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My experience with MyComicShop.com.

377 posts in this topic

jamorse99...Do you own stock in this company or something? lol


If they make this right I will come on the boards and let everyone know they made things right, maybe even make a new thread so it's highly visible.


However defending MCS's bad practices by certain board members is mind boggling.


Gonna now stay silent until I hear back from the MCS board member and I suggest every one else follow suit.

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jamorse99...Do you own stock in this company or something? lol


If they make this right I will come on the boards and let everyone know they made things right, maybe even make a new thread so it's highly visible.


However defending MCS's bad practices by certain board members is mind boggling.


Gonna now stay silent until I hear back from the MCS board member and I suggest every one else follow suit.


I have yet to see a bad practice or hear the other side of this story. I have your story, the story of a stranger on the internet. The story of which is, "I feel I've been wronged, No one should ever do business there, unless of course they make me feel better, then people can do business there".


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First off let me say I visit this site multiple times a day, every day and have learned a lot about the hobby..I don't really post becuase I know I'm nowhere near an expert but do enjoy reading everyone's posts and appreciate all the valuable info I have learned from CGC Members.


On Friday Morning, I read here on the CGC Boards that Ghost Projekt was optioned by NBC.


I immediately purchased a #1 issue on EBAY for $12 and then found to my amazement MyComicShop.com which had issue #1 for $2.80, Issues 2 & 3 sold out and Issues 4 & 5 for like $2 each.


I immediately ordered 4 copies of issue 1 and my friend ordered 1 copy of issue 1 a few hours before me...all being advertised as NM.


The weekend comes and much like I figured the book was sold out on MyComicShop.com and my order was still pending.


Then today I check the site and they have MORE issues of #1 at $5 each.


Here comes the kicker....I get an email from MyComicShop.com today at 2 PM pacific saying my order was cancelled due to not being in stock. Let me repeat that the issue was available Friday, Sold Out this weekend and now available earlier today at a HIGHER cost and now once again sold out.


I called and spoke to the owner "Buddy" who said he was well aware of the situation, lied and said they were out of stock and once I pointed out they had issues available earlier today at a HIGHER price he had no response but to say "Take Your Business Elsewhere"


Just want to give everyone on the boards a heads up to what TERRIBLE business practices this company has. I spend hundreds of dollars in comics monthly both at my LCS and at MidTown, Ebay & Forbidden Planet.


I will surely NEVER entertain the idea of using this company again and I hope board members take the same advice.


Thank you for your time in reading this.



Ok, here's the scoop.


We never cancel an already-submitted order because we realize a book has gotten hot and we want to relist the stock at a higher price. Categorically never. Period. Not only do we *not* do it, it would be stupid to do it. Taco said it well:


They make so much money on auctions and consignments that I really doubt they are purposefully canceling a 2010 title that was selling on their website for $2.30 to bump it up to $5.00.


Does that not sound ridiculous? We ship out thousands of comics a day--tens of thousands of dollars worth of inventory. We have better things to do than cancel a perfectly good order so we can micromanage an extra $2.70 out of a book. Not to mention making a customer disappointed at best or angry at worst.


Here is what happened:


- At 8:26 PM CST on September 19th we received our first order after whatever news broke that made this book a hot commodity. Somebody ordered five copies of Ghost Projekt #1 at $2.30. This order was completely filled and ships later today or tomorrow.


Note that we had a limit of five copies per order in place. This limit wasn't added as a result of any news about this book--it's a standard default limit we have on most back issues. The limit is in place for situations just like this one so that if a book suddenly gets hot, multiple customers have a shot at getting some copies instead of having one person come in and take them all.


- 9:34 PM Sep 19 second order for the book comes in, from board member CallMeSang. I assume it's ok to mention him by name since he's already identified himself as ordering this book from us in this thread. He ordered five copies of #1 at $2.30 each. Filled and shipped.


- 9:43 PM Sep 19 order for one copy at $2.30. Filled, ships later today or tomorrow.


- 9:54 PM Sep 19 order for five copies at $2.30. Filled and shipped.


- 9:59 PM Sep 19 order for five copies at $2.30. Filled and shipped.


- 10:05 PM Sep 19 order for five copies at $2.30. Filled, ships later today or tomorrow.


- 10:22 PM Sep 19 order for five copies at $2.30. Filled and shipped.


- 10:39 PM Sep 19 order for one copy at $2.30. Filled, ships later today or tomorrow.


- 11:10 PM Sep 19 order for three copies comes in from eBay at $2.55 (the ebay price is bumped up some over our web site price). Filled and shipped.


- 11:46 PM Sep 19 order for two copies comes in from eBay at $2.55. Filled and shipped. This was the second order from board member CallMeSang.


- 2:37 PM Sep 20 order for one copy at $2.30. Order canceled due to being out of stock.


- 2:59 PM Sep 20 order for four copies at $2.30. This is the order from board member shazzzam who started this thread. Order canceled due to being out of stock. You should have been completely refunded for this order, since those were the only items you ordered. If you weren't refunded the shipping charge, let me know and I'll make sure you get that back.


- 3:43 PM Sep 20 order for one copy at $2.30. This order hasn't been pulled yet, but when it is processed this order will be canceled because we have no stock.


- 4:31 PM Sep 20 order for five copies at $2.30, the third order from board member CallMeSang after previously ordering and receiving five copies in one order and two copies in another. Order was canceled yesterday at 3:41 pm CST due to being out of stock. This is the order Sang is referring to here:


Here's my dilemma. I always had great service with MCS. Just today, my order of 5 ghost projekt was cancelled 2:41 pm. Normally, they have never cancelled anything that can be ordered on their site and have given me great services from ordering to handling returns.


I hope their system just got a glitch and gets it fixed soon. I don't want to lose such a good online comic retailer.


- 4:42 PM Sep 20 order for five copies at $2.30. This is the second order from somebody that previously ordered and received five copies. Order was canceled due to being out of stock.


- 4:42 PM Sep 20 order for five copies at $2.30. Canceled due to being out of stock.


- 4:44 PM Sep 20 order for five copies at $2.30. Third order from same customer who previously ordered and received 5, then ordered and did not receive 5 more in his second order. Canceled due to being out of stock.


- 4:46 PM Sep 20 order for four more copies at $2.30 from same guy as above. Canceled due to being out of stock.


- 11:10 AM Sep 23 order for five copies at $5.00 from same guy as above. Order hasn't been processed yet, but will be canceled when it is because we have no stock.


- 11:21 AM Sep 23 order for five copies at $5.00 from same guy as above. Order hasn't been processed yet, but will be canceled when it is because we have no stock.


- 1:55 PM Sep 23 order for five copies at $5.00 from same guy as above. Order hasn't been processed yet, but will be canceled when it is because we have no stock.


- 4:13 PM Sep 23 order for one copy at $5.00 from guy who previously ordered one copy at 2:37 PM Sep 20, which he did not receive because we were out of stock at that point. He won't get this one either because we're out.



We've received no orders since that last one at 4:13 PM Sep 23, and currently show the book as out of stock.


So what happened?


Counting up the orders that were filled, it looks like we originally had 37 copies in stock. These all sold at $2.30 each with the first selling at 8:26 PM Sep 19 and the last selling at 11:46 PM Sep 19.


There's a gap between the order received at 11:46 PM Sep 19 (the last order successfully filled) and the next order received at 2:37 PM Sep 20 (the first order canceled due to being out of stock). We sold out from our main inventory when the 11:46 PM Sep 19 order went through. At that point, we had no copies listed for sale, so no orders came in. Then, the next day, some time before 2:37 PM, we restocked with more copies from our extended inventory.


Copies in our extended inventory are not available for sale. They have to be moved into main inventory before they show up on our web site or eBay store available for purchase. Extended inventory is used for cases where we have a lot of copies in stock of a slow selling book. Instead of having potentially dozens or hundreds of copies taking up space in main inventory, we keep enough copies to supply standard demand in main inventory, and then as main inventory sells down we transfer in copies from extended.


A few months ago we made some changes to the way we transfer in and out of extended inventory, such that some boxes were moved around. For this particular issue, it appears that we made a mistake, so that we thought we had a bunch of copies in extended inventory that we didn't actually have. Counting up the unfilled orders, it looks like we thought we had 46 copies in extended inventory that didn't exist.


So, on Sep 20, thirty of those non-existent copies were transferred from extended inventory to main, at which point the book was available again. We received orders steadily from 2:37 PM Sep 20 to 4:46 PM Sep 20, at which point we again were sold out in main inventory of the thirty that had been transferred in. No more orders were received until the morning of Sep 23, at which point the remaining 16 copies that we thought we had in extended inventory were transferred to main inventory, and we immediately received a few more orders to wipe out those 16.


At some point between September 20th and 23rd, either our pricing algorithm saw the flurry of sales and automatically bumped the price up from $2.30 to $5.00, or one of our employees saw the sales and/or the news, and bumped up the book accordingly. Either way, the price increase was due to the rapid sales of our available stock, and had nothing to do with canceling orders. Orders were canceled ONLY because we were out of stock. None of the copies that were sold after the price increased to $5.00 are being fulfilled, because we were completely out of stock, we just didn't realize it til later.



So then shazzzam calls in. He interprets the fact that the book showed up for sale at $5.00 after his order had been canceled as something underhanded on our part. We tell him that sorry, the book is out of stock, and he's been fully refunded. (Aside to shazzzam--you should have been automatically refunded for both the items ordered and the shipping, since there was nothing else in the order, but if you didn't get the shipping back let me know and I'll make sure it's done). I don't blame shazzzam for initially misinterpreting the situation. He'd never ordered from us before or had any dealing with us, and if you expect to deal with questionable dealers it's not a huge leap of imagination to think you could be treated that way (except for the fact that it's kind of ridiculous that a dealer would go to that much trouble to mark up a book from $2.30 to $5.00).


But he refused to accept us at our word that it was an inventory error and that we had no copies in stock. Since Beth and Skyler can't help him, he eventually gets transferred to Buddy. I wasn't part of the conversation, so I can't represent what shazzzam said, but he's basically calling us liars and cheats by not accepting that it's a simple inventory error. He also threatened to post a thread (this one) if we didn't give him what he wanted.


Buddy is a perfectly nice, friendly guy. He didn't make it as far as he has in the comics business by being mean or unreasonable. He gets a bad rap from people that have problems with us, because he's the "buck stops here" guy whenever there's an especially difficult customer. There's hundreds of buyers and sellers that deal with Buddy on an everyday, friendly basis, but they don't normally come on here and make threads about the pleasant conversation they had talking comics, or how satisfied they were with the recent sale they made to us.


He does however, have more of a temper than I do. If you want to make him mad:

- accuse us of lying to you

- accuse us of cheating you or otherwise being unethical

- curse at our employees or otherwise be rude or belligerent

- threaten to go online and post threads like this, or in the case of eBay, threaten us with negatives if we don't give you what you want (when from our point of view we have already treated you fairly and correctly)


If you do things like this, he will very happily suggest that you take your business elsewhere, and I fully support that.


We pride ourselves in being fair, honest, and completely above-board and ethical. Our word is our bond, and we have a 40+ year track record in the business that we stand behind with pride.

Feedback from people who've sold to us, Feedback from buyers



I appreciate the people that have chimed in in this thread to note that they've had good relationships with us, or at least waited to hear the other side of the story. One thing that disappoints me about the boards sometimes is how quickly some board members take every complaint thread at face value.

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First off let me say I visit this site multiple times a day, every day and have learned a lot about the hobby..I don't really post becuase I know I'm nowhere near an expert but do enjoy reading everyone's posts and appreciate all the valuable info I have learned from CGC Members.


On Friday Morning, I read here on the CGC Boards that Ghost Projekt was optioned by NBC.


I immediately purchased a #1 issue on EBAY for $12 and then found to my amazement MyComicShop.com which had issue #1 for $2.80, Issues 2 & 3 sold out and Issues 4 & 5 for like $2 each.


I immediately ordered 4 copies of issue 1 and my friend ordered 1 copy of issue 1 a few hours before me...all being advertised as NM.


The weekend comes and much like I figured the book was sold out on MyComicShop.com and my order was still pending.


Then today I check the site and they have MORE issues of #1 at $5 each.


Here comes the kicker....I get an email from MyComicShop.com today at 2 PM pacific saying my order was cancelled due to not being in stock. Let me repeat that the issue was available Friday, Sold Out this weekend and now available earlier today at a HIGHER cost and now once again sold out.


I called and spoke to the owner "Buddy" who said he was well aware of the situation, lied and said they were out of stock and once I pointed out they had issues available earlier today at a HIGHER price he had no response but to say "Take Your Business Elsewhere"


Just want to give everyone on the boards a heads up to what TERRIBLE business practices this company has. I spend hundreds of dollars in comics monthly both at my LCS and at MidTown, Ebay & Forbidden Planet.


I will surely NEVER entertain the idea of using this company again and I hope board members take the same advice.


Thank you for your time in reading this.



Ok, here's the scoop.


We never cancel an already-submitted order because we realize a book has gotten hot and we want to relist the stock at a higher price. Categorically never. Period. Not only do we *not* do it, it would be stupid to do it. Taco said it well:


They make so much money on auctions and consignments that I really doubt they are purposefully canceling a 2010 title that was selling on their website for $2.30 to bump it up to $5.00.


Does that not sound ridiculous? We ship out thousands of comics a day--tens of thousands of dollars worth of inventory. We have better things to do than cancel a perfectly good order so we can micromanage an extra $2.70 out of a book. Not to mention making a customer disappointed at best or angry at worst.


Here is what happened:


- At 8:26 PM CST on September 19th we received our first order after whatever news broke that made this book a hot commodity. Somebody ordered five copies of Ghost Projekt #1 at $2.30. This order was completely filled and ships later today or tomorrow.


Note that we had a limit of five copies per order in place. This limit wasn't added as a result of any news about this book--it's a standard default limit we have on most back issues. The limit is in place for situations just like this one so that if a book suddenly gets hot, multiple customers have a shot at getting some copies instead of having one person come in and take them all.


- 9:34 PM Sep 19 second order for the book comes in, from board member CallMeSang. I assume it's ok to mention him by name since he's already identified himself as ordering this book from us in this thread. He ordered five copies of #1 at $2.30 each. Filled and shipped.


- 9:43 PM Sep 19 order for one copy at $2.30. Filled, ships later today or tomorrow.


- 9:54 PM Sep 19 order for five copies at $2.30. Filled and shipped.


- 9:59 PM Sep 19 order for five copies at $2.30. Filled and shipped.


- 10:05 PM Sep 19 order for five copies at $2.30. Filled, ships later today or tomorrow.


- 10:22 PM Sep 19 order for five copies at $2.30. Filled and shipped.


- 10:39 PM Sep 19 order for one copy at $2.30. Filled, ships later today or tomorrow.


- 11:10 PM Sep 19 order for three copies comes in from eBay at $2.55 (the ebay price is bumped up some over our web site price). Filled and shipped.


- 11:46 PM Sep 19 order for two copies comes in from eBay at $2.55. Filled and shipped. This was the second order from board member CallMeSang.


- 2:37 PM Sep 20 order for one copy at $2.30. Order canceled due to being out of stock.


- 2:59 PM Sep 20 order for four copies at $2.30. This is the order from board member shazzzam who started this thread. Order canceled due to being out of stock. You should have been completely refunded for this order, since those were the only items you ordered. If you weren't refunded the shipping charge, let me know and I'll make sure you get that back.


- 3:43 PM Sep 20 order for one copy at $2.30. This order hasn't been pulled yet, but when it is processed this order will be canceled because we have no stock.


- 4:31 PM Sep 20 order for five copies at $2.30, the third order from board member CallMeSang after previously ordering and receiving five copies in one order and two copies in another. Order was canceled yesterday at 3:41 pm CST due to being out of stock. This is the order Sang is referring to here:


Here's my dilemma. I always had great service with MCS. Just today, my order of 5 ghost projekt was cancelled 2:41 pm. Normally, they have never cancelled anything that can be ordered on their site and have given me great services from ordering to handling returns.


I hope their system just got a glitch and gets it fixed soon. I don't want to lose such a good online comic retailer.


- 4:42 PM Sep 20 order for five copies at $2.30. This is the second order from somebody that previously ordered and received five copies. Order was canceled due to being out of stock.


- 4:42 PM Sep 20 order for five copies at $2.30. Canceled due to being out of stock.


- 4:44 PM Sep 20 order for five copies at $2.30. Third order from same customer who previously ordered and received 5, then ordered and did not receive 5 more in his second order. Canceled due to being out of stock.


- 4:46 PM Sep 20 order for four more copies at $2.30 from same guy as above. Canceled due to being out of stock.


- 11:10 AM Sep 23 order for five copies at $5.00 from same guy as above. Order hasn't been processed yet, but will be canceled when it is because we have no stock.


- 11:21 AM Sep 23 order for five copies at $5.00 from same guy as above. Order hasn't been processed yet, but will be canceled when it is because we have no stock.


- 1:55 PM Sep 23 order for five copies at $5.00 from same guy as above. Order hasn't been processed yet, but will be canceled when it is because we have no stock.


- 4:13 PM Sep 23 order for one copy at $5.00 from guy who previously ordered one copy at 2:37 PM Sep 20, which he did not receive because we were out of stock at that point. He won't get this one either because we're out.



We've received no orders since that last one at 4:13 PM Sep 23, and currently show the book as out of stock.


So what happened?


Counting up the orders that were filled, it looks like we originally had 37 copies in stock. These all sold at $2.30 each with the first selling at 8:26 PM Sep 19 and the last selling at 11:46 PM Sep 19.


There's a gap between the order received at 11:46 PM Sep 19 (the last order successfully filled) and the next order received at 2:37 PM Sep 20 (the first order canceled due to being out of stock). We sold out from our main inventory when the 11:46 PM Sep 19 order went through. At that point, we had no copies listed for sale, so no orders came in. Then, the next day, some time before 2:37 PM, we restocked with more copies from our extended inventory.


Copies in our extended inventory are not available for sale. They have to be moved into main inventory before they show up on our web site or eBay store available for purchase. Extended inventory is used for cases where we have a lot of copies in stock of a slow selling book. Instead of having potentially dozens or hundreds of copies taking up space in main inventory, we keep enough copies to supply standard demand in main inventory, and then as main inventory sells down we transfer in copies from extended.


A few months ago we made some changes to the way we transfer in and out of extended inventory, such that some boxes were moved around. For this particular issue, it appears that we made a mistake, so that we thought we had a bunch of copies in extended inventory that we didn't actually have. Counting up the unfilled orders, it looks like we thought we had 46 copies in extended inventory that didn't exist.


So, on Sep 20, thirty of those non-existent copies were transferred from extended inventory to main, at which point the book was available again. We received orders steadily from 2:37 PM Sep 20 to 4:46 PM Sep 20, at which point we again were sold out in main inventory of the thirty that had been transferred in. No more orders were received until the morning of Sep 23, at which point the remaining 16 copies that we thought we had in extended inventory were transferred to main inventory, and we immediately received a few more orders to wipe out those 16.


At some point between September 20th and 23rd, either our pricing algorithm saw the flurry of sales and automatically bumped the price up from $2.30 to $5.00, or one of our employees saw the sales and/or the news, and bumped up the book accordingly. Either way, the price increase was due to the rapid sales of our available stock, and had nothing to do with canceling orders. Orders were canceled ONLY because we were out of stock. None of the copies that were sold after the price increased to $5.00 are being fulfilled, because we were completely out of stock, we just didn't realize it til later.



So then shazzzam calls in. He interprets the fact that the book showed up for sale at $5.00 after his order had been canceled as something underhanded on our part. We tell him that sorry, the book is out of stock, and he's been fully refunded. (Aside to shazzzam--you should have been automatically refunded for both the items ordered and the shipping, since there was nothing else in the order, but if you didn't get the shipping back let me know and I'll make sure it's done). I don't blame shazzzam for initially misinterpreting the situation. He'd never ordered from us before or had any dealing with us, and if you expect to deal with questionable dealers it's not a huge leap of imagination to think you could be treated that way (except for the fact that it's kind of ridiculous that a dealer would go to that much trouble to mark up a book from $2.30 to $5.00).


But he refused to accept us at our word that it was an inventory error and that we had no copies in stock. Since Beth and Skyler can't help him, he eventually gets transferred to Buddy. I wasn't part of the conversation, so I can't represent what shazzzam said, but he's basically calling us liars and cheats by not accepting that it's a simple inventory error. He also threatened to post a thread (this one) if we didn't give him what he wanted.


Buddy is a perfectly nice, friendly guy. He didn't make it as far as he has in the comics business by being mean or unreasonable. He gets a bad rap from people that have problems with us, because he's the "buck stops here" guy whenever there's an especially difficult customer. There's hundreds of buyers and sellers that deal with Buddy on an everyday, friendly basis, but they don't normally come on here and make threads about the pleasant conversation they had talking comics, or how satisfied they were with the recent sale they made to us.


He does however, have more of a temper than I do. If you want to make him mad:

- accuse us of lying to you

- accuse us of cheating you or otherwise being unethical

- curse at our employees or otherwise be rude or belligerent

- threaten to go online and post threads like this, or in the case of eBay, threaten us with negatives if we don't give you what you want (when from our point of view we have already treated you fairly and correctly)


If you do things like this, he will very happily suggest that you take your business elsewhere, and I fully support that.


We pride ourselves in being fair, honest, and completely above-board and ethical. Our word is our bond, and we have a 40+ year track record in the business that we stand behind with pride.

Feedback from people who've sold to us, Feedback from buyers



I appreciate the people that have chimed in in this thread to note that they've had good relationships with us, or at least waited to hear the other side of the story. One thing that disappoints me about the boards sometimes is how quickly some board members take every complaint thread at face value.



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100% agreement. They pulled the same with me when Todd the Ugliest skyrocketed.Amazing that I have never had a problem with any other comics I have purchased from them being in stock until I purchase one that is "suddenly" hot. I have not purchased from them since. I called them and some kid name Skylar actually hung up on me. I called back and said "Did you really hang up on me"? His reply was to hang up on me again. I sent an email explaining my experience and got no reply. Worst customer service ever. Funny thing was when I saw that they had Ghost Projekt on Ebay all I could think was...they must not know it is going to be rising yet. I would love to hear someone from that company trying to justify their lack of customer service. I hope they go out of business. "Instant Kharma is gonna get 'em"!!!!


If you let me know your email address and order number I'll be happy to check on it for you.


I'll note that:


- Inventory errors do happen sometimes. They're rare, but they happen. Our fill rate for August was 99.46%.


- If a book suddenly becomes hot, an inventory error is more likely to exposed than otherwise. Because everybody's jamming in trying to get the book at the same time.


- You present your interaction with us as if we just hung up on you out of the blue. I was not present for your call, but judging by your comments here and elsewhere in the thread I would guess that to get to that point they had already tried to deal with you respectfully and politely without success.

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To me this comes down to 2 things.


1. A speculator not getting the book they wanted. All I hear is:



2. Buddy being.... Buddy.


Thank goodness for Conan. He may not always be able to do for you want you'd like, but at least he'll deal with it in a customer friendly way, and explain the situation as it is.



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To me this comes down to 2 things.


1. A speculator not getting the book they wanted. All I hear is:



2. Buddy being.... Buddy.


Thank goodness for Conan. He may not always be able to do for you want you'd like, but at least he'll deal with it in a customer friendly way, and explain the situation as it is.



Conan is an absolute sweetheart...and he says very nice things about Buddy, which given the relationship he should.


My guess he takes after his mom;) he's SO nice, so calm and so willing to provide details, it works:)


As for the thread...well...maybe we need a special forum for venting....


hm Oh, wait!


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Let me get this straight ... the OP turns out to be just as full of *spoon* as any reasonable person could have surmised from his posts in this thread? What a shock :eyeroll:


dude, you really can't say that, you where not part of the conversation.


Seems a lot of people just jump on 1 side of this or the other. I've had both bad experiences with MCS and good. I prefer to stay out of it.

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Thank you for the research and the post...


I will even go as far as accepting that it was a system error on your end.


FYI, I only spoke with a Skylar for like 2 minutes and never spoke to a Beth.


I asked to speak to a manager and got "Buddy'. Before I could even get a word in edgewise he spoke in a very defensive tone yelling "I know what's going on and if you don't accept that we ran out of inventory then *shouting* said take your business elsewhere.


I went on here to let everyone know how a new customer is treated by your company. Whatever happened to making sure customers are happy? You lost a potential new customer who has what some might say an addiction lol spending at least $200 a month on comics with my LCS and Midtown. That should be unacceptable to you and your company.


I run a small business myself, and in these trying times I make sure not to lose a single customer...guess what? MCS lost me as a customer...not for the original situation which I feel is questionable especially based on other board members similiar problems...but based on the way I was treated through your customer service. It's just plain unacceptable and never fully apologized for.


Let's just call it a day and boardies and all the people like me who visit this forum daily/weekly can make their own decision when making purchases online whether to visit your site or not, based on all the info in this thread.


Damage control was attempted on your part and I give you personally credit for that but your other employee and the owner are appalingly rude and should not be dealing with the public if you want to run a successful business operation.


By the way, I do not want anything in return now except a refund which as of this moment I have not received back in my Paypal account,


My Amazon example I used several pages ago still stands true and I hope you read it and realize the problem/situation you have.


Now back to the fun hobby of collecting and sometimes specualting.


Good day.

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100% agreement. They pulled the same with me when Todd the Ugliest skyrocketed.Amazing that I have never had a problem with any other comics I have purchased from them being in stock until I purchase one that is "suddenly" hot. I have not purchased from them since. I called them and some kid name Skylar actually hung up on me. I called back and said "Did you really hang up on me"? His reply was to hang up on me again. I sent an email explaining my experience and got no reply. Worst customer service ever. Funny thing was when I saw that they had Ghost Projekt on Ebay all I could think was...they must not know it is going to be rising yet. I would love to hear someone from that company trying to justify their lack of customer service. I hope they go out of business. "Instant Kharma is gonna get 'em"!!!!


If you let me know your email address and order number I'll be happy to check on it for you.


I'll note that:


- Inventory errors do happen sometimes. They're rare, but they happen. Our fill rate for August was 99.46%.


- If a book suddenly becomes hot, an inventory error is more likely to exposed than otherwise. Because everybody's jamming in trying to get the book at the same time.


- You present your interaction with us as if we just hung up on you out of the blue. I was not present for your call, but judging by your comments here and elsewhere in the thread I would guess that to get to that point they had already tried to deal with you respectfully and politely without success.



No I was hung up on when I said that this was not acceptable and I wanted to talk to a manager. Never raised my voice. I will admit I was baited into some posts that do not present me in a favorable light. I sent u an email after being hung up on twice. To which I never received a reply. So for me it is just a case of taking my business elsewhere. But thank you for coming on the forum and explaining your side. However based I my experience and others I have read I don't think these are isolated incidents. BTW this has nothing to do with not getting the comic I wanted.

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