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Is Avengers #1 overpriced?

61 posts in this topic

If Avengers movies made more money than X Men its because of marketing not because of good quality. StilI think its overpriced and i would rather buy an Avengers 4 wich has Cap America on the team. On the other hand i am not saying Avengers are bad just age of ultron... i enjoyed the first movie , i loved Loki and i would like to get his first app one of these days.

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I think they're all overpriced. Even the ones I have.


I'd love to obtain the few keys left that I need to complete my silver age collection, but I'll be darned if I'm gonna pay multiple thousands for the sake of owning an issue.

I've resigned myself to the fact that I won't complete some titles; I'd rather have the money.

I suppose I could buy books to resell in order to afford more purchases but I'm not into that aspect of the hobby (more power to those that are, though!).


I suspect that someday in the foreseeable future I'll likely sell a good piece of my collection and just go the hardcover Masterworks / Omnibus route.

Not the same as owning the original copies, but more comfortable for me, all things considered.

Undisclosed restoration, undetected micro-trimming (which I suspect may still be going on), market manipulation, ever-increasing prices for decent copies, the commodifying of comic books resulting in big profits which can bring out the worst in folks - all makes me feel like a fun childhood hobby has become something else entirely.

I'm not comfortable navigating these waters, it's dampened my passion for collecting and it's not as fun for me anymore.


I feel the process of life is about letting go rather than accumulating stuff and my comic book collection has been the last bastion of my headlong and youthful pursuit of acquisition. It's getting to be time.


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Sell the common books first. They are the easiest to replace. Save the keys until the end if you can. That way if you decide to start collecting again you will have the big books already on hand. Trust me, after doing this cycle several times (build a collection, sell it, only to build again), it works best if you hold onto the keys just in case you get drawn back in again. (thumbs u

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Avengers #1 is priced just about right. Otherwise people wouldn't keep buying them. The market hasn't really stalled out yet, has it?


(I say this having had two copies in mid-grade in the last few years but not right now.)


There are at least two more Avengers movies coming (Infinity Wars 1 & 2) as well as Thor: Ragnarok (Hulk & Thor). Maybe even Iron Man 4. Plus the cartoons.


Every 15 or 20 years the MCU will reboot again, ad nauseam, with the same plan: Each of the solo heroes get their films and then the team up.


Avengers #1 is the comic of that team up.


There will be demand for this title for quite some time.

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I think they're all overpriced. Even the ones I have.


I'd love to obtain the few keys left that I need to complete my silver age collection, but I'll be darned if I'm gonna pay multiple thousands for the sake of owning an issue.

I've resigned myself to the fact that I won't complete some titles; I'd rather have the money.

I suppose I could buy books to resell in order to afford more purchases but I'm not into that aspect of the hobby (more power to those that are, though!).


I suspect that someday in the foreseeable future I'll likely sell a good piece of my collection and just go the hardcover Masterworks / Omnibus route.

Not the same as owning the original copies, but more comfortable for me, all things considered.

Undisclosed restoration, undetected micro-trimming (which I suspect may still be going on), market manipulation, ever-increasing prices for decent copies, the commodifying of comic books resulting in big profits which can bring out the worst in folks - all makes me feel like a fun childhood hobby has become something else entirely.

I'm not comfortable navigating these waters, it's dampened my passion for collecting and it's not as fun for me anymore.


I feel the process of life is about letting go rather than accumulating stuff and my comic book collection has been the last bastion of my headlong and youthful pursuit of acquisition. It's getting to be time.


This is a brilliant analysis and I am beginning to feel the same way......

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I think they're all overpriced. Even the ones I have.


I'd love to obtain the few keys left that I need to complete my silver age collection, but I'll be darned if I'm gonna pay multiple thousands for the sake of owning an issue.

I've resigned myself to the fact that I won't complete some titles; I'd rather have the money.

I suppose I could buy books to resell in order to afford more purchases but I'm not into that aspect of the hobby (more power to those that are, though!).


I suspect that someday in the foreseeable future I'll likely sell a good piece of my collection and just go the hardcover Masterworks / Omnibus route.

Not the same as owning the original copies, but more comfortable for me, all things considered.

Undisclosed restoration, undetected micro-trimming (which I suspect may still be going on), market manipulation, ever-increasing prices for decent copies, the commodifying of comic books resulting in big profits which can bring out the worst in folks - all makes me feel like a fun childhood hobby has become something else entirely.

I'm not comfortable navigating these waters, it's dampened my passion for collecting and it's not as fun for me anymore.


I feel the process of life is about letting go rather than accumulating stuff and my comic book collection has been the last bastion of my headlong and youthful pursuit of acquisition. It's getting to be time.


This is a brilliant analysis and I am beginning to feel the same way......


Agreed, brilliant! Felt this way for sometime.

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Kinda scary, but me too.

For me, this whole thing started out as a single guy throwing disposable income at fun stuff. In 1988, I wanted Marvel keys more than most people, even other comic collectors. So I ended up being the guy that they pulled those books off the wall for. They were right there; anybody could have had them, but they seemed to wait for me. Those 1988 era dollars were well spent.

<a  href=keymarvel.jpg' alt='keymarvel.jpg'>


Skip ahead 25 years, and I'm happily married, with step-kids and a mortgage. I've never been rich. If something bad happened, my emergency fund wouldn't go very far at all. More and more, it strikes me that I'm not a person who can afford to have X thou worth of old paper laying around. I work two jobs, and I'm in my fifties. Health is fine, but it would sure be nice to be able to quit one of them. I started collecting just wanting a run of Kirby FFs! The liquidation is underway. I get to keep everything I really care about, and even if I want stuff back, I've found that I enjoy buying SA Marvels as much as owning them!

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Kinda scary, but me too.

For me, this whole thing started out as a single guy throwing disposable income at fun stuff. In 1988, I wanted Marvel keys more than most people, even other comic collectors. So I ended up being the guy that they pulled those books off the wall for. They were right there; anybody could have had them, but they seemed to wait for me. Those 1988 era dollars were well spent.

p><p> Skip ahead 25 years, and I

Looks like I'm going to be checking out of several clubs. I have an "agreement in principle" worked out with a local guy for most of my collection!

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Kinda scary, but me too.

For me, this whole thing started out as a single guy throwing disposable income at fun stuff. In 1988, I wanted Marvel keys more than most people, even other comic collectors. So I ended up being the guy that they pulled those books off the wall for. They were right there; anybody could have had them, but they seemed to wait for me. Those 1988 era dollars were well spent.

p><p> Skip ahead 25 years, and I

KJ, do you mean you’re going to sell a number of series and keep just what you love most?


Unca Ben is right: life is about "letting go" (in a good way) so excessive attachment is never a good thing, in general. But it’s nice to acquire and collect things that you love and/or are important, be it for enjoyment, study or both.


Personally I tried to "map out" a more or less comprehensive set of "essentials" of the Marvel age with the desire to write something, but since I am not sure if I will be able to (and I have other comic collecting-related stuff that I wish to write about), it might be that at some point I will decide to keep what’s most significant to me and sell the rest.


I would have loved to have a FF #1, an ASM #4 and an ASM Annual #1 before that, anyway, but the FF #1 as a single book is still too expensive for me, mostly because I know I’d have a hard time should I decide to sell it some day. :D

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Selling most runs, and keeping the occasional highlight book. I will of course be keeping my entire Fantastic Four run, and Thor, early Strange Tales, ASM 1-5, etc. I'll be happy.


Going out is most of the collection, including a ton of Kirby books that I persued during my completist phase. I'm actually fairly excited about it!


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Selling most runs, and keeping the occasional highlight book. I will of course be keeping my entire Fantastic Four run, and Thor, early Strange Tales, ASM 1-5, etc. I'll be happy.


Going out is most of the collection, including a ton of Kirby books that I persued during my completist phase. I'm actually fairly excited about it!


I'm going to start thinning my stuff out myself. I have no one to really leave it to if something happened to me and its just too much dead dough sitting there at this stage of my life. The F.F.'s aren't going anywhere though.

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Selling most runs, and keeping the occasional highlight book. I will of course be keeping my entire Fantastic Four run, and Thor, early Strange Tales, ASM 1-5, etc. I'll be happy.


Going out is most of the collection, including a ton of Kirby books that I persued during my completist phase. I'm actually fairly excited about it!


I'm going to start thinning my stuff out myself. I have no one to really leave it to if something happened to me and its just too much dead dough sitting there at this stage of my life. The F.F.'s aren't going anywhere though.

That’s what I love about you guys… :cloud9:

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movies are not awesome , age of ultron is one of the worst super heroes movies of all time


I'll never get this. Just watched it again on Sunday....absolutely loved it again. Like I said in another thread WS, AOU and CW are like no movie trilogy I have seen since Star Wars. I absolutely love, and I mean love that set of flicks.


As for Avengers #1, I'm actually in the market for one right now. What makes it different than an ASM #1 is this it is indeed the first appearance of the Avengers...the freaking Avengers. Before it was just Thor, and just Hulk, and just Iron Man but together they are the Avengers.


Babe Ruth was great, Lou Gehrig was great but put them together and they are the 1927 Yankees.


The Avengers are one of the top three comic book teams of all time, along with JLA and the X-Men. In some people's lists they are #1 and some peoples list they would be #3 but either way that is pretty lofty company. 20th century Fox has built a franchise around their team, the X-Men. DC is now banking on the JLA, and the entire MCU is based on the Avngers and their individual characters.


It's a pre 1965 book, which always seems to be the cutoff for many people when thinking about scarcity.


I actually think it might be undervalued at this point because of the perception that it isn't anybodys first appearance.


For years Avengers #1 and X-Men #1 were always regarded as near mirrors...came out at the same time, were worth identical values in Overstreet for a very long time. Nowadays an X-Men #1 is worth more. That's why I think it's undervalued. Avengers currently outsells X-Men by a very slim margin a month. And Disney is building a movie empire around the team and its members. I think other than Spider-Man it's the biggest, most important property they own.





FF! :sumo:


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Selling most runs, and keeping the occasional highlight book. I will of course be keeping my entire Fantastic Four run, and Thor, early Strange Tales, ASM 1-5, etc. I'll be happy.


Going out is most of the collection, including a ton of Kirby books that I persued during my completist phase. I'm actually fairly excited about it!


I heard you were selling, and I was like, Yes, Yes, then I saw the part I have bolded

Damnit! :(

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I suspect that the people here defending Avengers have a copy in their collection . I rather buy an X - men 1.. that book has real 1st appearances with a super great badass villian and the movies have superior quality than the Avengers , example ? just compare Quiksilver from Age of Ultron and Quiksilver from X - Men . X-Men First Class is in my top five super heroes movies of all time


I disliked this movie as much as you disliked Age of Ultron. See what I'm getting at? This is all subjective. Popularity will have an influence on pricing.


For a movie to be as bad as you say AoU is, it sure did make a boatload of money. :shrug:


Avengers 1 is an important book, as is X-Men 1. And your argument of people that own one defending it is sort of flimsy. People could just as easily say you're trashing it because you don't own it. :thumbsup:

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