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Ebay alert! Looks like another seller scam!

175 posts in this topic

Sorry bout goin OT Mass B Nam,but does anyone remember a horror movie from the early 60's, that ended with some guy carrying a cross across a graveyard while some devil worshippers were killing him? Very spooky flick,think it was a British movie.....

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40 years for a Sea Monkey is like 105 in human years. The jab is at loveable ol' Kenny. No worries to anyone else. I'll be 40 in a couple of years and Kenny will get me back somehow I'm sure. poke2.gif Unless he wanders off again.

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BassGMan, I want you to know that I sincerely appreciate what you wrote. I read it and I cried because it seems that you really do know EXACTLY what is going on in my head, right down to freaking out about my kids being taken away from me. What you said helped me to realize that I do have to keep a clear head and focus on getting this straightened out. This ordeal has drained me emotionally. I just feel that it's not fair that there are such stupid people in this world that can't be trusted. It makes me mad that I was involved in anything like that, but I was a little relieved to know that you said it happens to people all the time. I can't say enough how much I truly thank you for everything you said--as much as I was getting mad about having to defend myself to you all, I needed someone to believe me. If you all just knew me.


I got in touch with another girl who got scammed by "Sandra" too--we exchanged numbers and she is going to call me tomorrow night. She said that she tried to talk to her too and "Sandra" refused. She ended up having to refund everyone's money as well. I do not know what happened in the end, but I will find out everything tomorrow. We were going to talk tonight but I told her that I promised my little girl a movie night with popcorn. I would rather be with my girls than dwelling on this all night. We both want to get her caught and put an end to this. Apparently this girl has already spoken with another person in Phoenix who was also scammed. Also, I got "Sandra's" bank account number and had a friend of mine check the number---turns out the account belongs to the person that Sandra said was her accountant, but has no such name "Sandra Lovell" linked to it. I also found out that this accountant, Sean Collins, has opened and closed 8 different accounts in the last year. I am wondering if "Sandra" is really Sean Collins. I have no idea at this point and just speculating. I also checked into all of the handles she said supposedly worked for her---yeah right! You bet your a** I'm going after her!


Anyway, I will let everyone get back to their usual talk about being 40, shooting up, drinking beer, being fat, and whatever else you guys like to talk about. hee hee. Thanks for hearing my story and seeing the truth in me. I don't know you, but it really meant[ a lot anyway.



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Anyway, I will let everyone get back to their usual talk about being 40, shooting up, drinking beer, being fat, and whatever else you guys like to talk about. hee hee. Thanks for hearing my story and seeing the truth in me. I don't know you, but it really meant[ a lot anyway.




We talk about girls too so you can stay.

You are a real girl right?

Not just a guy who dresses up as a girl like greggy... poke2.gif

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As for ending auctions early---if you go on there onto an item you are selling and you click on "END ITEM" for an item that is ending in less than 12 hours, you will see a message that says you cannot end an item that is ending in 12 hours or less---and it also lists a couple of other reasons a listing cannot be terminated.


I remember this policy change about a year ago; it was even discussed here on the boards. You are correct. The seller no longer has the option of cancelling an eBay auction if it is less than 12 hours.


Jamie, don't fret and don't get worked over by what we say. The bottom line is that this is very suspicious, and you should contact the apporpriate authorities at eBay and sit back and watch it unfold. At this point because of Ze-man's intervention and our feedback here your loss should be minimal.


Personal opinions of you are just that--opinions. It seems to me that comic collectors are a naturally pessimistic bunch because of the subjective nature of our hobby and the few bad apples that spoil it for everyone. Again, don't sweat it. But make no mistake--most of us see right through much of the bull that scammers use. Red Hook even has an image whenever it has been detected. 27_laughing.gif


OK, looking back on the thread, I see he's used it --- too funny 27_laughing.gif

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I agree with what you have said. I did contact the authorities at Ebay. I have done everything in my power to cover myself. I have sent emails to the people that got refunds and told them how sorry I was that they got mixed up in this unfortunate mess.


Sorry---had to change the subject line once and for all.



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One additional piece of advice: if you do act as a third party supplying these services, make sure you have product ON HAND. There's simply too much that can go wrong in the scenario you were working in. Working within eBay policies will also give you better support from eBay should something go wrong (although I haven't exactly heard acolades from eBay's support model).

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Glad to have helped with a little support Jamie. Hearing your frustration reminded me of my wife who gets all worked up over financial problems as well. I could hear your words coming out of her mouth. And as a matter of fact, she has used many of the same phrases that you did.


And by the way, she also used to be a medical transcriptionist. She also heard how so many people were making great money at it, but she had the same problems that you did. Too many distractions at home. As you know, being paid by the line, when you get distracted, you slow waaaay down in production. Her having one child, along with four cats and a demandiing husband like myself, phone calls and etc. well.... you can see how that really cut into her line rate like your four kids cut into yours.


Anyway, she did that for about three years until she got sick of working hard but making little money and went back to her original occupation of being an X-Ray technologist. I remember her stories though when doing the typing thing, too many doctors mumbling and you can hardly understand what the hell they are saying half the time. Plus, all those complicated medical words you have to know, sheesh. I would imagine that with four kids that you'll be stuck working at home for years to come. Hopefully you get a little more quiet time as the kids get older as well as find another legitimate part-time job you can do from home. Stay away from the comic's business though. It's tough enough even for us guys that have been doing it for over 20 years. As I said before, many of us veterans have been scammed and unfortunately more will be in the future. But one of our "missions" here in this little internet world is to help each other avoid these scams, and many times it works.


So with that said, maybe buy a few comics somewhere, even some Archies, Spider-Man, Wonder Woman, or Mickey Mouse, and then come back and chat with us about the fun stuff that really brings us to this place. Who knows, you might have some fun and find a new hobby. Worth a try at least. confused-smiley-013.gif -----Sid

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i for one, learned about these forums by savy forumites on a scam i almost fell for.


i was about to pay out about $750 US on a comic a few years back in my naive-internet days. pro-active behavior by members of this board saved me behind on that one.


there are some very bright people on these boards - as a resource on many things, not just comics, but how to handle the worst of worse everyday situations....

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Can I just tell you how much I know exactly how your wife felt doing this line of work! Wow! The crazy thing is that I have wanted to go back to school to be an X-ray Tech for so long, but keep finding excuses not to go back. What a small world. It's stupid and I really should go back or it will be another two years down the road and I will be saying the same thing to myself "I would be an X-ray Tech if I had gone back two years ago." Anyway, you are so right about it being hard to make money when being paid by the line. Even though I type fast, it does me no good with all the distractions throughout the day. But then I think about what I would be missing if I didn't work at home. For the first time, I am watching my beautiful baby girl grow up and learn to do new things every day. I worked out of the home the majority of time with my other two girls and I missed a lot of cool firsts.

The people who have done it for many years tell me that the key is discipline. I know that is true, but I think that is only possible if you have no kids, no husband, no hobbies, etc. I don't know, maybe I just haven't given it all I got---I am a smart, ambitious woman, despite the fact that I have not gone back to school yet. Anyway, it was pretty cool to read about your wife's story---I can't believe how similar it is!


Anyway, I'm glad you guys are here to help catch thieves---glad I could bring you another case! j/k---I'm not glad. Thanks for solving the mystery guys! ( I sound like Velma on Scooby).



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There is a member here that is the master of Photo Shop called RedHook, ask him for a little help, or ask Ze-Man,


you must know by now that we love to help, when and where we can.

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I want a new avator----where can I get one? I don't like the ones they offer here.


Get a pic within the 65x75 pixel constraints and simply go into your profile and upload it. Use paintbrush or whatever comes with your operating system to get the size reduced appropriately.

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I missed the whole debacle. Made for some interesting reading, though!


A welcome to you, Innocent Woman, from one of the board's token females! Get your girls reading comics. We need more little girls interested in comics, and they can be a lot of fun.


The best thing about this story is that you were alerted to the scam in time to save yourself and all those customers. That's the most important thing. As for the mistrust you saw in this thread, if that didn't exist here, then you would not have been saved from committing a felony. The mistrust is actually an important element in sniffing out these scammers.


-- Joanna

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And they had her selling coins? So what happened to the money received from all these auctions.....which were over 10 days ago? How did she handle this? Did she report this to Ebay yet, or is she still holding onto the money? No feedback seems to have been exchanged for any of these auctions yet......





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