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Is now the time to be selling Fantastic Four #1?

129 posts in this topic

Thing is, even if it tanks & Fox doesn't touch the characters again, I think the 7-10 year clock starts running after it leaves all theaters before Marvel could even be relatively certain of the rights lapsing (assuming Fox doesn't ask Marvel to buy out the contract or something before then. But with the animosity that appears to exist between the studios, I wouldn't be shocked if Fox just says "*bleep* you guys, wait out the clock on the contract" because it doesn't cost them an extra penny to hold the rights without using them)


Fox might be dumb, but they're not stupid. They're not going to sit out the rights for another 5+ years just to "hurt" Marvel Studios. The licensing rights have value, and I think after this latest cinematic catastrophe, talks are going to ensue between Disney Marvel Studios and Fox to cut a deal. This isn't just about the FF. It's about the FF Universe -- particularly Doom, Galactus and the Surfer. And although it's never been publicly clarified, isn't Namor part of the FF film rights package. Can you imagine these supporting characters over at Marvel Studios???


This thread really isn't just about FF1. It's also about FF5, FF48 and possibly FF4.


Anyway, I see the values correcting downward a bit to take the speculators out of the mix (maybe 15%?) but FF is such a loved title that the values aren't going to trank. And I agree with the earlier post that, if anything, these next 12 months are critical to see if Disney Marvel Studios rings the Fox doorbell to have a sit.


Namor is at Universal (sorta).


And I definitely don't EXPECT Fox to do something so spiteful, but I also wouldn't put it past people in Hollywood that like to routinely having unrinating contests with each other over the most trivial of things just to prove who is more important or the bigger big-shot.


If it bombs and Fox makes a purely business decision (not one borne out of ego or pride), they approach or listen to every potential Marvel offer to find one that works best for them to get something of value out of the rights.


But if someone with authority at FOX decides to be a spiteful or prideful egomaniac because of some grudge with someone at Marvel (or just Marvel), which is not entirely out of the question, then they sit on the rights, claim they're waiting for the air to clear again before they give the property 1 more shot with a "different vision"


That person would be fired by other Fox hire ups or vetoed.


Fox is obviously in business to make money. Not to sit on the rights and play childish games that will yield no money.

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The earliest Marvel can get back the Fantastic Four movie rights is 7 years if no deal is made with Fox to get it sooner.


So you would be looking at least 10 years before a FF movie is made by Disney if ever. Inaddition, Marvel is no longer producing any FF comics.


That could change over night if Fox just sell the rights back to Marvel.


Remember Doctor Doom is either the #1 or #2 best villain Marvel has so everything is just a matter of time.


FF #5 will cost you more and more the longer anyone waits to own a copy.

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GPA (which isn't perfect) is way under OSPG on my early FF run 5-13 @5.0 OWW. In some cases CONSIDERABLY lower.


I'm assuming you're talking about non-key, low and mid grade copies as high grade copies are never under OSPG. Isn't every non-key SA marvel in low to mid grade under OSPG?

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A few gems in the series,but the FF days as a powerhouse are long gone.

Ant-Man and Doctor Strange gets more street respect nowadays.


Dude, sometimes your comments are so ridiculous they can't be ignored. :facepalm:


Ant-Man and Doctor Strange are powerhouse characters?


They are movie related temporary successes only because the speculator crowd buys into anything they can make a buck on as Marvel tries to salvage what they have not sold the rights out to decades ago.


Meanwhile the FF is the foundation of the Marvel Universe. Marvel just unfortunately sold the rights to them because they couldn't foresee the movie future.





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A few gems in the series,but the FF days as a powerhouse are long gone.

Ant-Man and Doctor Strange gets more street respect nowadays.


Dude, sometimes your comments are so ridiculous they can't be ignored. :facepalm:


Ant-Man and Doctor Strange are powerhouse characters?


They are movie related temporary successes only because the speculator crowd buys into anything they can make a buck on as Marvel tries to salvage what they have not sold the rights out to decades ago.


Meanwhile the FF is the foundation of the Marvel Universe. Marvel just unfortunately sold the rights to them because they couldn't foresee the movie future.





I see where you are coming from and normally I would agree with this. However, Marvel has been burying the FF in the last two years, from canceling books, to instructions concerning their artists NOT drawing certain characters at conventions.. When asked, Marvel's Tom Breevort's made the following statement on where to spend the company's artistic energy:


"There are only so many hours in the day, and so many initiatives you can have going at once," wrote Marvel's senior vice president of publishing.


"So you need to pick and choose where you want to spend your time and your efforts.


"If you had two things, and on one you earned 100% of the revenues from the efforts that you put into making it, and the other you earned a much smaller percentage for the same amount of time and effort, you'd be more likely to concentrate more heavily on the first, wouldn't you?"


Now, most seasoned comic collectors and fans know of the history and importance of the FF. However, if Dr. Strange turns out to be a hit then Marvel will promote the hell out of that book. For years ST110 was rightfully a "B list" if not "C list" Marvel Silver key. If Marvel is able to make characters like Dr Strange a runaway hit they will continue to fade the FF out of existence in favor of properties that they own the rights to across all media. Demand then increases for a book like ST110 and the price rises.


Remember when TOS39 was the unwanted family member of the Marvel Silver Keys? I remember when that book was less than a $1000 and still I never picked it up because it was "Iron Man" who at the time had weak villains and his only compelling storylines involved alcoholism and the Avengers. Iron Man is a far more valuable property than it was 15 years ago and I think in time demand would exceed FF.


To be honest... I own neither FF1 nor TOS 39. (I may fix that within the next year... may)


GPA for a FF1 in 4.0 is around $5000

GPA for a TOS39 in a 4.5 is also around $5000


If I want to spend $5000 I have to admit... I would rather have the TOS39 than the FF1 right now.

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I'm sure half the boardies are rubbing their hands together knowing some of you are thinking of selling your FF 1's. I'm with them, I need me a cheap copy!


Now, most seasoned comic collectors and fans know of the history and importance of the FF. However, if Dr. Strange turns out to be a hit then Marvel will promote the hell out of that book.


Promote, yes, but when's the last time someone wrote a good Dr Strange story? Few writers at Marvel can write space, none can write magic. May as well just hand him over to Bendis and watch him vanish before your eyes.

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A few gems in the series,but the FF days as a powerhouse are long gone.

Ant-Man and Doctor Strange gets more street respect nowadays.


Dude, sometimes your comments are so ridiculous they can't be ignored. :facepalm:


Ant-Man and Doctor Strange are powerhouse characters?





If you asked the mainstream person on the street today

who`s cooler Fantastic Four or Ant-Man?

I`ll bet the majority of the people will say Ant-Man.


So how is that ridiculous?


Methinks you are clueless when it comes to judging pop culture markets.


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I see where you are coming from and normally I would agree with this. However, Marvel has been burying the FF in the last two years, from canceling books, to instructions concerning their artists


Even though I've been a collector and a fan my whole life (for as long as I can remember...possibly 1974 or 75) and have waited for these movies my whole life, part of me wishes there were no movies.


As with all things in art, the appreciation is cyclical. The movie craze is cyclical. In the 90's we had the babysitter/husband/wife from hell cycle. We have had sports movie cycles, space race cycles and 'save the world from extinction' cycles. My gut feeling is that we're in a superhero movie cycle right now. Eventually it will pass and then comics will come back to where they always have been...in the interests of collectors.



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I'm sure half the boardies are rubbing their hands together knowing some of you are thinking of selling your FF 1's. I'm with them, I need me a cheap copy!


Now, most seasoned comic collectors and fans know of the history and importance of the FF. However, if Dr. Strange turns out to be a hit then Marvel will promote the hell out of that book.


Promote, yes, but when's the last time someone wrote a good Dr Strange story? Few writers at Marvel can write space, none can write magic. May as well just hand him over to Bendis and watch him vanish before your eyes.

Doctor Strange will be a huge hit and double Fantastic Four`s domestic box office.

Ever hear of Benedict Cumberbatch?

He`s a huge star!


The Fantastic Four have now had 4 movies, and all 4 movies haven`t set the world on fire.

Deadpool will beat them at the box offce.

Deadpool is a modern day powerhouse compared to the Fantastic Four who have gone the way of Buck Rogers and Tracy.


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A few gems in the series,but the FF days as a powerhouse are long gone.

Ant-Man and Doctor Strange gets more street respect nowadays.


Dude, sometimes your comments are so ridiculous they can't be ignored. :facepalm:


Ant-Man and Doctor Strange are powerhouse characters?





If you asked the mainstream person on the street today

who`s cooler Fantastic Four or Ant-Man?

I`ll bet the majority of the people will say Ant-Man.


So how is that ridiculous?


Methinks you are clueless when it comes to judging pop culture markets.


It's ridiculous because you use soundbite words like 'powerhouse' and 'winner' to make your opinion sound like fact and give it gravity and authority when it's nothing more than just an opinion.


'Cooler' and 'powerhouse' are also two entirely different things. Duran Duran was cool once.


There are 60 years of FF memorabilia and history floating around. Merchandizing, comics, movies, shows, etc.


Ant-Man? Sorry, I missed it. lol


Yeah, he's got a new movie. And it's done well and I enjoyed it and he is a factor in the entire Marvel universe but at some point that will end. Ant-man, much like the Surfer, as cool as they are could never carry their own weight as a franchise for long because there was not enough substance to carry them.


Flash in the pan? Sure. But in the long run, if you're arguing if Ant-Man has more legs than the FF or not it's a losing argument in my opinion.



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Egghead, Who else are Antman's villains besides maybe a ant eater?


Galactus is right up there with Thanos as being a powerful villain. Doctor Doom is over used and frankly they haven't gotten him right on screen yet either.


Eventually the right director/team will make a FF movie that will incorporate the Silver Surfer/Galactus as the villain and the Battle royal will begin.




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A few gems in the series,but the FF days as a powerhouse are long gone.

Ant-Man and Doctor Strange gets more street respect nowadays.


Dude, sometimes your comments are so ridiculous they can't be ignored. :facepalm:


Ant-Man and Doctor Strange are powerhouse characters?





If you asked the mainstream person on the street today

who`s cooler Fantastic Four or Ant-Man?

I`ll bet the majority of the people will say Ant-Man.


So how is that ridiculous?


Methinks you are clueless when it comes to judging pop culture markets.


It's ridiculous because you use soundbite words like 'powerhouse' and 'winner' to make your opinion sound like fact and give it gravity and authority when it's nothing more than just an opinion.


'Cooler' and 'powerhouse' are also two entirely different things. Duran Duran was cool once.


There are 60 years of FF memorabilia and history floating around. Merchandizing, comics, movies, shows, etc.


Ant-Man? Sorry, I missed it. lol


Yeah, he's got a new movie. And it's done well and I enjoyed it and he is a factor in the entire Marvel universe but at some point that will end. Ant-man, much like the Surfer, as cool as they are could never carry their own weight as a franchise for long because there was not enough substance to carry them.


Flash in the pan? Sure. But in the long run, if you're arguing if Ant-Man has more legs than the FF or not it's a losing argument in my opinion.


The op wanted to know an opinion. My opinion was sell. Yes, in the past FF was this great holy grail, but guess what?

FF has lost it`s luster.

It has just bombed. It`s the laughing stock of Hollywood.

So when I said Ant-Man and Doctor Strange have better street credibility.

They damn straight do.


Heck,even Twilight has better street credibility and respect than Fantastic Four because Twilight made tons of money.


Fantastic Four will be forever known as a butt of jokes for years.

It is the Isthar of comic book movies.

Howard the Duck gets more respect now.


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Egghead, Who else are Antman's villains besides maybe a ant eater?


Galactus is right up there with Thanos as being a powerful villain. Doctor Doom is over used and frankly they haven't gotten him right on screen yet either.


Eventually the right director/team will make a FF movie that will incorporate the Silver Surfer/Galactus as the villain and the Battle royal will begin.



Your going by comic books.

More people have watched the Ant-Man movie than this new FF reboot.

The new crowd deems Ant-Man cool, while the FF is now a laughing stock.

Not fair I know, but hey I think Humphrey Bogart is cool, but right now Chris Pratt and Vin Diesel have more street credibility with the mainstream audience.


Another example is Buck Rogers. Over 70 years of memorabilia,but along comes Star-Lord.

Ask any betting man going forward who has a better future Buck Rogers or Star-Lord?

Times change.




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Egghead, Who else are Antman's villains besides maybe a ant eater?


Well, there is that vacuum cleaner cover. :sumo:


Seriously. Fox has messed up the FF franchise and proven several times over that they can't get it right, but that doesn't negate that the FF is the deepest, richest franchise in the MU (along side Spidey of course).


And the fact that Marvel is actually playing a game of Twister in an effort to distance itself from the franchise in an effort to starve Fox out only shows how deeply embedded they are in the MU.




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I also think a book like FF1 is not affected by how a movie does on the silver screen. Books like AF 15, SC 4, and Hulk 1 are also in the same camp.
+ 100 FF1 is a grail. Please dump your copies because of a failed Fox movie. Let's see these price drops. There are people waiting to gobble them up like PAC-MAN.
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A few gems in the series,but the FF days as a powerhouse are long gone.

Ant-Man and Doctor Strange gets more street respect nowadays.


Dude, sometimes your comments are so ridiculous they can't be ignored. :facepalm:


Ant-Man and Doctor Strange are powerhouse characters?





If you asked the mainstream person on the street today

who`s cooler Fantastic Four or Ant-Man?

I`ll bet the majority of the people will say Ant-Man.


So how is that ridiculous?


Methinks you are clueless when it comes to judging pop culture markets.

Ask a mainstream person if they'd rather own a comic book or a Gallardo.


Mainstream people aren't in the market for Silver Age keys. Their opinions on the matter are irrelevant.

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