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Nominating BlackOut21
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103 posts in this topic

The sale :

When I originally made the post my wife had told me that we had soccer practice and asked if I could do the listing when we got home. I said fine but was so excited to let them go that I put up the original post with the option to buy them all. My intent was to sell them in small lots because I could make a couple more dollars but wouldn’t be mad if someone wanted all of them. I made the post and left for soccer. 

When I got in from the kids practice I saw that people were becoming impatient, I believe someone wrote something like “this sale is going to end before it begins.” I changed the post and made a comment saying let’s get this sale started. I pulled out the first set of books I was selling, which were the x-men books, took pictures and started preparing to list them. 

As I was typing up the first listing, the X-men books, I received an email from Matt saying he was interested in all the books and asked if I could send pictures. I said I was just about to start listing but I could hold off for few minutes if he was seriously interested. I sent him over a picture of the x-men books as I had them prepared for the first set I was selling (which you can see they are totally different then the other pictures) then went to the box and took pictures of the remaining books that were sitting in the box. I messaged Matt if he could let me know soon as it seemed like people were getting impatient waiting for the sale and I didn’t want to off other board members.

Matt replied later saying he would take them at $1000. I accepted his offer thinking it’s lower then what I wanted to sell them for but atleast they all stay together and proud of the fact that I was finally able to let go of them. 

Right after I accepted the offer I receive a message from cgc saying that I received a warning strike for having a mystery box listing. I tried to plead to cgc that my intent wasn’t to sell a mystery box it just turned out to be that way. Talked to my wife about it and she said looks like a mystery box sale just accept it. So I did and moved on. I wasn’t trying to trick anyone, I wasn’t trying to sell something then send something different. If anything I just wanted to let go of the books because I’ve been so damn attached to them. 

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The return:

So Matt reached out saying he didn’t receive all the books and sends a picture of the books in his box. I’m like that looks like a lot less books then the picture I had up. I send Matt an excel of all the books asked him to count them as there should be 176 books in there. Then I call ups saying I think some of my package went missing can you send me video footage of the package being prepared. I get the video from them and realize everything was sent. Matt gets back to me later saying 169 books were in there but thats not a long box. I’m like, I sent you every book that was in the post plus sent you pictures of the books why are we having this conversation. I can understand the seven books but seven missing books is a lot different then 100 missing books. Side note - the reason the X-men never made it in the shipping was because I took them out of the box to start the actual sale. They were going to be the first set and i never put them back in the box when I did the shipping. I should have counted everyone before packing but thought they were all in the box. My mistake. 

So I’m thinking, I received a warning for this sale, I paid close to $100 to ship the books, I gave a huge discount on them plus It’s taken forever for me to build up the strength to let go of them and really regretted that I accepted the offer in the first place. But fair is fair so I agree to the return I ask Matt to cover the shipping chargers as I felt I was bending a bit to much for this sale. In retrospect I should have just accepted the return with no stipulation but when he said he wasn’t paying for shipping I was like fine then I’m not accepting a return. It took way to long for me to let go of these books and I knew if they came back here I would probably just hold on to them even longer

So we go back and forth over shipping and finally I’m like how about I just pay you for the 33% you said was missing. 33% of $1,000 is ~ $330 so that’s how I came up with that number. I tell my wife and she says ur giving to much away and your getting taken advantage of. I go maybe $330 is to much, Matt hasn’t responded let me change it to $125. Which I had every right to do but in this situation was a bad move. Later that evening he sends me a message saying he accepts the $330 and as a man I should accept it. In my head I’m like no, I sent you an offer for $330 you never accepted and I changed it to $125. I tell him I have the right to change the offer prior to you accepting but will honor the $330 since I offered it. 

The next day he sends me the message about this being the worse sale and I lost it. I was done by that point. Emotionally I felt like I’ve given this guy everything and then some and this is the response I get. Bad move on my part again. I should have just ignored it and moved forward. I guess a part of me also doesn’t want to have someone else feel like I cheated them or stole from them so it when I read the message it really annoyed me. But like I said, that’s not the way I should have handled it. 

So then I get a message about the nomination. I’m like wtf everyone is crazy. I made my first response thinking well if everyone is going to label me the villain then I might as well be the villain. Then I saw Matt’s second response and realized I was only making matters worse by the way I was acting. I thought about how mad I was when I tried to return something but the seller wouldn’t accept it. And as a buyer he should have every right to return a product if it’s not what he thought he was purchasing.

I loved the fact that he offered the handshake and was humbled by how much attention this was getting. Sent over his money and here we are. Not certain if any of this addresses everyone’s concerns but here we are. 

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One last thing. I just dropped more books into the same box I used for the sale. It’s actually the only box I own. There roughly 180 books in here very close to what I sent Matt. 

It really does look like a long box to me, but as I mentioned earlier I don’t store my books in these boxes.

I understand that none of this matters but it’s important for me to explain where I was coming from.  


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I have no idea what that box is.  It's not a "long box" as comic book collectors/dealers would think.  A typical long box is roughly 28" long.  The box in that photo BARELY covers 12 planks, which would be roughly 24".  so... IDK?

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On 4/22/2023 at 3:37 PM, Buzzetta said:

I think you should write what you were going to... in a random thread if not here. 

i was going to point out similar to what everyone else point out

that the buyer @SkOwis a pretty reasonable person

and that as a seller myself, the first thing a seller should look at when a return or when a buyer is dissatisfied to look at what they could have done to prevent this. If there are things not spelled out, not clear, etc, then it's best to make sure to be on the same page (what was the expectation, what did i deliver)

if there's anything I've learned with comic buyers it's that you better cross your t's and dot your i's

and in the end, sometimes it's better to cut your loss early instead of fighting it out. Sometimes greater damage can occur, accept your fault and move on (pick you battles)

glad that @BlackOut21saw the bigger picture, we all can make mistakes, and everyone deserves a second chance (within reason, et tu @greggy)


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On 4/22/2023 at 7:23 PM, jaybuck43 said:

I have no idea what that box is.  It's not a "long box" as comic book collectors/dealers would think.  A typical long box is roughly 28" long.  The box in that photo BARELY covers 12 planks, which would be roughly 24".  so... IDK?

Clearly it's a medium plus box

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I would offer some additional advice, quit when you are ahead

and don't let one or two people here distract from the bigger picture, you and your buyer are satisfied. issue resolved.

the peanut gallery will come in and throw stones, disregard them

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On 4/22/2023 at 1:04 PM, skypinkblu said:

I'm very glad this was resolved, I've had many transactions/conversations with Matt and he's totally honest and trustworthy. 

@BlackOut21 you might want to read the sales forum rules. It will help you a lot. Check out #17 which states "

"Mystery boxes are not allowed. You must list everything you are selling exactly as the buyer will receive it.  An exception will be allowed for stuff that is being offered for free.  Shipping charges for free merchandise can't exceed actual shipping costs."

We've had problems with this before, hence the rule. 

I remember years ago those things were all the rage - I think one or two people were really cranking them out. I left the boards around that time for quite awhile and when I came back - this rule was in place. I'd love to hear how the Mystery Box concept imploded.

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On 4/22/2023 at 9:49 AM, Domo Arigato said:

I wasn't mad before....but now I'm really pi**ed off.

I spent 20 minutes typing a magnificent and razor sharp reply on my stupid tablet.....submitted it......saw that the matter had already been resolved....and then had to delete it.

So.....who's going to reimburse me for my time now?

And if anyone says.....sorry, no returns.......I will seriously lose my sh*t on the whole lot of you.


It's always sad when the thread gets away from you - or even worse, locked - before you get really revved up.

It really shouldn't be allowed to happen. Someone should start a poll.

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On 4/22/2023 at 7:06 PM, BlackOut21 said:

So we go back and forth over shipping and finally I’m like how about I just pay you for the 33% you said was missing. 33% of $1,000 is ~ $330 so that’s how I came up with that number. I tell my wife and she says ur giving to much away and your getting taken advantage of. I go maybe $330 is to much, Matt hasn’t responded let me change it to $125. Which I had every right to do but in this situation was a bad move.

I think your mistake here was in editing your message - makes it look like you are trying to hide something. Would have been better if you had sent a second message that you had reconsidered how much you were offering to refund.

You might have thought it didn't make a difference since he hadn't responded, but if he's like me, he's set things so that he gets an email with the original message, so he could be aware of what you had originally offered.

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On 4/22/2023 at 5:49 PM, BlackOut21 said:

My sister passed away a couple months ago and I’ve naturally just been letting go of things lately.

I can empathize your pain of your recent loss.  I lost my little sister for one and half years ago and she married to my brother in law.  All of her property went to him but I don't like my brother in law's daughter who is a control freak.  Her will was made by herself before her hubby.  She put my kids on the will but unfortunately he controls it until he dies (he is 81 years old and his declining health).  I already let it go because it's no win situation for my family.  It's tough to lose someone you loved.

Take it on day at a time.  Things will go smoothly later.

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On 4/23/2023 at 12:03 AM, ttfitz said:

It's always sad when the thread gets away from you - or even worse, locked - before you get really revved up.

It really shouldn't be allowed to happen. Someone should start a poll.

Good idea, but I haven't seen the new official poll maker in here yet.

I'll summon him.


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