of Justice, you're wrong.



Really, i just don't understand the critics hostility toward this movie. Then again, this is 'merica, and we don't really have FILM critics, as much as movie critics, but hey, even the UK's Sight & Sound wasn't much impressed.


I can't figure out why.


Personally, I followed the story from the beginning...ok, they're showing us the death of Batman's parent's, reminding us he's human and motivated by REVENGE - an important lesson here - and then we later see his building being destroyed and a friend killed and he's angry at whoever did it (he can't necessarily SEE it at the time - once again, an important thing to notice....


We ASSUME he already knows it's Superman, because of how it was marketed, BUT, if you pay close attention....


In the next scene, Supes saves Lois Lane in the Middle East, BUT, once again if you're paying attention... you'll notice some kind of double cross happens out front while the bad guy has her inside... and you SHOULD think....Hmmm… something's amiss here, what was it?


Next, we see Senate hearings where they're trying to say Superman is to blame for some deaths in the middle east where he saved Lois, and we know that isn't true, so...already we see someone is manipulating events… but who? Holly Hunter? Lex, who we know is coming up at some point, and who i assumed was behind it.


Why critics so lost at this point in the movie?


Meanwhile, Batman’s PTSD is kicking into high gear and he is taking it out on every criminal in sight - remember, he is motivated by REVENGE, NOT by doing what is RIGHT, and Alfred even warns him, “That’s how it starts. The fever, the rage, the feeling of powerlessness that turns good men….cruel.”


We see Clark noticing Batman on the news, which puts a bee in his bonnet…I mean think about it. Much is made about Ma Kent telling him “You don’t owe this world anything”, but what she REALLY says is “Be their hero Clark. Be their angel, be their monument, be anything they need you to be… or be none of it. You don’t owe this world anything. You never did.” Which MEANS: Do it or DON’T do it, but if you DO, do it for the RIGHT reasons. Do it because you WANT to. Some are born to be hero’s and some aren’t, don’t ever feel you HAVE to. Do it because it’s YOU.


Dang, they should’ve let me write that part.


But anyway, Clark sees Batman OVER-doing it, when HE, as the strongest being on the planet, has to actually HOLD BACK, and even when he saves someone is getting criticized in Senate hearings…. which of course leads us to Lex making shady dealings with government officials and then… well, then if you’re any kind of comic book reader, and honestly, I’ve probably read LESS Superman and Batman comics than almost anyone on this forum, but, DUH, Lex Luthor has manipulated EVERY MOVE IN THIS MOVIE THUS FAR, in order to get BATMAN to FIGHT SUPERMAN. (They even give us a hint when Lex tells Bruce, “You should NOT want to pick a fight with this guy” (Clark).


Ok, so, not exactly the most original idea, I know, but what made this movie for me was the underlying theme of good vs evil, revenge vs duty, love vs hate… it’s so much a part of what’s here, and yet, I really haven’t seen anyone bring it up. Even Wonder Woman, yes she’s hot, and she’s BAD AZZ, but she gets drawn into it from a sense of duty and… LOVE. You know why she wanted that picture back, right? That’s Chris Pine next to her in the photo… he plays Steve Trevor in the WW movie.


Honestly, I tend to be an on the move kinda guy, and sitting in a theater for 2 1/2 to 3 hours is tough for me. I'll be honest, even the best Batman movie, the one where Heath Ledger (RIP) played the Joker... I got up to go to the restroom during the movie, and had no problem taking my time to wash my hands extra carefully and notice some of the coming attraction posters on my way back in, but for this movie I was engrossed all the way through.


It’s NOT a Marvel movie. Zack Snyder was trying to make a FILM. He’s already made the best superhero FILM of all (Watchmen) and I honestly believe, that critics will eventually come around on this movie and see it for what it is. An attempt to do a real superhero FILM. It’s taking the themes of duty and honor and loyalty and LOVE, and weaving them into a (maybe not so complex of a plot) involving superheroes. And I, personally think it worked.


And when it got to the fight scenes…. I’m sorry Marvel guys (and really I’M a Marvel guy), no one films superhero's beating the out of each other like Zack Snyder. Those battle scenes between Batman/Superman, Superman/Doomsday and all 3 of them vs Doomsday were BRUTAL and FUN. And I know some people didn’t like the idea of the DOS being shoehorned into the movie or whatever, but seriously, I ain’t sitting’ through no 2 1/2 hour DOS movie. It fit perfectly.


And it taught Bruce a lesson. Here was an ALIEN, willing to risk it all to either save his MOM or the WORLD, it didn’t matter which, it what heroes DO…. for no other reason than BECAUSE.

He’s a HERO. And that’s what hero’s do.

Not for revenge, not for glory, not for any reason other than BECAUSE.


Evil is the absence of good, but GOOD is more than the absence of evil. It takes an additional effort. And that’s what heroes are.


At the end, Diane says “I walked away from man a century ago, because of the horrors of man.” and Bruce says, “Man is still good. We break things, tear them down, but we can rebuild. We can be better, we have to be.”


BRUCE says that!


Ok, a few other notes: Anyone notice the mother box in the Cyborg clip? Very cool.

Where the heck is Green Lantern?

Superman + Eye Beams = very cool. Marvel, Vision, please take note.

Robin’s costume…. oh man….




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I go into these movies with an open mind. They all help our hobby and bring new collectors in. I'm not one to analyze every scene or criticize minor parts.


But I have say, I was just waiting for Superman to break down and start crying. He looks so upset in many parts of the movie.


Yes... More Jesus than God.

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My review. And there are a TON of spoilers, so if you don't want to know, don't click....


But the title of my review says it all:


If you hate BVS: Dawn of Justice, you're wrong.



Really, i just don't understand the critics hostility toward this movie. Then again, this is 'merica, and we don't really have FILM critics, as much as movie critics, but hey, even the UK's Sight & Sound wasn't much impressed.


I can't figure out why.


Personally, I followed the story from the beginning...ok, they're showing us the death of Batman's parent's, reminding us he's human and motivated by REVENGE - an important lesson here - and then we later see his building being destroyed and a friend killed and he's angry at whoever did it (he can't necessarily SEE it at the time - once again, an important thing to notice....


We ASSUME he already knows it's Superman, because of how it was marketed, BUT, if you pay close attention....


In the next scene, Supes saves Lois Lane in the Middle East, BUT, once again if you're paying attention... you'll notice some kind of double cross happens out front while the bad guy has her inside... and you SHOULD think....Hmmm… something's amiss here, what was it?


Next, we see Senate hearings where they're trying to say Superman is to blame for some deaths in the middle east where he saved Lois, and we know that isn't true, so...already we see someone is manipulating events… but who? Holly Hunter? Lex, who we know is coming up at some point, and who i assumed was behind it.


Why critics so lost at this point in the movie?


Meanwhile, Batman’s PTSD is kicking into high gear and he is taking it out on every criminal in sight - remember, he is motivated by REVENGE, NOT by doing what is RIGHT, and Alfred even warns him, “That’s how it starts. The fever, the rage, the feeling of powerlessness that turns good men….cruel.”


We see Clark noticing Batman on the news, which puts a bee in his bonnet…I mean think about it. Much is made about Ma Kent telling him “You don’t owe this world anything”, but what she REALLY says is “Be their hero Clark. Be their angel, be their monument, be anything they need you to be… or be none of it. You don’t owe this world anything. You never did.” Which MEANS: Do it or DON’T do it, but if you DO, do it for the RIGHT reasons. Do it because you WANT to. Some are born to be hero’s and some aren’t, don’t ever feel you HAVE to. Do it because it’s YOU.


Dang, they should’ve let me write that part.


But anyway, Clark sees Batman OVER-doing it, when HE, as the strongest being on the planet, has to actually HOLD BACK, and even when he saves someone is getting criticized in Senate hearings…. which of course leads us to Lex making shady dealings with government officials and then… well, then if you’re any kind of comic book reader, and honestly, I’ve probably read LESS Superman and Batman comics than almost anyone on this forum, but, DUH, Lex Luthor has manipulated EVERY MOVE IN THIS MOVIE THUS FAR, in order to get BATMAN to FIGHT SUPERMAN. (They even give us a hint when Lex tells Bruce, “You should NOT want to pick a fight with this guy” (Clark).


Ok, so, not exactly the most original idea, I know, but what made this movie for me was the underlying theme of good vs evil, revenge vs duty, love vs hate… it’s so much a part of what’s here, and yet, I really haven’t seen anyone bring it up. Even Wonder Woman, yes she’s hot, and she’s BAD AZZ, but she gets drawn into it from a sense of duty and… LOVE. You know why she wanted that picture back, right? That’s Chris Pine next to her in the photo… he plays Steve Trevor in the WW movie.


Honestly, I tend to be an on the move kinda guy, and sitting in a theater for 2 1/2 to 3 hours is tough for me. I'll be honest, even the best Batman movie, the one where Heath Ledger (RIP) played the Joker... I got up to go to the restroom during the movie, and had no problem taking my time to wash my hands extra carefully and notice some of the coming attraction posters on my way back in, but for this movie I was engrossed all the way through.


It’s NOT a Marvel movie. Zack Snyder was trying to make a FILM. He’s already made the best superhero FILM of all (Watchmen) and I honestly believe, that critics will eventually come around on this movie and see it for what it is. An attempt to do a real superhero FILM. It’s taking the themes of duty and honor and loyalty and LOVE, and weaving them into a (maybe not so complex of a plot) involving superheroes. And I, personally think it worked.


And when it got to the fight scenes…. I’m sorry Marvel guys (and really I’M a Marvel guy), no one films superhero's beating the out of each other like Zack Snyder. Those battle scenes between Batman/Superman, Superman/Doomsday and all 3 of them vs Doomsday were BRUTAL and FUN. And I know some people didn’t like the idea of the DOS being shoehorned into the movie or whatever, but seriously, I ain’t sitting’ through no 2 1/2 hour DOS movie. It fit perfectly.


And it taught Bruce a lesson. Here was an ALIEN, willing to risk it all to either save his MOM or the WORLD, it didn’t matter which, it what heroes DO…. for no other reason than BECAUSE.

He’s a HERO. And that’s what hero’s do.

Not for revenge, not for glory, not for any reason other than BECAUSE.


Evil is the absence of good, but GOOD is more than the absence of evil. It takes an additional effort. And that’s what heroes are.


At the end, Diane says “I walked away from man a century ago, because of the horrors of man.” and Bruce says, “Man is still good. We break things, tear them down, but we can rebuild. We can be better, we have to be.”


BRUCE says that!


Ok, a few other notes: Anyone notice the mother box in the Cyborg clip? Very cool.

Where the heck is Green Lantern?

Superman + Eye Beams = very cool. Marvel, Vision, please take note.

Robin’s costume…. oh man….




Finally someone that got it. I followed the exact same path, great job. It's very ambitious. He takes a bunch of home run swings, some miss, but many fly out of the park.


I really think that we've been accustomed to the hand holding whereas Snyder decided to treat the audience like adults and not do that.


Great and wonderful post.



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DEADLINE: ‘Batman V Superman’ Makes $46M Around The Globe On Easter Monday, Worldwide B.O. Now At $468.6M


Warner Bros. just reported Easter Monday numbers for Batman v Superman. A number of countries were on holiday yesterday. Together with $15M domestic, overseas raked in $31M on Monday, sending the day’s global total to $46M. Worldwide, BvS stands at $468.6M. WB has revised its weekend opening to $256.5m internationally putting worldwide at $422.6m.


In the global opening record books, BvS is the fourth highest behind Star Wars: The Force Awakens ($529M), Jurassic World ($524.9M), and Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows Part 2 ($483.2M). Sources are keen for me to point out that those titles that BvS outflanks on the list; many of them had unique foreign rollouts, and unlike BvS didn’t have China during their first frames. JW, BvS and Spider-Man 3 included China in their day and date debuts.


With two indie movies going wide this weekend at the domestic B.O. –PureFlix’s God’s Not Dead 2 at 2,318 venues and Freestyle’s Meet the Blacks at 1,000 theaters– there’s some murmuring that BvS’ drop might not be as steep as we originally thought ( -65%). Word of mouth seems to be more upbeat than the CinemaScore and reviews.







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Saw it a second time yesterday, I do love this movie, I can't wait to see it again.


When Wonder Woman shows up it still gives me goose bumps.


It has its flaws and I could nit-pick but overall its such an entertaining and epic movie that it doesn't detract my experience.


Far more entertaining than the snooze-fest Age of Ultron (if I have to compare).


8/10 for solid awesomeness.

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My review. And there are a TON of spoilers, so if you don't want to know, don't click....


But the title of my review says it all:


If you hate BVS: Dawn of Justice, you're wrong.



Really, i just don't understand the critics hostility toward this movie. Then again, this is 'merica, and we don't really have FILM critics, as much as movie critics, but hey, even the UK's Sight & Sound wasn't much impressed.


I can't figure out why.


Personally, I followed the story from the beginning...ok, they're showing us the death of Batman's parent's, reminding us he's human and motivated by REVENGE - an important lesson here - and then we later see his building being destroyed and a friend killed and he's angry at whoever did it (he can't necessarily SEE it at the time - once again, an important thing to notice....


We ASSUME he already knows it's Superman, because of how it was marketed, BUT, if you pay close attention....


In the next scene, Supes saves Lois Lane in the Middle East, BUT, once again if you're paying attention... you'll notice some kind of double cross happens out front while the bad guy has her inside... and you SHOULD think....Hmmm… something's amiss here, what was it?


Next, we see Senate hearings where they're trying to say Superman is to blame for some deaths in the middle east where he saved Lois, and we know that isn't true, so...already we see someone is manipulating events… but who? Holly Hunter? Lex, who we know is coming up at some point, and who i assumed was behind it.


Why critics so lost at this point in the movie?


Meanwhile, Batman’s PTSD is kicking into high gear and he is taking it out on every criminal in sight - remember, he is motivated by REVENGE, NOT by doing what is RIGHT, and Alfred even warns him, “That’s how it starts. The fever, the rage, the feeling of powerlessness that turns good men….cruel.”


We see Clark noticing Batman on the news, which puts a bee in his bonnet…I mean think about it. Much is made about Ma Kent telling him “You don’t owe this world anything”, but what she REALLY says is “Be their hero Clark. Be their angel, be their monument, be anything they need you to be… or be none of it. You don’t owe this world anything. You never did.” Which MEANS: Do it or DON’T do it, but if you DO, do it for the RIGHT reasons. Do it because you WANT to. Some are born to be hero’s and some aren’t, don’t ever feel you HAVE to. Do it because it’s YOU.


Dang, they should’ve let me write that part.


But anyway, Clark sees Batman OVER-doing it, when HE, as the strongest being on the planet, has to actually HOLD BACK, and even when he saves someone is getting criticized in Senate hearings…. which of course leads us to Lex making shady dealings with government officials and then… well, then if you’re any kind of comic book reader, and honestly, I’ve probably read LESS Superman and Batman comics than almost anyone on this forum, but, DUH, Lex Luthor has manipulated EVERY MOVE IN THIS MOVIE THUS FAR, in order to get BATMAN to FIGHT SUPERMAN. (They even give us a hint when Lex tells Bruce, “You should NOT want to pick a fight with this guy” (Clark).


Ok, so, not exactly the most original idea, I know, but what made this movie for me was the underlying theme of good vs evil, revenge vs duty, love vs hate… it’s so much a part of what’s here, and yet, I really haven’t seen anyone bring it up. Even Wonder Woman, yes she’s hot, and she’s BAD AZZ, but she gets drawn into it from a sense of duty and… LOVE. You know why she wanted that picture back, right? That’s Chris Pine next to her in the photo… he plays Steve Trevor in the WW movie.


Honestly, I tend to be an on the move kinda guy, and sitting in a theater for 2 1/2 to 3 hours is tough for me. I'll be honest, even the best Batman movie, the one where Heath Ledger (RIP) played the Joker... I got up to go to the restroom during the movie, and had no problem taking my time to wash my hands extra carefully and notice some of the coming attraction posters on my way back in, but for this movie I was engrossed all the way through.


It’s NOT a Marvel movie. Zack Snyder was trying to make a FILM. He’s already made the best superhero FILM of all (Watchmen) and I honestly believe, that critics will eventually come around on this movie and see it for what it is. An attempt to do a real superhero FILM. It’s taking the themes of duty and honor and loyalty and LOVE, and weaving them into a (maybe not so complex of a plot) involving superheroes. And I, personally think it worked.


And when it got to the fight scenes…. I’m sorry Marvel guys (and really I’M a Marvel guy), no one films superhero's beating the out of each other like Zack Snyder. Those battle scenes between Batman/Superman, Superman/Doomsday and all 3 of them vs Doomsday were BRUTAL and FUN. And I know some people didn’t like the idea of the DOS being shoehorned into the movie or whatever, but seriously, I ain’t sitting’ through no 2 1/2 hour DOS movie. It fit perfectly.


And it taught Bruce a lesson. Here was an ALIEN, willing to risk it all to either save his MOM or the WORLD, it didn’t matter which, it what heroes DO…. for no other reason than BECAUSE.

He’s a HERO. And that’s what hero’s do.

Not for revenge, not for glory, not for any reason other than BECAUSE.


Evil is the absence of good, but GOOD is more than the absence of evil. It takes an additional effort. And that’s what heroes are.


At the end, Diane says “I walked away from man a century ago, because of the horrors of man.” and Bruce says, “Man is still good. We break things, tear them down, but we can rebuild. We can be better, we have to be.”


BRUCE says that!


Ok, a few other notes: Anyone notice the mother box in the Cyborg clip? Very cool.

Where the heck is Green Lantern?

Superman + Eye Beams = very cool. Marvel, Vision, please take note.

Robin’s costume…. oh man….




Great review and I followed this logic during the course of the movie. However, my problem with the movie is, Why did we have to go down this road at all? Why do we need a cynical, kill everything Batman? Plus the majority of the Batman we get to see in the movie is a heavily armored antihero. Lex makes no sense in this movie and I don't like the way the other justice league members are introduced. While I was on the Zack Snyder bandwagon after MOS, I am off of it now. I wish there was a way to get him off the project.

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My review. And there are a TON of spoilers, so if you don't want to know, don't click....


But the title of my review says it all:


If you hate BVS: Dawn of Justice, you're wrong.



Really, i just don't understand the critics hostility toward this movie. Then again, this is 'merica, and we don't really have FILM critics, as much as movie critics, but hey, even the UK's Sight & Sound wasn't much impressed.


I can't figure out why.


Personally, I followed the story from the beginning...ok, they're showing us the death of Batman's parent's, reminding us he's human and motivated by REVENGE - an important lesson here - and then we later see his building being destroyed and a friend killed and he's angry at whoever did it (he can't necessarily SEE it at the time - once again, an important thing to notice....


We ASSUME he already knows it's Superman, because of how it was marketed, BUT, if you pay close attention....


In the next scene, Supes saves Lois Lane in the Middle East, BUT, once again if you're paying attention... you'll notice some kind of double cross happens out front while the bad guy has her inside... and you SHOULD think....Hmmm… something's amiss here, what was it?


Next, we see Senate hearings where they're trying to say Superman is to blame for some deaths in the middle east where he saved Lois, and we know that isn't true, so...already we see someone is manipulating events… but who? Holly Hunter? Lex, who we know is coming up at some point, and who i assumed was behind it.


Why critics so lost at this point in the movie?


Meanwhile, Batman’s PTSD is kicking into high gear and he is taking it out on every criminal in sight - remember, he is motivated by REVENGE, NOT by doing what is RIGHT, and Alfred even warns him, “That’s how it starts. The fever, the rage, the feeling of powerlessness that turns good men….cruel.”


We see Clark noticing Batman on the news, which puts a bee in his bonnet…I mean think about it. Much is made about Ma Kent telling him “You don’t owe this world anything”, but what she REALLY says is “Be their hero Clark. Be their angel, be their monument, be anything they need you to be… or be none of it. You don’t owe this world anything. You never did.” Which MEANS: Do it or DON’T do it, but if you DO, do it for the RIGHT reasons. Do it because you WANT to. Some are born to be hero’s and some aren’t, don’t ever feel you HAVE to. Do it because it’s YOU.


Dang, they should’ve let me write that part.


But anyway, Clark sees Batman OVER-doing it, when HE, as the strongest being on the planet, has to actually HOLD BACK, and even when he saves someone is getting criticized in Senate hearings…. which of course leads us to Lex making shady dealings with government officials and then… well, then if you’re any kind of comic book reader, and honestly, I’ve probably read LESS Superman and Batman comics than almost anyone on this forum, but, DUH, Lex Luthor has manipulated EVERY MOVE IN THIS MOVIE THUS FAR, in order to get BATMAN to FIGHT SUPERMAN. (They even give us a hint when Lex tells Bruce, “You should NOT want to pick a fight with this guy” (Clark).


Ok, so, not exactly the most original idea, I know, but what made this movie for me was the underlying theme of good vs evil, revenge vs duty, love vs hate… it’s so much a part of what’s here, and yet, I really haven’t seen anyone bring it up. Even Wonder Woman, yes she’s hot, and she’s BAD AZZ, but she gets drawn into it from a sense of duty and… LOVE. You know why she wanted that picture back, right? That’s Chris Pine next to her in the photo… he plays Steve Trevor in the WW movie.


Honestly, I tend to be an on the move kinda guy, and sitting in a theater for 2 1/2 to 3 hours is tough for me. I'll be honest, even the best Batman movie, the one where Heath Ledger (RIP) played the Joker... I got up to go to the restroom during the movie, and had no problem taking my time to wash my hands extra carefully and notice some of the coming attraction posters on my way back in, but for this movie I was engrossed all the way through.


It’s NOT a Marvel movie. Zack Snyder was trying to make a FILM. He’s already made the best superhero FILM of all (Watchmen) and I honestly believe, that critics will eventually come around on this movie and see it for what it is. An attempt to do a real superhero FILM. It’s taking the themes of duty and honor and loyalty and LOVE, and weaving them into a (maybe not so complex of a plot) involving superheroes. And I, personally think it worked.


And when it got to the fight scenes…. I’m sorry Marvel guys (and really I’M a Marvel guy), no one films superhero's beating the out of each other like Zack Snyder. Those battle scenes between Batman/Superman, Superman/Doomsday and all 3 of them vs Doomsday were BRUTAL and FUN. And I know some people didn’t like the idea of the DOS being shoehorned into the movie or whatever, but seriously, I ain’t sitting’ through no 2 1/2 hour DOS movie. It fit perfectly.


And it taught Bruce a lesson. Here was an ALIEN, willing to risk it all to either save his MOM or the WORLD, it didn’t matter which, it what heroes DO…. for no other reason than BECAUSE.

He’s a HERO. And that’s what hero’s do.

Not for revenge, not for glory, not for any reason other than BECAUSE.


Evil is the absence of good, but GOOD is more than the absence of evil. It takes an additional effort. And that’s what heroes are.


At the end, Diane says “I walked away from man a century ago, because of the horrors of man.” and Bruce says, “Man is still good. We break things, tear them down, but we can rebuild. We can be better, we have to be.”


BRUCE says that!


Ok, a few other notes: Anyone notice the mother box in the Cyborg clip? Very cool.

Where the heck is Green Lantern?

Superman + Eye Beams = very cool. Marvel, Vision, please take note.

Robin’s costume…. oh man….




I completely agree with you and you've put into words better than I could. (thumbs u

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My review. And there are a TON of spoilers, so if you don't want to know, don't click....


But the title of my review says it all:


If you hate BVS: Dawn of Justice, you're wrong.



Really, i just don't understand the critics hostility toward this movie. Then again, this is 'merica, and we don't really have FILM critics, as much as movie critics, but hey, even the UK's Sight & Sound wasn't much impressed.


I can't figure out why.


Personally, I followed the story from the beginning...ok, they're showing us the death of Batman's parent's, reminding us he's human and motivated by REVENGE - an important lesson here - and then we later see his building being destroyed and a friend killed and he's angry at whoever did it (he can't necessarily SEE it at the time - once again, an important thing to notice....


We ASSUME he already knows it's Superman, because of how it was marketed, BUT, if you pay close attention....


In the next scene, Supes saves Lois Lane in the Middle East, BUT, once again if you're paying attention... you'll notice some kind of double cross happens out front while the bad guy has her inside... and you SHOULD think....Hmmm… something's amiss here, what was it?


Next, we see Senate hearings where they're trying to say Superman is to blame for some deaths in the middle east where he saved Lois, and we know that isn't true, so...already we see someone is manipulating events… but who? Holly Hunter? Lex, who we know is coming up at some point, and who i assumed was behind it.


Why critics so lost at this point in the movie?


Meanwhile, Batman’s PTSD is kicking into high gear and he is taking it out on every criminal in sight - remember, he is motivated by REVENGE, NOT by doing what is RIGHT, and Alfred even warns him, “That’s how it starts. The fever, the rage, the feeling of powerlessness that turns good men….cruel.”


We see Clark noticing Batman on the news, which puts a bee in his bonnet…I mean think about it. Much is made about Ma Kent telling him “You don’t owe this world anything”, but what she REALLY says is “Be their hero Clark. Be their angel, be their monument, be anything they need you to be… or be none of it. You don’t owe this world anything. You never did.” Which MEANS: Do it or DON’T do it, but if you DO, do it for the RIGHT reasons. Do it because you WANT to. Some are born to be hero’s and some aren’t, don’t ever feel you HAVE to. Do it because it’s YOU.


Dang, they should’ve let me write that part.


But anyway, Clark sees Batman OVER-doing it, when HE, as the strongest being on the planet, has to actually HOLD BACK, and even when he saves someone is getting criticized in Senate hearings…. which of course leads us to Lex making shady dealings with government officials and then… well, then if you’re any kind of comic book reader, and honestly, I’ve probably read LESS Superman and Batman comics than almost anyone on this forum, but, DUH, Lex Luthor has manipulated EVERY MOVE IN THIS MOVIE THUS FAR, in order to get BATMAN to FIGHT SUPERMAN. (They even give us a hint when Lex tells Bruce, “You should NOT want to pick a fight with this guy” (Clark).


Ok, so, not exactly the most original idea, I know, but what made this movie for me was the underlying theme of good vs evil, revenge vs duty, love vs hate… it’s so much a part of what’s here, and yet, I really haven’t seen anyone bring it up. Even Wonder Woman, yes she’s hot, and she’s BAD AZZ, but she gets drawn into it from a sense of duty and… LOVE. You know why she wanted that picture back, right? That’s Chris Pine next to her in the photo… he plays Steve Trevor in the WW movie.


Honestly, I tend to be an on the move kinda guy, and sitting in a theater for 2 1/2 to 3 hours is tough for me. I'll be honest, even the best Batman movie, the one where Heath Ledger (RIP) played the Joker... I got up to go to the restroom during the movie, and had no problem taking my time to wash my hands extra carefully and notice some of the coming attraction posters on my way back in, but for this movie I was engrossed all the way through.


It’s NOT a Marvel movie. Zack Snyder was trying to make a FILM. He’s already made the best superhero FILM of all (Watchmen) and I honestly believe, that critics will eventually come around on this movie and see it for what it is. An attempt to do a real superhero FILM. It’s taking the themes of duty and honor and loyalty and LOVE, and weaving them into a (maybe not so complex of a plot) involving superheroes. And I, personally think it worked.


And when it got to the fight scenes…. I’m sorry Marvel guys (and really I’M a Marvel guy), no one films superhero's beating the out of each other like Zack Snyder. Those battle scenes between Batman/Superman, Superman/Doomsday and all 3 of them vs Doomsday were BRUTAL and FUN. And I know some people didn’t like the idea of the DOS being shoehorned into the movie or whatever, but seriously, I ain’t sitting’ through no 2 1/2 hour DOS movie. It fit perfectly.


And it taught Bruce a lesson. Here was an ALIEN, willing to risk it all to either save his MOM or the WORLD, it didn’t matter which, it what heroes DO…. for no other reason than BECAUSE.

He’s a HERO. And that’s what hero’s do.

Not for revenge, not for glory, not for any reason other than BECAUSE.


Evil is the absence of good, but GOOD is more than the absence of evil. It takes an additional effort. And that’s what heroes are.


At the end, Diane says “I walked away from man a century ago, because of the horrors of man.” and Bruce says, “Man is still good. We break things, tear them down, but we can rebuild. We can be better, we have to be.”


BRUCE says that!


Ok, a few other notes: Anyone notice the mother box in the Cyborg clip? Very cool.

Where the heck is Green Lantern?

Superman + Eye Beams = very cool. Marvel, Vision, please take note.

Robin’s costume…. oh man….




Some great questions, and of course, I can't speak for the director, but I'll give an assessment based upon why I believe it is....and I'll once agin use spoiler tags, as to not give away too much....



Great review and I followed this logic during the course of the movie. However, my problem with the movie is, Why did we have to go down this road at all? Why do we need a cynical, kill everything Batman?


Because truly... that's who Batman IS... and how do you turn him into an actual hero?

Remember, Batman is someone motivated by revenge... and now in his older age, he's seen his lover killed by the Joker and we can only assume from the Robin costume with the Joker's message scrawled on that he's seen Robin killed, and at this point is done with crime fighting as 'Batman', but once again a tragedy occurs and he comes out of semi-retirement to exact revenge... (following the basic idea behind Miller's DKR)


So Snyder presents the question, "How do you turn the vigilante into a hero?'

How does the God teach the human that above all else, it is love and responsibility to the meek that makes a hero rise above everyone else, and that the ugliness of our society, screaming for the blood of that which it fear's, must be reassured - must be given hope, more than bloodshed from it's heroes.


Snyder has Superman do it simply, in a very underrated scene by using one word, "Martha...", the same name as Batman's mom....


Plus the majority of the Batman we get to see in the movie is a heavily armored antihero.


Which, at his age, just like in Miller's DKR's is what we would expect...once again, Batman the vigilante is at WAR. He doesn't start out as the hero in this banging the Penguin and Riddler's heads together, he is at WAR.. motivated by revenge and fear.... we SEE the actual Bat suit, but I think he'll wear that more in the JLA movie.


Lex makes no sense in this movie and I don't like the way the other justice league members are introduced.


I wasn't big on the Eienberg casting, and to me he's still the weakest link in the movie, but he kind of grew on me... he did what Luthor does, come up with some plan to kill Superman.


And I would have liked to have seen the other members introduced through their own movies first, but DC is kind of behind Marvel at this point, and they're going to have to do this on the run.... it's certainly more New 52 in it's concept than BB28.... it makes me anxious to see the Wonder Woman movie though!



While I was on the Zack Snyder bandwagon after MOS, I am off of it now. I wish there was a way to get him off the project.


Yeah, he definitely brings a strong reaction from both yeah-ers and nay-res of his work. Personally, I'm a fan... and I think this movie will eventually win more people over. The box office is going to be huge... that's for sure....

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Saw it a second time yesterday, I do love this movie, I can't wait to see it again.


When Wonder Woman shows up it still gives me goose bumps.


It has its flaws and I could nit-pick but overall its such an entertaining and epic movie that it doesn't detract my experience.


Far more entertaining than the snooze-fest Age of Ultron (if I have to compare).


8/10 for solid awesomeness.


And you were doing so well doh!

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