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General discussion thread - keep the other threads clean
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Ah I see what's happened... he change the name of his sales thread... The thread was originally titled and matched the set I showed (Engine of Destruction), which is why I couldnt make sense of his claim.




but I get what you're saying, in a generic sense if you add up all of his various sets maybe he did have "the top registry set from 2010 on"... it just (from HIS quote) makes it sound like he's talking about one set (which he was at the start).


I wouldnt fault him hyperbolizing that he has "one of the best Hulk sets ever assembled on the registry" or "one of the longest running, top tier Hulk sets on CGC"...


it just sounded like his claim was that this was a #1 set being sold, and from the books listed, it's not...


just my little pet peeve for accuracy in the marketplace forum...

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Anybody experience in dealing with Matt Brennan / SpideyCollectibles / Thecomicnewsstand (= eBay-ID).


He seems to have nice books, at huge prices, but details about the deal seem to be changing continuously. I have now 57 mails from him about a single deal in 4 days time!?


Is he fake or reliable and just a bit strange?


I want to make a brief follow-up on this question I asked. I continued the discussion which consisted of over 170 (!) mails between 17 April and 6 May and which ultimately resulted in... nothing.


What followed were endless negotations and changing terms by the seller. His behaviour is erratic to say the least: he switches from being insulting to flattering and he ends and reopens discussion all the time. Also his terms go up and down quicker than I could follow. Often I received 3 or more contradicting mails before I even had chance to respond to the first.


What also complicated matters is that it was a 7 book deal and sometimes he was OK with that, on other occassions he wanted some of the books out, on yet other occassions he wanted to wanted freebies to be put in the deal etc etc.The biggest obstacle was that the deal involved my signed ASM666 MAC copy. I would have to send it before he would send his books. I was uncomfortable with that. Sending the book would mean a difficult to fill gap in my collection in case Matt Brennan would let me down. And as you may understand my trust in this mr Brennan was not so high.


But as his eBay record is quite OK and I really wanted those books, in the end we came to a deal: $1300 for an ASM666 MAC which should be a 9.6/9.8 candidate, and 6 ASM newsstand edtions. I would pay the money, I would send my signed ASM666 MAC and then he would send the books to a San Diego address.


At that time, we both went on holidays. After my holiday I tried to pay, but as I could not get a San Diego address directly linked to my PayPal account (and I wanted that due to Insurance), I asked if he could send the books directly to the Netherlands if I would take care of the shipping costs.

At first he refused, than he accepted and asked for two separate terms: first the $1300 and then later the shipping costs. I hesitated on this, saying I had never experienced a construction like that. He then ended the deal, saying he needed the money for his holiday, that this was part of the deal (which was a lie, that was never discusse in any of the e-mails) and since he wouldn't receive the money before the end of his holidays, the deal was off. The same day he changed his mind and he wanted $100 for shipping. It was clear that he hadn't checked anything with the post, so I didn't go there. Yet later he claimed that shipping would be $140 which I can tell from my experience, is a lie.


After his holiday, mr Brennan came back to me and ofered me the same books for $2K, which means a $700 price increase within a week. After 170+ e-mails I was tired of the discussion and I finally let it go. Only this mr Brennan is like piranha. He doesn't let go and still stalks me with e-mails.


During all this discussion, at some time it struck me that the language of this mr Brennan is quite similar to that of Seerojas, an eBay fraud that deals in the same type of books and that I have had problems with before, which were also reported on this forum. Could it be that the two profiles belong to the same person and that he uses one for establishing a good reputation and the other for closing shady deals?


My advice to any of you: stay away from Matt Brennan (comichunter114@gmail.com) / SpideyCollectibles (comichunter114@gmail.com) / Thecomicnewsstand (= eBay-ID).


Do you think this is the correct place on the forum to report this?


On 20 april 2015 and 6 May 2015 I posted in this forum my experience about a deal gone wrong with Matt Brennan (comichunter114@gmail.com) / SpideyCollectibles (comichunter114@gmail.com) / Thecomicnewsstand (= eBay-ID). I told boardies that after a great many mails, conditions that seemed to change continuously and deals that were revoked, I was doubting the reliability of mr Brennan, despite his good eBay-record. What also played a part was that due to the books offered and the language used in the e-mails, I suspected that this person might be the same as Seerojas, who had tricked me in the past. In my last post I adviced everybody to stay way from mr Brennan. However, recently we entered another discussion and due to the rarity of the books offered, I decided to take the gamble. Mr Brennan has not let me down. I am happy with the books and I am convinced that he is not Seerojas. As a consequence, I want to rectify my previous posts which I would have deleted if possible.

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If I read that correctly, you advised people against dealing with this guy, but then actively sought him out when you saw he had a book you wanted? (shrug)

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How should one go about telling a member that they are not welcome to shop in a sales thread?


Just based upon his general overall attitude that I have seen on the boards, I have banned a member from my sales threads as can be seen from previous sales threads I would not deal with Solarcadet1 and now Hulk1962


If I publicly announce it No HOS, Probies or Hulk1962/SupergirlDC1959 is it inciting?


If I privately warn the person in advance then am I harassing them?


I publish the name here as I do not want to deal with this Hulk/Supergirl person. I may NEVER offer anything they want to buy, but on on the off chance that I do, their money is no good to me.


Putting a caveat in the thread that I have the ability to turn down any sale from certain members I choose not to do business with turns away prospective buyers because someone out there might thing, "Does he mean me?" So that is not an option.


What's the line of thinking on this?

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"No HOS, Probies or misogynistic homophobes."

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Putting a caveat in the thread that I have the ability to turn down any sale from certain members I choose not to do business with turns away prospective buyers because someone out there might thing, "Does he mean me?" So that is not an option.


I never thought about a general caveat having this effect, but I suppose it could hm

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Putting a caveat in the thread that I have the ability to turn down any sale from certain members I choose not to do business with turns away prospective buyers because someone out there might thing, "Does he mean me?" So that is not an option.


I never thought about a general caveat having this effect, but I suppose it could hm


What about putting them on ignore, and then saying "No Probies, HOS members, or people I have on ignore"?


Then, if a potential buyer wonders whether they are prohibited from buying in your thread, they can check by initiating a private message to you to see whether you have them on ignore or not. If not, then they know that they can proceed with the :takeit:

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Putting a caveat in the thread that I have the ability to turn down any sale from certain members I choose not to do business with turns away prospective buyers because someone out there might thing, "Does he mean me?" So that is not an option.


I never thought about a general caveat having this effect, but I suppose it could hm


What about putting them on ignore, and then saying "No Probies, HOS members, or people I have on ignore"?


Then, if a potential buyer wonders whether they are prohibited from buying in your thread, they can check by initiating a private message to you to see whether you have them on ignore or not. If not, then they know that they can proceed with the :takeit:


That's kind of what I was thinking - using the Ignore function as the least confrontational way to head off members you don't want to deal with. ( hopefully they're all aware of the PM test)


I know when this has come up before some have advocated contacting the member(s) in question first via PM to inform them, but it seams like that would stir up a lot of drama for possibly nothing since you may not have - or ever have - anything they want.


As far as stating the right to refuse in your sales terms scaring off customers - I suppose it could happen, but of all the sales threads I've seen with that clause there's only been one that actually gave me pause. And even then, he invited members to contact him first if they were in doubt.

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That's how I do it. Because I put tons of people on ignore as a result of the show that the Modern area became circa 2013. And also there are other people that I have on Ignore who are completely trustworthy when it comes to transactions. I've never had anyone avail themselves of it, but I always put it in the sales threads.

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I've never once hesitated to buy in a thread that stated they reserved the right to not deal with anyone...


Of course I'm also not a jerk.


*You are ignoring this jerk*





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Quick question...


In this sales thread here, would you expect to pay the prices listed in the recap, or would you expect to take 20% off these listed prices?




Recap of what's left with discounts:


Take 20% off everything:


Page 2


Tales of Horror #11

4.5 VG+ (Qualified - spine split below bottom staple)



Mysterious Stories #2

5.0 VG/F (Qualified - spine split above top staple, 1/2" split at bottom)



Uncanny Tales #6

4.5 VG+ (Apparent - two pieces of tape at bottom of FC)



Uncanny Tales #55

7.0 F/VF






Usually it means 20% off the listed prices in the recap, that is how I read it also. (shrug)

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Quick question...


In this sales thread here, would you expect to pay the prices listed in the recap, or would you expect to take 20% off these listed prices?




Recap of what's left with discounts:


Take 20% off everything:


Page 2


Tales of Horror #11

4.5 VG+ (Qualified - spine split below bottom staple)



Mysterious Stories #2

5.0 VG/F (Qualified - spine split above top staple, 1/2" split at bottom)



Uncanny Tales #6

4.5 VG+ (Apparent - two pieces of tape at bottom of FC)



Uncanny Tales #55

7.0 F/VF






Usually it means 20% off the listed prices in the recap, that is how I read it also. (shrug)


(thumbs u Just confirmed with the seller...that's indeed what it means. Nothing to see here (there was an invoicing error, etc...promptly fixed)

Edited by edowens71
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