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eBAY Fraud Alert! X-Men # 7

134 posts in this topic

Dear Prospective buyers of Comic Key's !!!


I have kept my silence long enough. This &^%$ with his ramplings and restored books has been allowed to practice long enough. I have had many dealings with him in the past, and have heard his countless rantings of babble that would be fitting of an infant in a toy store. He has passed himself off as a legit dealer , but then again , he has passed himself off as a physican. As Shuley76 noted (my brother btw) , he bought an ASM 14 that came back restored. As he was dealing with this guy, I asked what he did for a living. He stated that he was a surgeon. Now, I am a registered nurse, working in a teaching hospital. The physicans I know, number one, don't have time to spend on-line that he spends, and number two, don't talk in the manner that he was presenting. There is a certian level of sophistication that one reaches with higher education....and he wasn't the real deal. So, I did some research to back up my feeling. I went on line and looked up his name in the physican directory of New York. No Richard Koos , MD . - So then I went into the AMA , checking physican licences. No luck. Yet, I got the feeling that maybe he was in the medical field...so I checked the state of NY for licenced RNs....and bingo ! So I of course confronted him about this, and he denied, denied, denied. Now, I am not sure what to believe. - I even found an article that appeared in Comic Book Marketplace August 2001 that mentioned this clown and his books. I offered to send it to him, and wouldn't you know it, he never returned my emails inquiring where to send the book. That speaks volumes.....And as far as the X Men # 7, I fully believe my brother about the color touch. He knows what he's talking about regarding printing.....course, Meth will say that he also works in printing, along with race car driver, high diver, lawyer, CPA, etc.....whatever......So Richard, do everyone a favor, and keep your to yourself and stop making the rest of us look bad.




Michael Shuley (your Lex Luthor)

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The article doesn't mention him by name. I posted it in the forums a while back. Here they are:Here's one late from late 2001:


And here's one from the very next CBM issue from late 2001:

I don't think comic-keys has ever sold comics on E-Bay he claimed were any kind of "file copy" pedigree, but Dupcak did over a decade ago. It appears that Naiman either got bad information or misspoke in the second article above about comic-keys continuing to sell "file copies."
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Sure is Rudd! Look at all the file copies I've sold in the past 2.9 years on and off Ebay!!! How many Rudd? Zero? Now I can't disagree with you in your witchhunt of me, and have promised Arch that I wouldn't say anything in my own defense anymore or he will bar me permanently, so I have no choice but to agree with you that I have sold SCADS of file copies on Ebay. I'm suffering from a brain vapor lock at this second, and can't remember exactly which ones. Would it be possible for you to remind me of which file copies I've offered so I can inform everyone?

What's interesting is CGC fan's testimony backing up Shuley. Did anyone notice that it's his brother? Also, I'm not disagreeing mind you, or that will get me banned, but again, I don't remember not even one book that I sold or sent to you, CGC fan! You say that "we dealt MANY books". Please refresh my faulty memory so I can aid you in your witchhunt.

Interestingly, what everyone here should do is look up ALL their physicians that they have been visiting all their lives in the AMA listings, that the brilliant Michael Shuley called everyone's attention to, and see if they are ALL listed.

And what was that, Rudd admits that certain aspects of Naiman's story are wrong? Which other parts Jamie? Just the part YOU think is wrong or possibly other parts as well. EVERYTHING I read about ME here (the ONE person that actually knows the truth, ME) are half-truths, distortions, errors, lies, and pure fantasy.

Of course you all feel that you should have access to me at my place of profession and are miffed that I won't tell you where you can come to harrass me at work, but I tend to disagree. I get approx. 50 emails daily containing viruses, worms,. threats, rantings, etc. DEMANDING to know WHERE I work. You really think I should make a circus out of my workplace by revealing where you can all come and throw peanuts? Most of you here DON'T EVEN HAVE YOUR NAME AND EMAIL IN YOUR BIO. Could it be that some of you VALUE certain privacies of your lives?

THESE things in themselves make a person GUILTY?? ALLEGATIONS with errors upon errors that even some of you, my staunchest enemies ADMIT are wrong. The fact that I don't have time to go to as many shows as I like? I HAVE been to shows. NOBODY recognized me and I did NOT feel the need to ANNOUNCE who I was. I'm sure I've stared one or two of my most voracious, enemy-dealers right in the face, and they didn't know who I was. ONE even said, "WOW, How's the Superhero business, how long have you been lifting?". I'm not in AMA listings? Are all of YOUR medical practicioners listed? FILE COPIES? Come on!

MAN!, what I wouldn't give for all your addresses, a long-range catapult, a backhoe, and 10 tons of bull droppings so at least I could fight fire with fire. THAT'S about what this entire thread, and your hundreds of contradictory theories (how can diametrically opposed theories ALL be correct?) are worthy of.

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Listen you quack,


Not only did I sign with my full name, (I stand behind what I wrote) , I mentioned that (Kevin) Shuley was my brother. I gave full disclosure. And if you can get out from behind the keyboard and move out of you parents' house , you would know that it's not a question of turning your workplace into a juggernaut of chaos, but more like the simple fact that you aren't what you said you were....simple as that.

I NEVER , EVER said that "we dealt numerous books: or whatever your monsterous ego, ....i mean , imagination , came up with....re-read my tirade. you got it wrong. And EVERYTHING I said was as it happened. You know the truth and that's all that matters. - "Brevity is the soul of wit"- Shakespeare

And as your long, boring disentation reminding all of us of the trash that the Unabomber had written years ago shows, William S. was right on the money.



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Just 5 or 6 posts up (take a look everybody, he can't remember his lies)in your THIRD sentence, you distinctly said, "I HAVE HAD MANY DEALINGS WITH HIM IN THE PAST". Now you are contradicting yourself by saying you never had a dealing with me? Nurse Stimpy, GET THE FACTS STRAIGHT! GET all your ducks, all your lies, all your gross exaggerations together in a straight line, decide which ones to go on, and then get back to me. Your own sources, YOU and your brother, can't seem to corroborate each others lies with any consistancy, even going as far as to contradict yourself 1 post later. I don't mind the lies, but if I'm going to be expected to answer to them, at least give me the same set each time to concentrate on. Now, you have previously stated, an hour ago:


"I have had MANY delaings with him"


And now change that to, "I never said I had any dealings with you". Why don't we start sorting out the prevarications together and help you construct posts that have at least the same consistancy of falsehood?


Funny, If I DON'T respond, I'm hiding. If I do, I SHOULDN'T have enough time to respond. What do you think? That like you, it takes me 1 hour for each post to get all my lies straight? NO. I type FAST and think FAST and consistantly because the facts in answering these charges DON'T shift from post to post, day to day. I'm not grasping at straws on THIS end. Nurse Stimpy, I have a good idea for you. Why not take some of this Koos Hate time and do something CONSTRUCTIVE with it. Use it to counsel and talk to people who HEARD their loved ones dying over cell phones from the WTC event. Go to your hospital when you're NOT on duty, in charge of keeping the bedpans in the liquid nitrogen unit, and READ to terminally ill children, or play checkers, color, or just spend some time with them. You won't WANT to indulge in this BS any more if you do THAT just once. Take those hours forever lost on constructing lies and make them COUNT for SOMETHING. You'll start liking yourself and you'll tell your brother to back his own lies and hatred, you've no time or stomach for it.

Nurse Stimpy, what exactly did I sell you? I'd like to know as we have had MANY dealings and NO dealings, according to the words of your own posts.

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You are so full of s*** !!! First of all, the context of using many dealings, I should have said " many email interactions" or " have had many violent conversations with this liar !! So, a small insignifcant statement that your going to try and milk , thus trying to destory the validity that I know my statements contain. I would NEVER buy that that you pass of, wheter it's comics or cards or whatever.


Answer the F*** question : why is there NO ...as in NONE, as in doesn't exsist Richard Koos , MD in the entire state of New York ?????? yet you continue to stick to that story. And another thing that I have noticed, you ALWAYS have something to top someone else. If they lift weights, then your Mr. Olympia , if they are a nurse, your a doctor, if they have a BMW, you've got a Ferrarri.....and so on...it's so childish and ego serving that it makes me nauseous.


I really don't care one way or the other. Anyone with a Yellow Pages can vouch that there is no Richard Koos , MD. - doesn't take a genius to figure that out. But, you continue to play Halloween all year long.......You have a lame arguement and as far as reading to children, or working the liquid nitro unit ( in 8 years of nursing, I have never heard of such a thing...probably where you did your residency...ha ha) , I take care of people terminally ill all day long.....where's you try to rip them off.....all day long.....

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Wow, Nurse Stimpy, for someone who doesn't care either way, you sure are passionate about your hatred. ALL the M.D.s you know are in the Yellow Pages? That's a revelation!!! It's not MY fault that you are a frustrated MD as most MALE nurses are. You can't even tell that I was joking about handling the bedpans in the liquid nitrogen unit! I'll explain the pun, Male-nurse Stimpy. Patients always complain about cold bedpans. In a liquid nitrogen unit, the ambient temperature is close to absolute ZERO, approx -450 degrees. To say bedpans are stored in that is a JOKE, a pun, as NOTHING is colder.

Like I said to all here on the Forum, take the very frustrated Male Nurse Stimpy's rantings verbatem or conduct a simple experiment yourselves. LOOK UP, all of the Medical Practicioners you KNOW you have visited in the past 5 years in the Yellow pages. Are they ALL listed? Are most listed? You'll find that the answer is NO. Are they nurses?

Also, I don't HAVE a Ferrari, never said I do. I have AMG Benzs. I couldn't fit my shoulder and upper back width in a Ferrari or anything of the type so I drive S class AMG Benzs. It's hard enough even on these to fit my back into the seat comfortably when leaving the gym on back or shoulder day with a vicious pump. Also, anytime you wish to have a lift off, since that is a lie as well, according to you, if you would like to back your claims with cold hard cash (and why the hell wouldn't you like to pick up some extra cash being an underpaid, under-respected male nurse if you are so certain, for so EZ a wager you couldn't possibly lose?) I'll handicap you 250 lbs. of weight on ANY of the three power lifts (bench, squat, deadlift), any number of rep schemes you'd like, and we'll do some friendly wagering.

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No it's not a question of hatred.....it's a question of honesty. Second, what's with this Nurse Stimpy ??!!! - Whatever. Third, if there is one thing I am not, is a MD wanna-be....your confusing RNs with chiropractors....And lastly, and probably most important, not only are there no listings for your "practice " in the yellow pages (if what you say about not all doctors not being listed...possible), there is no Richard Koos listed in the New York state licencing board....so are you going to tell me that not all MDs are licenced ?! -

Ok, Hulk Hogan, I got my stats right here : 275 bench , 450 squat and 475 deadlift. 5'8, 210lbs, 17" arms and 26" legs with 46.5 chest.


so, with a 250 handicap, I suspect that you have a 700lb squat, 725 deadlift, etc....yeah whatever.....


How do you have the time to operate, spend the time in the gym that it would take to rack those kind of numbers, see patients, restore books, ebay, your thriving practice etc......you must be Superman !!!

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"275 bench , 450 squat and 475 deadlift. 5'8, 210lbs, 17" arms and 26" legs with 46.5 chest. "



275 bench at 210?

No offense but you need to work your chest a little more eh smile.gif


Guess you have the reverse beach body??


Chicks love a guy with a thick leg...lol


4'3 115lbs 12" arms and 18" legs, the third is 9-1/2" flacid with 33" chest





You guys are funny.





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So I assume we have a BET????? Like I said, 250 lb. handicap in each of all three lifts. Here's a pic of MY tiny body at 251lbs./ 5'9" last year, 10 days before I smoked 551 in a sanctioned Bench press classic in the 242 pound class. May be interesting. You may actually have a shot in the Deadlift with the 250 pound handicap, we'd have to see who wants it badly enough that day. Who can get uglier with the weight. In the bench and squat, even with the 250 pound handicap, you're dead in the water, ANY day of the week. I totaled 2048 pounds in the last full three lift IPF sanctioned competition I entered. This is what shoulders, chest, and arms look like that can smoke 616 pounds at 251pounds, wearing one of those Inzer Bench Blast HD Bench shirts. And NO, there's no Pump and pose/Synthol oil injected into my shoulders. Let's do this bet...PLEASE!!!!!


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What's the tattoo of on your forearm? Looks pretty cool from afar..you have a closer pic of it? Also, everyone stop making Meth post..from the looks of what seems to be his computer room..it needs a coat of paint..those white walls look too plain tongue.gif



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Oh, and Shuley, my other assistance exercise lifts ain't so shabby either.

Olympic bar skull crushers with the elbows FIXED and UNMOVING with 315 for 8 reps.

Overhead, seated, Smith machine presses for REPS with 100 pounds more than you can bench.

1200 pound shrugs for 8 to 12 reps on a Heavy duty Flex Bench press machine, stacked with an Olmypic bar loaded with 900 pounds CHAINED across the top of the machine handles.

Seated rows on the Hammer combination seated shrug, seated row machine, with NINE plates per side (jingle, jingle)...check out the back in the photo...YES! That's right. When I put my hands on my hips and flex my back open, you CAN'T SEE ANY DAYLIGHT BETWEEN MY ARMS AND BACK!!!!

Seated Flex pec deck, 200 pound weight stack with a 45 pound plate pinned to the stack and my training partner standing on top of the stack, etc. etc.


So we can have a whole bunch of different varieties of lifts that you can bet your life savings on if you care to test your skills and stretch your luck.


OH, and by the way...Matt Stanley is an ACCOMPLISHED lifter/power-bodybuilder. Don't let his post fool you. A very strong man.


How do I have time? I MAKE time!

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Brian, it's Thai. Has to do with Muay-Thai (Thai/kick-boxing) of which I am a lifelong practicioner. That's my weight/junk room for the times when I am home and don't have the time to get to the gym. I've got about 5 PCs strewn around the house so I'm never that far from one. Nothing fancy in my home weight room. Just a Power rack, a few Olympic bars, about 2000 pounds of 110 pound (50KG) and 45 pound plates, a few HD benches, and for kickboxing, a heavy bag, and a heavy-heavy bag (filled with about 250 lbs) hanging from the ceiling beams.

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Meth..that pic is not you..that is Dorian Yates 6 time Mr O...I reconzine the tattoo on his forarm,show us the real you..but im sure you are very strong..gotta be big to take a pair of sissors and cut through 30 pages of comic...LOLOL

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This IS funny!!!! Now it's Dorian Yate's picture. Dorian Yates outweighs me in the off season by 50 pounds!!! But THANK you for proving my point about your errors in judgement once again, and the compliment in comparing me to Dorian Yates. I suggest you go and get a picture of Dorian Yates and take a really good look at it. He has TWO tattoos on his forearms. One is an English Bulldog done in BRIGHT colors (Reds, yellows, etc.) with the words "My England" across it. On his OTHER forearm is a boot, again in Bright colors, mostly reds and oranges, with the word "Skins" under the boot. Later on, Dorian had the Boot and Skins tatoo REMOVED as it had NEGATIVE connotations to those that recognized it as a "skinhead" insignia, as he was when he was a youth in England, before he took up lifting. Believe it or not, Dorian started lifting seriously when he was already about 21 or 22!!!! Should I post pictures of Yates as well for comparison to me or will you do your own homework? Dorian Yates DOESN'T and NEVER had THAI lettering on either of his forearms. Go check your Dorian pictures, get a lobotomy, then get back to me. If you can't find someone to give you a frontal lobotomy, I'll be happy to do it. You and those around you won't even notice a difference. Oh, and is the OTHER attatched picture from several years ago at a lower bodyweight, which is so obviously the same person in the picture, ME (just compare the pecs and delts), Dorian also??? Dorian, in my dining room? At 214 pounds? Dorian Yates at 251 pounds in my home weight/junk room? Gee, I must be pretty tight with the big guy? Lucky me. Oh yeah, and where's the famous Yates unique lightning bolt shaped cephalic veins in the arms in MY pictures? Shuley, Puh-leese...try not to speak when you have NOT the slightest idea of what you are saying! Haven't you done enough and shown us all your bare buttocks now on enough occassions? Still ANOTHER mistake by the boy that only knows how to cry, "Wolf".

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