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Promoters - do the right thing ... cancel the con!
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On 3/13/2020 at 1:55 PM, lighthouse said:

Got a call from my Diamond rep yesterday wanting to confirm shipping method on my FCBD books. She was completely caught off guard when I asked her why they weren't already postponing the event. I've already told my customers that we won't be doing FCBD in May. Most likely it will be until July or August.

But I got nothing but confusion when I asked the Diamond rep whether she thought it might be a PR disaster for the comic industry to be going ahead with plans to have 3,000 shops around the country each with 1,000+ people streaming in and out of it all in the same day. As though they'd not had a single internal discussion about "maybe FCBD shouldn't be in May this year".

Well, it looks like Diamond considered the idea of "Free Comic Book May" and it was quickly changed.  Now looks like it'll get moved to the summer, but things continue to evolve day by day.


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I’m putting this here just to inform others.


I was just now in an online meeting put on by my work, with doctors/epidemiologists who are highly connected and very up-to-date on everything that is going on.

The biggest news I can give is that:
the most recent research is showing that the virus-filled fluid droplets in the air (it’s called aerosol) LINGERS in the air from an infected person’s cough/sneeze for THREE/FOUR HOURS  or more.
This is one of the reasons why so many people are getting infected.

That is, you go into a closed space with not much air circulation (for example, a supermarket), and even though you maintain your 6-feet distancing, if you happen to go through an area where the aerosol droplets are still in the air (from someone who may have already left the supermarket), you can get infected.

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12 hours ago, MusterMark said:

I’m putting this here just to inform others.


I was just now in an online meeting put on by my work, with doctors/epidemiologists who are highly connected and very up-to-date on everything that is going on.

The biggest news I can give is that:
the most recent research is showing that the virus-filled fluid droplets in the air (it’s called aerosol) LINGERS in the air from an infected person’s cough/sneeze for THREE/FOUR HOURS  or more.
This is one of the reasons why so many people are getting infected.

That is, you go into a closed space with not much air circulation (for example, a supermarket), and even though you maintain your 6-feet distancing, if you happen to go through an area where the aerosol droplets are still in the air (from someone who may have already left the supermarket), you can get infected.

So let me point out if the lingering aerosol research is correct then masks are pretty useless.  It would infect by simply getting on your skin or in your eyes.  Any open area would then able to absorb it, no?

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     This is still being studied, Thus far

         The most frequent method of transmission is infect droplets from a sneeze or cough which hang in the air 

                  Or remain on surfaces, As far as that goes, there is a lot of conflicting information (The most frequent answer I have read is 2 to 3 hours ) then touched, and before washing and come in contact through eyes nose and mouth 


        I  could not find any published evidence  of transmission through open cuts or sores 

         There is evidence of fecal transmission meaning feces, vomit etc 

            If you are using a public toilet, clean the seat carefully and use paper covers , Even if it looks clean there could be droplets remaining, I have not found any evidence that it can absorbed anally, HOWEVER if you are not careful, you could absorb these droplets on your clothing 

        This can also be transferred by food and food coverings, Personally I am not eating anything I do not prepare myself 

       Speaking personally I will not use any public restrooms baring extreme emergency for at least 6 months and If I have to do so so will use a mask and disposable rubber gloves 

     I am also using a paper mask whenever I leave the house. I am well aware that the Powers that be say its useless, BUT sorry that's just wrong. 





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On 3/12/2020 at 4:50 PM, TerrysComics said:

I hate to tell you this, but I am old - 61

I was wondering what a small business could do about the Economic destruction caused by the corona-virus.
I was thinking, don't we fight fire with fire?
What would happen if everybody in this country intentionally caught a cold?
It seems to me that if your body already has a cold virus in it there's no place for a new virus to occupy? 
I'm no scientist or doctor but I'm using logic on this one couldn't hurt to ask the question of Medical and virus experts?
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Be optimistic!

Chloroquine phosphate, an antimalarial drug, is shown to have yielded positive data against COVID-19 associated pneumonia in multicenter clinical trials conducted in China.

It is slated to be included in the next version of the Guidelines for the Prevention, Diagnosis, and Treatment of Pneumonia Caused by COVID-19 issued by the National Health Commission of the People's Republic of China.

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In New York, I'm surprised Nickel City Con as of now haven't said anything about cancelling or postponing the con on May 15-17. Hoping they say something soon, the last thing they said was last Monday on volunteer meetings being cancelled. 

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Nickel City Con should fall in under the current NY State shelter in status.  Only essential businesses and essential employees are allowed to be open (police, fire dept., transit, grocery stores / food markets, pharmacy, etc).  Comic Cons are not essential under the NYS guidelines.  In all fairness, the new edict just went into effect this evening.

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 Nickle City has cancelled 

  At this point is not logical to assume any show will be held before June 1 

  And also to assume the absence  of any celeberities for the remainder of the year 

 NY is unbelievable right now , they are using college dorms for patients 

  And The Javits center as well (Yes the NYCC Javits center)


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Seem there will be an abundance of shows all summer long into the fall. 

As dealers we will mostly be sticking to the regularly scheduled shows.

plans are usually made 6 months to a year in advance.

So if you go to Convention for Comics, the original ones are your best bet.

Of course none of this will matter if the panic lasts until the Summer.

from May until August right after San Diego Comic Con and Torpedo Comic Show in July.

postponed the date of Comic Con Revolution to August 8 & 9, 2020.

Windy City Pulp and Paper Convention Announces Rescheduled 2020 Dates of September 11 - 13, 2020

SoCal will be awash in Comic shows.

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   Awesomecon / Washington Just rescheduled from May 1 to Dec 11 

  The shows this year are going to be a whole new ball game 

  As far as SDCC with San Diego currently transforming the convention center into the countrys largest homeless

  Shelter , I would think at this point having the show this year  is a coin flip 

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1 hour ago, Golden Memories said:


   Awesomecon / Washington Just rescheduled from May 1 to Dec 11 

  The shows this year are going to be a whole new ball game 

  As far as SDCC with San Diego currently transforming the convention center into the countrys largest homeless

  Shelter , I would think at this point having the show this year  is a coin flip 

we have made the extremely difficult decision to postpone Phoenix Fan Fusion from May 21-24 to September 25-27, 2020

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I hope I'm wrong, but I suspect all large gatherings like conventions, concerts and professional sporting events will be prohibited until a coronavirus vaccine or some other treatment is found.

Assuming we can get the virus under control with shelter at home, social distancing, etc. it still won't completely go away until it can be treated, and all it would take is a handful of infected people at an event the size of SDCC to potentially start some kind of outbreak.

Thoughts? Like I said, I hope I'm wrong...

Edited by silverseeker
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the vast majority ( greater than 99% as of the last report I heard) in the U.S. have mild symptoms, others have problems but finally recover with minor treatment.

the less than 1 percent that die from it might be of a great concern but we as a society can take precautions to protect them.

Once we start to see a decline in the new cases reported and the death rate we will be able to get somewhat to normal.

it is something we are eventually going to have to live with, like it or not.



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terry, that is not even close, not even a little bit accurate. That is a board theme minimizing of what is easily going to be the most impactful event in most of our lifetimes. covid-19 has a last reported mortality rate of 3.4% per WHO, posted march 3rd https://www.worldometers.info/coronavirus/coronavirus-death-rate/#who-03-03-20.  You must think all the hubub is quite dramatic as you have assigned a danger level to this of eating ice cream to fast and getting brain freeze.

If we look worldwide, 471k cases https://www.worldometers.info/coronavirus/ , but out of closed cases, meaning either recovered (84%) or death (16%) with over 21k deaths.

if we just talk about U.S. you must be aware of the daily briefings by Cuomo in NY. ICU beds are full, they need 30k respirators. Entire convention centers and sporting event fields are being taken over to have a place for the ill. This is a just starting in this country pandemic, with the cases in NY doubling every 4.7 days https://www.independent.co.uk/news/world/americas/coronavirus-new-york-hospital-cases-today-map-decrease-covid-19-a9425111.html and per some CDC models roughly 1/2 the population will get infected https://www.nytimes.com/2020/03/13/us/coronavirus-deaths-estimate.html resulting in millions of deaths.

80% of cases are mild, meaning flu like symptoms, not requiring hospitalization. Even this may feel like getting hit by a super flu that constricts your breathing and feels like a belt around chest not allowing you to breath.

  • 13.8% are severe, developing severe diseases including pneumonia and shortness of breath.
  • 4.7% as critical and can include: respiratory failure, septic shock, and multi-organ failure.
  • per latest WHO (link above) 3.4%result in death
  • Risk of death increases the older you are.
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9 hours ago, silverseeker said:

I hope I'm wrong, but I suspect all large gatherings like conventions, concerts and professional sporting events will be prohibited until a coronavirus vaccine or some other treatment is found.

Assuming we can get the virus under control with shelter at home, social distancing, etc. it still won't completely go away until it can be treated, and all it would take is a handful of infected people at an event the size of SDCC to potentially start some kind of outbreak.

Thoughts? Like I said, I hope I'm wrong...



   You are 100% correct, at first I thought this would blow over in a few months and we would be back to normal, However I now realise the country has changed , even the thought of a giant convention hall packed with 10s of 1000s of  people and multiple  movie stars  seems like some weird dream 

    The transmission rate on this thing is unbelievable, back when they were tracking one person in Rochester infected over 50 people, just by going to a Synagogue. And its no longer just an "old mans virus" 40 percent of  people in NY hospitals are below 50 

   I can see returning to full  normal will be at least a year at best. This is not to say conventions are over. I can see local , smaller shows going on , and even some larger, non celeberity centered events in lesser affected states (charlotte) going forward . But , SDCC? with 100,000 attendees and a massive throng of Movie and TV people ? Not happening , at least not this year. Thats even assuming they can move out 1000+ homeless and reset and sanitize the center within 4 months 

    Even though it is likely prohibitions will be begin to lift fairly soon, Its unlikely events of 500 or more will be permitted before fall or winter , especially in NY and CA. and when they are, they will no doubt they will be "Celeberity free" As I cannot picture any A-lister at this point putting themselves into an enclosed arena with a large crowd.  

    Things will also be changing for dealers such as myself , I will hold that thought for another thread 



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