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General discussion thread - keep the other threads clean
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You would be "voting" with your positive or negative response Joe ;)

Okay, at the risk of changing the subject, I don't think I always understand when people use the :wink:. Are you being sarcastic? Knowing? Baiting? Wry?


I thought they were flirting :shrug:

Arggh, I didn't even think of that!

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You would be "voting" with your positive or negative response Joe ;)

Okay, at the risk of changing the subject, I don't think I always understand when people use the :wink:. Are you being sarcastic? Knowing? Baiting? Wry?


Probably all four. lol I personally feel that the popular opinion vote would prevent ANY PL / HOS member from putting someone on the list. Could be wrong since before this past year, I didn't believe a boardie could change stated board rules with a phone call either.


Just stating that there have been many instances of people backing out of :takeit: 's when its brought to their attention that a seller is on the PL or HOS.

I'd have no beef with someone backing out of a deal with a PL/HoSer. I'd be a lot beefier with them if they didn't.

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You would be "voting" with your positive or negative response Joe ;)

Okay, at the risk of changing the subject, I don't think I always understand when people use the :wink:. Are you being sarcastic? Knowing? Baiting? Wry?


Probably all four. lol I personally feel that the popular opinion vote would prevent ANY PL / HOS member from putting someone on the list. Could be wrong since before this past year, I didn't believe a boardie could change stated board rules with a phone call either.


Just stating that there have been many instances of people backing out of :takeit: 's when its brought to their attention that a seller is on the PL or HOS.


But in this case, the only way a buyer could claim to not know that solar was in the H.O.S. would be if he were deaf, dumb, or blind.


The fact that he's in the H.O.S. is all over that thread. For someone to claim they didn't realize that until after throwing up the :takeit: sign would be stretching the bounds of reality.

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You would be "voting" with your positive or negative response Joe ;)

Okay, at the risk of changing the subject, I don't think I always understand when people use the :wink:. Are you being sarcastic? Knowing? Baiting? Wry?


Probably all four. lol I personally feel that the popular opinion vote would prevent ANY PL / HOS member from putting someone on the list. Could be wrong since before this past year, I didn't believe a boardie could change stated board rules with a phone call either.


Just stating that there have been many instances of people backing out of :takeit: 's when its brought to their attention that a seller is on the PL or HOS.

I'd have no beef with someone backing out of a deal with a PL/HoSer. I'd be a lot beefier with them if they didn't.


Yet hasn't Branget, among some other boardies, already said they had no problems dealing with P.L./H.O.S.'ers? (shrug)

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You would be "voting" with your positive or negative response Joe ;)

Okay, at the risk of changing the subject, I don't think I always understand when people use the :wink:. Are you being sarcastic? Knowing? Baiting? Wry?


Probably all four. lol I personally feel that the popular opinion vote would prevent ANY PL / HOS member from putting someone on the list. Could be wrong since before this past year, I didn't believe a boardie could change stated board rules with a phone call either.


Just stating that there have been many instances of people backing out of :takeit: 's when its brought to their attention that a seller is on the PL or HOS.


But in this case, the only way a buyer could claim to not know that solar was in the H.O.S. would be if he were deaf, dumb, or blind.


The fact that he's in the H.O.S. is all over that thread. For someone to claim they didn't realize that until after throwing up the :takeit: sign would be stretching the bounds of reality.

I don't care why they're backing out, they still have my support. Even if they initially didn't care about the HoS 'cuz they just had to have the comic, then found somewhere they could get it cheaper, I'd still support them. :sumo:

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You would be "voting" with your positive or negative response Joe ;)

Okay, at the risk of changing the subject, I don't think I always understand when people use the :wink:. Are you being sarcastic? Knowing? Baiting? Wry?


Probably all four. lol I personally feel that the popular opinion vote would prevent ANY PL / HOS member from putting someone on the list. Could be wrong since before this past year, I didn't believe a boardie could change stated board rules with a phone call either.


Just stating that there have been many instances of people backing out of :takeit: 's when its brought to their attention that a seller is on the PL or HOS.

I'd have no beef with someone backing out of a deal with a PL/HoSer. I'd be a lot beefier with them if they didn't.


Yet hasn't Branget, among some other boardies, already said they had no problems dealing with P.L./H.O.S.'ers? (shrug)

Some Boardies have, yes. I don't know about Branget specifically, but he does like to tread on the edge of trolldom from time to time so I wouldn't be surprised.

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You would be "voting" with your positive or negative response Joe ;)

Okay, at the risk of changing the subject, I don't think I always understand when people use the :wink:. Are you being sarcastic? Knowing? Baiting? Wry?


Probably all four. lol I personally feel that the popular opinion vote would prevent ANY PL / HOS member from putting someone on the list. Could be wrong since before this past year, I didn't believe a boardie could change stated board rules with a phone call either.


Just stating that there have been many instances of people backing out of :takeit: 's when its brought to their attention that a seller is on the PL or HOS.

I'd have no beef with someone backing out of a deal with a PL/HoSer. I'd be a lot beefier with them if they didn't.


Yet hasn't Branget, among some other boardies, already said they had no problems dealing with P.L./H.O.S.'ers? (shrug)


As wrong as I feel that is... it is ultimately their choice to do business with PL / HOS members. They also take all the risk too.

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The PL and HoS lists were (in MY understanding) conceived to protect would be buyers from known con men and general trolls/a holes.


So if someone wishes to do business with a person they know full well who is on the list, it's cavet emptor. Period.


The list integrity is still in tact, nothing changes.


The saying, You cannot fix stupid, totally applies here.


Then again, Hado has had several dealings with S1 and I've never heard him complain....


Business is business....

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I think this is the stance the mods are taking as well. The HOS-PL is easily found, and a reference to the list is also posted at the top of each sales board.


Read the marketplace guidelines before posting

You can find them in this post. Note that threads that do not follow the guidelines may be removed. And that's just if we're in a good mood. ;)


We do not monitor buys and sells. Please check out your buyer or seller before you commit to a transaction. Disputes and issues are not the responsibility of the board hosts, you are transacting at your own risk.


A probation list for bad transactions is maintained by the community. You are still responsible for your own transactions.


Although I will admit, I stopped reading the top of the sales boards a long time back.

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I understand the emotion of hypothetically wanting to "allow" boardies to back out of deals with PL/HOS members...I share that emotion. However, logically, I'm not so sure how I feel about this...isn't it a buyer's responsibility to figure out whether a seller is on the PL/HOS before hitting the 'take it'? Not sure "not knowing" is a legit excuse...the link to the PL/HOS is right there at the top of every marketplace forum area...we're not children. If someone doesn't understand what's going on here (or doesn't care) and starts transacting, that's on them, to a large extent.


I like to think of real world analogies for stuff...suppose I need a new roof on my house. I go out and sign a contract with ABC Roofing Company and agree that I'm going to pay them do my roof. Later, it comes to my attention that ABC Roofing Company has a 'D' Better Business Bureau rating, and I'd rather not have them do my roof. Tough - I can't get out of the contract I signed on this basis. I should have done my research before I signed the contract, right? Just sayin'...


Now, if it was against the rules for PL/HOS members to start sales threads in the first place, that would mitigate this problem before it starts...maybe that rule change is what we should push for... (shrug)

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I didn't know it existed until I started stalking people lol


Anyone who has been online for awhile has their style of learning the ropes in a new place. Mine is to find a grab bag of individuals who react to my posts, or have a certain style of response, and lo and behold, lead me here within a day or so of signing up.


This has to be one of the most structured sites I have been on in a long, long time. I have nothing but the upmost respect for each and every member who contributes to the society, because that is what it is. A society of individuals. Some may say there is favoritism, or cliques, but all in all its just one big online community.


I am in favor of being a part of, contributing to and helping this community grow. Part of that is questioning the lists, the motives and the logic of the boards.


Is it right that Solarcadet1 acts with impunity and scoffs at the way things are here? No. Not at all.


He could, and should IMO, leave and not bother to be where he/she has been exposed as a straight up liar and has feelings of contempt for the rules. Why put yourself through the hassle? Why give yourself a ulcer? Is there some form of ethics going through this members head that somehow they have been wronged and until there is justice they must be a royal pain in the rear? If I had that kind of energy I would have created my own competing company by now.


Granted, I probably wouldnt try to endorse drive through grading, but I would make a attempt at good customer service lol

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I understand the emotion of hypothetically wanting to "allow" boardies to back out of deals with PL/HOS members...I share that emotion. However, logically, I'm not so sure how I feel about this...isn't it a buyer's responsibility to figure out whether a seller is on the PL/HOS before hitting the 'take it'? Not sure "not knowing" is a legit excuse...the link to the PL/HOS is right there at the top of every marketplace forum area...we're not children. If someone doesn't understand what's going on here (or doesn't care) and starts transacting, that's on them, to a large extent.


I like to think of real world analogies for stuff...suppose I need a new roof on my house. I go out and sign a contract with ABC Roofing Company and agree that I'm going to pay them do my roof. Later, it comes to my attention that ABC Roofing Company has a 'D' Better Business Bureau rating, and I'd rather not have them do my roof. Tough - I can't get out of the contract I signed on this basis. I should have done my research before I signed the contract, right? Just sayin'...


Now, if it was against the rules for PL/HOS members to start sales threads in the first place, that would mitigate this problem before it starts...maybe that rule change is what we should push for... (shrug)




I think though that the admin made the rules structured as they are because ultimately WE are the ones who have to police. The mods are supposed to be completely absolved of having to deal with any sales on this board.


My understanding of this is in structuring it this way, there is no way the integrity of CGC can be involved with any member of this group. Which in my mind is exactly as it should be and good business.


Would it be easier to brand a HoS member with a scarlet letter and have a post informing potential buyers/sellers what this letter means? Absolutely.


Can it be done without compromising the admin or CGC...I dunno. Is it being discussed? More than likely, or in my mind, SHOULD be.


CGC seems to have a good understanding of their customers and seem to understand the fundamentals of a economic society, which is without your customers, you have no business lol

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I think this is the stance the mods are taking as well. The HOS-PL is easily found, and a reference to the list is also posted at the top of each sales board.


Read the marketplace guidelines before posting

You can find them in this post. Note that threads that do not follow the guidelines may be removed. And that's just if we're in a good mood. ;)


We do not monitor buys and sells. Please check out your buyer or seller before you commit to a transaction. Disputes and issues are not the responsibility of the board hosts, you are transacting at your own risk.


A probation list for bad transactions is maintained by the community. You are still responsible for your own transactions.


Although I will admit, I stopped reading the top of the sales boards a long time back.

Me too.


The only way a seller can "check out" a buyer posting a :takeit: in their thread today is for the seller say they reserve the right to refuse service. If they don't have the rule stated they are committed to sell based on our current PL process.



We've gone so far into what constitutes a "contract - offer/acceptance" - we've ignored a seller's right to due diligence as implied by Arch's guidelines.


Cue the lawyers...I'm going to take the dog for a walk... :)

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Someone mentioned earlier the idea of users on PL or in HoS having a custom title. Do you think mods could be successfully petitioned to do that? Or at least do it for HoS, which might be more manageable than PL?


What if in each sales sub-forum, there was a pinned thread along the lines of "What to know before you buy". You guys could craft a post entry that linked to the sales rules (so that buyers could know if sellers were meeting those basic sales guidelines), the PL, and the HoS. Both the PL and HoS could get a brief explanation and caveat.

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It gets tiring seeing the same suggestions year after year after year. People used to say that when I started here, and they were right.

Is that just jaded-vet syndrome speaking?


So they're bad suggestions year after year, or maybe there's some merit to them, hence they keep coming up again and again?


Sounds like the same complaints are cycling through, so...



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It gets tiring seeing the same suggestions year after year after year. People used to say that when I started here, and they were right.

Is that just jaded-vet syndrome speaking?


So they're bad suggestions year after year, or maybe there's some merit to them, hence they keep coming up again and again?


Sounds like the same complaints are cycling through, so...



And this is the same response, year after year...

Oy, it's like Groundhog Day meets No Exit!! :ohnoez:

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