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Batman v Superman: Dawn of Justice movie thread for your reading pleasure
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On 2/26/2017 at 8:17 AM, Bosco685 said:




:cloud9: Such great posts. How could any one of you not be considered for 'Forumite of the Year' for your contributions? hm Oh...wait a moment.

Enjoy your TV/Movie/Game boards folks. :hi:

How dare you!

One of the only nicest things that happened to me last year from the people on here and you have to pass judgement on me (and them) because I don't like an average movie.

What do you want me to do? Send my award back to Dena, when I don't like a movie you like. Or do you want me just to scratch your name on it and forward it right to you?

What kind of "contributions" can I do on here, Bosco that would be to your liking? I have done everything within my power to brighten various people's lives when I could throughout my time here. 

I just think you are a selfish person, that has to have everything go your own way.

Every time, I consider trying to make an amends with you, you post something like this.

Well, rest assured now. I HATE YOU!

God, you make me not even want the thing anymore.

Thanks for ruining something that I thought I won for being just myself.

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5 hours ago, NewEnglandGothic said:

How dare you!

One of the only nicest things that happened to me last year from the people on here and you have to pass judgement on me (and them) because I don't like an average movie.

What do you want me to do? Send my award back to Dena, when I don't like a movie you like. Or do you want me just to scratch your name on it and forward it right to you?

What kind of "contributions" can I do on here, Bosco that would be to your liking? I have done everything within my power to brighten various people's lives when I could throughout my time here. 

I just think you are a selfish person, that has to have everything go your own way.

Every time, I consider trying to make an amends with you, you post something like this.

Well, rest assured now. I HATE YOU!

God, you make me not even want the thing anymore.

Thanks for ruining something that I thought I won for being just myself.

Not even worth the time. Hate on!

Edited by Bosco685
Disregarding the disregardable :-)
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And for those assuming they are just sharing their dislike of this movie to contribute to the conversation, you would be surprised how many have gotten worn out with the repeated negative posts in this area.

It's not like folks can't share their opinion. It's when you make it a mission to drive the message into the ground - along with the targeted movie - that it really comes across as much more negative than opinion-sharing. There is a difference.

Edited by Bosco685
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*This movie comes on several times on cable lately and each time I watch it, I like it even more. I really like the Batman character and Wonder Woman, Superman doesn't win me over but I've never been a big Superman (boyscout) fan.  I'll keep my comments to this movie and not compare to the other ones for fear of bias etc.

I can understand the dislike of the style/take but the need to put in negative comment after negative comment anytime anything positive is said is silly. It would be nice to just have a scorecard of everyone who hates this movie so I can put a disclaimer after my posts stating that you vehemently disagree with my post.




*disclaimer - the following people think I'm an insufficiently_thoughtful_person for liking this movie or seeing anything of value. I should be stoned to death for having no taste in film.


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Jeepers, is this thread still rattling on? Love it or hate it, BvS certainly gets people talking which is an achievement which ever way you look at it.

I'm with JSJ, I like it. Love it in fact.

It's got the best soundtrack of any Superhero film I've ever seen with some stand out musical pieces and themes. It has a fantastic poster campaign - how can you not like this:


It's portrayal of the Kent's murder scene is the best I have seen, and the music during that part of the film is just superb - delicately moving during the shooting building up to the epic roar of the bats in the tunnel rising scene.

The plot is intricate and detailed. The strategic elements which Lex puts in place all add together to create a believable situation in which Batman and Superman can potentially lock horns - they are praise worthy. Given that we have Batman, Superman, Wonder Woman, Lex, the big baddie at the end (heh heh) it could easily have felt crammed (like Spider-Man 3) but it didn't. That's good film making.

Batman was great - I really liked his half jaded performance. He's been at it for years. That stuff would rub off on you. Whether misguided or not, his decision that Superman must die to preserve the human race - and his acceptance that it may be the death of him - carried a certain nobility. 

The attempt at placing everything in a realistic setting worked well for me - echoes of the Twin Towers, Lex coming across as the dangerous nerd head of an overbearing conglomerate. All recognisable nods to the real world. The treatment of Superman - isn't that exactly how the human race would react were he real?

There were parts I didn't like. The dream sequences didn't seem to work for me, albeit I see how they were an extra layer of reasoning to explain Batmans motivation to take Supes out. I thought there should have been more attempts by Superman to take danger away from people. He seemed quite comfortable smashing things up when people were present - does collateral damage work for Superheroes? Again though, maybe that's how it would be in real life.

Overall, a really excellent attempt at portraying unbelievable / impossible circumstances in a believable way. And don't forget, this is a comic book movie - Superman dying but obviously not dying is classic comic book stuff. That's what we all grew up loving wasn't it?

As a comic book fan, how can you watch a scene where Batman comes flying round the bend in the Bat car, crashes into Superman and then has a bit of a verbal spat with him set to epic music - "Do you bleed? You will!" - and not say FANTASTIC!

If you hate this film, that's fine with me. If I had a fiver for every film I've liked that the majority didn't, I'd have £65 at least.  It just further cements my realisation that I stand on the outside of virtually every circle in life, looking in in puzzlement.

That's probably why comics have always appealed to me!

JSJ, your taste in films is considerably higher in quality than that of the common considered average in my opinion. And anyone who says otherwise is a liar! lol


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5 hours ago, Marwood & I said:

It's portrayal of the Kent Wayne's murder scene is the best I have seen, and the music during that part of the film is just superb - delicately moving during the shooting building up to the epic roar of the bats in the tunnel rising scene.

I agree. That soundtrack when this takes place is not something you commonly hear as part of a superhero movie. 'Beautiful Lie' has just the right amount of buildup to the main event, it seems perfectly timed.


Edited by Bosco685
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12 minutes ago, Bosco685 said:

I agree. That soundtrack when this takes place is not something you commonly hear as part of a superhero movie. 'Beautiful Lie' has just the right amount of buildup to the main event, it seems perfectly timed.


Oops, I meant Wayne of course!

Spot on Bosco. Tell me these aren't two of the most stirring pieces in any film and I'll tell you you're bonkers:




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15 hours ago, Marwood & I said:


Jeepers, is this thread still rattling on? Love it or hate it, BvS certainly gets people talking which is an achievement which ever way you look at it.

I'm with JSJ, I like it. Love it in fact.

It's got the best soundtrack of any Superhero film I've ever seen with some stand out musical pieces and themes. It has a fantastic poster campaign -


Interesting that someone thought the soundtrack was a highlight of the movie.  I thought it was overdone, overbearing, and at times it became a nuisance at some points in the movie. 

Looks like I may need to listen to the music separate from the movie and see how it strikes me. 

Thanks for posting a few of the soundtracks!



Edited by 40sJohn
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Interesting piece on total projected profit for Warner Brothers from BvS: $105 million.

Seemingly decent, until you notice the recent superhero movie comparison chart, which by the same metrics calculation puts Antman's profit at $103.9 million.


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1 hour ago, Gatsby77 said:

Interesting piece on total projected profit for Warner Brothers from BvS: $105 million.

Seemingly decent, until you notice the recent superhero movie comparison chart, which by the same metrics calculation puts Antman's profit at $103.9 million.



Great film. Great score. Great big profit.

Great! :headbang:

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3 hours ago, Gatsby77 said:

Interesting piece on total projected profit for Warner Brothers from BvS: $105 million.

Seemingly decent, until you notice the recent superhero movie comparison chart, which by the same metrics calculation puts Antman's profit at $103.9 million.


Unfortunately, their movie balance never accounts for Product Placement Revenue. Nor does it account for Back-End Profit Sharing that reduces the final studio revenue. Like when you look at the Man of Steel summary, it fails to account for the $160-$170MM Product Placement Revenue. Which was on top of what the movie made, and addresses the cost of Marketing Expenses.

So a nice job pulling together the published details. Although I wonder which Guardians of the Galaxy Production Budget was used to determine $204.2MM - the original published $170MM, or the real $232MM that Disney had to publish later on?

And with the $80MM Robert Downey Jr. took in between Age of Ultron and Civil War, a large portion of his pay came off the backend of Age of Ultron.

How Much Did Robert Downey Jr Make for ‘Avengers 2’ & ‘Captain America: Civil War’?


“Iron Man Robert Downey Jr.’s earnings continue to skyrocket thanks to his roles in Avengers: Age of Ultron and the forthcoming Captain America: Civil War, for which he is commanding a reported $40 million. This year, Downey made more than any other actor and recorded his highest ever annual payday. A large portion of his $80 million paycheck comes from the backend of Avengers: Age of Ultron, which grossed $1.4 billion at the box office. Though Marvel has been accused of penny pinching when it comes to paying its stars, Downey has leveraged his Iron Man role into a bulletproof position in which the Disney-owned studio must give him a favorable deal on any movie the character appears in.”

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On 3/24/2017 at 7:35 AM, Gatsby77 said:

Interesting piece on total projected profit for Warner Brothers from BvS: $105 million.

Seemingly decent, until you notice the recent superhero movie comparison chart, which by the same metrics calculation puts Antman's profit at $103.9 million.


Any analysis of the profits that doesn't include the product placement, which was huge in this movie, is woefully incomplete.  Seem like that will add another $100 - $150 million to the profits for this movie.

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11 hours ago, rjrjr said:

Any analysis of the profits that doesn't include the product placement, which was huge in this movie, is woefully incomplete.  Seem like that will add another $100 - $150 million to the profits for this movie.

Point taken, but it wouldn't change the relative ranking among the movies since it omits product placement calculations for all of them.

If a scale is off by 10 lbs., it's still useful in determining the relative weights of 30 people, because it's consistently off by 10 lbs. for everybody.

Same exact reason that Bosco's calculations are useful.

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Even with this decent estimate from Deadline.com (they really do try to account for much - including TV and streaming video distribution), this disproves previous reports that came out of The Hollywood Reporter and even Forbes.com with that former director/producer that came up with all sorts of 'dead-on details' the bare minimum break-even for BvS was $800MM. Anything less would be a failure.

- $873.3MM = final worldwide total

- $105MM = Deadline.com Warner Bros. estimated profits for BvS

- $768.3MM = BvS breakeven point - not accounting for 1) Product Placement, 2) Merchandising

- $31.7MM = Estimate gap compared with The Hollywood Report and Forbes.com 'informed sources' guarantee on breakeven point

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I finally watched BvS on HBO Go the other night.
I liked it.  Given what I'd heard, it was better than what I thought it would be.
I didn't love it in the way I loved The Avengers, although the scene where we first see Superman, Batman & Wonder  Woman banded together was a bit reminiscent of the first Avengers film.  That was nice.

The story did seem uneven with the dream sequences disrupting the narrative a bit.  
Also, I didn't completely get Bruce Wayne's hatred of Superman; yeah I realize he took it personal but if he's the world's greatest detective (does that still hold true with the modern incarnation of Batman?) I would've thought he'd research the events a little more and realize Superman was trying to save the Earth and not destroy it.  Given Bruce's discovery of Luthor's connections with the illegal arms smuggler in trying to obtain the Kryptonite and Luthor's interest in other super-humans, I would've thought Bruce might have been more suspect of Luthor's intentions instead of being so easily manipulated by Luthor in his obsession to destroy Superman.

I realize Bruce thought Superman was a threat to mankind, but given the time he took to train for the upcoming fight, develop the Bat Armor, and weaponize the Kryptonite, I figure he would have had time to research the nuances and see a bigger picture.  And when his obsession turned on a dime with the mention of the name "Martha", it seemed kinda contrived.

Nevertheless,  an enjoyable movie that has me looking forward to future installments of the franchise.  Other than seeming a bit rushed, as compared to how Marvel Studios introduced their characters over time before teaming them together, it should be a lot of fun.  
I just wish DC would have taken more time in developing an overall story arc (instead of "dream sequences" that were inserted to push the story forward at an unnecessary pace) and kept Doomsday as a villain to be revealed after the Justice League was assembled - where Superman's sacrifice would have more of an impact if Doomsday was able to defeat all the other super-humans before being stopped by Superman. 

Just my thoughts on the movie and on the franchise.


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57 minutes ago, Unca Ben said:

I finally watched BvS on HBO Go the other night.


Just my thoughts on the movie and on the franchise.

I wonder if this is the Theatrical Cut or the Ultimate Cut? What I have seen on HBO has been the Theatrical Cut, which definitely has editing defects throughout.

Although you may still feel like it is overloaded with details (no argument there the Dream Sequences easily leads to viewer confusion), it may button up the story more for you. Or not.

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15 minutes ago, Bosco685 said:

I wonder if this is the Theatrical Cut or the Ultimate Cut? What I have seen on HBO has been the Theatrical Cut, which definitely has editing defects throughout.

Although you may still feel like it is overloaded with details (no argument there the Dream Sequences easily leads to viewer confusion), it may button up the story more for you. Or not.

I think it was the theatrical cut.

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12 minutes ago, Unca Ben said:

I think it was the theatrical cut.

Hopefully you get a chance to see the Ultimate Cut. If you liked the Theatrical Cut, it may lead to you liking it more.

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