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General discussion thread - keep the other threads clean
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The rule prohibiting books being listed here and elsewhere is well-founded, as Liam has now learned.


Here's yet another example of someone (a long-term boardie) who seemingly can't follow such a simple requirement.




It's gone, who was it?

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The rule prohibiting books being listed here and elsewhere is well-founded, as Liam has now learned.


Here's yet another example of someone (a long-term boardie) who seemingly can't follow such a simple requirement.




It's gone, who was it?


namisgr just had his thread yanked.

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The rule prohibiting books being listed here and elsewhere is well-founded, as Liam has now learned.


Here's yet another example of someone (a long-term boardie) who seemingly can't follow such a simple requirement.




It's gone, who was it?


namisgr just had his thread yanked.



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Lucid - There are many fundamental issues that have gone unaddressed. He's introduced several red herrings to the matter. The litany of questions he has evaded certainly calls all of his motives into question. I'd love to be incorrect, and the book to arrive, but my goodness he is digging in deep with a wildly unpopular position.



Cav you sounds so intelligent in this paragraph......i love it :roflmao:

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All of man's commercial world rests on a structure built in defense against "I changed my mind". Important enough to be backed by physical force.


I don't get why some of us, and there are always some every time this comes up, who get that the process has to be locked down at some point, but tie that into a stick or a stone being placed into or leaving your physical hand.


In the beginning was the Word. Why do the sounds "Yes I agree" have meaning beyond noise or pass the banana? You guys aren't dense, but your thinking appears shoddy.






Hey Doc can you post some of your comics so i can say ill take them then not pay you when i change my mind. This gets old real quick. We need a way to be governed on here or people would have no honor.

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When I bought my second house I was really not in favor of it, my wife wanted the house, I was against it, I came very close to walking out of the closing and refusing to sigh etc etc sure enough it was the money pit I thought it would be.


I had agreed to buy the house, we were sitting down ready to go but there was absolutely nothing that could have stopped me saying I changed my mind if I wanted up until the time I signed the papers.


I could have easily walked away from a seven figure deal after saying :takeout:



Not free and clear.

Not without penalty.

Not with your earnest money.


And probably not without a suit for reliance damages given what real estate contracts entail once due diligence, inspection and review periods expire. Because that person you're buying from is probably buying another place and the months of time lost to you (culminating in a walk out) kept them from finding another buyer. It also is going to stop them from closing on their new home. They've hired movers, and painters, and registered their kids in a new school, canceled the utilities, changed their mailing address, etc etc etc.

All those dominoes fall as a result of your action of walking out on a firm contract.



We can look at this a different way, for example, a Doctors office.

I make an appointment. The time comes for the appointment. But I changed my mind the day of the appointment. I call and cancel a couple hours before the appointment. The Doctor has provided no service yet. However, the Doctor has a 72 required cancellation window that I blew off...and there's a penalty attached.


I shouldn't be required to pay that penalty, right? I mean, I didn't get any medical care. The Doc didn't do anything for me. I just changed my mind. FREEDOM!!!!! lol



As someone who once sold real estate for a dozen years, I can say comix4fun nailed it 100%. Doc Joe, you could have easily walked away from the closing table that day, but you would have ended up forfeiting whatever deposit you made on the house, which on a seven figure property would have been quite the hefty hit to anyone's wallet. And someone who was determined and who had the time, money, and ability to do so could have gone after you for more than that.


If you didn't know that at the time, then your real estate agent either should have explained it to you better, or you should have listened to them better. doh!

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I have said I'll take it then backed out. I have said I'll sell it then backed out.

Its my money I can change my mind if I want to. Its my book I can change my mind if I want to. I don't even have to give a reason; I just changed my mind.


I suppose that's true, in the sense that no one is likely going to compel you to honor the deal, but it doesn't seem like the recipe for a successful marketplace. There are a lot of people who go to a lot of trouble (myself included) to run sales threads. If a decent percentage of people start backing out of purchases because they decided to "just change their mind" sellers will take their wares elsewhere.


This forum works as well as it does because people, for the most part, do what they say they will do. Take that away and all we have left is eBay will no fees and less security. Doesn't sound too great to me.


Dead on, Andy. :golfclap:

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It never ceases to amaze me how, as someone already pointed out earlier, some people take their reputation and toss it onto the fire for whatever reason. Once that's gone, you can almost never get it back.


I've always maintained that, for everyone commenting in here, there's dozens of people who aren't, but who silently update their lists of who they won't deal with. The damage one's actions can do to one's ability to buy or sell can't be underestimated, yet people do it anyway (someone could ask GOODNEWSCOMICS about that, if he hadn't been banned).


As always, this clip from Fargo seems to sum it up.


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I've been following this from the beginning, and while I feel that what Jimbo707 did was not the best thing he could have done, I do think it only fair to point out that as a boardie, most of his activity has been through participating in the Forums in which he had interest and knowledge. His forays into the sales arena, as buyer or seller, were limited. Because of that, I'm inclined to chalk his boner up to inexperience in that area. Hopefully all will fall into place. GOD BLESS...


-jimbo(a friend of jesus) (thumbs u

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Just curious type of question. How long do you think this type of "issue" will take to be forgotten. A person who is caught stealing people's money will probably never be "forgiven" and will get hounded years later if they try to sell books on the boards. But I don't see this issue being in the same category as outright theft or the unforgivable offenses so how long do you think people will care and keep hounding him? If he is on the PL list he will probably get the occasional issue with selling but time has a way of making things go away so how long do you think it will take for this type of situation to blow over.

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Just curious type of question. How long do you think this type of "issue" will take to be forgotten. A person who is caught stealing people's money will probably never be "forgiven" and will get hounded years later if they try to sell books on the boards. But I don't see this issue being in the same category as outright theft or the unforgivable offenses so how long do you think people will care and keep hounding him? If he is on the PL list he will probably get the occasional issue with selling but time has a way of making things go away so how long do you think it will take for this type of situation to blow over.


Too much attention on this one to go quietly into the night until some finality occurs. There are only 2 outcomes, Cav will get this book or he won't. Once either occurs it will subside.


TBH I wish the mods had not moved this from the sales forum...

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Just curious type of question. How long do you think this type of "issue" will take to be forgotten. A person who is caught stealing people's money will probably never be "forgiven" and will get hounded years later if they try to sell books on the boards. But I don't see this issue being in the same category as outright theft or the unforgivable offenses so how long do you think people will care and keep hounding him? If he is on the PL list he will probably get the occasional issue with selling but time has a way of making things go away so how long do you think it will take for this type of situation to blow over.


The PL list carries a lot of weight with a number of people here, and for good reason. I try to remember to check it whenever I buy or sell (I usually put PL members or anyone on my "personal list" on ignore to keep anyone from falling through the cracks). If he doesn't complete the deal or does so but with a lot of foot-dragging and excuse-making, the issue won't linger as long as a blatant theft might, but it'll still be that scarlet letter(s) that will keep a number of people from doing business with him in the future.


There's people who were on the PL list who worked their way off (and none with the blatant worst offenses that can be found in some of the HOS inductions) who I still wouldn't deal with today, because I don't want to take a chance of a problem occurring -- so from my own experience, people can have long memories.

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Just curious type of question. How long do you think this type of "issue" will take to be forgotten. A person who is caught stealing people's money will probably never be "forgiven" and will get hounded years later if they try to sell books on the boards. But I don't see this issue being in the same category as outright theft or the unforgivable offenses so how long do you think people will care and keep hounding him? If he is on the PL list he will probably get the occasional issue with selling but time has a way of making things go away so how long do you think it will take for this type of situation to blow over.


Too much attention on this one to go quietly into the night until some finality occurs. There are only 2 outcomes, Cav will get this book or he won't. Once either occurs it will subside.


TBH I wish the mods had not moved this from the sales forum...


There is a third outcome. Seller pays Cav the difference in sales price (his additional profit), plus perhaps a penalty and/or interest and/or extra to cover the taxes (I think it would count as income to Cav and therefore be taxable technically).


I think once the book is sold (paid for and shipped) to another buyer in good faith (assuming it was good faith), its pretty tough to compel that buyer to give the book back.

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